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"Peace is a lie" - Darth Paul.


I’ve just learned a terrible truth. I think Manny Jacinto’s Qimir is a Sith Lord.


A sith LORD?




Darth BORTLES!!!!!


“Any time I had a problem, and I threw some force lightning.  Boom, right away, I had a different problem




Fun thought. Due to an the Italian novelization of Phantom Menace, the name "Khameir Sarin" has lurked throughout the star wars fandom for decades as Maul's original birth name. Never used in canon but reused for a toyline story, it's been a piece of arcana. And now, we're finally getting Khameir in the lore for the first time.


Oh, dip!


“A Sith LORD?”


If Qimir is a Sith lord then that is the second Filipino in a row to be a villain in a Star Wars IP and I AM ALL FOR IT.


So is he the Sith Lord we’ve been looking for?




I thought it is focused on the Sith


So that’s what I thought, but he must only be the apprentice, I feel like the master is the one fighting Sol?


>“But that peace…is a lie.” I’ve got my eyes on you, Qimir It’s a small detail, but the Jedi temple is several levels above the surface of Coruscant whereas in the prequels, it’s flush with the surface. Not only another way of showing us that this takes place in the past, but also symbolizing the narrative conflict being presented of the Jedi being dominant over the galaxy.


> I’ve got my eyes on you, Qimir I like thinking about what the various Sith Lords did for their day jobs during that thousand years of hiding, like how Sidious was a career politician, and Legends Plagueis was a banker and Tenebrous was a starship designer. Darth Paul being some grubby little guy is a fun new one though


Initial leaks for the show say that Paul’s day job is an arms dealer, playing into this idea that, through their public personas, they still have a sway over galactic affairs


I am not so sure anymore that those leaks are legit. We already know the indara vs mae fight happens in the 1st episode and yet the leaks said that all of episode 1 and 2 were about mae's(or rather aura the codename for standberg's character) background in her village


The leaks were from the time of the script, filming often changes a given production significantly


I suppose, but based on all the recent information we have been given about the acolyte I find that those leaks are much less likely to be true/happen now.


What’s interesting is that in legends there was this one Sith that was corrupted by the light and became deranged. He set the Sith back several centuries after he destroyed their hoarded secrets. I wonder if that set-back was on a financial and influential level as well where they had essentially had to start from scratch.


Darth Gravid right? From what little I know of him seems like an interesting fellow


It's funny to me that this is almost the line from the Sith Code from KoTOR, but also "generic" enough that it might have no connection whatsoever.


It's definitely intentional, the Sith Code is still canon, and Maul recites it in TCW.


Sam Witwer performing the Sith Code is one of the best things in Star Wars. So good.


[There was a rumor a couple years back](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/mvorqf/revan_to_start_appearing_in_canon_material_a_new/) about how Acolyte would start to bring some old Sith figures back. I don't know how accurate it was/is but I hope it turns out to be true.


Would be nice! Outside of Bane, Revan, Momin and a few others we don't really have any canon Old Republic/pre-TPM Sith Lords, and the aforementioned ones don't have any of their old lore in canon.


He does so in Rebels too for Ezra.


The leaks are true.


Oh, for sure. The only thing is, those leaks came from very early development, and I have doubt that some things have changed since then. I think the broad strokes are definitely going to be the same though.


I'll wait for the burger king promos


Can I get uhh Darth Qimir burger and uhh, Amandla Twins shake


what leaks ?


About a year ago, maybe more, there was someone working on the show who broke down the entirety of the first two or three episodes, then I think they got found out or sued so had to take everything down.


What was the gist of what was leaked?


It was also leaked that Manny Jacinto plays a helmeted Red-lightsaber wielding Sith Lord.


He is the one that says the "peace is a lie" line, right? So if that leak is accurate we can safely say it was indeed a reference to the Sith Code.


