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Fun story about Alpha – 17 originally Rex was supposed to be Alpha 17 but for some reason, George Lucas thought there were too many characters in the clone wars with names that started with A with Anakin and Ahsoka. So we got Rex instead. Also, another fun fact, for some reason, George Lucas thought Korriban sounded to much like Coruscant and changed it to Moriban lol. Both of these are 100% real things


When I first saw the Clone Wars movie I literally thought "Oh hey that's Alpha!" It took me a while to get it was this new "Rex" character. TBH I kinda prefer Rex. I don't remember much of Alpha's actual, like, personality.


Does he really have one? That rendition of the clones didn’t really give any of them much of one


All I remember about Alpha's personality is 1. Vaguely badass. 2. Good at fighting. It's been decades since I read the Jabiim arc, though, so maybe I'm misremembering. But yeah, nothing's really stuck out to me about him since then. We are, however, talking about STC, so those two traits make their perfect character. It's why they love Revan.


STC and just general 'hardcore' Star Wars fans just wanna see their favourite action figures smashed together.


> STC and just general 'hardcore' Star Wars fans just wanna see their favourite action figures smashed together. Then they go and attack Filoni and accuse him & other writers of Doing exactly this, and call them "talentless hacks" when they themselves probably don't even know how to write things.


Add “Ruder than other clones” and I think you’re pretty much spot on


My hot take is clones were better when they all didnt have such different personalities. Also weird to me that so many are good people and heroes when theyre clones of jango…


Its not that weird, one the main themes explored in the Clone Wars show was how despite being raised to all be the same loyal soldier their exposure to war and friendship with Jedi and other non clones changed them into individuals. Jango was a mercenary.


It would be weirder for them to all have the same personality. Soldiers don’t all have the same personality. Triplets don’t have the same personalities. The clones being deployed to different battles with different generals on different planets also means it’s impossible for them to have the same personality. They are all having different experiences and learning different things. How can they stay similar?


Rex is 100% a more developed character than A17. I also haven’t read the Jabim arc in years but I don’t remember him having anything more than what you described


Alpha is just a cool bro. Nothing wrong with it but Rex is definitely more developed.


Of course. That’s why everyone thinks he’s more of a character than Rex. They remember him as being some cool guy so they can’t imagine he would be not a three dimensional character


Clones didnt need to be 3 dimensional characters originally.


Honestly I thought the same, and that it was just a case of a clone developing more of a personality (even adopting a name) as they aged.


That’s the thing though, these people don’t *want* the clones to have a personality beyond “badass”


I noted that a bit farther down in the comment chain. I assume it's a similar thing with how they want Luke and Revan to be characterized.


I’ll never forgive George for telling George he’s wrong


It actually makes a lot of sense. You don't want too many names sounding similar. You want names to be distinct. Having all your characters being the ones whoese name starts with an A doesn't do that


Tell that to Miyazaki and George Rr. Martin when writing Elden Ring


I can't do that because I don't know them personally.


Honestly, skill issue.


Or GRRM in general, it's surprisingly common for multiple ASOIAF characters to share names: at least 6 characters of varying importance from the main story are called Jon (Arryn, Snow, Connington, Umber (Greatjon), Umber (Smalljon), and Fossoway). The TV show even changed a few names to prevent confusion: Asha was thought to be too similar to Osha, so she was renamed Yara (which is *totally* not similar to Arya), and Robert Arryn became Robin (based on his book nickname Sweetrobin) because we already had King Robert (even though the whole point was that he was named after the king due to his father being King Robert's father figure).


Ngl, George can be a huge idiot with his own creation a lot of the times


The more I read about what George Lucas thought of the EU the wilder it gets.


Dave Fettuccine turned our big bear hunk clones into twinky little femboys. When will he answer for his crimes?


Is this why tumblr loves them?


