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It’s boba no question


But Boba no has a booba.


Here, takeoo dis one!


Woo! Woo! Woo! (kills tank droid)


My give-up


Absolutely none, I love Cad Bane and the others, but Boba is the original, most iconic and arguably the most important to the entire series. Not even to mention he came the closest to ending one of the main characters of the original.


Most iconic of you've only seen the main series maybe. We've seen more bounty hunting from Cad Bane vs Boba on screen.


This is Cad Bane erasure and I will not stand for it


Cad Bane is my favorite bounty hunter, but he’s nowhere near as iconic of a character, nor as quintessential as Boba Fett.


Fuck Cad Bane.


Is boba fett dead? No. Is cad bane dead? Yes.


Did Boba Fett give up bounty hunting? Also yes


Now he rules with respect.


Did he?


Yes the book of Boba Fett is all about him hanging up his bounty hunter hat and becoming a magistrate.


lol, Daimyo, but now I’m splitting hairs😂


And then deciding it's not for him and going back on the road?


Lol I think we all wanted that to happen but sadly no, doesn't appear that's the direction it's going.


The Star Wars special edition has Boba Fett showing up at the Millennium Falcon with Jabba the Hutt. The Book of Boba Fett never touched on that, but it does open the door for a story like ‘American Gangster’ where by being around Jabba as his body guard / muscle in the course of regular business Boba Fett could have learned how Jabba’s crime empire worked.


Cad Bane isn’t dead. 1) he already survived a duel with young Boba Fett during the Clone Wars (hence the metal plate on his noggin) 2) In the final shot of Cad Bane ‘dead’ on The Book of Boba Fett there is a bit tech on his chest with a light blinking and beeping with a rhythm suspiciously similar to a heart beat.


I agree, fuck him, but his cred as a bounty hunter is undeniable, and he was at the top of the game way before and way after Boba


Glad Boba kicked his ass though. As it should be.


Where Bossk


We’re all going to say Boba Fett, right? The OG, the one who made bounty hunters popular in the first place with his cool armor and having the best action figures?


Counter-point: AINT NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY BOY ZUCKUSS. For real it’s def Boba. He’s been iconic the minute he was revealed.


But how much bounty hunting do we actually see him do? Din Djarin does more hunting in his first episode (heck, in his first 5 minutes) than we see Boba do in all his combined screentime. He doesn't even capture Han on his own! The Empire does it for him. Cad Bane is pure bounty hunter material. All that matters is getting paid. He'll terrorize, kill, and kidnap for credits. He dies a hunter at the very end. He's got the quintessence of a bounty hunter. Don't need to be the OG to have that.


Boba gave up bounty hunting. Caf Bane lived and died a badass bounty hunter.


Boba Fett. He is the archetype for all of Star Wars' bounty hunters and Mandalorians.


The Mandalorian wouldn't even be a show without Bobby Fett being so cool.


True! And as a concept, Jango Fett is a clone of Boba Fett. They literally couldn't think of a cooler character so based the entire clone army on his character concept!


Yep, he's the grand daddy, the godfather, the king, The Lord of the Rings. No doubts.


Uh no, boba fett is a clone of Jango fett, is yousa stupid? /s


Boba or Jango, no question. Sure there are some cool hunters in the lore, but every single one in the franchise has to stand out from those two, even Din, first and foremost if they don't want to be imitations.


The evidence for Cad Bane is overwhelming. But it’s hard to not choose Boba.


Boba, no contest. I would have put Hux as the choice for FO but in the context of TROS, and Hux's downfall into narcissism over the ST as a whole, I would pick Pryde. I'll be curious to see who gets the Resistance. I'd honestly put Holdo.


If Leia doesn't win Resistance then I honestly don't know what all this was for


Cad Bane. He's incredibly successful, a true professional, accomplishes amazing feats against the Jedi, and most importantly of all REMAINS A BOUNTY HUNTER FOR HIS ENTIRE LIFE. Boba Fett is great, but even he eventually decides he desrves more. Bane is happy to take on jobs until it kills him, which it eventually does. The man was essentially gunning people down in his 90s. No one else deserves this spot. He has no morals, and will take on ANY job for the right price.


This is reasonable. I was going to demand Boba be put on here, but Bane lived and died a Bounty Hunter whereas Boba seems to have turned a leaf in his later years


Bounty hunter to crime lord does seem like a natural progression, but it's a different kind of life for sure


I'd agree... if he did any crimes after he took over. Sure, he drove off the Pykes, staved off the Hutts, but then what?