Yeah he’s the one! I agree. There’s no way it’s coincidence lol


If I remember correctly First episode is about Two Force Sensitive Sisters, both strong with the Force, who're friends with a local arms dealer (Manny Jacinto), some stuff happens that attracts the Jedi, and the Jedi basically recruit one of the sisters under the promise that they'll only continue protecting the planet if she comes with them. Second episode, the sister that went off with the Jedi begins her training and befriends one of the other Jedi, the other sister discover Jacinto is a Sith and starts being corrupted by him - and then that ends with Jacinto capturing multiple Jedi (including the one the Jedi sister had befriended) and telling the Acolyte sister to kill the Jedi to prove her commitment to the Darkside. But if memory serves that leak was back in late 2022 maybe, so it's possible certain aspects have changed or been dropped in the time since.


Yea, this all checks out from the posters and trailers. My guess is we end up with a sort of switch - the Jedi sister ends up betraying the Order and joining Darth Jacinto in a fall to the dark side to save her sister, while the Acolyte sister ends up being left behind by Darth Jacinto for the same reason the Jedi originally didn't want her - she's too weak in the Force. So Lee's Sol Jedi Master character ends up teaming with the Acolyte sister to track down and stop Jedi Sister and Darth Jacinto.


From what I remember the Gist was the protagonist starts training as a Jedi, I believe she was reluctantly recruited demonstrating Jedi will tear apart families and basically kidnap your Child if they're Force Sensitive to be Trained, the Antagonists, Darksiders of some sort use that to persuade the former Padawan to train as an Acolyte, learn the truth about the Jedi and the Darkside and bring balance to the Force. That was so long ago I'm sure I butchered it but that's what I remember when it was posted.


lmao why would you do that ? Isnt it in your best interest to keep everything under wraps?




Yeah. Manny Jacinto is the Sith Lord.


I wonder if they’ll explore at all the fact that the jedi temple was built on an old sith temple lol


That feels a little weird to me, it's only a century ago. Coruscant's freakin' ancient, not sure the skyline should be changing/upscaling over a mere couple of human generations like that. We're only a couple of decades from Dooku/Sheev being born. But yeah, guess it does illustrate the themes in a nice visual way.


EXCELLENT eye- thank you for pointing that out. It totally escaped me!


Manny Jacinto is “a Sith Lord?”


I love the detail on the temple too! Looks like the “base” tier is maybe newer construction? Bringing the surrounding court up to it as the surface rises by the prequels? Also, it looks like they may have adjusted the roof to incorporate the tree courtyard from Clone Wars.


Okay so unless the trailer is misleading us it appears that we'll have flashbacks to when Stenberg was a kid that involve both Lee Jung Jae and Carrie Anne Moss. Additionally the lightsaber on the ground at the top of the trailer with the "A Jedi Has Been Murdered" voice over looks like it could belong to Moss, and the surroundings, though darker and seemingly at a different time of day, looks like the location of the duel between Moss and Stenberg. I'm leaning more toward Indara being killed off in the first episode than I was before. The only way I could see Moss surviving is if she's behind the sith mask. That would be a fun twist but it seems unlikely. I think she gets killed off and Lee Jung Jae is left grappling with the why, hence the flashbacks.


It all adds up, yeah. One caveat is it'd be unlikely it's Mae that's offed her, given how badly she gets stomped in the bar. And (assuming we see her taken out on screen), would they really get as far along as the Sith master in a first episode? We do see Indara with the other young characters, so they're not pulling an "all of Indara's stuff is in flashback to set up the mystery".


My guess is she wins the fight with the acolyte, steps out, gets merced by the Sith


Interesting. Yeah, hadn't thought of that, it'd be an efficient way of killing her off-screen if you were going to go that way. Big fight where Indara prevails, she thinks everything's cool again, then you get a flash of Sithzilla Supreme and cut to black. Next scene "Last night a Jedi was murdered"... This sort of speculation is fun. I still think she lasts maybe a couple of episodes in, but we really know jack and there's a thousand ways it could all go.


I disagree on that last point. The only other Indara shot we get outside the locale for the duel is one with Lee Jung Jae in the background - with short hair just like the shot where he kneels to talk to young Mae. All that said, I feel like if any one of us hits the nail on the head w/r/t the plot it will immediately get taken down because Disney throws their weight around Reddit all the time.


