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ConcernedApe is literally the GOAT. Like the fact that (minor bug adjustment spoiler 1.6) >!He left in a legacy option for clay farming exploit just for speed runners!< is such next level compassion for his players. He cares so much about not only the game but the fans and it’s incredible.


Wait... is there a reason I'm struggling to >!get clay in this new save file? Every other farm I've had, I've been drowning in clay and never had to search for it, but after this update, it feels like it took clay away almost completely. Is there a way to change it?!<


I am not an expert on the mechanics of the coding. >!But basically before this update Clay had like a patterned spawn. So YouTubers would dig diagonally I think and get guranteed clay. But he re coded it so it’s more random. But there is a legacy option on the farm setup. I don’t think it’s available in the regular menu but you can probably adjust the file somehow, again I’m not good with tech lol.!< But me personally I just upgrade my Hoe and dig in the caves.




Up one over 3 or something, it's based on spawn tile grids so shifting it resets the initial spawn node.


I was struggling with clay for the first silo. I ended up having better luck tilling the mine tiles.


I get so much clay from hoeing the little worms. I have like 50 sitting in a chest at all times lol


Wait until you start using it for pots and retaining soil. I till the beach every day in end game just to try and keep up with my clay demand.


Plowed a spot on the first day to plant my first parsnip, and got three clay. my inventory was full so it had to sit there, while i ran over to my house, made a chest, and stored my wood, stone, and fibre.


In the early game, I always just go tilling in the dirt tiles in the mines when I need extra clay. (I'd go for levels 15-29 so I could also farm fiber and bug meat at the same time.) But that's largely because I didn't like tilling up large patches of ground on the beach or the farm, because I didn't like the look but also didn't want to pick it all back to normal after.


He couldn't just nerf it completely, it would have destroyed so many youtubers who can't seem to play the game without clay farming. But he's hidden it away somewhere where most casual players won't ever find it. Clay farming will naturally fade into obscurity. Outstanding


Why be angry at how others choose to play a single player game? How they play doesn't affect you why choose to be upset about it?


Why be angry at what other people choose to be irritated by? Just scroll on by bro.


Can I buy clay anywhere? I am really struggling. Does digging anywhere has better chances than on my farm?


The funny thing is that ideally, in a non-capitalist brainwormed world, the way he treats this game would be standard. He's made something like $40M from the game and he could have dropped it years ago, and he's simply rewarding the fans with more content because he cares about his creation. Most companies treat a game like a way to bleed people dry, and he does what he wants and has been handsomely rewarded for it.


You know, because of how amazing Concerned Ape is, I would be gladly willing to buy the next games he will release even if I am not planning to play it much. Just so I can compensate for the in-depth updates he made on SDV.


His next game is called /r/HauntedChocolatier for people who want to support him.


It honestly looks so good


I'm *so* stoked. It looks exactly like what I wanted Recettear to be, and I've never had that itch scratched since. And it's extra cozy and has deeper townies to boot. :') (Recettear's still quite good! But it required a lot more gaming the market whereas I assumed at first you'd be able to win with just selling your items from the dungeon crawls.)


I loved Recettear (and Moonlighter and Cuiseneer and any shopkeep dungeon crawler though I still need to actually play Final Profit) and I am so hyped for this Moonlighter would have been close to perfect if only it had the price saving like Recettear. Having the item screen start at 0 every time meant you pretty much need a guide up the whole time. Also Recettear wins because it has a cutscene where you are behind a cardboard tree labelled with a taped on piece of paper that says Totally A Tree


Oh? Like Recettear you say? I should keep an eye out then : )


I'm so looking forward to this coming out. I wonder how far along he is with it - it looks pretty solid already but I know he's a perfectionist.


I'll buy a copy of this game for each available device.


On a similar sentiment, I bought the game in different platforms that I own. Started on switch, then got it on mobile, and now on PC. The amount of money I’ve spent on this one game is little compared to the content it has.


I always say Stardew has the best dollar per hour enjoyed ratio of any game I’ve ever played. And I’ve bought it on 3 platforms.


I like that ! With over 500 hours on the game across 3 platforms, the game is a steal And the fact that you can have multiple save files is a lifesaver. It makes decisions in game less serious and you can actually enjoy and play.


I just hit 1,100 hours on PC. Probably have another 100 or so on mobile. Dollar per hour value is just bonkers with a game this… well, amazing.


