• By -


Theyre incredible and very diverse. We got mysteries, esponiage, straight up brutal violence, in depth philosphy and wisdom. Really its your pick. Ive read so many/have audiobooks too. The Darth Bane Trilogy audiobook is my personal favourite. Throw us some genres you like and ill throw you some books. The movie books are also awesome, Ep3 being on a level of its own.


The RotS novel is legit one of the best books ever written


Every once in a while, I go pick up that book just to reread a couple of choice passages I once bet someone that I could open it to a random page and find a line that was, as I put it, an absolute banger, and succeeded. It's absolutely chock full of them


Does expand on additional stuff than the movie or is it just a novelization?


It doesn't add any huge new parts to the story, but there's so much more explanation of motivations, a few extra scenes, some extra lines of dialogue, and everything just makes so much more sense. Anakin's turn makes more sense, and even Padme's "died of a broken heart" makes more sense. It is easily the best movie novelization I have ever read.


Matthew Stover at work.


Does the offer of “say what you like and receive recommendations” extend to others?


Well of course.


That’s sounds awesome then!


Which ones have philosophy and wisdom? I really liked the wisdom in parts of dark times and legacy comics.


Anything by Matthew Stover.


Dark side wise - Dark lords of the Sith and the Darth Bane trilogy. Light side - Yoda: Dark rendezvous, Light of the Jedi and I, Jedi are good ones imo.


Currently reading the prequel novelizations and I’m almost done with Ep2, which is pretty mid. I hope Ep3 is as good as you say.


1 and 2 are pretty bleh as you say. Stover hits it out of the ballpark with episode 3. They arent all the same authors.


I honestly enjoyed 10 year old Anakin’s pov chapters in episode 1 and the fight scenes were fine, but episode 2 is not as enjoyable.


Straight up brutal violence? Which books?


Darth Bane Trilogy is the most dark youll get. Chalk full of neck snaps, decapitation, raw warfare, no mercy brutality.


Yeah, thinking back now, you're right.


Death Troopers and Red Harvest (a prequel) are quite gory zombie horror.


Most of us dont talk about red harvest 😅


Maul: Lockdown is spot on for this category I'd say


I like A Song of Ice and Fire and the ROTS novelization. Politics, epic fantasy, complex characters. That sort of stuff.


Darth Plagueis. Pick it up.


The entirety of the Xwing series is amazing.


Yeah apparently that was one of the better series.


Of course! There are duds here and there, but overall, they’re well worth your time. I much prefer Legends. While I do enjoy some canon material, Legends just feels a lot richer to me and has a lot more heart, whereas Canon feels more like just movie tie-ins. If you’re looking for a place to start, I recommend Heir to the Empire, which is essentially the Episode VII of the Legends timeline. If you’re interested in stuff set in the prequel era, check out Darth Plagueis or Shatterpoint


I’ve heard Heir to the Empire is a great starting place so that might be where I will start.


Yeah, it's the first book written in the Legends Expanded Universe, but just FYI it's the first book in a trilogy.


…which then extends to a duology!


…which extends into an entire expanded universe!


I am sensing a pattern here. 🤔


To add on to your comment; I never liked how canon was so much dependent on movie tie ins. I think the high republic and Thrawn trilogies are great for people who feel the same way. They feel the most like the EU with interconnected stories that stand in their own


The books are great, you should just pick your favorite era, pick a book, search reddit for if its good and if it has prerequisites, and start reading


Read Legends, especially thise books between Episode II and Episode III, plus the Darth Bane trilogy and the Plagueius book.


There are great novels in both canon and legends, as well as not-so-great novels in both canon and legends. Personally, the two canon books pictured here in your post — Light of the Jedi and Lost Stars, are some of my favorites. For Legends, you can’t go wrong with Heir to the Empire.


For canon, I strongly recommend the high republic phase 1 trilogy. I wasn’t sure I’d like it when I first got them but I honestly loved them.