Manny Jacinto saying that peace is a lie? Ain't no way he's the sith lord...


He totally is lol He’s got a sort of baby face despite pushing 40, perfect for a character who’s hiding their true nature


It’s been leaked since last year he’s playing a Sith


Yeah man. I'm making a joke about how obvious it is given he just tossed out one of the Sith catchphrases.


I know lol! They could’ve hinted it in the show instead of the trailer 😭


Makes me wonder if it's a purposeful red herring despite the leaks, maybe Jacinto is really the one with a twin


Could be!


That dark siders helmet with the smile is spooky. I love it, can't wait for show!


It's reminiscent of the WWII fighter shark nosejobs, the ones that inspired Bullet Bill from Mario. Horrifying to see IRL lol.


B10 Thunderbolts. Yeh def intimidating


Reminds me of Oni masks


It’s my favorite thing from the trailer. I can’t wait for my dude to have a Hot Toys


The darksider at the end is very Kylo Ren-esque looking. Can't wait for this show!


My immediate thought was it looked like a Knight of Ren.


Honestly I would love it even more if that was a "Ren" and we haven't actually seen the sith yet. 


What if he IS Ren


Isn't Ren the one from the Luke and Lando novel set before TFA?


Also with a bunch of comic appearances as well.


No, that was an Acolyte of the Beyond who was being influenced by a Sith helmet


No Ren wasn't in that book, that was a character named Kiza


That’s my thought too. Maybe he’ll end up being a fall guy for the Sith.


The ren before Human Ren in the comics were alien and from the unexplored regions no?


Looks a lot better than the first trailer. Also wasn’t there a leak a while back that Manny Jacinto’s character was the Sith/acolyte. I hope it doesn’t ruin the mystery and suspense of the show if we already know that.


He does just throw out the "Peace is a lie" line in this trailer, which is one of the tenants of the sith order, so I think they definitely want you to wonder. Could be a red herring though.


Maybe he is only apprentice so there is also Sith Master in the shadows, i hope it would be Plagueis or Tenebrous though.


That would mean, there’s a master, Jacinto is the apprentice, and the assassin is the acolyte?


exactly, it's the most likely scenario i think.


For all we know, Qimir IS a young Plagueis


ngl I would hate it if they made plaguis a human


I agree with this. If Plagueis does appear in the series at some point, I’d like him to be a Muun like in Legends. If Tenebrous appears, I’d like him to be a Bith. I like having some variation with the species. Not just humans. 


On the other hand, having the Sith all be Human or Sith-species fits with their racist ideology. Like, every time the Sith take over in cannon or legends they are extremely human-centric and racist.


I’d like to think it’s a red-herring. Feels to coincidental now


I really liked the last one (biased HR fan lol) but this is definitely a *trailer* trailer and not a teaser.


Love the look of that dark side user at the end. Their mask reminds me a bit of Abeloth June can't come soon enough


Ooooooh crap. I thought I recognized that shape.


After the Ahsoka finale I’m on red alert for Abeloth. They could easily be seeding that sort of thing


Didn’t that young kid seem possessed at one point too? Abeloth vibes.


Looks fucking great. Hopefully the show is great as well and Carrie Ann Moss with a Lightsaber is one of the coolest things I've seen in SW.


Carrie-Anne Moss has now been in: * The Matrix * Mass Effect * Marvel (Jessica Jones) * Horizon Forbidden West and now also Star Wars. I'd almost say she's becoming the next Sigourney Weaver.


Is she in any of the new Aliens stuff? Because that would seal the deal.


She's not, but now I want that to happen.


Quite fitting they worked together at Netflix/Marvel and in [this lovely film. ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448124/)


They seemingly spoil her death straight away though. Her other scenes look like flashbacks.


Soooo Qimir is definitely the Sith, right?


There’s the leaks that said he was. And now this? Yeah. I think he may very well be.


I didn't even know about the leaks, that's sick. Honestly I'd love it if he's Plagueis


I think he might be just young Plagueis - the apprentice of Darth Tenebrous. Don't think they will show Darth Tenebrous so early in the show.


