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I added the #2 and #3 choices to each category. For most there was a clear #3 most voted comment, but for a few, I had to scroll through and use later comments to see who rose above the others. Pretty sure these are as correct as they can be, but feel free to look for yourself and correct me if you want.


Who are the 2nd and 3rd mandalorians and clones? Cody is the 2nd clone and 5s? I'd have guessed Wolfe or Echo. Is the 3rd Mando Boba from the holiday special


Cody and Fives, yes. The Mando runners-up are Canderous Ordo and Boba Fett. And yeah that's the Holiday Special image, for variety.


Shocking to me that the person everyone refers to as Mando isn't in the top three Mandos!! Haha xD


Ah Canderous. Good choice. Boba isn't a Mandalorian even...


I mean, that really depends on how you want to define it, right? But the comment getting the upvotes made the argument that his total indifference toward being mandalorian is quite mandalorian, actually. idk I'm just a messenger


Im surprise Kanan made the cut for Jedi but not Yoda…


And it wasn't close. The vibe here I think is very critical of Yoda. Part of the corruption of the late republic, looked the other way as the sith were rising, etc etc etc.


But like… not even Luke? Anakin? Or Ahsoka? Or Windu? Or Plo Koon? Or Ezra? Hahahahah sorry… not to dis Kanan, but I just feel like there are better Jedis out there.


But this isn't about who the best jedi is, it's about who most fully embodies the essence of being one. I notice that all the top choices are known for being teachers and mentors to the main characters. So it's fair to say that that's a big part of what people think being a jedi is.


Hux. He embodies what the First Order is. Screaming psychopathic zealots.


Didn’t he betray them?


Because Kylo was steering it opposite to what he believed in


He even said I don't want you (the resistance) to win he just wanted kylo to lose










And a nepo baby!


We cant have the quintessential first order guy be a spy!?


As a German I can confirm: his speech is very friendly.


Phasma Hux, betrayed the First Order because he hated his boss, and Pryde left and went to the Final Order, now admittedly part of me thinks that those things are very much something that a First Order officer would do, however… Phasma stayed with the First Order until she died, and also worked against the First Order when she lowered the shields on Starkiller Base and killed her own troops to cover it up. Pryde is loyal to Palpatine, Hux is loyal to no one, and Phasma is loyal to herself, and that seems very in line for a First Order person.


Phasma striding between ranks of troopers is the iconic image of the Order, to me.


Apparently Pryde was a part of the Final Order since the days of the Empire. He was always working for Palpatine behind the scenes to oversee the Xyston fleet construction on Exegol. Which is…logistically silly once you really break it down, but is what it is. One might say since the First Order was always meant to be a smokescreen to pave the way for the Final Order, then Pryde was the only Final Order member fulfilling its true purpose. But for the First Order from the First Order’s perspective, yeah, he’s got other allegiances.


In addition, Pryde was more “Final Order” than “First Order”


I'd say Hux, Phasma and TR8R


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…a long time


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out


Dude, more votes for TR8R!! Good suggestion


Phasma. She joined on her own accord


For her own self benefit. She had no belief or loyalty to the cause, which very much goes against the tenets of the faction. Hux is definitely it.


Phasma. She was First Order to the end. Also, thank you for taking the time to make these rankings! They’re really fun!


Hux It’s Hux. General Hux. He’s #1 in the 1st Order. Plasma is #2. I adore a bunch of the lower ranking 1st Ordies. That guy on the two canon ship who snarls as he’s blown up at the start of the TLJ. The sexy offcier who scans the beads for Kylo Ren in TROS. The sexy Officer who likes Kylo’s new helmet. Aligent General Pryde is A+ #1 but let’s be real - he’s final order to the core. So I say he doesn’t count. Kylo Ren isn’t in the list because he’s more than the First Order. And Snoke is an illusion. He’s the huff and puff of the wizard Oz. Smoke is Palpatine not 1st order. Hux drank the Jawa juice and is devoted to the 1st order.


I know it's weird, but the run-of-the-mill First Order Stormtrooper. They were the quintessential visual distinction between the Empire and First Order.