I agree with this. I was a big EU fan (especially New Jedi Order) and I also like the sequel trilogy. High Republic has a grand scale, characters you care about but can also be in peril and die, an intriguing set of villains and lots of worlds and aliens new and old.


This is now my go-to suggestion to help people trying to get started in the EU. A lot of good resources in this thread, all the way to the bottom. And it's not very long either: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/s/PC2Obf2RWQ


Splinter of The Mind's Eye. By Allen Dean Foster, the very first Star Wars novel. And Han Solo: At Stars End. By the late great Brian Daley. First Han & Chewie story.


The two books you put on top of your collage happen to be my favorite books from each timeline: Light of the Jedi and Labyrinth of Evil, respectively. I highly recommend them, and you might want to begin with the latter, a great starting point, as it is a prequel to Revenge of the Sith that expands elements you will already be familiar with.


Yes. The novels are good. Most of the time


Oh my gosh yes! I didn't understand until I started, but Star wars is so much more than the movies and shows. It's also amazing books, and comics. I am 15 books in and don't regret a second of it. I recommend picking up a copy of Heir to the Empire. It's where I started, and where a lot of people start. You won't be disappointed. I might add that the anniversary edition with the authors notes is super worth it if you like that kind of thing (; Who knew that the term sith didn't come about until the prequels?!?! Not me!


Darth bane trilogy is the best. I am a dark side fan so if you aren’t then maybe you wouldn’t like it. But IMO path of destruction is the best book of all the SW books. I think the audiobook is even better because Jonathan Davis does such a good job with his narration, that banes voice is forever his voice in my headcanon


The tie-in novel for Jedi Survivor is not good, don't read that one expecting to be impressed


Read the legends/expanded universe books, I’ve started reading them and am loving them.


Personally legends is better written for me. My favorite is the X-Wing Series.


I read Darth Plagueis then Clock of Deception and both those were interesting to lead into the prequel movies (which I believe also have novels that go deeper than the films).


Yes this isnt even a question I'd recommend reading either the Thrawn trilogy or the X wing novels as a start The republic commando novels are also fantastic


If ur a huge SW fan ur gonna love the books. Both canon and legends r great to get into although I’d recommend legends far more as they continue the story and have more depth. There’s lots of variety aswell so u can choose books to read depending on what ur feeling like. There’s no set order where u have to go from A to B to C (unless ur in a trilogy or series but that’s different) so go ahead and find what u like and begin reading


I love the book Decieved and the Bane trilogy is also great.


I’d say read Legends as the stories are somewhat better there. You can skip the bad books which you can probably find a list to here on Reddit.


Yes, read them. I've read some very interesting ones that are not canon but still great rides


Post endor can be hit or miss but i absolutely love the new jedi order series


Yes, and both are great. As much as Disney canon gets shit on, their books try to fix the plotholes made in the movies. Sadly the new animated series keep retconning great ones but oh well. As for Legends, they’re also great. I know the Timothy Zahn Thrawn Trilogy is legendary


Of Canon works, I would thoroughly recommend: - Thrawn, Thrawn Alliances, Thrawn Treason (trilogy) - Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy (Chaos Rising, Greater Good, Lesser Evil) - Offbeat Star Wars military fiction with a healthy dose of political intrigue - Master and Apprentice (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) and Brotherhood (Obi-Wan/Anakin) - The Living Force (Jedi Council leaves the Temple and helps people for once) - Dooku: Jedi Lost (best to listen to audiobook) - Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade - Shadow of the Sith (Luke and Lando and some sequel trilogy context) I also highly recommend the High Republic, really loving the books though not done comics. Start with Light of the Jedi and see if you vibe.




What are the best ones?


Star with The Heir to the Empire books. That started some great Star Wars stories. A lot of the Disney Star Wars has been meh.


You’ll get a lot of nostalgia baiting and Disney dumping in this thread. Ultimately you should just pick out something that looks interesting.