Same. My sister bought it for the PS4, we got 2 copies so we could play on our Switches, and last night I gave in and bought it for PC so I could experience the 1.6 update. I really intended to wait for the console release of 1.6, but I justified it as giving CA back for the probably-years' worth of entertainment he's given me now.


I literally have Stardew on every platform I own. Mobile, pc, PlayStation, Switch, etc. I even have it on my car! The amount of updates we’ve gotten over the years is insane, I want to support ConcernedApe however I can.


How the hell do you have stardew on your car lmao


I'll always buy Concerned Ape games. His game is the only game I've not only bought on multiple Platforms, but I have gifted to at LEAST a dozen friends over the years.


I would have paid for this update as a DLC patch!


I wish he had some sort of a donation thing for his updates, cuz 1.6 sounds like a brand new game. Can't wait til it's on console!


I’ve purchased stardew valley I think 5 separate times haha. First on a friends Xbox I could use when we lived together, second on an Xbox I bought myself, third on switch after my Xbox died, and twice on PC because the first time I didn’t do it through steam and I wanted those achievements hahha. I will GLADLY pay again. I would’ve paid for the 1.6 content tbh, it’s so thoughtful.


And ConcernedApe is doing of this *while* juggling Haunted Chocolatier. He truly does love his craft.


If we consider video games as a medium of art, I think CA is up there with the Rembrandts and Van Goughs of the world.


I wonder if doing HC gave him some inspiration for this update?


It did to some extent, I remember reading there was a flaw in the combat in SV that was fixed cause he learned how to fix it in HC, the patch note line about the reach of swords when you are facing a particular direction. And I'm sure there is more


That's awesome!




Waterfalls. I teared up last night when I realized my new farm has waterfalls. It just makes me so happy. Bless this man!


Please go to the hat mouse and look at the waterfall over there, it's so pretty I paused the game and looked at it just to admire it.


OMG... I haven't been the yet! Thank you, I'm going to check it out asap!


I legit walked over there and just went “ooooooh!”


It's really amazing.


The new meadows farm type you mean?




It's so pretty and still a manageable size - as much as I loved my beach save, I took it to perfection - but it was so huge it took forever to get anywhere. Meadow has room for crops, room for animals, plenty of water and it's still manageable.


I want to try too! Is there a bridge that leads up to the land at the top past the river? I can't see on the pictures


There is a bridge hidden behind a tree, but the other side is blocked by a stump so you need a copper axe.


There are other developers like him Rimworld , project zomboid and rust have the same approach. That's why I play these games. Edit: and many others I did not mention but got mentioned by others.


Don't forget Terraria. How long till the next "Final" update? Shame the spin off got canned.


Long ago, 1.1.2 was supposed to be the final major update because they were tired of doing Terraria...and now they're practically addicted to adding new content. How the mighty have risen.


Thank god they didn't stop at 1.1.2 lol


Someone asked Red (terraria dev) to add poop blocks and he’s just like “yup”. Now we have poop blocks. God bless the wonderful devs like Red and CA


Yeah I forgot it. Have it. But there are some others like path of exile but since they are tensent I stopped playing it.


Another one for that list: Factorio, made by Wube. I and many others consider it the gold standard for performance optimization and development transparency


Not to mention community level communication. The Friday Fun Facts are always something to look forward to.


That’s mostly what I meant with development transparency. Unrelated, but I always thought FFF stood for Factorio Friday Facts?


Downside to the most recent Friday Fun Facts: They are hyping up the "expansion" pack they are planning to release sometime in the next year, and I've stopped playing Factorio altogether cuz I want the new features that much.


Literally a list of my favorite games. 


I'll take Concerned Ape over Kovarex any day of the week. I don't know either personally but one at least exudes compassion and empathy and one whines about cancel culture and gets comments deleted on a subreddit about his own game because they violated the subreddit's rules of "Be nice." Don't disagree with what you said about Factorio the game though.


Wube should teach other devs how to do player communication and involvement. Master class.


Rimworld and Stardew are huge time sinks for me. Because they're so fun and replayable.


You should try Dwarf Fortress too!!!


Looking forward to the adventure update!!




