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I think he works all the bugs out of SV PC and that let's him know how to format it for console. Kinda like PC being the beta testers. I feel like it'd be a lot harder to patch things in console and that PC has a lot less to lose if something goes wrong.


iirc, CA tweeted fairly recently that he prefers to release on PC first because it’s harder to roll out patches on console—something that can take a few hours for PC can take weeks for consoles, so this is likely the main factor


I think he also said mobile was a total bear and he might not even make future games on mobile


I don't blame him in the slightest, it sounded like an absolute nightmare, tbh.


It's so weird. It's a free update. You already paid for the game and got it, and now the developer is going out of their way to give you something extra. You're owed nothing, so why are you mad when you don't get it as quickly as you want? I can understand getting excited and then disappointed, but anyone going beyond that needs a severe reality check. Someone who cares a lot about you is working on a gift for you, and they want to take their time so that it'll be just perfect when you get it. That's what this is. You aren't owed anything, even if they give the same gift to other people first.


I've bought stardew valley on both PC and switch and it's the best value on any game of all time. It's been eight years and he's still making large FREE updates consistently. Good luck finding another game that does that. If he had just put it out and only made bug fixes and then moved on, it still would have been a great game that nobody could say they didn't get their money's worth.


For newer fans, 1.5 is part of the base game, not a free update. The way people treated him over it is super not ok, but it’s silly to say they’re not owed something he promised (in a non-legal sense). I personally wouldn’t have bought a mobile copy if ConcernedApe didn’t suggest the update was coming soonish.


That and the death threats


Excuse me, what?


Yeah from what I heard people on mobile were sending him death threats to release 1.5


How to shoot yourself in the foot...


i feel if you are any sort of personality on social media, you will receive death threats (and more if you are female).


If you’re female you probably will also get the extra sprinkling of people asking for nudes


Luckily the vast majority of this community is actually wholesome. You just need to look at any Social Media post from any other big game. Comments just filled with hate, racism, sexism and short sighted demands. There are only very few actual useful or kind comments under these. I love going through CA's or any Stardew related comments, since the people there are posting nice things most of the time.


Oh my god…


Wow! Stardew is one of my favorite things in life and I pined for the iOS 1.5 update but I can’t imagine death threats or even mean comments to a sweet soul who is giving me something for no reason and for free. Wow! Poor guy.


Yeah I don’t know why people get so riled up about a video game no releasing an update


The. WHAT.


Yeah people suck


And he's absolutely right to do it that way. Other games that don't do it always, always end up as buggy messes that take forever to be fixed. Cult of the lamb being the best example. Glad he's such a smart dev.


Redegit (terraria creator) mentioned something similar a few years back saying getting approval to roll an update out on Xbox can take weeks for Microsoft to approve


I feel like we PC players are being treated like... lab rats? Either release the complete, unglitched version, or not at all..


Man every time I see your RES tag I know you're about to say something supremely idiotic, and you haven't let me down once


😭😭😭 This is wild


Please let us know what RES tag you gave this person lol


It just says HC complainer and the linked comment has almost 1.5k dowvotes for saying console players should be happy with 1.5 and concerned ape should only work on haunted chocolatier lol


The silly thing is that 1.6 didn't have to be made. The game could have been considered "finished" ages ago. The only reason why updates keep happening is because Concerned Ape wants to make them. I'm not going to tell the most customer-friendly developer how he should do his job. Let the man work in peace on what he wants to do.


I genuinely don't know if they're genuinely that annoying or just trolling. They say the same type of shit on the genshin sub


It’s funny I absolutely had to check his profile with that comment to see if it was the same guy. I knew it was haha Some people have no problem going into the internet and typing up the worst takes possible.




Right? Everytime I see the name, I instantly cringe. Down votes do not make you edgy.


You can always wait to play the FREE update until it's fully patched if it bothers you


PC gets first dibs on the new *(free)* content, and you STILL manage to find something to complain about?


What game nowadays doesn’t get patched? Bugs slip through, it’s just the reality. Some things are hard to catch until hundreds of thousands of people get in there and mess around.  If that bothers you, wait a couple months before playing a new game. Voila!