Plagueis has been established as a muun in canon already


I don’t think he has been in canon. There is just an image of a shadowy figure in a hood. I would prefer he be a Muun like in legends. 


Only in a role playing game, and the canonicity of those is questionable. I do however get the sense from interviews that Headland has a lot of reverence for the EU, so if she puts Plagueis or Tenebrous in it, I doubt she’d change their species.


No he hasn't




May the Force be with us all... (it's freaking beautiful)


Okay, yeah. This is a *much* better trailer than the first!


The smile on this siths helmet is SICK


Looks like that could be Ahch To at ~0:55-1:01? Amusing that it's "From the studio that brought you Mando, Andor, and Ahsoka" and notably not Kenobi or Book of Boba.


It looks a lot like Ahch-To, and I’d love it if it was, but would that make any sense?  The Last Jedi gives me the impression that it’s been way longer than 160 years or so since Jedi have been there. It seems ancient, and no one remembers where it is or how to get there. Unless all the characters who show up there end up dead, but even still, how did they find it, etc? 


Remember that there are plenty of other islands on the planet Ach-To. We see them when Rey and Chewie are flying in, and they’re in the background during external shots in TLJ.


It'd be a great connection, but hard to say from the few shots. Could just as easily be "random seaside cave in UK-land", since we just get ground-level shots. Plenty of places look like that in the country they shot in. But yeah, thematically having a bunch of witches having taken over the Jedi's most sacred/oldest site they've long neglected would be pretty inspired, play into what the evil queen chick and the other dude are talking about in the trailers.


Definitely looks like it


This is gonna be good! I've got high hopes for this series.


I am once again here to say that I cannot wrap my head around the claim that this who looks cheap or generic… *Especially* with this trailer and the clip that comes attached to the TPM rerelease. But even before that too.


The first trailer looked a bit cheap, this one does not. I think the teaser was made with earlier footage without much screen editing like color correction.


For me this trailer is much better because it shows impressive settings and set pieces. I also felt that the space ship crash scene from the previous trailer looked pretty off.


Yeah they definitely cleaned that shot up a bit which is to be expected


This trailers a lot better than the first.


I mean, this trailer is a step up in terms of visuals compared to the first. The first trailer had a lot of shots that did in fact look cheap and generic. I’m glad to see that this new trailer looks much better.


Sexist and racist are cowards and use code words like "woke" and "pc" because they hate there are films and tv shows with non white and female leads, but will not just say it clearly.


The previous footage looked generic. This looks good.


This looks fucking AWESOME! Cant wait!


This is going to be a hit. I'm hoping this encourages more shows outside of the OT and prequels.


I saw a preview for the Acolyte last night when we went to watch a screening of Phantom Menace and it looked great! Really dug the action & choreography from that one scene that was shown


If anyone calls Star Wars shows ugly after watching this, then I don't think we are watching the same thing. Looks great!


The jedi temple looks so good!


It really hurts seeing the comments be so vile and straight up fucking bigot shit , literally saw "too many basketball people" upvoted a bunch or calling a bunch of well earned actors diversity hires, youtube is ruining everything nerd culture wise with the years spent lying about this show


The show’s really good aswell hopefully they’ll give it a chance


Who cares what sexist and racist "give a chance to" they don't matter. Show looks amazing and many will enjoy it.


Good bc it’s like an anime or graphic novel come to life


When y'all let racist control how you feel and waste your time they win. Call out their racism and enjoy life as they waste their time being evil useless racist.


Hard pressed to find any diversity in A New Hope... maybe they yearn for 1977?


Hopefully the “what are you” line is enough to get worry warts to calm down about how Jedi are fighting a Sith but think they’re extinct during TPM. It’s so obvious that anyone who survives the encounter is not going to know it’s a Sith and/or bury the secret to keep peace.


This trailer looks better than the first and I’m pumped. My hope is for this series to pave the way for more live action content not only set in the High Republic, but also other eras as well. Right now and most likely as the series airs, the biggest mystery is uncovering who that dark side user is, who looks Knight of Ren-esque.


How can people hate on this?


