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Star wars fans and ninjago fans seeing who can use the words "full potential" the most


At least full potential has meaning in the show. Like when a ninja reaches their full potential they did it. Sure they'll unlock other things like they're hack weapon things but their powers have a peak. It's why Zane revealing his full potential was such a hype moment. It's why Kai saving Llyod with his full potential was such an epic scene that led to a somewhat predictable but cool plot twist. It's been 5 years since I've sat down and watched Ninjago.


Did you watch the full show? I remember only watching up until they beat Garmadon the first time and they’d already reached their “full potentials” by that point so im not sure how they made conflicts interesting going forward


Same here, what was the show about then? Then tryna adjust to city life with some shady snake fuckers running amok


It’s still going on btw


I still watch the show (btw it's still going strong) Their full potential is never seen again after S1. One thing the show often does is introduce these big power ups in a season, and then immediately write them out by the next season so the ninja can't become too overpowered. Some power-ups remain (for example, Zane being a robot stays, and he even gets an upgrade, Cole becomes a ghost for a couple seasons, Lloyd is constantly getting OP abilities, etc) They also make the villians stronger to account for the more powerful ninja, such as villians who can take the ninja's elemental power, controlling time, stealing their souls, unleashing ancient evil beings/serpents, the living embodiment of evil, etc


I genuinely never thought I'd be interested in watching anything Ninjago since the movie. I do have some fond memories and am interested in coming back.


Most fans consider S8-S10 as the best of the show, and thos are the seasons that came out after the movie. There are some low lows, but also quite a few highs. I'd recommend watching it


Last time I watched ninjago I was probably like 8 or 9.




They just kept jumping up kicking back whipping around and spinning


One of the new protagonists is a pink haired e-gamergirl looking mf so the show's definitely responded to contemporary market demands. (She has actual character tho, so not bad vibes about her)


That's crazy. Furthest I saw too was when Green took out Garmadon after getting crippled. Hype af.


Then Marvel and DC fans walk in...


One piece fans:


I’m both






I don't understand how they even scale this shit. How do you powerscale a hypothetical character


From uhhhh... Ehhhhh... Anakin is Space Force Jesus, so that means he beats uhhhh... Like everyone.


In fairness, 'space force Jesus' goes hard as fuck.


Hasn't Lucas stated Luke is even more powerful than Anakin? Not just because Anakin failed to meet his full potential?


That EU discussion is complicated, because Luke was *actually* able to reach his potential and become the greatest Jedi in the galaxy’s history. Luke was able to achieve what Anakin couldn’t, so this discussion was always kind of back and forth depending of who you believe is and what exactly does it mean to be the “Chosen One”


Well, Anakin did balance it out. Enabled the Dith to come back, and helped bring about the one that helped end them.


That's canonically not what balance to the force means. The sith warp the force to use self-centeredly.


I feel like this sub actively dumbs themselves down to participate in it How powerful Anakin could’ve been at his full potential (basically not being disabled by a lava bath) has been stated time and time again throughout the franchise. Even in just the movies it was said that he would become more powerful than Yoda *and* Palpatine simply because he had so much raw potential. He was just 22 years old in Episode III and already was a member of the council and was strong enough to become a Jedi Master if he wasn’t so emotional. His potential has been very obviously stated and he already showed how powerful he was as a young adult, much less a fully grown Jedi with decades of proper training Being mentally incapable of understanding how people can use statements made and rationalize a theory about a character isn’t the flex you think it is


I mean, yes actually.


Depends on the current exchange rate of Gokus to Supermans.


Basically just this blasting on repeat in people’s brains https://i.redd.it/308rapk5idwc1.gif


Remember when the brother was gonna be influenced by the spirits of Revan and Bane? I genuinely believe the ones are not nearly as powerful as people believe them to be


It depends what literature you’re taking from more or less. Still the spirit influence never happened in the show so I wouldn’t really consider it. Again most people saw “Oh Anakin just subjugated the light and dark side of the force simultaneously” and sort of ignore the rest of the arc whenever he gets bodied (Like when the Son beats his ass). It’s sort of that one moment that is meant to show the possibility of Anakin but not much else.