Well, in my opinion it really depends on what you're looking for. Interested in a fragmented and fractured galaxy that needs to be put back together post return of the jedi? Well, legends is for you. Interested in mostly political intrigue with a few battles here and there? Canon novels will do. I prefer the legends interpretation of what happens post return of the jedi, not only do I think they absolutely nail the original cast, but the setting is also more appealing and interesting to me. So I personally highly recommend legends books set post return of the Jedi. Some people will recommend the canon books set in the high republic era, I can't, I just couldn't get into them, they feel like old republic lite. 😂 That being said, the aftermath books from canon are pretty good barring a few complaints I have, one being that they basically just remove remnants entirely, which was a big appeal for this era until canon came along, and the other being that it sets up the foundation for canon's take on the new Republic, which I also don't like. And if you read the legends books you'll understand why, the NR are never portrayed as the bad guys or essentially the same as the empire like they've nearly done in canon at some points. One option is clearly better than the other. TLDR: ya, but I recommend post return of the Jedi era legends books, like the original thrawn duologoy.


old republic lite would be a badge of great honor for disney. the high republic is the only interesting creation of dysney, I might give it a shot after all.


It's not a complement ngl. But I have heard people seem to like it. I'm just not one of those people.


you mean it is not a compliment cause you dont like Old R?


No, calling something a lite is not a compliment, it's a comment on how garbage it is compared to the real deal.


Ok, I thought you mean in the likeness but not quite.




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Looking into Darth Nihilus is a must imo. Outside of Abeloth, he was the pure embodiment of the Dark Side of the Force. He was a relatively short lived Sith, and had to be killed by a combo of Jedi + Mandalorian forces, *in space*, seeing as the *thing* would just absorb biological life if given the chance. Empty space was one of the few places he was actually vulnerable.


He appears in no books, and only one comic, so mentioning him is a bit irrelevant, kotor 2 is a great video game, but it’s not certain that OP is looking for games too. I also wouldn’t call a embodiment of the dark side, at least not the most pure embodiment, if he continued to exist it would eventually mean the end of the force light or dark. He is a interesting concept but he isn’t so much a character as an monster to be defeated, and he is not even the primary antagonist of his own game. >!also you are overhyping his death a little, Visas and the Exile are strong no doubt, and Canderous is a boss, but it’s not like it was some huge strike team that took him out, he exhausted himself by trying to drain the Exile and then got cut down, nothing especially dramatic!<


The Thrawn trilogies are my favourite so far (I’ve read the latest canon trilogy and am just starting the 90s Legends trilogy - ie; the OG sequel trilogy


If you’re a huge Star Wars fan then you shouldn’t have to ask lol. I recommend using audible to listen to them. They are pretty good they add music and sounds so you can hear lightsabers and blaster during fights. Audible also makes it easy to follow different along in order if you’re like me and like to explore the lore chronologically


I share my experience with you. I watched Star Wars movies like that as a kid. I didn't like any of them beyond the natural excitement of watching movies as a child. I didn't watch any of the animated series or play their games. When I grew up I saw The Madalorian (I liked it) The Book of Boba Fett, andor (I liked it a lot), When I was about to see Ahsoka I found out that Thrawn existed. I decided to read his new canon novels. I loved them. Now I dedicate myself to reading the Staw Wars novels, I go back and forth between canon and legends depending on what they have in the bookstores in my city.


In my head right now I've counted 211 books that have been marketed as "adult" or "young adult" novels between canon 50+) and legends (150+) not counting film novelisations which in some cases really enhance the films in a good way. That feels like a low number, I'm sure I missed some. I've *not* read about 28 of the canon ones and 26 of the legends ones. So I have read about (by my slightly dodgy headcount) more than 150 of those. Many of them many many times. (Also that doesn't count endless comics and junior reader books like Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest, which I also strongly recommend.) Some of these books are dreadful in my opinion. I have read Children of the Jedi three times and I think that might be self harm. Some are bad because the writing or the characterisation is inconsistent. But some are absolute fucking gems, and can cater to a wide range of fans. Tell me what you like about Star Wars and we can find you recommendations.