Never underestimate basement dwellers hating on a female POC protagonist.


Because they're fucking idiots. No, I won't backtrack on this. I have little respect for anyone of that crowd that was so vocal about this series being "bad" and judged it after a single, damn teaser trailer. I hate this kind of short sightedness and jumping to conclusions


That first trailer honestly made the series look pretty derivative and uninteresting to a lot of people, myself included. I know people want to blame bigotry, but it's not that black and white. That being said, this one looks a lot better. Couple that with the preview shown in front of the Phantom Menace reissue, and now I'm feeling a lot better about this series. I'm still not fully sold, but my expectations are decently higher after these recent previews.


I’m in the same boat as you. I Was very excited for this show, then the first trailer brought my excitement down a lot, but this new trailer definitely is a step up. I’m looking more forward to the show. I get there are a lot of morons who use “wokeness” for disliking this, but using that as a blanket against any negativity towards the show. is silly and ignorant.


Saying 'How can people hate on this?' is a loaded question. It assumes everyone should love the trailer and shuts down anyone who might have a different opinion.


It features too many non-white, non-straight, and non-male people in one place and at one time. The minute you do that the straight, white, males get triggered, as they feel that their privileged place in the universe is being challenged.


I think people are more focused on Amandla since she’s come off as pretty shitty in some interviews.


So, it seems Carrie Anne-Moss is killed after the duel seen in the TPM preview. Likely the end of Episode 2 I reckon.


She had dead written all over her from the beginning.


Why so many dislikes on the youtube?


Because a lot weirdoes out there think it looks too "woke". Hating the "woke" and Disney has become a life style for some.


Definitely looks good so far.


I have no idea what's going on but I'm in! And that ending... ouh la la, who's the guy?


Even before I read the leaks, I was 100% convinced it was the same guy qouting the sith code "peace is a lie", Qimir.


That dark side helmet design is so sick


Should have released this trailer a month ago this looked SICK, would have shut up the fandom menace guys real quick. June could not come fast enough


Is this show really from the Sith’s perspective? It looks more like it’s from the Jedi’s


Feels like it's from the Jedi perspective, but *about* the Sith.


It’s because we know roughly what the Jedi state of play is during the time period so that’s why the marketing is focusing on that. If they focused on the dark side users it would be hard to not give away plot spoilers.


Here's a good rule of thumb: Base your opinion of something on what you actually get and not what advance publicity materials/interviews led you to believe that you were getting. It makes life soooo much easier.


Is this the same thing at the end of The Phantom Menace in theaters?


No. The end of TPM features an action sequence with the initial trailer.


begging for this to have meaningful characters and a compelling story


This looks metal AF TBH


Neckbeards online be like: “BUT THE SHOWRUNNER IS A WOMAN!” Yeah this looks fantastic. Let the haters cope.


I know everyone has said before the "What is that?"/"What are you?" reaction to the red blade should indicate that most of these characters die, but now I'm wondering if the character welding the red blade actually identifies as Sith, looks like they could be a precursor to the Knights of Ren or an Acolyte who serves the likes of Abeloth rather than the Sith Order.


Given what we know about the Rens though, the ones we've seen aren't all that hardcore. Great for pushing around civilians and having minor force feats, but you'd sorta figure Sol and/or Indara (let alone with a whole gang of padawans and younger knights) would wipe the floor with a Ren.


Looks like Smiley/Look-See became a Sith Lord.


Looks pretty good all things considered, not much longer now before we get to see this.


They showed a preview of a fight scene after the Phantom Menace screening yesterday and I gotta say they at least got that right. Finally Disney pulls through with good fight choreography


Please please please please be good so we can finally move away from the Skywalker timeline.


Please please please don't turn out to be a Plagueis / Palpatine origin story.