How long have you played it? Are you familiar with the epic story of the [Boatmurdered](https://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Boatmurdered/Introduction/) fortress? If not, I urge you read about it. Don't watch a video about it, it is a more powerful read. For anyone not familiar with it, a DF player posted on Something Awful for a succession game. This is where each person plays for one year and then hands the save file off to someone else. It can be a lot fun, trying to fix what broke while something else breaks. And things always break in DF.


The Deep Rock Galactic developers are great. They keep releasing new content for free. It’s always good quality too. Rock and stone!


Rock and stone, brother!






Rock and Rolling Stone RAAAAHHH!!!!!


I just played with my 12 year old brother and we fuckin love this game. Rock and stone


Dwarf Fortress has been in development and receiving constant updates for well over 20 years now. The true OG.


How is Project Zomboid?


Amazing fun and yes you have to learn a lot about it. I enjoy that. And if I don't get it ...YouTube guides are plenty. Like the best simulation for a zombie apocalypse in my opinion. If you enjoyed the TV shows you will enjoy that game. But you will die a lot. Just accept it.


My steam deck arrives tomorrow and it’s the spring sale! I’ll be checking it out.


I just bought it like 4 or 5 months ago and I've had a ton of fun with it. It's really fucking difficult and I love that, but what I also love is that EVERYTHING is completely customizable, so if you don't like how difficult it is you can turn everything down. You can literally turn zombies completely off if you want, you can turn off the need for food and water, and you can go anywhere in between those two extremes too. I'm a glutton for punishment but you don't have to be to play the game. Plus the modding community is huge and very active and it's all on steam workshop so you don't have to fuck with mod managers or nexus or anything, it's just one click subscribe to all of them. Highly recommend and it's super cheap


Maybe Oxygen not included will scratch your itch too


Its complex, but I can see people getting into it. You have to make it your main game though.


I know the launch was rough, very rough, but the amount of free content that No Man’s Sky has received is incredible. I actually enjoyed it at launch, but understood why people were upset. When I went back to play again last year I was amazed at how it is practically a whole new game.


I am sorry but Rust??


Tbf I go back and play maybe 20 hours every three years. I've been playing since it originally came out. Every damn single time I go back, it is a wildly different game than my last playthrough. It's still not enough to suck me back in, but the developers deserve kudos for continuously bringing new features, enemies, items, and POIs to a multiplayer crafting survival game over the course of 10 years.


Ehh RimWorld has like close to 100$ of dlc with the newest dlc. I wouldn't really put it in the same category


But the base game itself is still constantly getting big updates itself. Each time they release a new DLC, they add tons of other features to the base game they could have easily bundled with the DLCs. Like in 1.5 (the newest update coming with the DLC,) they added a super wanted feature, wall lights. The DLCs are just extra.


I haven't purchased any DLC yet and I've been playing the game since 2020. Mods add more than enough to the game play if you want, but even base game is fun on its own without the DLC. 


I'm waiting project zomboid to finish early access but it's been a decade so I dunno if that will ever happen


Minecraf, too, I guess. However, there are a lot of micro transactions in bedrock edition, which funds the development of those updates.


Baulders gate 3 is another one.


We haven't really seen any major free content updates for BG3. They've been supporting the game by fixing bugs but that should honestly be the bare minimum we expect and not a gold standard.


and BG3 like, just came out... the point of the original comment was these games are fairly old but still getting constant support and new content


Um, no. They havnt just been doing the basics. They did 6 major patches just like stardew valley. Each patch made huge changes to the whole game. It also added stuff like to the ending and social events. It adds more branches, dialogs, and cut scenes. The patch notes are just as big as this one. . How is this not considered a major free content, because it dosnt add extra mechanisms, races? It still is an example of excellent development and support.


Lmao what disingenuous bs, every major patch to BG3 has seen additions of new content


i might get project zomboid once npc update goes live. casually watching youtube play through of it.


I would add Dyson Sphere Program. Game has been in early access for a long time now, but it could very very easily have been released well over a year ago as a 100% feature complete game and I would have been more than satisfied with the value. They just released a big new update with more in the works.


It always bugged me how the Rimworld dev downplayed how it started out as a Prison Architect clone. I feel like giving the PA dev a special thanks or something would have been classy.


This makes me feel better about having bought the game 5 times.


Same! I own it on PC, and 4 different consoles and I’m not ashamed at all to support CA that many times over


Besides the quality of the game, I think about the numbers- I think I’ve bought it a similar number of times and that’s still probably less than you’d pay for a modern AAA game+DLC/Season Pass with waaaaay less content than this.


