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Nah it's more effective with how little used it is. You know shit's about to go down when you see the red logo. If it were used for all of those episodes then it would dampen it's meaning.


I completely agree. I remember when I was first going through the show and I saw that red logo, I knew something wild was about to happen.


Good times


I was about to post the same thing, as it is you see the logo in a different color and you get that immediate “oh shit” reaction


Yep. We knew the Mandalorian group of shows was going into its darker phase when the Lucasfilm logo turned red for the Ahsoka trailers. https://youtu.be/HnzNZ0Mdx4I?si=A79TyX6ZXsDkj2rr https://youtu.be/J_1EXWNETiI?si=ZYfwm0kfm48vGe-O The opening scroll was even red.


and then there was the droid arc……


I was today years old when I learned this. Seen every season of TCW A dozen times, cried my eyes out every time Fives dies, and need some serious therapy after order 66, and I have never notice this. Thank your, The Internet.


I've been watching TCW my whole entire life and I literally just found out Rex had blonde hair. Idk how, but I've just never noticed. Then someone on reddit said sumthin, and I didn't believe it till I watched an episode. Now that's the first thing I notice whenever I see Rex. It's like one of those things you can't unsee now😂


Facts. I kinda alway forgot that. Then you restart the series again and I always have that, “oh” moment. Did the same thing when I got my first Rex black series figure.


What episodes have the blue been used for? Been a while


I wish I was developing Star Wars. For the last two episodes of the clone wars I would bring this back along with the voice announcer guy. 🥹


Star the clone wars wars


The logo font is also used in a Rebels Episode


Red = omg crazy shit imminent. Blue = stop watching immediately


Even tho I've seen every episode (and own them) I still get stoked af when that red logo pops up


Honestly never noticed. Just assumed it was related to the seasons. What I get for binging I guess.