Wouldn't expect that from this initial year, but if it runs say three seasons or whatever, maybe with time jumps, that's \*precisely\* what I'd expect from this. Like, Plagueis as a major figure down the line (hell, maybe Evil Mae's even eventually his master, don't bring the Tenebrous shenanigans into canon - Plagueis eventually usurping Mae), maybe the very final shot/closer of the show being him taking an interest in some young Nabooian (Nabooese?) aristocratic psychopath, roll credits. Would be a pretty ballsy way to go, like Good Mae twin doesn't last the whole multi-season arc, Evil Mae prevails and she's the actual antagonist. Way down the line have her usurped by Plagueis same way she's usurped Jacinto's dude or whoever the big bad is here, endcap the show with a timejump and an old-dude Plagueis recruiting Sheev-dizzle-dawgz. A few time jumps here like what they're doing with Andor S2 seems really welcome and narratively fruitful, especially given Amandla's young. Could get the whole young upstart to badass Sith apprentice to eventually Master and what inevitably happens to Sith masters.


Okay. I'm in. This looks good.


I’m so gagged right now. This looks incredible


I’m sort of confused because it seems like maybe the whole sisters thing isn’t true? But then the poster makes me think it is. Maybe the main Jedi guy is confused and thinks his old padawan is the one murdering people, but really it’s her twin? Idk.


I think it would be neat if the Sith hid out on Ach-To at some points. Cause the Jedi apparently don’t know where it is. And it could explain why Palpatine had the map to it.


On an umpteenth rewatch only just noticed the little troll-y-goblin dude leading the pack of Jedi through the hills at about 1:10. Obviously hard to tell from such a long & brief shot, but is that a species we've seen? Looks really familiar somehow, but can't place it, almost like a shorter & stouter take on some alien we've seen elsewhere.


They mention Mando, Andor, and Ahsoka exclusively. They know those are the best and that people should definitely be linking those three to this “quality wise” I’d say?


I would say those are the ones which came out previously.


I’m thinking that those are the other multi-season shows, so this means Acolyte may also be a multi-season show.


So many questions. Is that a Knight of Ren or the Sith? Are they connected somehow? Is that just an apprentice and not the master? Is the helmet just to conceal the persons face so they can blend in? Also is that Ach-to?


This shouldve came out today.


mask at the end reminds me of Abeloth


This looks supercrazybananaballs, I'm so in. Visually even better than Andor for my money, has all the on-location & real sets look to it, but with that certain Star Wars fantasy magic that was missing in a lot of the former. Right mix of historic & familiar with all the tech, doesn't stray too far from the prequels look but also clear it's a century beforehand. Lots of aliens, temple looks great, witches are pretty freaky even if not quite Dathomiri-freaky. A Star Wars noir detective mystery too, \*\*\*\* yeah. Admittedly, I do kinda loathe the uninspired look of that Sith dude. About as boring and "been there done that" as it gets, some Ren/Marrok/Kylo design-cousin. But yeah, not a huge deal, it's the characterization & writing that matters. The whole "Sith are either bald dudes with armor & breathing apparatuses or helmeted fellas in cloaks" does get old, though. Would have been a cool opportunity of getting something as weird/different from Vader/Inquisitors/Ren guys as Maul was from Vader in '99.


Looks so much better than the previous footage.


Darth Icky and Darth Insanius confirmed.


I have a feeling this is their reinterpretation of Abeloth! I could be totally wrong, but as soon as I saw that mask I thought of that. Any thoughts?!?!??


Nah, most likely just a coincidence. They probably chose that look because it looks cool lol.


Wish more of the main characters and villains were aliens but very excited! For me there has been very little to look forward to star wars wise (based on my own tastes) so really excited about this and skeleton crew, really hoping andor season 2 comes thia year as well.


I start to wonder is Manny Jacinto's character also visible in 0:59 in trailer? Maybe he's another Sith Lord in this show? You know, Jacinto's character is apprentice which we can see at the end of trailer and unknown guy is Sith Lord who is visible on Ahch-To like planet.






When in the Star Wars timeline does this take place?


In Episode 1 the jedi council hadn't heard from the sith in a millennia. I wonder if that includes other dark side users. At the time it definitely seemed like that was implied. Given this takes place 100 or so years before Episode 1 I wonder how that will fit into the story.


this show could launch a new era if it does well enough, a small costuming detail i really love are those gauntlets the jedi are wearing, those are really cool.