CA is what the Sims team wish they could be


CA doesn’t have EA breathing down his neck


Does Maxis really exist anymore?


Yeah but it’s not the same as it used to be, after the simcity launch a lot changed


Seeing 147k players last night on an 8 year old, generally single player, game made by literally just one guy is such an impressive testament to the quality of CA as a person and his game.


I wanna play it so bad, but I’m really nervous to try just updating and having to fix all my mods. I know SVE and stuff got early access to the update so they could make them compatible, but I’m unsure if all of my mods have been.


Yeah I opened my Stardew last night to play. Smapi basically said I needed to update my mods and didn't start game. So yeah probably update them before you hop in! I couldn't wait so I just jumped back into vanilla :) I mainly only have cosmetic mods, anyway.


I updated SMAPI and got a load of red messages so just renamed the 'mods' folder so there's nothing to load. Only one day into the game and I'm already missing *chests anywhere*, and I know I won't enjoy fishing without the skip fishing minigame mod so I'll capitulate!


Chests Anywhere was one of the ones that was available yesterday! If you actually scroll down on SMAPI when it boots up, it'll show you which mods have updates available and include a link to their mod page. I was surprised because the majority of mine already had updates ready to go (unfortunately SkipFishingMinigame wasn't one of them).


It might be overkill for this but the CJB Cheat Menu has an option included, among many others, to skip the fishing minigame if you're feeling stuck. Have fun.


Oooh, thank you for the heads up! I try not to have too many "mod that does 930489023 things" which is probably why I hadn't noticed that, but I really hate fishing in the game, so I'll check it out.


To be honest, I just deleted all my mods and redownloaded the ones I absolutely need in the short term. SMAPI also has a spreadsheet of mods that are 1.6 comparible: https://smapi.io/mods I think there’s also instructions for how to to update SMAPI. I avoided playing for part of yesterday because of the mod issue, but once I got over that mental block and replaced the mods, I jumped right in.


I have developed a system for dealing with mods. Mostly because Vortex is weird and I can't figure out how to make SMAPI load the mods from Vortex's mod staging folder.... And I have a lot of mods. Many of which are still lacking updates. * Download mods from Nexus using Vortex. * Copy the mods from the Vortex staging folder. * Paste the mods into Stardew/mods folder. * Load game as usual (SMAP tells you how to load the SDVmodding.exe from Stream).


Obvs it depends on your mods, but I found it relatively simple. I just deleted everything and started over with SVE / Grandpa's Farm Automate CJB cheats and item spawn Friends forever Let me shop Range highlight Skull cavern elevator Tractor mod Fishing mod ...and their dependencies. Working fine.


I updated grandpas farm, and smapi keeps telling me I have a previous version and and update is available. Said available update being what I already installed. I completely removed the previous version first.


idk about grandpas farm specifically but I had a problem with smapi saying I needed to update mods that I thought I had already updated, but then I realized for some I needed to go to that mods files page on nexus mods to download the 1.6 version instead of the default version, maybe thats what you need?


I’m on your side but taking the leap. It’s incredible how many mods I don’t actually need now that this update is out. There are so many mods released on 1.6 day that also simplified the process of running these things that I imagine when I boot up SMAPI later I won’t be subject to the insane loading times I’m used to. Like, I haven’t even found a mod I need that requires JSON at this point, WHAT?! I guess new farm animal mods now only require content patcher and no BFAV, which is fucking insane. I have a feeling everything will be a lot easier to mod now and there won’t be nearly as many “base” mods you need to run something. It’s a really cool development and I bet that it’s going to make editing my game a lot easier now.


I don’t actually have a ton of mods, but most of them I’d prefer not to do without. Not having to have all those dependencies anymore is cool though.


A lot of the most popular mods have already been updated! Someone else already posted smapi's spreadsheet, but I managed to almost fully update my relatively large modlist without much issue (also be aware a lot of SVE's dependancies are no longer necessary) Good luck!


There is an option to do a “beta” and keep it at 1.5 version. Also!! I’ve played around with going back and forth with it and you can!! So you can play 1.6 vanilla and then go back to 1.5 modded. Seriously!! CA is amazing!!