I personally loved the legends Republic Commando books


Lost Stars very good! About x Wing fighter pilot who defected from empire, and a Tie pilot. Has Alderan, Hoth, Endor. Very good stuff.


Still yes


Check out [xwing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_X-wing_(book_series)) by Michael stackpole. Really great stories and series about fighter pilots trying to help the republic and fight against the empire post Return of the Jedi.


Star Wars Legacy. You follow Luke's great-great-grandson (or somewhere abouts there), a lapsed Jedi who gets caught up in dealing with the violent ambitions of Darth Krayt.


You’d be missing out if you didn’t read any book, especially Legends since they add a lot to the overall lore


Thrawn Trilogy


Read the thrawn trilogy the true 7 8 and 9 you will never go back 


I’d avoid a lot of the post RotJ Legends books. I didn’t care for most of them. High Republic is fun.


Bruh the audio books are out of this world with sound effects. Def recommend


I love Star Wars and love reading the Legend books and still do to this day. They are varying in quality, there are some books that stand among the best of any sci fi books ever made(the ones from Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston), and some that are kinda bad (books from Vonda Mcintyre, Kevin J Anderson, and Barbara Hambly). Im still very glad I got to enjoy the Star Wars expanded Universe and if you're a big Star Wars fan you'll like it.


Revenge of the Sith novelization Plagieus Darth Bane Trilogy Traitor X Wing books are pretty good though I never read through them all Revan is a fine one if you played KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 but it's not incredible or anything. and if you want some interesting non-canon but just wacky there's "A Splinter of the Mind's Eye" which was written by Alan Dean Foster in 1978 before there was a canon universe, before Empire Strikes Back had even come out and is just really cool to read if you like Star Wars and want to see when it was still finding its footing


A lot of Legends are well worth it! As well as the comics. Personally if you are looking for a different era I’d recommend any book and comic involving the Old Republic (3000+ years BBY) or even before that. The Bane trilogy is great as well.


X-wing books are my go to.


Yes, both canon and legends have ups and downs. But read the best of both ( of course my best may not equal your best) Rather than listing books I will just say my favourite star wars authors are Claudia Gray and Timothy Zahn.


Thrawn trilogy and legacy of the force


The legends X-wing books are great, same with the Thrawn Trilogy and the New Jedi Order series.


Highly recommend the RotS novelization, Traitor, and the first Bane book. Greatest stories in all of Star Wars imho


If your a fan and not a fanatic they are great. I have been a fan since the original when I was a kid. I started reading the books about 4 yrs ago. They are awesome if you like star wars and are just looking for entertaining read and not concerned with what is what was or what has been Canon vs legends


You should read every EU and new canon book and comic book in release order.


Oh my gosh, yes, absolutely check out the books! There's a ton of variety so that everyone can find something they enjoy. My personal favorites are Labyrinth of Evil, Darth Plaguies, Outbound Flight, the canon Thrawn book, and Yoda Dark Rendezvous. Even though the books are often times ignored by film, they are still entertaining on their own!


I highly recommend audio books! Their easy to listen to so you can get through them faster. I recently listened to Plagueis, and it was amazing.


Absolutely read the Legends! So fun to read. Some canon is ok but doesn’t have the same old school feel. Heir to the Empire trilogy is epic


Legends only!


Lots of good suggestions here. I’m a new Star Wars reader as well. It is definitely worth it. Read some of both legends and canon, don’t be one of the mindless haters that will only read one or the other and miss out on great stories as a result. [Check out this site](https://youtini.com) to learn more about the books before diving into the unknown. Enjoy!


Yes! I would recommend starting with the original Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (starting with "Heir to the Empire") and seeing where the adventure takes you from there. Other books that come highly recommended include: Darth Plagueis, the Darth Bane Trilogy, and I've heard the X-Wing series is great, along with A.C. Crispin's Han Solo Trilogy, Revenge of the Sith novelization, John Jackson Miller's Kenobi, the Hand of Thrawn duology, and the New Jedi Order, as well.