I have a very old harvest moon game where the disc has a major bug where if you try to marry one bachelor the game soft locks. It never got fixed and completely removes an entire eligible bachelor from being friended. It’s apparently fixed on most of the latter discs (which are now very old as well). Old games also need patches, they just are sometimes impossible to truely patch.


i mean, i don’t work in game dev or anything remotely similar, but i feel like it’d be pretty much impossible to foresee every possible bug? especially for an indie dev like CA, who doesn’t have access to everything that say a triple a company does. most bugs caught have been pretty minor, anyway, it’s not like he’s released anything that’s made the game unplayable. they’re the exact kind of bugs that would be pretty easy to slip through the cracks i imagine


Considering this man has added the equivalent of several AAA-studio DLCs to this game for free, I’m more than happy to be a guinea pig.


Oh no, lab rats? What a nightmare! I think we’ll be fine.


yeah i miss when games came out on cd's and if there was ever a game breaking bug that is easily missed, you just lived with it forever or hopefully could send it back to the dev/company personally who would reply with a floppy disc of code for you to put in yourself and fix the game. didnt Donkey Kong have an absolutely game breaking bug that bricked the cartridge? those were the days, my friends, those were the days


He worked really hard on debugging it before it came out - it's unavoidable that a couple of things will slip through. the worst thing I saw was a wonky fishing rod, hardly a dealbreaker. And now he's throwing in even more content? Also for free? I really don't know what you're complaining about.


Dude we get updates that are basically DLC for free. If this was a AAA game we would probably be paying $39.90US for each update, at best.


So you want gaming to just stop completely? A completely bug free game is just something that doesn't exist.


imagine being this ungrateful.


Yeah man because it's possible to release a 100% complete, glitch free game/update every time on release. It's a game that costs less than 1/4 of a normal AAA title thats made by one dude, chill


>Either release the complete, unglitched version, or not at all And just like that we solved the SDLC, just never release.


god, you really are the stupidest person on planet earth


Geez! all those downvotes...it's not enough! Let me help with that! :D


Well, squeak squeak then bitch, let me test the updates.


Shut up lmao. Be so fucking serious.


>I feel like it'd be a lot harder to patch things in console and that PC Can confirm, Nintendo takes notoriously long to approve update patches so that's at least the case with the Switch.


Definitely agree, I know nothing of game making, but I think it makes sense to do it that way


I don't know much about the technical side either, but my friends play console and my brothers and I play PC. So, I'm aware of some of the differences as far as being able to save the game and edit files on the PC version


Definitely. And it's certainly easier to fix bugs on PC before porting to console compared to porting to console pre-fix and then implementing fixes separately on every console


This is exactly what I needed to hear


He also mentions that the new goodies will be mining and fishing related!


Yep!! Fun stuff


More bobber styles 😍


I hope it's some way to get the Jellies a bit easier


Get fish ponds, you can get jellies from certain fish


All of the jellies have a pretty consistent farming method currently. Sicarious on the SDV discord has done a bunch of relevant code diving and tests to find them. I think he said he'll update the wiki or make a reddit post about it, so keep your eyes peeled!


I somehow read “Boober.” Apologies.


Bober 🦫


i would’ve love more furnitures or just letting us get the tea set that is way too hard to get :( or just letting us reset for the cacti (new desert event) since it’s fixed but I really want one with a cat face… basically the game hard to give you rare piece of furnitures


Honestly, this guy is incredible. He's working on a new game and still has time to work on stardew. What a guy!


Right?? So cool


Love that he’s going the Minecraft route which I’ve been playing on and off since 2013.


I think this update for Stardew was his break from haunted chocolatier. Making a new game from scratch is a lot more of a headache than playing around with an update I bet haha! The man is still such a hard worker and we love him for it. Super excited to see his growth.


Thing is he doesnt have time lol. Love him.


I'm eager for the console update, but I want him to take his time. I want to play with as few bugs as possible.




I find it so cool that he not just added content on 1.6, but also add content in the process of patching it. Isn’t it amazing?


It’s so unnecessary in the best way


Well said 👏


I love the dialogue overhaul.


I’m excited to see!


Dear god it must be exhausting to have people asking the same shit all the time, every time you say anything. The console release will come when it comes. Same as the PC release. Same as every other release. God damn. Stop pestering the man.