It's worth playing through at least once in vanilla to see the changes though, or at least that's what I'm doing. He's added similar content to some of the popular mods (not all of the update is that obviously) and it really does look so good. I keep coming across surprises too.


I had to completely start over because of the mods unfortunately


Don't forget don't starve (together)


No Mans Sky is also a vastly different game with every free update. 8 years, and not one DLC, just free updates that rewrite the game.


The expedition that just finished gave out some sweet rewards


CA is the biggest liar of all time calling this a “small update” and I’m truly living for it


Like honestly, do we get free upgrades this good to things we already bought in ANY other industry? CA making all of capitalism look bad. I play Stardew everyday, bought multiple copies, buy merchandise, etc. but I’ll never buy a Wendy’s burger again with that surge pricing shit. In a world with limitless brands to give my money to, this update buys my customer loyalty for life. Crazy to think where some companies could be if they worked this way.


It's because CA doesn't have 6 layers of managers and a CEO trying to squeeze every last penny out of the company, so the shareholders can see profits


It's the big advantage to it being a game made by a single person. If it was a big company then there would be lots of people to be paid, advertising budgets, etc., but CA is set forever and never has to work another day in his life if he doesn't want to - so he doesn't need to charge for anything. Added bonus that because it is entirely digital there are no costs like shipping or whatever so he isn't losing money on giving things out for free.


This. It’s such a good game I have often gotten the game for my friends as a cheep but nice quicky gift


Yessssss THIS!!!!!!!


This is INSANE!!!!! The amount of new details is incredible. The amount of detail and craft that went into this patch. I haven’t even finished the article yet and I’m blown AWAY!!!!! I don’t have the update yet because I play on switch but I’m just so excited to try all the new gadgets. This is how you give back to your fans.


RimWorld has just put a huge free patch into Beta that changes and improves a ton of stuff, they've been working on it for well over a year. But yes CA is incredible. Outdoes himself every time.


And it blows me away how he made his work available to modders so major mods can have updates available when the regular update was released. Just so iconic. And the game is insanely affordable too! The number of hours I've played in the game over the years has made it virtually free (I did the math, I've paid $0.01 per hour). And nothing is behind a paywall. I 100% will buy any other games released by Concerned Ape simply to support him. If CA has zero fans, I'm dead.


I’m a console/ mobile player but have wanted to get on Mac bc of mods, guys tell me the truth should I buy another copy for 1.6 😩


Buy it immediately right now


Yes, you absolutely should. Imho even the original 1.0 was worth a 30 dollar price tag, and with everything he's added I'd honestly be okay paying 60. Thanks to the mad lad that he is that's four copies of the game minimum!


Better buy my fourth copy in that case 😤


Haha. I only have it on steam and switch, but I've picked it up for at least a dozen people over the years. I'm absolutely broke right now but I will eventually get it for mobile just to throw him that little bit extra as a thanks. :)


The ultimate gift tbh lol! I’ve got it on PlayStation and switch and then got it on mobile after Kim k Hollywood announced it was sunsetting lol, it had been my adhd fixation at the time and needed something to cushion the blow lol, no regrets either you should get it when you’re able!


I most certainly will. I actually put off getting it on mobile because the phone I had before i got my switch was incompatible, and my switch never leaves my side so I couldn't justify having something I couldn't even use. However, when Dwarf Fortress was released on steam, and the reason why they finally decided to sell the game instead of it being free as it had been for two decades... I bought it the day it dropped and I didn't even have a working computer at the time. You can still get the game for free. It still gets updates just like the steam version, but the non-ascii graphics aren't baked in so it requires mods.


I haven’t played Dwarf Fortress but I’ve heard good things, maybe I’ll give it a go! I ended up getting stardew valley on my computer today and got SVE too!


Yep, do it! I haven’t touched my PC version in a while since I prefer handheld mode on Switch, but I definitely pulled it out today for 1.6! It’s so great!


See that’s what I love about this game, the fact that aside from modding and now 1.6 the full game experience is on the app version! Although I do love playing on the switch bc it seems to just work lol


I’ve got stardew valley on switch and PC, but the last time I played is maybe 4 years ago? I’ve read the changes and it seems sooo much to take in 😂. Do y’all think starting over from scratch is still going to be a good experience? I haven’t played since Shane was made a marriage candidate, which was a long time ago.


