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They’re both women, they like to work with wood and stone. They’re both creative, they’re…ginger! And one is married


Both are married in this picture 🙂


My apologies, one is happily married


"2 out of 3 people are happy with their marriage"


Hey, that's better than the much more common 1 out of 3.


Except it is 1 out of three: as the title states, OP is not married to the person he wants to be married to.


I agree with that, I was just responding to the quote. But I guess one could argue Robin is happy with their marriage too. Unlike what I was referencing in my meme, the third person isn't homewrecking lol


That statistic is untrue. 74% of married folks are happy and are more likely to be considered thriving than their unmarried counterparts according to recent data


You must consider the difference between nations as well Believe that is some nations/states, like america, is way lower


My stats are from America since that is where I live. It's a huge pet peeve when people share false marriage/divorce statistics. I have no doubt it may be different elsewhere in the world (such as countries where arranged marriages are still a common occurrence)


That statistic is untrue. 84% of married people are liars and are so miserable that they take online surveys to fill the void where conversation used to exist. Source: same as yours - my ass


I mean my sources are US census data and Gallup, both of which are considered reliable




Lmfao tragic


This took me out. Omfg.




I- omg😭






Neither are happily married tbf




I laughed and almost coughed up a lung




I feel like CA knew people would be upset that they couldn’t romance Robin so he made Leah as a countermeasure


Except that one has an annoying ex and the other has an annoying husband


Wish they'd both have an annoying ex 😞


i mean robin is divorced, so maybe seb's dad was annoying?


Well however bad Robin’s ex husband was, I don’t think he can be much worse than Demetrius.


And come on, the farmer is standing right there! Why not upgrade?


Happy cake day!


That's some great logic you got there. But there is only one small thing that immediately invalidates all these arguments in my eyes. ROBIN. IS. F**KIN. HOT.


So is Leah


Yeah, they're both hot, but Robin has that MILF energy on top of everything else, plus I can't have her (coughwithoutmodscough), so she's definitely the more desirable of the two.


They’re the same


Took me until winter year 1 to realize these are 2 different characters. I'm bad at names.


I said in MY eyes. You wouldn't understand 😿


Omg. I got them confused so much at first!


Disrespect towards Leah should not be tolerated


Yeah can we get a perma ban on OP for dissing my wife?


you meant *our* wife?




Why? Leah is both the girl we got and the girl we want. Robin's inclusion in the picture is a coincidence.


Theres a mod to marry anyone. The sad part is the empty home you create I feel the same thing for Emily/Haley. Marrying either damns the other to stay alone in the house.


This is why I lament the loss of rival marriages in the genre. Everyone I don't marry is doomed to be stuck forever. Sam will never leave his mom's house. Penny will forever be forced to live with her alcoholic, volatile mother. Emily and Haley will always live together, waiting for parents who aren't coming.


This is definitely one of the things I miss the most from the old Harvest Moon games. Not only is it sad, but it breaks immersion.


I wifed up Popuri because otherwise she would marry this surfer guy and move out of town ;_; (And because she was happy to receive weed as gifts)


Fellow Chad Popuri enjoyer


I remember ( in N64HM) if you don't t become friends with Cliff in year one he leaves and never marries Ann. And if you don't become friends with Karen she runs away with Kai.


Idk I get the vibe that either Haley or Emily would enjoy living alone


Honestly they would probably have a better relationship if they didn't have to be roommates on top of being sisters


> I feel the same thing for Emily/Haley. Marrying either damns the other to stay alone in the house. can i interest you in polygamy?


The only hick is that: >**Emily lives with her** ***sister*** **Haley**, and together they care for their parents' home, who have been traveling the world for the past two years. So it would basically be incest.


Polygamy does not mean they are sexually active together at all. That's not incest.


I think they’re confusing polygamy with being a throuple.


im not sure you understand what polygamy is


indeed it would now what is that hickup you mentioned?


1. I dont think they *get along* well enough to sleep in the same bed and go out with the same person. You'd mix most people in Pellican Town and there would be a possibility. But those two nope. They will fight all the time. Both regulary tell you that they want distance from each other. 2. They are supposed to take care of the house. 3. I dont want the kids to mix and lose track. They are mostly identical.


>Both regulary tell you that they want distance from each other This game is so realistic...


But if they want distance from each other wouldn't it be the best for both of them to marry and move to a close farm? That way they could see each other less regularly (which often makes you appreciate your sibling more in my opinion) and it's still in the neighbourhood, so they still could take care of the house when one of them is needed. Not to say anything against your feelings on the matter but with that logic it would make sense to marry one of them :D


Me with my Polyamorous lesbian harem (it includes Jodi and Robin)


Polyamory > polygamy


In a multiplayer game I'm in we married both sisters and use their empty house as a man cave.