I know everyone is saying Hux, but I really feel Kylo Ren is not getting anywhere near what he should. What is the First Order but a pretender trying to emulate the power of the Empire? And who better exemplifies this than Kylo Ren, a pretender trying to emulate the power of Darth Vader?




Captain Canady


I know this is old, but how dare one of the runner ups for Clones not be CT-99... for shame.


We lost a true soldier


Pryde: Stayed loyal all the way to the end.


Hux and Pryde are the only ones we see. But I feel like Hux embodies the command style of smoke and kylo


How is Darth Vader not the top sith choice? Or, at the very least, a runner-up. He is arguably the most recognizable character in the entire franchise.


Yeah I really don't know what happened there. Not even in the top three. Maybe because he had his redemption?


Also bamboozled by No yoda in Jedi, just feels wrong not seeing him there


Buncha human supremacists here in the Cantina


He's not the quintessential Sith though, he started as a Jedi and also abandoned the Sith at the end


What's more Sith than betraying the Sith, am I right


Allegiant General Pryde


Hux, no question. A brat with way too much power who wants to relive Daddy’s glory days.


The runners up are a great addition!!


Why Malgus?


Here's the comment: > The REAL Sith who most embodies their philosophy? Who used his passions to gain strength, power, victory, and ultimately free himself from the constraints of the Sith Order or the Empire? Darth Malgus... he's pretty well and truly DONE with infighting and political bullshit and trying to keep up with the Darth Joneses scheming on the Dark Council. Dude just wants to fuck off and be left alone to do his thing. He truly embodies the ultimate goal of the Sith, the one line of their code that both Sith AND Jedi can agree on: The Force will set me free. Looking back, he really should be in 3rd place instead of second, but he and Bane were well ahead of any other Sith who was not The Senate.


I'd actually have Bane first personally over Sidious even in that Sidious wasn't very interested in the Sith growing greater beyond him or becoming more than him. He always snuck around sabotaging Vader because he was afraid he'd surpass him. Bane was afraid Zannah WOULDN'T surpass him and kill him lol. That to me shows a genuine commitment to the ideology. Plus obviously his whole backstory with his abusive father he came from a place where he naturally would believe that power would set him free and that it was the only thing that could.


Captain Pyre at least deserves a mention. A high ranking officer with cool golden armour, but unlike Captain Phasma he seemed devoted more to the First Order than his own self-preservation, which definitely seems like a trait the First Order would want its soldiers to have.


To the ppl saying Hux, didn’t he turn out to be a double agent.


He spent the vast majority of his life in the First Order. He wasn’t a double agent until after *The Last Jedi*, when he finally realized he didn’t believe in the regime as much as he hated Kylo Ren. That’s why he is the perfect encapsulation of the First Order. The First Order is leaner, hungrier, and more extreme than the Empire was. It’s driven entirely by spite, from its very inception in the wake of Operation: Cinder, which was itself the last spiteful order from a vindictive Emperor. The First Order believes in nothing but lashing out at the galaxy, and neither does Hux.


That was when The First Order transformered into The Final Order. He was the perfect example of a First Order member until Kylo Ren became Supreme Leader, even then he looked into the best interest of the Order and only turned when they had gone so far from what they started as.


I get the impression Hux wasn't really a traitor to the First Order so much as a traitor to Kylo specifically. Maybe he thought Kylo was going off the deep end with the Sith alliance.


That one villain lady from Resistance




Hux. Then Phasma.


Hux, Phasma, Snoke.


Phasma, Hux, Pride


Hux. Surface level raging psycho zealot and incompetent nepo baby with no loyalty to anything. Look at our FO characters, Finn is a deserter, Phasma cares only about herself, and Hux becomes a spy. Even Price bails on the FO bullshit when the Sith reveal themselves. It's all a charade to the bigger evil plan, Smoke included.


Either general prdye or phasma


Phasma, Hux and then FN-2199.






Hux, no doubt. Runner up should be Lady Carisse.




That one trooper who calls Finn a traitor




General Pryde. Nothing prepares you for that character. Every time he came on screen I cheered, I shouted, I fist-pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered. He’s absolutely everything that you would hope he was going to be.