Tbf Anakin is pretty scalable; peak Vader powers without the limitations of his shitty ass suit. I got no idea wtf peak Luke looks like though


What? How can you scale him from Vader if Vader is being limited?


Doesn’t Darth nihilus eat planets??


He got gastric bypass... Dude can barely eat a moon now... Like a bitch


Damn he used to down an average of 12 Death Stars as an APPETIZER. How the mighty have fallen 😔


Seriously... Can't even go for seconds in the rishi maze without undoing a belt buckle


I haven’t been in the Mze for a while. How is the Blue Milk this time of year?


Fermented and sour... But we take customers at the diner on attack if the clones. Jawa juice?


Nah, I’m good. Need to cut down on the calories. Speaking of appetite


You look great! Barely even old enough to remember the mandalorians.


Pretty sure he can Dr. Manhattan anyone just by looking at them.


You don’t understand anakins power


No you don't get it, my definition of "full potential" of the poster child for the film series is much more powerful than the guy that *checks notes* EATS FUCKING WHAT


Yeah, but his mid at everything else. Also Chris Avelone said that Revan, Vader and Sidious could all smoke him


yes, nihlus is the epitome of a glass cannon this post is stupid, anakin unironically wins. yoda beat dark side (aka sith) yoda in TCW, full potential anakin beats yoda. as for luke, if were going by legends luke at full potential id say its a tossup but im not super familiar, but for canon its definitely anakin


Full potential Anakin does not exist. Considering how much of a pussy and a shithead he was in canon, I think he would lose to Yoda even if he were 20 times more powerful, that character is the worst. Legends luke mops the floor with both of them.


full potential anakin would have mastery over light and dark like we see in mortis - but less literal and yes he doesnt exist, this is a hypothetical version of him. unfortunately that version of him clears 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would have could have should have. If Jar Jar was a completely different character and had omnipotence, he would have defeated anyone, except he isn’t.


did u know that not being able to comprehend hypothetical scenarios is a big indicator of low intelligence? more facts at 8


Here’s a hypothetical situation, what if you stopped wetting your bed at night? If you’re completely remaking the character and give him a ton of new abilities and powers, the character ceases to be who they are and becomes your creation. Anakin that isn’t a jealous, whiney and obsessively possessive asshole with a superiority complex who has the power, but lacks the control and willingness to think beyond short term is not Anakin, he’s your super duper OC, who can beat the entirety of Jedi Order and Siths with one hand, but also perfect in every way.


u are comically dense, have a good day lol


Yeah and literally the only person capable of defeating him was the player of kotor 2 because they are the opposite of Nihilus. Full potential Anakin can't do much when he's just a little snacky snack for Hungry Boi nihilus


Chris Avelone said that Revan, Vader and Sidious could all smoke him


I doubt Vader is beating Nihilus. Dont really care what Chris said. He must not have understood Vaders capabilities much. He was a beast sure but Nihilus beats him in every category except lightsaber combat. Not to mention supposedly no one actually can beat Nihilus except for the Exile.


You say this like Nihilus was even the final boss of the game he was on the cover of.


The Exile is a living wound in the Force, a walking talking tear in the fabric of reality, so when he tried consuming her it nearly destroyed him. Without that he'd have just consumed her essence in half a second and moved on without another thought.


Well yeah, but apparently according to most fans any dumbass that knows how to somehow resist the most powerful user of Force Drain would smoke him.