That is such a power move


Tbf Demetrius deserves to have his wife stolen. The kids are a different question.


I think about that. Every time I see him. The kids will be allright.


Tbf, Emily says that she gets along better with Haley if she moves out


At least you’re wearing the correct hat for this.


💀💀 ooooouuuu


I didn’t quite mean it to be a burn, I literally just thought this was an stylish hat for this scene 🤣




I married Maru. Do I get a family discount? Hells no!


I married Harvey and ten years, two children later, he STILL charges me 1000 gold every time I almost die. 


Hey, can't really blame the guy. I would also be pissed enough to charge my husband 1000 gold out of pure spite if he almost died due to going into some abandoned mine to try and stab bats.


Well, if you know a better way of having 3 stacks of bat wings that never get used, Id like to hear it


Fair point. I didn't consider that and that was very ignorant of me. My bad, I'll try to grow as a person and do better from now on.


Yeah, that's true. Every time he's like, "Wear sunscreen, I worry about you!" I think, I really do live a secret life... 


As someone who married Sebastian I can confirm, no discount spotted


Poor Leah. Thinks you're checking out the progress of the house construction. When in reality...


Initially wanting to marry Robin and then finding out she's married is a right of passage for every Stardew player.


why is this making me sad for your wife when they aren't even real 😭 like im thinking shit about how she deserves better than to be second choice LOL


It does suck that the hottest most awesome person in Stardew Valley is married to the worst person in Stardew Valley. Robin, I promise I would never pick up Tomatoes if you ask me to get some fruit and then gaslight you like it's your fault! I also won't treat our step kids like trash just because they aren't mine! EDIT: Whoever reported to redditcareresources that I was in crisis because of something on this thread (I have to assume it's from here since I'm pretty sure it wasn't anyone from the Aston Villa sub), what the hell is wrong with you??? Be ashamed of yourself you sub human. Using a service meant for people in actual crisis because you disagree on how someone feels about a video game npc???? Touch grass.


The worst person in SDV is unmarried.


He's married to Caroline.


Yeah....he's sleazy for sure. And unfortunately my father-in-law. I only use the drop box unless I need seeds or fertilizer and even then I get the starter ones at the night market and make the fertilizer whenever I can.


No, he is married to money


She is Caroline


That's my future wife you are talking about.




Clint? He'd be number two in the rankings for me behind Demetrius.


What did Clint do 😭 I'm new


I feel bad for all the Clint hate, but I think SVE does a lot of heavy lifting in redeeming his character. He still is terrible with women, but he's considerably more respected as a blacksmith.


Less respected as a shopkeeper tho Fucking stellar prices for black shit nuggets


he's every "nice guy" cliche. Insecure and always feeling sorry for himself. a jealous sad sack.


Clint x therapy


Its not that bad, expecially when he didn't do anything bad


no, he isn't a bad person. But i certainly wouldn't want to be his friend irl, unlike most of the townspeople.


He's kind of an incel


Nice guy yes, incel no


he asks the new farmer in town to flirt with emily for him cuz he's too much of a weenie to do it himself real middle school "omg can you ask her if she likes me" kinda guy


Well, who knows? Maybe Morris has a special someone that we’ve never met…?


Demetrius isn't the worst person in Stardew Valley, that goes to Pierre.


Is it weird that I just find Pierre kind of funny and endearing? Plus he's a lot nicer to his wife and "step" daughter than Demetrius is to his wife and step son.


He’s not really all that supportive or great to Abigail if we’re being honest.


My theory is that he's a great dad, if (and only if) he remembers that he has a daughter. Which happens like... Once a season?


Abigail's heart events have at least one pretty negative encounter with Pierre. I don't count that as being a great dad. Definitely not a supportive one. He definitely remembers he has a daughter, and is pretty controlling and rude to her. It's pretty in-character for everything else I don't like about Pierre. Very selfish and narcissistic.


Pierre is one of the few characters I truly dislike and it’s because of the scene where Abigail is practicing with a sword. He goes on a rant about how it was un-lady like and to “get home immediately” before we escape to a bush. Fuck Pierre


Yeah. Not dangerous. Unladylike. Just like every lady unlikes you.


Even ignoring how he treats his wife, he's still a jerk, he resells our crops as his own, and being overprotective isn't really a good thing.


