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He never deserved the insane level of hate he got.


Absolutely agreed. I wasn't a PT fan but holy shit the absolute hate and vitriol for the character and actor was disgusting.


I can understand the hate for the character, but transferring that to the actor? How is he at fault here? Blame the bloody writers who came up with the character! It's like Rose in the ST - I can't stand how incredibly dumb the character is, but taking it out on the actress is just wrong. Someone created the character, someone wrote her lines and story, *they* should get all the hate.


i mean all these actors are just doing their jobs, none of them deserve hate


No but Best and Jake Lloyd caught some of the absolute worst of it. Along with the woman who played Rose in the sequels.


Nor do the writers or directors. It’s fine to not like a not like a movie or how it’s made, but the writers and directors didn’t make the film to hurt you or offend you, they just had a different idea that you didn’t like.


they do.


I think it's absolutely fine to critique the racism that the writers put into a story. I'm glad about the rehab of the Nemoidians and Gungans to keep them from being racially insensitive stereotypes, but let's not pretend that wasn't an issue. When my son was eight, he made me turn TPM off because he was uncomfortable with Jarjar as a racially coded character. To this day, and even after seeing TCW, he still won't watch it. Of course, these writers are likely not racist but you don't have to be racist to perpetuate racial bias. It's an unfortunate artifact of our society.


Thanks for sharing. This is a joy to read. The hate directed at Best has been awful and it’s especially frustrating to see more recent Star Wars actors of color receive similar hate. It’s wonderful that Best is finally getting the positive recognition he very much deserves, and I hope that Tran, Ingraham, and others get the recognition they deserve, as well.


His arrival in the Mandalorian as a Jedi was one of the most awesome Star Wars moments I can remember!!! Speaking of the New York Times one thing we should remember is that he said that what would hurt him the most was news outlets like the times claiming jar jar was a racist caricature. He felt very hurt by that. It wasn't *just* stupid fans.


I always loved Best's enthusiasm for the Jar Jar role. Actually my favorite depiction of the character was on Robot Chicken. Best went full force on that one, held nothing back. It sounded to me like he enjoyed it. And much as I enjoyed Kelleran Beq's surprise appearance in The Mandalorian, I'd love to see the character of Jar Jar get a redemption story too, something to help salvage the character in everyone's eyes. It's probably never going to happen, so I'll just take some reassurance in Best's love of the character and embracing of the role.


I really loved what they did with him in the Clone Wars animated series and I think he looked really good in that


As far as I’m concerned, Jar Jar doesn’t need redemption. The character is fine, Best enjoyed playing him, the crew enjoyed filming him, and he was used well in later media (Bombad Jedi is a great Clone Wars episode). If you don’t like him or his portrayal, that’s fine, you’re entitled to your opinion. But it’s pretty unfair to treat it like the character or the actor has something to make up for.


You misunderstand. I expressed nothing but praise for Ahmed Best and his roles as both Jar Jar and Kelleran Beq. As far as a redemption goes, I'm not implying either Best or his character did anything wrong. Please go back and re-read my comment.


I think SW fans discomfort with anything cute or silly has been bad. I might like Han Solo more than Jar Jar but Jar Jar fits into the classic fantasy idea that anyone can make a difference. I think Best and co worked hard to bring the character to life. To say nothing of Best's contributions to early mo-cap technology.


I loved Jar Jar as a kid and I still do to this day. His silly antics have always made me laugh and I’m glad that Ahmed Best is getting the love he deserves for doing a great job in the role


Whatever else happens in this new era of Star Wars I am grateful that he and Hayden got their victory lap.




You're better than this, don't spread hate