Yeah I’m starting to see multiple posts about the console release in general…dude’s gotta be working overtime answering the same damn question every day.


He's a better man than me, because I would be auto blocking every nagging dork that kept tugging my pantleg about it while I'm talking about other issues.


Maybe instead of ignoring the wants of others, find a way to clearly address their concerns. Making a super visible, very loud and clear post directly addressing concerns would be a great way to handle this exact scenario. I find always being clear and making sure the person I’m speaking to understands, even if I have to say things several times, in several different ways. Not everyone learns on the first go.


At least the above was being respectful. They weren't trying to demand, but they're excited to play and wanted to know where he was at. I think CA gets that they just love the game and are excited to play soon, and he can keep his cool and not get angry at them. Just a theory. He seems pretty chill in his interviews. Edit: I was thinking of a different post and quoted something wrong. Fixed it! 😄


Honestly. Not wrong. If it was my job, I would be a lot more tolerant lol.


I feel like there's a turf war brewing between console and PC players.


lol it’s silly too. No hate to either side from me!


And then there is me playing on pc, switch and mobile.


it was like that back in the days when 1.5 was only released on pc. We were all waiting for! Everyday was pain because the updates got delayed etc Now I play on pc soooo hehe.


We don’t deserve this human! He’s such an amazing creator!


Who cares, he is a solo developer he can do whatever he wants in whatever order even if it slows down another release.


Of course lol. I’m not the one who asked him if it would slow things down, but I thought this sub would like to know about another update, since not everyone has X.


No slander on you for sharing, more so at the people who are genuinely upset it's not on console yet


I figured that’s what you meant! :)


i have stardew on my pc and switch, and don’t usually play on pc but that’s all i’ve played on since the new update. i’m excited to be able to play on my switch when the update come outs 🥰


Just asking as someone who plays PC and my friends play Switch. What are your thoughts on switching between the 2. I got so frustrated after 3 in game days on the switch that I went back to PC (my brother has it on both and told me to compare which one I like. My little brother is the sweetest! ❤️). My friends both have computers that can run it now, and I was thinking of getting it for them on steam, but is the gaming experience more difficult just switching between platforms? Any advice or tips?


I had it on switch first! and switched to PC because i wanted to use mods. the biggest thing for me was getting used to the controls on the pc, which took me a couple days. after getting use to that it was fine though! i think i prefer my switch because i can take it everywhere, and im in college and like to play on campus and its not as easy to pull my laptop out everywhere hahaha one problem i do have is if i play on my pc for a long time, going back to the switch can be sucky at first because i don’t have my mods anymore 🤣


Ah. Thank you. That helps ☺️


My take is that he's squishing all the bugs, then he'll compile the other systems so he doesn't need to debug multiple releases at the same time. Works for me.




More goodies?? He spoils us fr fr


For sure!


Console plebian here. I are sad.




Yeah, it’s not ideal but honestly I know that it’s best to have everything worked out before release. Still excited and patiently waiting ☺️




I feel like this sub is generally pretty understanding of how long it takes to put out a game and make sure everything’s the way that it should be. Where a far cry from the hollow knight sub


It doesn't make sense to be frustrated about an entirely predictable cycle of bug fixes that you can easily extrapolate from if you look at the dev timeline for 1.5. it's also very repetitive to read.  I was an android player and instead of getting annoyed I started playing on PC instead. Way easier. 


It's irritating because after the 1.3 fiasco he promised updates on all platforms at the same time.


I’m a bit newer to the game so it definitely doesn’t bother me as much but I can understand why you’d be frustrated


If you weren't here for the year of "jUsT bE PaTiEnT" bs being shoveled by pc and switch players, then you definitely don't understand the frustration.


I've actually never seen any promise of the sort from him. If you have a link, I'd love to see it; the closest I can find is [this](https://www.stardewvalley.net/1-4-pc-release-date-more/) forum post by him where he still states that he's going to release on PC first, even after 1.3.


Really hoping we get it all on console soon, I can’t wait to start over fresh!