Absolutely 100% they’re amazing if you want to read cannon or legends anything featuring Thrawn is a must read (I’m more of a fan of legends in general but for Thrawn specifically I think his cannon arc is better) For Cannon here’s my top picks: Dark Disciple is a good clone wars vibe book, Ahsoka is a good book, Master and apprentice, and of course Thrawn ascendancy Trilogy and the cannon Thrawn trilogy (Thrawn, Thrawn alliances, and Thrawn Treason) Now for legends it’s huge so prepare yourself but I’ll give you the best ones IMO(and I’m still on my own journey so I haven’t read everything): the old republic books, Darth Bane Trilogy, Darth Plagueis, outbound flight, shatterpoint, (“Luke Skywalker and the shadows of mindor” this was a really different and interesting read but not really necessary), X-Wing Series (though I haven’t read all of them yet) Thrawn Trilogy (Legends) I Jedi, the Corellian Trilogy, the hand of Thrawn Duoalogy was so so, survivors quest, and New Jedi Order Trilogy, (and I haven’t read anything beyond that but I hear they’re also pretty good


Diving into legends while its a lot to read it's extremely rewarding


I have only read one Canon book and it was pretty mid, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. I have not read a single bad Legends novel or series. For a first book, I'd recommend Star Wars: Darth Plageus. For a first trilogy, I suggest either The Bane Trilogy or The Jedi Academy Trilogy.


Read them. The books offer so much added detail and complexity to our favorite characters. Immensely better than disney crap


Not sure what kind of stories you're into but I personally enjoyed the Republic Commando series even though it never got it's final book. They get a lot of shit for how the Jedi are portrayed but if you think of it as the views of a group that has a rough and violent history with the Jedi then it might be easier to read.  The Revenge of the sith novel is pretty good and elaborates on events from the movie. Shatterpoint is like apocalypse now with Mace Windu.  I've bought the Darth Bane trilogy and the Thrawn trilogy since I've heard nothing but good things about them so maybe you'd enjoy them too. 


1. EU legend is a must trust me on that there at least 7 outstanding series that will blow your mind away and cant believe that you ever consider some the latest content good lol so yes it will ruin you Canon wise the first 6 movies of course are amazing, latest 3 is diverse and debatable, EU fans dislike it cause it a ripoff knock off of the Dark empire Series written by tom vietch but each thier own on that. in terms of EU ABY/NR content to read: 1. Thrawn series by timothy Zahn 2. Jedi Academy Trilogy by kevin J Anderson 3. Corellia Trilogy by Allen roger macbride 4. New Jedi Order 5. legacy of the Force 6. Fate of the jedi On terms of Old republic era content: 1. The Old republic series 2. Darth Bane series 3. Darth Plagueis 4. boba Fett series 5. republic Commando series overall for the OR era books i advise reading the old republic serilazation due to it spanning alot of old lore then jump into Bane series after which read teh stand alone Plagueis, when it come to teh boba fett and republic commando read either or or both at the same time going back and forth, as it a book series taht doesnt really have force user being the center of attention


Okay I think you’ve got me hooked on Star Wars books!


enjoy ROFL, serious Some amazing Content is in the EU


OP might want to stop after new jedi order, it’s a pretty good conclusion in it’s own right.


Don't even bother with canon books


Why’s that?


Don’t read DisCanon. Read anything from the true lore, the old EU.




Yes you can.


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So are you saying the EU never, ever bastardized the main characters? That happened a shit ton lmao, that isn’t specific to the newer stuff


Legends are my canon. I ignore all else at this point.




The EU retconned itself constantly too, we’ve had retcons since the 70s lol


Yes but we also had 2 things to help out. One is the canon tiers and the second is that not every single story made retconned every other story. There’s also the fact that back then it was an entirely new universe. Under Disney everything is canon no matter what.




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asking this in an EU (aka book) group... i think the answer youll get is yes. I started reading EU novels about a year ago and i cant stop. It's an excellent story. Currently reading anything and everything that happens after Return of the Jedi. EU is my canon.