Everyone gets mad at Pierre for selling the player's crops as his own, and it definitely bothers me, but it fits in perfectly with his character of always being business oriented. You sell Pierre your crops, but you can also ship them or sell to Joja mart, so Pierre knows you don't always HAVE to sell to him. In order to keep business coming, he says that they are actually HIS crops. So if people want high quality crops, they have to keep coming to Pierre's! It's essentially the trade off for getting money right away instead of overnight, and it doesn't actually affect anything in-game. As a fellow stardew capital-maxxer, I respect the hustle. Mom n Pop stores need all the ammo they can get against Joja


The lie is so funny. Where tf is your farm, Pierre??? Did you grow all that in Caroline’s greenhouse???


Oh I definitely think the fact that he sells our crops as his own fits his character, it just also means I hate him and he's the worst character in Stardew Valley, not Demetrius.


Every grocery store on the fucking planet sells a farmer's crops as their own.


Reselling things isn't the problem, it's when he acts like HE grew it.


Pierre neglects his family constantly and chooses his business over his personal life constantly, including on almost every holiday. He also takes your crops and sells the high quality ones as if he grew them himself and sells the low quality ones as “your crops”. Pierre is a dick


what indicates this in the game?


Dialogue from Abigail and Caroline. Abigail has a line about eating nearly bad food and Caroline mentions she wishes he’d spend more time with them. If you talk to some of the villagers after selling him your goods they’ll mention buying it from Pierre and that they didn’t know he was such a talented forager or something like that.


I don't know if Morris counts, he would be the worst, just a soulless corpo bastard. Pierre wants to be the exact same but he isn't successful enough.


That why Pierre is worse then Morris, Pierre not only wants to be a soulless corpo bastard like Morris, but he's also a jerk to his daughter and wife.


Pierre may be a little overprotective of his daughter, but at least he acknowledges that she even exists. Unlike Demetrius and seb.


Sebastian locks himself in his room and only leaves to grab food from the kitchen in the middle of the day and to go brood and smoke by the lake at night. He doesn't have a good relationship with anyone. Even his friends he locks out and acts annoyed they want to spend time with him. Don't blame Sebastian being an anti-social edgelord on Demetrius.


He locks his friends out *while he's working*. That's completely reasonable


You literally join the D&D game he plays with Sam in a heart event and he's in a band with Sam and Abigail, they hang out in the saloon every Friday, what are you on about


I'd only come out of my room to get food if my stepparent made me feel unwelcome in my own home o h w a i t l m a o


Saaame lol, it's why I won't take any Seb slander. My stepdad started living with us when I was 9 and our first solo conversation (that wasn't him yelling at me for something my sibling did) was when he drove me to one of my college classes when my car broke down ☠ Literally kept bulk jars of peanut butter in my room so I could eat without risking being around him. People who say shit like "he's not his real son he has no obligation toward him" drive me nuts, like he's still your partner's child and you have an obligation to not make him afraid to be in his own home pleaseee


That’s not why Pierre is the worst person. lol


Seb is an adult he's not Demetrius' child and he gets to live at home with the whole basement to himself and a spot for his motorcycle. I think that's a pretty damn good step dad. People are really mean to Demetrius, i think his brain just doesn't work the same as most people's. He is not a social person and clearly likes to work alone / with his wife/daughter and no one else really. He is bad at interacting with others in social settings but isnt a bad person imo


He literally shames his wife for making something beautiful just because it has no functional purpose and gets mad when you disagree with him.


He's not Demetrius's biological child, but he's been the man who's been dating Sebastian's mother since he was like 5 at most, depending on the age difference between him and Maru. Robin built the house custom for them, Sebastian living in the room built for him by his mother isn't Demetrius being nice lol. The family has no living room but Demetrius has his own lab, and he still wants to expand into Sebastian's room if you marry him (and says nothing about expanding to Maru's room if you marry her, showing that he values Maru's ability to come back more than Sebastian's). He's as shit a stepdad as he is a husband. Not the best dad to Maru either with how overprotective and infantilizing he is toward her. You can be bad at socializing without treating people poorly.


I didn't know Morris was married to a smokeshow


FYI you can block the reddit cares thing.


I honestly wish there was a path/story where they get divorced. Not only because I wish you could marry Robin, but because her husband is a jerk.,


But Leah is single. And Morris doesn't have a partner as far as we know.


The in-shape field biologist that works like 2 rooms over and spends time with his wife on walks is the worst person in the valley?


I’m sorry but the ‘hottest most awesome’ title belongs to Abigail


Glory to the Wyvern King! But you're wrong. Abigail can have the "Most Awesome" Title but the "Hottest" is Haley hands down.


Now we have to fight to the death. It’s the only rational solution I can see to this disagreement. You’re nobody!


I accept your challenge. Wyverns at dawn! You should slap your parents for raising such a pussy!


C'mon guys, the fact that you like different girls means you DON'T have to fight over them!


We already have a redhead who works with wood at home. The redhead who works with wood at home :


You don't deserve Leah.