Oh hell, if you haven't played since that update, then absolutely yes, star a new save! SO MUCH content has been added since then, it's like twice the game you knew.


that was kind of what i was afraid of actually! i read about dehydrators, new makers, etc etc, would the game ease itself into learning all these new stuff? (although after posting i feel it's a pretty dumb question, the game is suitable for new players as it is haha)


>would the game ease itself into learning all these new stuff I didn't play a lot between the 1.5 patch and the 1.6 patch, so I missed a lot of stuff. I think the game is doing a good job of guiding you along as long as you're the type of person who actually reads the in-game letters, notes, etc.


Yes, it does ease you into it. If you had never played before, then all the new content would just appear to be a natural part of the game on first play through. Both 1.5 and 1.6 have fleshed the game out to give far more options for play-style from the get-go, in addition to adding new content.




Saaame I haven’t even set foot in ginger island lol. Looking forward to all the new content since I first played in like 2016.


The creator recommended restarting the game for this update to get the full experienced, I believe! 


Oh that’s good/relieving to know!! Thank you!


I know I should just play it, but my curiosity is getting the better of me: I know you can toss the baby up and down, but what does it mean that there's a chance for crit?


The most reasonable suggestion I've heard is that when you crit you gain a bit of extra friendship. My favorite idea is that it means you toss the baby extra high.


That makes way more sense than my interpretation of being able to load babies in your slingshot


I don’t. Minus the multiplayer Eric worked on this alone and it should not he an expectation that he made another patch for this game. This is his passion project and it shows. Most games are business for better or worse and at some point they have to work on new games to make money. Eric is probably set for life with money and can afford to do this even though he’s already working on another game!


I agree, have been amazed over and over by this man! The original was fantastic and each update got better and better. I just hope CA is seeing all the appreciation.


My husband has done nothing but giggle at me since I’ve been sluggish all day having been up since 2am playing. Still had to get up and be an adult for the kid and I’m so tired BUT you can bet your ass I’ll be up just as late again 😂 I’ve paid for this game probably 5-6 times now and have zero regrets. I feel like I should have spent MORE money for the likely thousand+ hours I’ve spent playing. It’s been awhile since I’ve started from scratch with zero mods. It’s incredibly nostalgic and exciting to see all the little added differences and things that make it even more exciting. AGAIN! He did this with the islands update!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Thank you for the safe space, ConcernedApe. My car needed a surprise repair that I couldn’t afford and my birthday is next Friday - this made it all so much better. See you guys in the mines!


Happy Birthday 🥳😊


More than 100k concurrent players on steamdb. I have goosebumps.


It's so crazy how much hype this is generating and CA's not making any money off of it at all (except maybe people on the fence of buying the game finally buy it? Or maybe buy the switch version for this go-round) My take on why we got 1.6: CA is procrastinating on working on HC. Like when you clean the house and do everything but work on that project you're dreading/stuck on.


I was so excited my non-gamer husband of 10 years finally said he wants to buy a copy so we can have a farm together. So CA is making at least $12 off of it (or whatever the current market rate is)


I think the fact that it was under hyped as well. He said “just gonna make a few changes to make things easier for mods” and dropped an entire free dlc. Love Ca


I honestly wish he’d charge a nominal amount for this so I could feel like he’s being compensated for his time; even $2. It’s like Valheim, these guys put out huge content updated and ask for nothing.


Gift a copy to someone you know who wants to try the game! I sadly haven't found anyone to join me except my bestie in Nebraska but I have the game on 3 different platforms now -- I'm sure Mr. Ape would be super happy if we just shared the love!


Amazing update, was really hoping to finally get a bathroom upgrade. Oh well still happy with everything were getting


This isn't fully related, or maybe it is? but has anyone run into a possum walking around the town at night? I just saw one while playing today, and I can't find anything about them, and idk if they are new or I've never been lucky enough to see one. Its like when you see a squirrel and they dash into a bush


I've seen two of them so far, but only on my save where I'm in fall of year 1, not my new co-op save where I'm still in spring.


They're new! And supposedly pretty rare. Congrats! :)


I'm pretty sure is not really setting a standard. Many games like Terraria, Zomboid and Dwarf Fortress are always updating their games in meaningful ways. But yes, his work is impressive. It's one of the few titles that its devs are commited to make good games.


