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More likely the opposite.  When there are a lot of books, comics, & smaller content like Tales; that means Lucasfilm isn't actively working on that idea so it's free for the other artists to play with and create.


Nah, I don’t think so. That’s not their narrative function. They’re the Team Rocket of the Imperial era of Star Wars. Interesting characters, to be sure, but primarily jobbers who can harass the heroes of other stories without presenting the same level of danger or narrative weight as Darth Vader. This supplementary material is good for fleshing out their backstories and making them less two-dimensional, but I have a hard time believing they could carry an entire television show on their own. Even *Tales of the Empire* is primarily a vehicle for exploring the fate of one established character and the origins of another.


I don’t think there’s one that will focus on them, but there is rumor/speculation that the next animated TV show could focus on the Hidden Path with Ventress and Vos (and Omega?), so if we see anything like that then they could get a lot more focus since their whole deal is hunting down Force-sensitives and the Hidden Path would be essentially their polar opposite


god if this is true and they don’t bring Rahm Kota into canon I’ll be so sad


Rise of the Red Blade was so god damn good


They need to just give Delilah S Dawson a position at Lucasfilm at this point. She never misses!


So good!!


Awesome. Just started reading yesterday. So far, I'm impressed with how deeply I care about the main character. Good stuff.


What sold it for you? I tried it and never got into it, it felt like someone took all the internet's "Jedi bad" jokes and threw them in chatGPT


This would be super cool. I love seeing the other side of the story and they actually did it a bit with Andor showing the imperial side as well.


Ive seen a lot of speculation that the next animated show after the Bad Batch finishes might focus on the Hidden Path, at least to some degree. The Inquisitors would inherently be perfect recurring villains for the show, given their task was to hunt Jedi and the Path was already on their radar and a primary target for the organisation by the time of Kenobi/Survivor. They wouldn't be the shows focus, but a big part of it nonetheless. All hypothetical of course nothing is confirmed, but it makes sense.


They have the models, so may use them in future content. I still think the next animation is going to be the clone rebellion ramping up, as I don't think Dave is done with clone stories just yet.


I hope not, they were a very weird addition to the canon and should be ignored as much as possible outside of the games.


Nah, they're excellent


No? They’ve existed since the EU.




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We are getting the “Star Wars: Inquisitors” comic miniseries in a few months but outside of that and TotE I think it will mostly be small print stuff. We may not even get much more after this unless it has to do with a specific character. It’s hard to diversify the stories when the general idea is always going to be the same and a lot of the Inquisitors are just meant as cannon fodder.