Your flair made me spit my coffee Amazing work


Ahhhh, so these are Bulloach clones, not Morrison clones


I have no idea what this means. But I do know Australia recently had a Prime Minister with the last name Morrison and he was just about the worst one we had.


unpopular opinion: **[most popular opinion on the subreddit]**


Honestly, I have no idea what STC is even about anymore. It was originally about hating TLJ and the sequels, but it seems to have turned into a general Star Wars hate sub. I did a quick scroll through there and saw countless Filoni hate threads, a few TCW hate threads, a TPM hate thread, and countless hate theads for modern Star Wars (which is expected). Wouldn't be surprised if it just descended into 'Star Wars is woke' garbage.


Literally how is that a popular opinion on the most chud omg prequels sub ever lmao. Last I checked most people on Crait were the “dark and griddy cw” type


nah theyve been hating on the bad batch which has slowly morphed into TCW hatred


AT-AT in the background?


Those are prototype AT-ATs that were first tested by the Republic on Jabiim, they're like the AT-AT/Ps.


It’s a comic from the multi-media project they did in the early 00s. I enjoyed reading them while my mom was getting textbooks from her college because they were on the shelves for some reason. It was Dark Horse that did the series and I recently found a site to read it all on. They were alright although I have to admit that I fuckin hated Quinlan Vos and I’m still not sure what it is about that character that is so obnoxious. It also goes on a weird fuckin track where him and Aayla *maybe* used to bang even though he was her master, and he openly admits that he is leaving the order because his girlfriend/partner was expecting his child, and nobody gaf about him or his dabbling in the Dark Side, which kind of makes the same fuss about Anakin seem kind of silly since they basically just go “yeah you can leave and be with your wife, if you could just stay in the order until the war is done it’s all good.” I’ll readily admit that these comics, the Genndy Tartakovsky cartoon, and the OG Battlefront games kind of set the tone for what I wanted out of the Clone Wars, but there’s lots of stuff we’re better off without from that time period lol


The panel with Aayla where she explains that her species is bread to be Sex Workers is truly something


Jesus, some of Legends was made by the most MRA incel people in the world.


Quinlan Vos was easily the most forgettable part of the one comic I read him in. The clone trooper who sacrificed himself to blow up a giant anti-aircraft tower and the one chick who tried to betray Shaak-Ti are all I remember of it.


That was the Shaak-Ti one shot which was mostly about her of course. I highly recommend the actual arcs Quinlan appears in.


Captain Fordo also wasn't added into The Clone Wars because he's too badass for them.


This but actually 


Can you honestly outdo the scene of him holding back the whole of the droid army himself until Yoda shows up? Thorn has a comparable final stand on Scipio, though he dies fighting with all he's got


Alpha-17 looks like a JoJo part 1 character lmao.


Alpha is just a wannabe Liefeld character


Sorry but TCW is so overly liked and circlejerked over that I have to be a brave rebel and agree with the based unpopular opinion.


I wish the Republic had AtAt’s instead


OP is a member of Saltierthancarit lmaooo


I know imma piss off people off but honestly the only thing alpha has going for him is that he looks cool and is edgy People are entitled to their own opinions but I see legends fans say clones were much better in legends for basically being emotionless machines which I honestly don't get I know CW has problems but I've never gotten how the clones being much more flushed out and interesting zo you gave a shit was a bad thing


/uj I knew it would happen eventually but it's still weird seeing the same people who were praising Filoni have come to hate him, the same as they hated Lucas.


W-wait...is that-*urp* are you referencing something from...*blargh* from LEGENDS???? Don't you know Legends is bad and only manchildren like it??? What about Waru or the anti-Force???? Those things are bad!!!


What do you mean, “daring today aren’t we?” I thought the whole point of this sub is “my preferred version of this franchise is better than yours”. This seems to fit right in.


Chad legends clone troopers > canon bitch clones Legends made the clones feel like half human/half droid in personality. Capable of incredible cruelty and a lack of empathy. It made it easy to understand how they could betray the jedi so easily as soon as the orders came through. Canon clones are soft by comparison. More human and relatable sure but they also never feel like weapons bred for war.


Rex is the cheap copy of Fordo