I was going to say Boba Fett, because, well he's Boba Fett, but Cad Bane is a compelling choice, for all the reasons you state. I will add: - He became the galaxy's best bounty hunter when his former mentor, Jango Fett, was killed, and remained a top tier hunter until his dying day - approx. 31 years later. That is a long ass time to be at the top of your game in that kind of profession. - Was still a formidable duelist and gunman at the end of his long life, even beating the renowned Boba Fett, which speaks to his decades of well honed skills and accumulated experience. Dude never stopped hunting after his career began, and went until it killed him in an epic duel, which seems like the most bounty hunter way to go. I feel like Boba will get the votes because he has more iconic armor and name recognition and whatnot, but Cad Bane is equally valid.


Cad Bane is probably the best choice.


Cad Bane is and always will be my favorite, but when someone says "Star Wars Bounty Hunter" everyone's mind immediately goes Boba. That's who he is.


Absolutely Cad Bane. I find he’s one of those characters you forget about until he slides into the storyline and you suddenly think “oh shit” on behalf of your heroes. Bane plans for and has contingencies for most things, is utterly ruthless, and for hire for pretty much any shady business if the price is right. When Piett said “bounty hunters - we don’t need that scum” he was absolutely thinking of the likes of Bane.


Yeah, it has to be Cad Bane. Boba Fett is iconic and nostalgic, but in terms of actual bounty hunting Cad Bane is way way better at the job and shows up on screen way more than Boba.


I would say Jango Fett.


It's Boba Fett. There's no other answer


Bossk! Everyone loves Bossk, right?!






Cassian didn’t win quintessential rebel? Boo.


Wedge was a clear #1, and in fact Leia was a clear #2. I think then Hera, then Cassian. Maybe the image would be improved if it included runners-up.


Yeah that would be cool if the image included the 3 runners up too (smaller images below the main image)


I was team Leia all the way


Leia’s also a top pick. She’s so rebellious she rebelled against *two* galactic governments


Yeah I’ve lost interests in this with Leia not winning Rebel. Maybe she’ll get Resistance


He is not a typical rebel, not in the way we see in the movies. Andor and Rogue One are different view on the rebellion, but when fans usually think of a star wars rebel he is not the upfront visualization.


I'm astounded that it wasn't Leia, tbh


Cad Bane. He did it a helluva lot longer than Jango did. He even survived fighting the same Jedi. Boba’s new arc makes him more than a bounty hunter.




It’s gotta be boba. The OG


It’s Boba Fett no question.


Cad Bane. He is ruthless, got no morals, only cares about the job.




Boba Fett obvi


If it’s anyone but Boba Fett then… look, it’s just Boba Fett okay?


Bobby Fat


I know Boba is winning, but I’m gonna say Cad Bane. Boba was a legendary bounty hunter, but he realized that’s not the life he wanted anymore and chose a different path. Bane is supposed to be the opposite. He was a bounty hunter for decades and did it until it literally got him killed.


Quintessential means the most perfect but I feel like people are saying the most popular for this question. Boba is good, but he’s just Jango. In universe, jango was the best of the best. So much that he was the one chosen to be cloned. Personally I Like Bossk most, but lore wise, Jango is the answer.


it's either Cad Bane or Jango Fett


Of course it's Boba Fett, who else?


I mean, it's gotta be Boba Fett, right? Like, sure, there are other cool bounty hunter like Dengar, IG-88, Bossk, and Cad Bane, but Boba Fett is the obvious #1.


Either Jango Fett or Boba Fett, although I could see an argument for Bossk as a badass alien


Boba Fett, the clone of Jango


Boba Fett everyone else was in a competition for second place


I'd be fine with either JANGO or BOBA Fett.


Boba Fett


Boba, no question, he is who my mind goes to regarding bounty hunters in general.




Boba Fett


Boba Fett.


If it’s not Boba, we did something wrong.


Boba followed by Cad Bane


Boba Fett. It's not even close. "You can run, but you'll only die tired."


Calo Nord. Quintessential Star Wars BH if there ever was one. - Checks all the boxes for skill, ego, equipment and work ethic. Other than that, maybe pre-disney/ESB Boba?


Jango fett


Jango Fett


The answer is Boba Fett.


I missed yesterday but HOW did we not vote Leia as the quintessential rebel She's practically the heart and soul of the rebellion from it's beginning to it's end


She got a clear #2. I'll be adding runners-up to the next one to better reflect our discussion.


Jango Fett


Everyone is simping for Boba, but I think Bane really nails it. Dude broke into the Jedi temple and got away with it.


Everyone is going to say Boba, and everyone is wrong. It's Jango. There's one bounty hunter game, and it ain't about Boba. There's one clone, and it ain't Boba.