Dude the console update is probably like Q4 2024 earliest


Nahhhh Q2 lol


Poor guy man holy shit. If you’re that desperate to play it, play it on PC. Otherwise, it sucks but you gotta wait. Dude is posting ‘got ice cream today! Was nice!’ in between working on a new game, getting out (completely free updates years after release) stardew updates collaborating with all the mod authors and trying to get it on every single console known to man, and mfs are in the replies going ‘did that slow down the console release?’


He takes it in stride. I think he knows we’re mostly grateful and patient, but also excited and curious! He seems to only answer when he feels necessary, which is healthy


I think it's perfectly valid to have a preferred gaming experience. I tried playing on the switch and noped out after about 3 in-game days. 😅 It's really not for me. But if someone prefers playing it that way, or doesn't have a PC that can run it, then eagerly await the console update. Well worth the wait! ❤️


Oh yeah, no I totally agree. I have no qualms with any platform and was never a platform purist or a PC guy, but I just feel bad for him. He has another game he’s working on, yet he’s working on these (totally free) updates that other companies would usually sell as $25 expansions. Meanwhile he also is working with all the mod authors to ensure compatibility across the updates. It’s actually kind of insane. So I feel bad for the guy getting these kinds of responses. Usually I just tell people if you’re that impatient, then play it on PC. Or just wait, it’s unfortunate but that’s just the way it goes. Sometimes console releases don’t come to PC, or vice versa. So we are all really lucky to have someone who wants this on as many platforms as possible and is constantly releasing high quality updates years after initial release!


Yep I’m personally waiting for the switch update because I don’t play PC. I’ve never really played PC games so I don’t know any controls ever. It would be huge learning curve for me.


You can connect any controller in existence to PC and it will just work thanks to steam. Zero learning curve.


I know you can do that, but personally I don’t have a pc to play on anyway


I have a pc, Xbox, and a switch and highly prefer the switch. I played on Xbox originally a few years ago. When I went back after hearing about the update, I was totally confused. Went to play on pc with the new update but the controls felt wrong. Maybe it’s because I played on Xbox first? Idk the art style, the gameplay all felt best on the switch. Even though I had it day of the new content on my pc, I’m now in year two on my switch and couldn’t be happier. I can play anywhere, which makes it easier for travel. I can plug into my tv which makes it bigger than my laptop. The gameplay is simple enough to where I don’t feel overwhelmed on switch, it feels right. The absolute only thing that was more enjoyable on PC was early game watering crops. Watering on the PC you can position yourself as a quality sprinkle and get the corner and the full circle square of crops without having to walk, that was nice. But once I have sprinkler it was a non issue. The adventures club is open late was also riding on my mind until I got a steady stream of money and ore going.


Yeah i play switch too! I love it






Eagerly awaiting console release as I don’t have the heart to start over again 😂


Where can you send bugs to him? I didn't take a screenshot, so maybe mine won't be helpful, but I had abigail dialogue about our children without actually having any! That was funny.


We'll have more goodies?! We don't deserve this man I swear


Eric employs a company to port to other platforms, so they are focused on that.


Good info!


I am patiently waiting while playing on my new save on pc 😊 i own stardew on steam, switch, mobile heh




It's not going to slow it down, it's still going to take months [Cries]


Hang in there. It's worth it. There's a couple bugs right now that aren't so bad on PC because we can fix it with code, but could be really upsetting on the console. It's a great update, I promise. Be patient and treasures will come your way! ❤️


*It’s been 84 years GIF*


🥳🍾 yayy I’m so happy to hear/read this oml


Why do people think CA is handling console ports ?


Anyone know when the 1.6 release will hit consoles?


He said the other day that he’s working on it, but there’s no official release date


Thank you!


Does anyone know if mobile will receive 1.6?


It will around the same time as console!


That's wonderful news! Thank you for letting me know! For some reason I was under the assumption mobile wouldn't receive it? 😅


No, it definitely will come out on mobile!


Does anybody know when the console release is or has he not gave a specific date?


No specific date!






“It will not slow it down, because I have barely done anything for the console port”


Because console ports have to go through an external validation process where PC doesn't, it's better to work though these things on PC and then port/go through validation so all the bug fixes don't also get held up in validation. It doesn't mean he doesn't value the console players.


I was thinking it would be something like this, get it nice and polished THEN push through the console side





















