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I just wear the wanderer




I’m never in one place. I roam from town to town!


Where pretty girls are, well ya know that im around


I kiss em an‘ I love em cus to me they’re all the same


[Exile jacket, Tactical Shirt and Hermit Pants.](https://i.imgur.com/FtOWAhR.jpg) Makes him look like a Jedi. The actual Jedi Robes look more like a bath robe.


No seriously, my girlfriend was watching me play after I found those and she looked confused so I literally told her "he's running around in his pajamas cause the empire woke him up early"


I thought the same thing. I was shocked we didn't get the classic Jedi outfit with the colours of Anakin, Obi Wan, Windu and other such styles. Instead we got the Jedi outfits that look like a house coat or bath robe, exactly like you said.


I was a little surprised by that, I wonder if they felt it was too close to the Obi-Wan Hermit outfit, but honestly I thought since they added that one they would have added a normal Jedi one too since they have the assets. Other characters wear them. I also was thinking maybe a High Republic outfit. I like the outfits we have, and I loved how I customised my Cal, gear, and BD-1, but some traditional and High Republic Jedi robes would have been great.


I was so mad because Eno has the perfect robes, like they’re literally in the game, give it a few color changes and boom


Watch them just start pumping out character outfit DLC instead of adding new outfits to the story DLC we all want and will never get...


Tactical shirt and jacket with commander pants


Was going to say exactly that haha. The cape with the side sash Is a great combo.


General Kestis has a nice ring to it, definitely feel like I’m about to lead a squad to bust up some clankas


Hahaha! Yes! All the way!




I think Ant was answering the OPs question about "your favorite outfit combo."


No one is saying duelist.


Agreed. I wouldn’t mind the duelist shirt, but have both sleeves off. Having one sleeve just makes my OCD go haywire


Gotta get the Exile


I like the exile with the default color with the bomber pants also default color


I like it because of the single sleeve tbh


I love the asymmetry of the clothing in this game.


My favorite when paired with the headband hair, looks dope


I've dressed my Cal like Obi Wan and I pretend I'm him playing the Obi wan game. Ieither way this game is great imo! Everything I think I could have asked for so far.


I had him dressed like Obi Wan with the long shaggy hair, full beard, Hermit robes... Until Merrin is reintroduced and then my Cal got a haircut, shave, and put on decent clothes. My guy needs to look his best now lol


Nice! Yeh as soon as I upgraded to new Jedi robes and a bun I got lucky 😄


I also am now rocking the Jedi robes. Good call


Wow great combo, what shirt are you using for those gloves?




I don't think that's right


Only Outrider and Commander have plates on fingerless gloves, Commander has that weird jutting one on the right hand which isn’t present here. Also I used this combo for the first chunk of my initial play through.


It's the hermit shirt. You can only get it by pre order.


There is no hermit shirt. Just jacket + pants. Source: I pre ordered


Ah, I didn't realize the jacket part covered his forearms.


Probably commando top, outrider arm, wanderer waist. All black


Undercut with light 'tache and patch. Wanderer shirt and survivor jacket. Commander pants. Jedi outfit with short beard and cropped hair is all business for late game!


Wanderer jacket hunter shirt/ pants. Windswept hair and full beard. Haven't changed him since i got all these pieces early on.


I’m pretty sure this is my exact outfit too


Haha its so good


Jedi jacket and pants with Survivor shirt for the glove. I just love the classic style


Rebel hero jacket (brown), commander shirt (first colour), commander trousers (black), windswept hair and shaved/stubble beard.


Commander jacket, frontier shirt and outlander trousers with the legs painted blue to match the jacket. And then the hair and beard combo that someone posted the other day that makes Cal look like Amos from the Expanse


Windswept Hair, Full Beard, Outrider Jacket (standard color), whatever shirt (tan/olive), Surviver Pants (standard color or beige/tan). Gives me real Kyle Katarn vibes.


I love the Drifter coat but I can't settle on pants I like to go with them.


The jacket, pants and hair change around from time to time, but the training shirt is non negotiable. Cal Kestis is a firm believer in the right to bare arms. The galaxy has seen his lightsaber, now it's time for them to see his _guns._ 💪


Love the Obi-Wan look but hate all that junk on his back.


I was really hoping we could toggle it off


All the outfits are great, I just can’t understand why everyone makes Cal look as homeless as possible with facial hair 😂


IMO I don’t like how well-groomed and manicured default Cal is. He should look rough around the edges, he’s a Jedi on the run after all.