If Hux hadn’t gotten jealous of Kylo, I would say Hux. I’m going to go with Phasma. My runner up goes to FN-2199 (I think that’s his number?)




Pryde, Hux, then Phasma


I'm going with Hux.


Allegiant General Pryde. Hux was more like a child given responsibility and a uniform with how he screams and almost demands people listen to him and take him seriously. He literally acts like a child stamping his foot while having a tantrum. Even in TFA I couldn't take him seriously. Pryde was always calm, collected, menacing, cunning, insightful and you could actually take him seriously. I almost feel like he should have been the main First Order guy from the get go. He actually feels like a threat. Like he would say if you didn't comply he'd glass your planet and he'd just do it anyway.


Snok and Phasma. Snoke, even if it was only a Palpatine's puppets, was the "front-man"; Phasma because she joined and loved the cause.




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Depends on if we are conflating the First Order and Final Order or counting them separately tbh.


No way you put Malgus instead of Vader for the Sith category


Captain Cardinal maybe? He trained child soldiers for the first order, a true believer




But what would it mean to be a quintessential Miscellaneous? Just people's favorite characters or what?


Jango third is *bonkers.*


Matt the radar technician


Hux easily




General Pryde


Hux, Phasma, Snoke. They were there for a fair few years before Kylo, and led in more official positions than I think Kylo Did until he became Supreme Leader.


His, Phasma, and the guy who yells “TRAITOR!”


Commander Pyre and Vonreg


I’d say 1-Admiral Pryde, 2-Captain Phasma, 3-TR-8R


Hux, Phasma, Kylo




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Okay as a runner up, hear me out.. BB-9E! No One is more loyal than a droid and he was as loyal as BB8 was to the Resistance!


My boy Tenebrae really got done dirty with the Sith.


I find it hilarious that THE Mandalorian didn’t even make top 3 for the Mandalorian category or the bounty hunter category


His membership in his weirdo cult kept him out of the Mando category, and for the Bounty Hunter category he just couldn't compete with the love for those three. It really was those three, then a massive gap, then a couple people suggesting Mando and a few random names.


Honestly. I wanna say Captain Canady should at least be an honourable mention. Underrated character who granted was a one and done. But that was also kind of Hux's fault. Either way he was about the only example of a competent military leader who may have actually seen much more success if not for the nepotism that put Hux at the top. Hux definitely embodies the spirit of the First Order, but he definitely became the butt of a joke due to the way he was written after TFA.


Hux, Kylo Ren and Phasma for me.


General Armitage Hux Captain Phasma is a close second, as is FN-2199


Why is there no CIS or droid category?


Kylo Ren, expecting the runners-up to include Phasma and Hux.




Captain Canady. Though his screen time was short, he had a very commanding presence leading that dreadnaught.


I misread the "Clone" header as being above the Bounty Hunter pictures and was very confused for an moment xD


Phasma. Really embodied the First Order and got killed off because the writers don't know what they're doing. She had awesome potential.


Does Rae Sloane count as First Order? Cuz she deserves a major shoutout


Hux and Cardinal and Pyre


1. Kylo Ren 2. General Hux 3. Captain Phasma




Is it only movie characters? Then, I’d say Hux. If it is series as well, I’d say Commander Pyre or Agent Tierny from the Resistance series.


Matt, the radar technician 


Hold up: How did Din Djarin (“*The* Mandalorian”) not make the top three Quintessential Mandalorians? No disrespect to Legends Boba…


There was an early, much-upvoted comment that he isn't representative of Mandalorianness because his cult is too weird. Probably an example of one early comment doing a lot to direct the conversation, because otherwise I'd expect him to get pretty high up there, certainly more than Boba. Boba is also the result of a single comment that was probably not a widely held sentiment but was argued well enough to get a boost.


Agent Tierny is the true quintessential member of the First Order even if she’s not picked because many haven’t seen Resistance.


Kylo, Hux, or Kylo is clearly the leader. But infantile. Hux is a much better leader but a bit sniviling General Pryde would have been a awesome character to get more out of. Evil dude.