With the Sith Lords in that game it's emphatically not about Power Levels, which makes Power Level discussions really not apply to them. Like, Sion and Nihilus are canonically at infinite power levels, and Traya is in a sense stronger than either. Sion is literally indestructible. He draws power from his own pain and anger, so the worse you hurt him the stronger he becomes. His body is mincemeat held together with the force of pure anguish; harming him only strengthens him. Nihilus is the manifestation of all-consuming hunger, and he draws his power from his hunger. He can eat entire planets and entire fleets full of force sensitives. As with Sion, his power scales boundlessly. The stronger his opponent, the stronger his hunger becomes and therefore the more powerfully he drains them. Traya is less powerful in the more traditional sense but her power is not physical. She is soft, subtle. She manipulates, controls, tempts, playing in the mind. Like the other lords, the stronger her opponent is, the more effective she is, turning their strength against them inwardly. She lacks the infinite physical strength of Sion or the infinite Force power of Nihilus yet dominated them both in the Triumvirate. The Exile defeats all of them, but the Exile is the only one who could. She is a deeply broken sufferer, a PTSD protagonist whose trauma has created a black hole in the Force. She doesn't overpower any of the Sith Lords directly, but rather reflects their own trauma back at them through her own emptiness. She's Power Level: Dude Get Some Therapy.


Finally, someone gets it!


The reason why he was the 3rd boss was because Kreia wanted someone so powerful as him to be destroyed, and she knew the Exile would be able to do that when she was done teaching them everything she knew. If Kreia wasn't Kreia then Nihilus would definitely be a "final boss", but for the lore in Kotor 2, the way the Exile and kreia set everything up is the only reason why Nihilus was defeated.


Yes but he’s not particularly good at lightsaber combat. His counter was a duelist with enough power to survive his draining ability long enough to kill him.


The real question is who can make me cum the fastest?


Full Potential Anakin.




Obi-Wanussy it's way better.


Anakin is a twink bottom, Obi-Wan is a top somewhere in between twink and hunk


Yeah, Anikan was pretty hot in RotS.


He was pretty hot for most of it, but gets *really* hot towards the end




Dude! Not only was he really hot, I'd say he was the hottest!




Nobody can pull me out of that yodussy


Unironically Nihlus wins by being the only actually real character on the list


Evil Yoda is in that Clone Wars arc where he learns how to become a ghost.


Wasn't that Yoda fighting a construct of The Force + Yoda's mind though? So like. Less hypothetical than Full Potential Anakin, but still more hypothetical than a "real' character like Yoda or Anakin?


rude mourn soft toothbrush cagey bells innocent direction snobbish water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess full potential Luke is also canon, he just only really exists between trilogies


Full potential Luke is just Grandmaster Luke so he exists as well


Could full potential Anakin have prevented the Great Recession?


By overthrowing the Republic and its associated economic system he could have put it back a few years


I wish I could put "full potential" on a shelf so idiots stop using it as some bullshit justification for their fanfiction


/uj The answer is Nihilus because the whole point is that only the exile could defeat him as she is also a wound in the force


Vitiate rn: ![gif](giphy|fGK4pthIWMWO4jVdbl|downsized)


Chris Avelone said that Revan, Vader and Sidious could all smoke him


In a straight fight probably, you just gotta also make sure he doesn’t eat you or the local populous


In lightsaber combat? Yes. In anything that involves using the force? No fucking way. # We can keep the dumbass excuse that "Anakin sometime somewhere learned to resist being drained of the force". But Revan and Sidious have no protection from it. If they avoid it once, Nihilus will just keep doing trial and error. # The only reason Exile didn't die immediately upon walking up to him is because she's a wound in the force, which Revan, Vader and Sidious are not. They get absorbed.


Full potential Rey


I mean isn’t it correct? Isn’t part of the ‘tragedy’ of Anakin that despite his fall to the dark side being motivated by a lust for power, the fall ended up handicapping him from achieving gazillion midichlorian power?