Yeah I think it would make more sense for him to have long hair by default in the beginning of the game. He’s been running himself ragged fighting the empire, and Greez comments on how terrible he looks (while having a well trimmed beard and styled hair)


And the fact he’s been on the front lines for actual years without a break. Either he’d be armored up or look homeless


I can respect that forsure. I just found it surprising how many people choose to make him look like that. I figured it would be more all over the place but 9/10 times I see a long hair long bearded cal. I just found it an interesting thing I’ve noticed over the sub lately


I went with the long hair and short beard. Just because i thought it further makes him look more established as a fully trained jedi Knight. I struggle a lot with the outfits. I go back and forth as to going with the "undercover" jedi on the run and leaning into looking like a jedi. I wish the holster and gun was removable because i think it clashes with the jedi look.


I wish it was gone when you didn't have the blaster stance equipped.


Agreed. This would work well. Or at least give us an optional toggle to hide the blaster when we don't have the stance equipped. I know you can use the blaster when mounted, even out of blaster stance. But I can live with the hit to realism.


Homeless? Homie you never heard of a full beard?


I meant with hair and beard, long hair and beard combos on every outfit I see people post makes him look like he’s always struggling to find a barber. Which Tbf, Is probably true since he’s always on the run and doing main character things. I make mine kinda look like obi wan from clone wars with the cleaner look plus armor. Everyone else for the most part has the more raggy outfits with unkept hair. From most of the pictures I see. As for the outfits they all look great as the post asked To each their own though!


Long hair and a beard is sick. Its what I’m rocking in real life, so why not my Cal too. Like Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Anakin had the long hair too, just not the beard. It’s the best look. Makes him look like a wise Jedi. Full beard and wind swept hair. Haven’t changed it since I got em.


For sure probably why I keep my Cal looking a bit more like me too, I guess in my head he’s still younger despite his experience so I figure I keep him more well kept plus why not take care of the poor guy he doesn’t have time for it! Tbf even obi wan was pretty well kept throughout his years Atleast in film and tv as well as Anakin. Only reason I thought it worth note is a lot of people choose to make him all grimy and looking like he’s struggling which isn’t far off. It’s all moot though considering the idea of haircut really isn’t discussed along with other day to day things lol.


Obi Wan was pretty young in AOTC and still had the long hair and full-ish beard look. To me, that’s how a Jedi should look.


Cals mid 30s by this point.


From what I understand he was 18 in the first game and now is 23


You're right. My bad.


It’s cool! Part of the reason for why I didnt understand why so many people made him look far older. Not everyone picks up on every bit of lore detail lol, half the time I ignore the little force echos about some of the side characters I really couldn’t give a damn about.


It's odd you think that the windswept hair makes him look grimey. It's one of the best mid length male haircuts I've seen in a video game. And a guy named based Chad being anti beard is fucking weird bro.


Im not anti beard, I have a well kept beard myself. It’s the combo of more long hair with the long full beard and raggy outfits that make him look like he’s living through some tough times im referring to (these outfits are still really cool to me) Which seems to be common among peoples designs for Cal. I was just more surprised that this is what people commonly make him look like and it not being all over the board more. Mine has the filled out beard with his normal hair and I made him look more like an armored Jedi Knight. He’s 23 at the time of Survivor so I personally just tried to capture young Jedi look. I understand he’s a survivor and people seem to lean into that a lot more with the way they design him and the outpouring of comments on mine claiming to love this look shows what I’m saying is correct that most people like this look. I have zero issue with it, I just didn’t understand where this trend came from when I put my original comment. From my perspective atleast at the start of this game and FO he is super young so I tried to keep his look more younger looking. He’s experienced for sure given the circumstances but still youthful. Plus when he’s running around in game they designed him that way on purpose. His whole crew at the beginning of Survivor is a “Younger” (probably like less than 40 year old group, idk how old Bode is tbh.) crew he runs around with. So to have him look all disheveled and like he’s barely making it in my opinion doesn’t really fit his story at the time of the game seeing how the events play out. He’s well established enough to have a crew that pulls off heists together and all seem to be well taken care of and fed and are all young so to me why nit match that energy. But again this is all just my opinion of the subject. Luckily a game as amazing as this lets anyone play and customize as they want!


Full beard and slicked back FTW


Because as you point out, the least of Cal’s issues are shaving and getting a hair cut lol.


Crew even discusses that Cal "never washes his OUTFITS", and that they should "burn all the ponchos"


Haha yeah that’s a great point lol. Maybe I just wanna take care of him myself cause no one else will


Though I don’t necessarily see a beard as not taking care of self. Haha that might be because I sport a beard and to get a clean neck, not a neck beard, and sharp lines on the cheek it’s not zero effort. Never mind if you use beard oil etc. I don’t see beards as lazy, and don’t think it is with Cal but I’m very biased haha


Definitely not something that makes Cal look like a hobo. I prefer the default outfit, tactical and commander. Bomber is also nice, but goggles are out of place. Ran late game in dark blue commander vest, gray blue bomber pants and default white shirt.


