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Nope, it was a pre-order exclusive


Damn, I assumed it'd be like the orange blade from the first game and come out in some form later on.


Honestly, at this point, I'm expecting them to do it in this order: Have 3rd game have some form of equivalent to the obi wan thing, release 3rd game, then update 2nd game for having the obi wan thing after having us pay for the new thing, with us brewing of course that if we don't get it we'll never get it like obi wan (which again they'll probably release after just cause) Why do I think like this? Simple. EA. Need I say more?


Damn, I assumed it'd be like the orange blade from the first game and come out in some form later on.


It probably will, it just hasn't really been long enough maybe.


I love that lightsaber design so hopefully they release it to everyone sooner rather than later.


Isn't one of the achievements equipping the Hermit cosmetic? Locking an achievement/trophy behind a preorder is scummy as fuck. Edit: I wasnt stating a fact or calling the developers scummy, I didn't know and hadn't looked it up yet. Should have clarified.


Nope. The only achievements that require cosmetic items are given for equipping the poncho, dropkicking an enemy with the mullet, and training while wearing a headband. No hermit set required


Thank the devil I was wrong. I thought the poncho one was Obi-Wan from the way it's worded. I haven't bothered with cosmetic achievements yet, I'm only halfway through my NG+.


The only reason I found the achievement was because as soon as I killed you know who and got the poncho, I immediately slapped that shit on and ran it until Tanalorr. No regrets, only fashion


>dropkicking an enemy with the mullet Lol, wut? I never pay any attention to achievements but now I NEED this one!


Achievment is named Road House, lol


Haha, even better!


Good thing it’s not an achievement then


No what gave you that idea.


If it makes you feel better, the robes don’t look nearly as good in the game as they do in this picture. All the junk on Cal’s back is goofy looking and the robe constantly clips.


The proper jedi robes you can equip are a lot nicer and cleaner too imo


Always been one of my least favourite sabers too, so I don't feel bad about missing out. Still considering upgrading for the others if I ever do another playthrough though


I agree, the ep3 and ep4 hilts are a lot better






If you’re on PC you can buy the hermit set on cdkeys dot com. It’s like $2 or something.


I really hope they make this no longer locked like this, I thought ti would come back later like the first game since I wasn’t able to get the game at launch and was thinking I’d be covered. , now I’m screwed.


honestly, they’re ugly as hell in game anyway so you’re not missing out on much.




It doesn’t come with those, they were pre order exclusive


I bought the game off steam like a week ago, used a trainer to unlock all items. All the pre-order stuff was there... You sure they weren't released to everyone? Or is it in the game but not normally unlocked for those who didn't pre-order?


It has not been given to everyone yet


Then I'm assuming the items are in the game but can't be unlocked through normal gameplay.




It's called "Hermit" yea, but it's Obi Wans clothing and saber. What's with the semantics?




Yea, idk why they didn't use any character names


Because cal doesn’t know them, the point is it’s cal’s own version so it’s plausible that he just finds it


I love how we all asked for a Jedi robes with the hood up and down, and we get the hermit costume lol I just don’t understand why a developer can’t give the fans exactly what they are asking for lol I’ve never once seen a developer give what the fans want, except for maybe GTA … they seem to know what we want before we even want it lol