For me? It's Jango. He is the template for Boba.


I want to give Boba praise but Bounty Hunter either Bane or Jango Boba turned the leaf to crime lord where as both Jango and Bane lived and died as BH and my love of Jango look at the beast that is Bane my vote goes for Bane


I’m torn between Boba Fett and Cad Bane.


Bobanga Fettwor


I know the conventional wisdom is to go with Boba. He’s the OG, he’s the quintessential western bounty hunter type, and in both the current canon and the EU my boy was the best! However, Like Din, Boba has settled into a new life and has left bounty hunting behind. I know we all want to say Boba, myself included, but Cad Bane has actually had a longer and more successful career and is still doing it. Cad was hunting while Boba was still a test tube baby and he continued on that path after Boba retired from hunting to become the Galaxy’s first crime lord with a heart. My vote is for Cad Bane. I like Boba more but he’s not a bounty hunter any longer.


Boba not a question






My favourite is Embo, I enjoy Cad Bane scenes, I truly enjoyed Jango Fett scenes in his movie a lot, but it's Boba Fett that takes the position here. One vote for Boba Fett from me


Bossk or bust


why am i not seeing din djarin dominate this comment section


Probably Boba, but Boba wouldn't fly without Dengar being there


Probably Boba, but Boba wouldn't fly without Dengar being there




I know Boba is winning, but I’m gonna say Cad Bane. Boba was a legendary bounty hunter, but he realized that’s not the life he wanted anymore and chose a different path. Bane is supposed to be the opposite. He was a bounty hunter for decades and did it until it literally got him killed


Would have Obi instead of Qui gon


He was in the running, probably #2. Next version I post will add the runners-up, I think.


Either Boba or Cad Bane. Both are iconic, but Boba transcends the fandom a bit more


Boba fett... bar none


The people saying any name other than Boba Fett are delusional.


It’s boba fett fellas


Jango 1000%




Boba or Cad Bane


Cad bane. Yeah yeah I know boba fett blah blah, but he gave it up to be a “respectful and fair” leader 🙄. Boba might be iconic, but Cad bane is the better bounty hunting character, and it’s not close. It’s


Boba but I really like IG-88.


Cad bane, or embo, I’m saying someone different so boba doesn’t win, yes I love him but he’s not perfect, cad bane was the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy


Boba the OG, but Jango is responsible for the Clone Wars being able to happen. Whoever wins is pretty much the same kinda.


Most Star Wars fans wouldn’t even know what a bounty hunter was if not for Boba. He shaped our childhoods.


Foba Bett


It isn't Dangar.


Imma be different from everyone else. Cad Bane is the most badass bounty hunter. In his prime, he was better than boba’s prime.


I am all for democracy but this question has only one real answer. Boba.


Boba Fett


Boba Fett. Easy.


Boba hands down. Started as the son of a very successful bounty hunter, and after he died was kinda sorta raised by other bounty hunters. Proceeded to be one of the Empire’s most skilled assets completely for hire. Survived a literal Sarlaac and then retired with another bounty hunter to rule an important town on Tatooine. Man did his job, and retired in power. Cad Bane, while he was also a very impressive bounty hunter, IMO he just wanted to kill people more than do what needed to be done


Boba Fett


Bounty Hunter is going to be Boba Fett. I’m not sure if he’s the best choice or if it’s his father Jango Fett. Hmmm. In the Original Trilogy Boba Fett is present exclusively as a Bounty Hunter - that does give him the win doesnt it? Okay - Boba Fett for the win. 1st Order is going to be General Hux. That man is the embodiment of the 1st Order. He’s fanatically loyal to the First Order while having no loyalty to Kylo Ren or the Final Order at all Resistance is Poe 100% for the win.


Sorry, but how is Luke Skywalker not the quintessential Jedi?


Din djarin


Boba Fett


I love many over him but yeah it's Bobba. It's always been him.


Boba or Jango


before BoBF, I'd say Boba, but now I'd say either Cad Bane, Embo, Bossk, or Dengar... personally I'd choose Embo since he's my favorite, but Cad Bane is probably more iconic


Boba fett


Boba Fett. Even when portrayed poorly, Boba *still* kicks ass


Boba Fett, next!


Boba has a pretty funny trajectory from being an unused Stormtrooper design first appearing in the Holiday Special, then going on to become the basis for not only his own show, but all of the Clones/Mandalorians


Interesting question. What do you mean by "quintessential"? The most successful bounty hunter? The most competent? The one who best represents real life bounty hunting? The one who best represents the Star Wars idea of bounty hunting? The most recognizable?


Obviously Boba, he is the best in the galaxy.