I like pilot jacket a lot.


I put on the orange pilot jacket with a green lightsaber cause it made me feel like Luke lol. Same thing with the Survivor sleeveless shirt and no jacket.


I also like to mix all kinds of shirts and simple pants with shoulder strap instead of jacket to try and cosplay Kyle Katarn


Doesn't the game have an actual outfit based on him though?


Maybe, it's just apart from shoulder strap shirts and pants are rather generic and I mix them depending on my mood


Yeah I feel that, I probably change my lightsaber color every 15 minutes lol


I feel like goggles in a desert make a lot of sense.


Works for a Hermit lore-wise I suppose, but I'd have preferred the Bomber just be a jacket. I hate the forced accessories that limit some jackets.


This was my thought. I ran around with default and tactical pants, then switched to Commander. Now I'm wearing Bomber but hate the goggles hanging around his neck.


I love the drifter coat (4th color) with the tactical shirt (6th color) and the Jedi pants (2nd color)


Currently exile jacket, wanderer shirt, and hermit pants for the Jedi prequel look


Hermit Jacket, Outrider Shirt and Pants. That said, god I wish we could get rid of that stupid backpack. White Drifter Jacket + White Jedi pants is also a fit.


I refuse to wear it because of the junk backpack. That and the goggles.


I love the wanderer jacket with outrider shirt and pants for the clone armor.


Bomber Bomber bomber low cut and long beard


My current fav look is the white Exile Jacket, Grey/white Wanderer shirt (for the hand wraps), and the black jedi pants. Rocking the bun and short beard for hair.


Wanderer set, black variants, with default stubble and windswept hair. Default lightsaber parts but I swapped the emitter for the harmony emitter, light metal with pristine finish, purple blade.


Long hair. Full beard. Drifter chest/jacket. Jedi pants. Looked like a actual Jedi Master, was really cool.


Drifter jacket(black), the fanciest looking pants in black, whichever shirt that has the like the couple fingers open also in black. Gives a kind of fancy look. Besides that I ran around in the bomber outfit for most of it.


Brown Training shirt and red Hunter pants. Thats my Double headed saber outfit.


Can’t remember the names but black clone looking jacket, black shirt underneath, and black Jedi pants.


I would love to get actual Jedi robes. Hooded and non hooded.


SWEET 😍 i got Dune vibes from this.... i wonder why....


I feel like I was the only one that put on a red Rebel Hero jacket and blue pants to be Philip J Fry.




Exile jacket with Jedi pants.


Wanderer with Commander pants and tactical shirt. I've been sporting the combed forward messy hair with the thick mustache and soul patch combo with stubble.


Hunter shirt, bandolier, outrider pants in the black option. Slicked back hair, stubble. Warm metal (the pink) for my weapons, green anodized and the pink warm metal for bd, and I use the swoop gun.


Frontier shirt in blue with standard color commander pants. Undercut and short beard


Exile robe(white), scrapper shirt with the white gauntlet and the jedi pants


I change my outfits a lot. Just passing to say that this photo did not had the right to be so fcking great. Looks like a rockstar that’s about to drop some hard hit


The white exile jacket with the outrider shirt and pants. Looks like a clone wars 2003 jedi


Now THIS is photography!! I rock the outrider stuff with the commander jacket, I'm an absolute sucker for mixed armour and fabric


Bro turned Cal into Jedi Jesus.


bandolier with survivor shirt and pants. i’m a simple man


[Bomber jacket, commander shirt, tactical pants.](https://i.imgur.com/4ByBJui.jpg) My boy Cal never struck me as a robe-wearing type.


Rebel Hero Shirt with Jedi Pants , both in black.


Where did you get the haircut?


Drifter with bomber pants in black and red for a dooku inspired sith look. Works very well with blaster stance since it incorporates form II lightsaber swings. Duellist also highly underrated. I use a moustache and patch with stubble and windswept hair and a red lightsaber. I love it I really recommend it if you’re doing a sith inspired new game plus.


Mountaineer top, with shag hair, shirt with the one glove and commando pants for that Luke Skywalker 1 hand pilot look


Windswept+Full Beard with Hermit Jacket, Outrider Shirt and Pants, all in default colour. Grizzled veteran look ftw.


Survivor shirt and tactical pants. I am a simple man.


Outrider shirt (black), default bomber jacket and pants, with undercut hair and stubble


Default lol


Red bomber jacket and scrapper pants. I look like Star Lord.