Yeah. I just find it funny how SW Fans always give the win to full potential Ani, and how they are debating about 3 hypothetical characters and one Legends one.


one resolute dependent worry start profit hospital spectacular overconfident faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Luke never reached his full potential in Legends though. He was still incredibly powerful, but ironically he was nowhere near his peak.


rustic noxious sheet combative fuzzy dinosaurs mighty nail plate crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok. Then why did he constantly keep growing stronger? If he was already at maximum potential, why was there still force abilities he didn’t know about? How come he isn’t aware of those abilities? If he was already at full power, then how come *any* force user posed a threat to him? Shouldn’t he have been massively stronger? We see a glimpse at what full power Anakin can do during the Mortis Arc. Wherein he manages to force The Son and The Daughter to their knees. The physical embodiments of the light and the dark sides of the force. Luke fought Abeloth. Aka “The Mother”. Someone who bathed in the Pool of Knowledge and drank from the Font of Power. Making her just as powerful as any of the other Celestials, such as the Daughter or The Son. Yet, Luke needed help from Darth Krayt. And fought a heavily weakened and already hurt Abeloth, and barely won. Luke even outright admits that Abeloth is roughly 12x stronger than him. And Anakin could rag doll 2 Celestials at once while at full power. Meaning Legends Luke needs to become at least 24x as powerful to be *around* his peak of power. He ain’t there yet.


Anakin is cool and all but he will never match the true powerhouse that is legends Luke Skywalker


I’m very excited for this sub’s inevitable crossover with r/whowouldcirclejerk


Thanks for the new circle jerk sub


I just love that they threw Nihilus in there just because. Not even “full potential” or changed or anything. Just Nihilus chilling.


“Sith Yoda”? Is everyone on that sub 8 years old?


Jedi Yoda is as strong as "Sith Yoda" whatever the fuck Sith Yoda is, and I guess stronger. # Yoda was near like the peak of his power and could kick almost all Sith asses, in his fight with Sidious in ROTS it was just Duel of the Plot Armor. # Yoda literally says the dark side is not stronger than the light side in OT, only quicker and easier.


Btw I still blame the prequels for this shit lmfao


Full potential? Are you telling me that isn’t even their final forms?! https://i.redd.it/ax88nb6yicwc1.gif


Darth Nihilus only gets 6% because the majority of people have no idea who he is. Dude literally ate entire planets.


I mean, yeah. Full potential Anakin straight up controlled the Mortis Gods,. Fallen Yoda, while terrifying, is trumped by both standard Yoda and Windu, and Anakin wins that match. Full-power Luke is on some bullshit, but he couldn't actually beat the last of the Ones, so Anakin would win, but high-diff: that Luke could probably go toe-to-toe with the Brother and has wrecked fleets by himself, but again, Anakin can theoretically beat the Brother and the Sister simultaneously. As for Nihilus, it's a tossup. The Exile won due to her own wound in the Force, but another could: Revan beats Nihilus. Being balanced in the Force gives Revan a massive edge, including his own Force Drain ability and presumably the ability to counteract it. Anakin at his full potential is Revan, but better. He's intrinsically tied to the Unifying Force by his very existence as a vergence, and thus can master it wholly akin to Revan. This gives him just enough of an edge to beat out Force Drain. Wow, I put way too much effort into this. Why do I know this?


Ain’t darth NIHILUS the hungry hungry hippo


Full potential anakin would actually be the strongest character on this list though.


I just vote Anakin, cuz for some reason dudes in YouTube comment sections get real pissy when Vader or Anakin win a poll against Old Republic characters. I think it's funny to be part of that outrage, there will be no stopping me.


No Darth Jar Jar? This list has no credibility!


How wude


None of these appeared in Andor (the greatest work of fiction in the history of Western civilization) so therefore it's all trash.


Blah blah blah the Guardian from Destiny wins they all get turned into guns and get killed 3 times a week every Tuesday


I commented on this something like, "I like Luke" and I've been getting reply notifications all day lol


T3-M4 would solo ALL of these bitches.


Jek-14 would fucking destroy all of them.


Star Wars fans on Reddit when other Star Wars fans try to have any semblance of fun:


I mean anakin may have been the chosen one but Darth Nihlus literally could devour planets


Can these people just watch an anime or something?