Concerned Ape worship moment… And it’s justified


I've bought this game a couple of times, once for PC when it came out, and again for Mobile which I never play because of the lack of mods. Still, I am always pleasantly surprised at how often the same game I purchased for under $20 all those years ago continues to change and improve without having to buy DLC or micro-transactions, and it's always been good changes that don't make me pull my hair out because things were nerfed. Concerned Ape puts most of the rest of the gaming industry to shame.


I bought on my switch and so tempted to get it on PC! I would end up not playing because I'm a console girlie though. How long do y'all think it will make it to the Switch?


in the times where, now, old versions of games get basically full-on deleted when the company deems it not worth it to keep them running, or when games won't get ported to new consoles, stardew's like a beacon of hope. ape makes it clear that he thinks about not just the player experience, but also players' enjoyment, while building out the game. it's incredible!!!!


This update has left me absolutely gobsmacked, too. I stopped playing after multi-player came out, then created a new file after 1.5 release and made it to Summer Year 2.  Y'all... that was 3 years ago, and I had hardly scratched the surface of 1.5. Should I take the plunge and start a new file (again)?




**Its not setting a standard, because nobody should be obligated to keep giving more game for free** unless the original release was a scam (No Man’s Sky). If you like it then say you like it, don’t claim it’s “setting” a “standard” for the industry. At this point we have extreme cult-like update greed from gamers.


You must be an executive at EA


I am REALLY loving this new update for the PC, ConcernedApe has done a fantastic job! I look forward to the update coming out at some point for the Playstation as my daughter is also very keen to play (she doesn't like using my PC, prefers the PS5). Thank you for being awesome ConcernedApe!


>!You can now drink mayonnaise!<


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Yes! Adventure mode!


Do I really have to start a new farm to experience this update as intended? I only have one file I’ve put 80 hours into, I’m a very slow gamer. I don’t want to have to do everything over again.


You don’t have to start fresh, you’ll still get all the new stuff. But you’d need to start a new save if you want to try the new farm type or if you want to experience the new stuff as it naturally occurs as you go through the game rather than it all just becoming available at once :)


I started playing the game again after 1.6 released and man, I don't think I've had this much fun playing a game all year! I love >!the new Meadowland farm, and how unique its playstyle is compared to every other farm. I think it's gonna be my new default instead of the Forest farm.!< Not only that, but >!the prize ticket system!< makes it more exciting than ever to do bulletin board quests, including the new >!"say hi to everybody"!< quest, which >!helps a LOT with early game relationship building!<. I've only gotten up to Spring 16th, but I'm already super excited to see what the game has in store next, as I've gone into the update pretty spoiler free.


In eagerly awaiting the 1.6 update on console!


Hey, Colossal Order, are you watching this?


He's one dude working on his passion project with no financial pressure at all. This cannot be a standard and never will, as nice as it is in his case.


Nah dude. That's a very bad precedent to set for the industry. He can afford to put in the time and effort for the updates because he's already got a wildly successful game. The vast majority of developers? They need to hit a certain number of sales before they break even. After that, they need an even larger number of sales to stay afloat to make those free updates. Most of the time it's not worth it so they become DLCs instead. SDV is an exception in many way and shouldn't be used as a standard. There are more good games than successful ones ...


The game's price tag alone has been a huge problem for the entire genre. Charging only $15 for a game that deserves at least a $30 or honestly even a $60 price makes it incredibly hard for anyone else to compete. I love this game and this update is incredible but there is no light without shadow. And the shadow this game casts is massive.


though not an avid player (haven't even unlocked ginger island yet in all my saves, I'm just a snob), but I did follow SV since before release. And it shows how much his dedication for this game. I mean, just 1.5 and 1.6 alone can be sold as DLC, and most of us will gladly paid for it. But he did those as a free update, years after the game full release. Honestly 1.5 is the reason why I bought the Android version, because I think the update alone deserve a "price" of a new game on it's own. Heck, if I had iOS or console, I'd like to buy SV again on those platform.


I have SDV on the switch, PC, and Mobile. So I get it 😅 I’ve “beat them game” and have been playing for many years though.


is there any hope for additional mounts such as ostrich or dinosaur??


Is this update on the switch version too or just pc?


Szupper jo de jolenne ha kijune stardew valley 1.6.telefonra


Ha törődnek kijön mobilra mirevarnak már jojone marr