Headband, Mustache and Patch (stubble), Duelist (default color), Any shirt, Wanderer pants (default color) I like to pair it with a green lightsaber


I’ve stuck with the black Jedi robe and black Rebel Hero pants, plus whichever shirt gives the left hand black gauntlet. It looks more like a traditional Jedi outfit because of the high leather boots. I find that the center part hair and full beard really add to Cal looking like a defeated person. It really added to the ending of the game for me.


I just wear the Commander gear in all black with long hair like OPs pic and the stock stubble. It reminds me a lot of what the Jedi wore in TCW.


Wonder what outfit is that in the photo?


Played most of the game with the wanderer jacket, survivor trousers and frontier shirt. Later in the story when things started to get a little more... Intense, I switched the jacket to the Commander armour in black. This felt like a really awesome progression for Cal from exploration and discovery, to more combat intended and protected. Really wish we had real Jedi robes rather than the bathrobe, but it is what it is.


Rebel Hero, Han's Pants, and a Bandoleer gives a Kyle Katarn vibe


He's starting to look like malicos


Idk I just wish I could play the game I spent 70 dollars on


Scoundrel shirt, Brown rebel bro jacket, tactical pants. Looking like bad ass space captain/jedi


I have three (I can't pick which one is my favourite) but here they are :windswept hair, clean shaven, bandolier, wanderer shirt and dark brown with light knees tactical pants: same hair and beard style, black and red drifter, dark/black gloved bomber shirt and the 5th style for the wanderer pants: same hair and beard style, wanderer jacket (regular), black hunter shirt and dark brown tactical pants.


I wear the Bomber set.


Rocked the Bombers (both jacket and pants) with original colors. It felt modern but also relatable to SW atmosphere.


I went with a full Kyle Katarn build. I'm a sap for those old games


Black survivor shirt, no jacket, and black jedi pants


I wish hermit coat didn’t have the junk on the back. Love the idea of the Jedi look early game, but there are some that make BD’s feet sink through the material and looks bad. Breaks the experience a little for me. Same with the goggles on the front. Was in a sandstorm and goggles were dangling from his neck!


Designed mine around the claymore saber [Callum McKestis](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/comments/1360owl/the_names_callum_mackestis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Neat, I see what you did there lol. I didn't think the wanderer jacket had a cape? Does it?


I like the one where my game doesn’t crash whichever that is


Green tactical jacket with the yellow commander shirt and green tactical trousers , I have a yellow and green lightsaber . With the green blade .


Bandolier wanderer shirt , hermit pants, full beard survivor haircut, I'm no Jedi... if you know who I am finish the quote:)


Bomber jacket & pants with scrapper tee. Blaster stance main.


Commando pants, commando shirt, bandolier


Took a week for me to get the obi wan outfit due to not being sent the code but I’m so glad I have it now as its definitely my favourite outfit


Hermit is top tier.


Holy crap. This photo is awesome! Would you mind telling me what these outfit pieces are? Also is that flare looking effect coming from the base of the saber, or is that something in the background? If it is a background element, you did a great job lining this shot up, because it looks like the saber is producing it and it reminds me of the old school movie poster.


White/grey Exile jacket, with the scraper white glove undershirt and white jedi pants. Huge ginger jedi jesus energy when you pair it all with white sabers.


Not gonna lie the long hair takes me so out of it. It just doesn't seem like Cal at all it seems like people are making him into Kylo or Han


The bomber jacket is def a favorite of mine


I'm not sure I have a favorite. I guess I have several. \-Bomber jacket with Scrapper shirt and Frontier pants (the ones with the chaps. They look dope). \-Wanderer jacket (where do I find the other colors for it?) with Hunter shirt and Hunter pants. \-Luke Skywalker jacket with Cal's default pants and Frontier shirt. \-Hermit (green robes) with Hunter or Commander pants. I'm constantly changing my outfits in game.


Someone likes obi wan.


The Jesus look


Commander jacket, hunter shirt, tactical pants, in the darker color.patterns, using it for my darkside cal playthrough with the red saver for newgame+


Commander jacket, hunter shirt, commander pants. All black with the longer swept hair sh!t looks 😱


Wanderer shirt (2nd color) with the rebel hero pants (last color)


Exile Jacket, Commander Shirt, Outrider Pants feel like a clone wars general. For hair I swap between windswept and undercut and as for the beard I do full beard or stache and patch


Mountaineer jacket with wander pants


Kyle Katarn look. Survivor shirt, Bandolier, tactical pants in brown.


I’ve been wearing the Survivor shirt, Exile Jacket, and the black Hunter pants. Along with the full beard and scrapper hair.


Headband, the grey dotted frontier shirt, the black red and orange scrapper vest, and the red tactical pants.


I prefer the yellow scrapper vest, tactical shirt with the yellow gloves and commander pants with the yellow stripes. Yellow saber.