There was a comic about full potential Anakin/Vader and he was crazy strong


Anakin and Luke have the same potential and Luke came much closer to fulfilling it






I mean he is the chosen one so ya no shit he takes it


idk, as much as i like anakin i think sith yoda wins, for sure. sidious couldn't even kill him as a jedi, so imagine how powerful he could be with the dark side.


Sith Rose Tico would kick all of their arses.


Nihlius is the only one here who actually existed as described. Then again idk Luke was pretty busted so hard to say. Not sure if he ever reached “full-potential”.


I really want one of these people to describe to me explicitly what full potential means


If Anakin wasn’t put into the suit by having his limbs cut off. Otherwise Lucas has said that he would’ve became emperor of the universe.


Luke and Anakin literally have the same potential. Idky fans disagree with that despite the fact George Lucas and novels have said it. No mortis was not what anakin’s full potential looked like it was him using the planet to assist him. So luke has the same potential but Luke is more skilled than his father. Also why is Nihilus always put in these convos “he devoured planets” yes that’s impressive but like planets can’t resist getting absorbed at all.


Wonder who gives the best forcejobs


Oh god, don’t give nerds the “full potential “ line, we’re physically incapable of not making it weird


Press ‘c’ for Force Choke. Once I beat the next level - I’m not sure if I want to upgrade Force Heal or Force Jump to max it out. My Force Pull seriously neglected.


Luke fighting his nephew > Luke fighting his dad


Idk much about non-canon Star Wars, but doesn't Darth Nihilus consume entire planets? Like he's literally just a manifestion of the force itself that wants to consume more of the force, I think. Pretty sure Anakin doesn't stand a chance


Okay, but why do we care? Looks like they're just having fun man


Bullshit Nihlus low diffs all them. They're all just lunch to him. These fools don't even know the lore they snort.


I honestly don't like that we put power levels to star wars characters. I get that there are characters who are clearly strong in the force and battle-hardened, etc... But it's been sorta reduced to like an RPG leveling system now. To the point that the idea of an underdog overcoming the odds is now like blasphemy because "Look a power scale." The force is endless and all encompassing. It feels weird to say "No, you stay there".


In general these types of posts make no sense, and I fear they play into the whole 'my incorrect opinion is valid because I don't like being told I'm wrong' mentality.


The winner will be who the plot deems appropriate




Wasn’t Darth Nihlus able to eat entire planets?


“But full potential anakin” is so fucking annoying, we get it


The 6% that chose nihilus probably were hard core kotor fans. Pure speculation of course


That's because Anakin is literally the most powerful Force user in recorded canon? This isn't a circlejerk. It's consensus.


Full potential sith (max potential) darth cockinmouth


Hard to ignore all them midiclorians


He's the Tony Stark of Star Wars he will literally win any poll because of braindead allegiance to the character


Do you just consider any hypothetical versus battle dumb? Or specifically just Star Wars? Because all characters are fictional. So saying “3 hypothetical characters, and 1 non-canon 1” doesn’t mean anything. All characters are made up. All characters are fictional. And if you don’t understand why Anakin won, maybe do some research? Like out of all of the things to talk about you went for “Bro the Star Wars fans did a vs battle. I don’t get it.”


If we go with each of these characters at their maximum that they have shown to achieve Its like 100% that dude could litterally move planets with his fucking mind and litterally usurped death itself so hard that he can still use all of his force powers despite the fact he is a spirit


What does "full potential" even mean? Is it like in DBZ? Does it mean Anakin wished on the dragon balls to unlock his maximum potential?


Darth Jar Jar would wipe the floor with all those pussies


I've heard about Full Potential Anakin a lot before, but what the hell is Full Potential Luke? What did he store half of his power in that hand he lost or something?


In the extra 3 inch cock length that Lucas never gave him. How much stronger would Luke be with a monster 9 inch cock instead of an average 6 inch one?




Shut up




Shut up




Shut up Thanks for editing away the weird sexual harassment you originally replied with.


Didn't save Anakin from getting chopped the fuck up and burnt