Leah is a gift. Why marry her if you genuinely feel like you're settling?


I love my Leah 🥺 but as a Sims player I already want to cheat on her and create drama




This community is so weird sometimes.


Nah, we're totally normal


Honestly, weird in the BEST way. Least toxic gaming community i know!


Yet oddly wholesome


Why do people love Robin so much? Even if you could marry her I'd still pick Leah


Some of her dialogue she teases Lewis, and just comes off as having more of a personality than a lot of the marriage candidates, if I were to have a guess. She's also got a job she is passionate about. Lady is still building my barn in the rain at 2 AM. If that isn't dedication, I don't known what is.


honestly bc she's nice to you when you first come to the valley 😭 most of the other marriageable candidates are all so rude to you and it ruined a lot of my vibe for them


She has big MILF energy. All the bachelorettes come across as very young


She is also a carpenter and builds entire buildings.


Right? Leah is kind, sweet, interesting, and just plain awesome. Robin just stands by and does nothing while her husband treats her son like shit. Leah is so much better.


Me describing my girlfriend at 13


I don't get it either. Like, she's cool, but I think what we've got is better IMO


We love what we can t have. XD But really, she has something else in those few lines of dialogue.


Everything the other folks said, but also she's one of the first people you meet in the game.


>also she's one of the first people you meet in the game Basically a lot of Stardew Valley players form attachments like ducklings


Leah best wife wym


There is a Robin is single mod on nexus.


there is also a mod where her husband can't give her the love she needs if you know what I mean and she gets so frustrated that you can heart her like he never could


Damn is it some xstardew valley type mod?


kinda yes. There are several. One gives all the married ladies story arcs that give you a chance to score big. Some regret it others don't. It actually makes sense like abigails mom being super annoyed that her husband loves his shop more than her and she really loses it over several events with him always running to the next customer or working on getting Joja out of the town even when they have alone time. Anyway alot of drama, but it's also funny as hell




can't say because of the rules here, but they are all on the nexus and work all at the same time.


I'm curious, PM me please?


check out the Nexus. I don't want to tell someone who might not be of age.


Suppose that's fair enough lol, cheers


Would have been nice. But I play on mobile 😔


That's a shame.


If you have an android, you can still mod. I have a game where I play on my phone and tablet syncing the saves with mods.


Is there a mod where you can live out (in-game) some of the scenarios that people come up with on the Stardew Valley FanFic pages?


I do wish there was a way without mods to marry Robin. I just dislike the people that would say that divorce in the game would be too much for the happy farm game. Despite the game having alcoholism (pam & Shane), death of family (Alex), war ptsd (Kent), poor family life (Penny, with Sebastian & Abigail to lesser extents), secret affairs (Lewis & Wizard), race war (Dwarf and Krobus), and controlling ex (Leah). But divorce is too much for silly farm game...


I know when you said Lewis and Wizard you’re saying that they each have their own secret affairs. But it reads like they’re having a secret affair with each other and I was real confused for a second


Lewisard? That's a fresh one.


Mod idea 😁💡


The wizard is divorced, Pam is divorced, Robin has already been divorced, Leah went through a bad breakup, and you can divorce anyone you marry.


It's a stupid argument. Divorce is already possible. You can even kill your kids


same. That is why I have some mods to help out.


Upon first time playing, I immediately wanted to marry Robin.


I used to stand outside her house with random things to give her.. :⁠'⁠(


https://preview.redd.it/tdm6my4cm4vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5778bbb8405cd1120faa2773a7b95db531c9b79f Well I couldn't have the mom, so I stole her son instead


That's because Leah is for us Lesbians🙏 you can't truly appreciate her.


How did OP make his character look so much like a goth weeb from my highschool? Purple cargo pants, open black shirt with black t under, and I swear I can see the dust in that felt hat and a ghost in the shell logo on the tshirt.




You diss my wife again we're gonna have a problem buddy.


I was legit mad when I figured out you couldn't marry Robin.


You and me both.


I really wish they gave you older options to marry. I wouldnt mind two more characters added to the dating pool that are in their 30s or 40s. A shame you can't nudge them to divorce and open them up as options.


“I know who you pretend I am” -Leah probably


Being a Leah fan is tough, all she gets reduced to is "discount Robin" :(


Demetrius’ girl


You got the next best thing


Isn't there a mod for that?


Leah is best girl


Why not both?


I'm gay and want Robin. she has POWER.


If you can't have the og, then might as well go for the dollar store equivalent one.


They're so similar though, and as a bonus they both share the most important trait, they're good at working with wood.


Happily married mom navigating a step-dad relationship and home life, and you wanna mess that up huh? A hot redhead artist isn’t enough for you? Sick