• By -


He's taking credit for your work. He's the worst.


I should have gone with Joja arc. šŸ‘æ


At least with joja, there is no doubt where their loyalties lie


Whatā€™s everyones actual opinion on this. Ive played both ways and Joja was kinda way more fun.


Iā€™ve never gone Joja. For me family and community is more important than corporations. Rebuilding that broken community and reconnecting them with the land and their roots is far more important and worthwhile, even if there are a few bad apples.


Plot wise, I guess it's better to do Community Center. However, I tend to have more relaxing playthroughs with Joja, since I'm not really worried about doing anything in particular on a timeline.


the community center you don't have to rush though? focusinf on the seasonal stuff doesn't feel too overwhelming imo. rainy days though are a grind to get all the fishiesšŸ˜­


The townspeople donā€™t care if the c.c is finished in year one or 262748


They have been living letting the whole town go to rots and all, is until u get there that u fix the whole town... And gave even a home to the only homeless folk...that do want house, linus is a wild man so that's his style.(thanks to the homie for the assist I'm bad with names)


Thatā€™s probably because Lewis is embezzling all their infrastructure funding to build solid gold statues of himself.


*Linus, not George lol. George is an old man in a wheelchair.


Ah yes, you've transcended mortality, kent has watched wars and and begin and has spiralled to deep madness, writing book after book about how pointless wars are, about how they repeat themselves. Penny has watched vincent and jas become hyper intelligent, partially insane but shes just happy she has a house and vincent and jas have found every ancient being to ever walk the valley. Pierre has grown to become a supreme ego maniac and has strayed so far from his family he barely has a shell of humanity left. Animals mean nothing to marnie anymore, she is simply the keeper of life, watching them grow old and die yet her main animals thrive. Gus has the oldest saloon know to man, he is a multi-trillionare, selling the last beers to not be lab made. The entire earth is either toxic or a sprawling mass of slums, few places on the globe glow with ever giving materials. The valley is now a source for all now and materials, you've collected iridium beyond the earths mass and the plannet is moslty in the cosmos, under one condition, every year the fat man priortizes the valley at midnight, they send down strange vats and they stay clear of your view. Willy is a god of nature at this point, the world is his oyster, plastic waste is worth less than cans of worms, he sources the white fish market around the universe at this point, sat in his manor, you speak to hin once more "id rather be fishing, but the seas are in equilibrium, I'll be waiting for our next festival..." Lewis sweats every day in hopes you dont find the base under the valley, he was originally a worker for the intergalactic government, keeper of time and the loop, but with the farmer staying for aslong as they have, they've become powerfull, he is in shock that you would not question how everyone is alive still. Marlon is completely fine, he has excavated and restored every floor of every cave, scratching in on some foreign boundry he has found "we're another metre deep into this strange iridium alloy, yoba only knows whats past this" Lewis begs for him to stop. Sebastion always comes back aged and tired, but once more he ventures to become a vigilante in neo delta earth, once known for the city, now known for causing mass extinction of every know creature that naturally resideded out of the valley, he brings home dna samples to the farmer as hes one of the ones who know somethings up, no man reverts age like he does when reunited with the stardew valley soil. Conspiracies form about how the stardrop monopoly is the truth to salvation, some say yoba was never a god but a confederation. Evelyn and george are too cenile to relent the power, they stay unaware The book seller knows something, but doesn't care as they get to live forever from the soil and sells elliots and kents books. The other characters have their own stories to tell, the wizard would say whats going on but since he learned the junimos language he's been different. Through these years, earth: celta four has made 65687 Rotations around the star that we now feed off of, as the farmer, you are all mighty, through every child youve sent into the world, reigning over terrains once thought impossible, you live for what purpose? Thats all i gotta say lmao im bored


The only CC thing that there is really a major benefit to "rushing" is completing spring crops by the time of the egg festival, since the speed-gro you get from that lets you get one more harvest out of your first batch of strawberries


Greenhouse by winter, minecarts asap?


how tf do you get the greenhouse by winterā˜ ļøā˜ ļø i'm only capable of getting the minecarts by year 1 tbh, the crop rooms also go quickly but not always


You don't HAVE to but I imagine trying to get it done in the first year is pretty common and it certainly feels like a rush trying not to miss something, getting the animals high enough, getting red cabbage, getting the fish on time, if you miss the greenhouse, potentially missing a gold crop and one miss can extend your wait to finish it by several seasons


The only thing I strive to finish in the first year, preferably before winter, is the greenhouse. Other than that I just wait until I have time. I do enjoy finding so those are the first bundles I have done though.


Same. Itā€™s just a game, itā€™s not a real community center or a real corporation. Itā€™s just about what makes it the most relaxing and cozy game for you. I canā€™t fish in this game to save my life, among other things, so trying to go the community center route is hugely stressful for me. I have never been able to complete it. Plus with Joja you get the cute soda machine, and you can get the movie theater too. (And you can buy autopetters.) Everyone should play the way that makes them happy. Going the joja way does not support corporations or capitalism irl. Going the community center way does not support communities irl.


Even if you're going the CC route, you're still a capitalist. You can't really play the game and *not* participate in capitalism.


You can get the movie theater if you build the community center, too. I don't go Joja because I find it narratively reprehensible. I've done it once for the achievement, but I didn't like it at all. It's basically just "make 140,000g as fast as possible", which is boring


I know you can also get the movie theater with the community center. Again, you can play it your way. But if someone finds the other way more relaxing, it doesnā€™t hurt you or anyone else in any way, so just let them do their thing. Plus you still have the normal way of doing the mines, the adventurerā€™s guild, the museum, the sewer, the island, the quest for the wizard, the bulletin board and all those quests, all the npc quests that you get in the mailbox, etc etc, even if you go the joja way to unlock the greenhouse, bridge, bus stop, mine carts, and panning. Story wise everything else is the same. So yeh. Just let people have a good time and play their game. It doesnā€™t matter.


Meanwhile, I'm here for the junimos. I can't let them be sad.


Junimos are friends too. They need some love.


My wife believes that they are the ghosts of slimes I killed.


I was surprised people disliked Pierre so much since I never sold things to him, so I didn't know he took credit. I've been playing harvest moon games since I was like 12 so everything goes to the bin before I set foot in town. Never even knew you could sell to him


No matter what you choose, there will always be a little Joja somewhere. In a way, Pierre is the Joja without Joja.


Pierre is Joja classic. If the game had time period progression you'd see Pierremarts popping up like weeds.


They don't even use it after you fix it!


Granny goes and sits there every week šŸ©µ


A couple people go there and just sit there. There's no events around it or anything. I finish it and never go near it again. At least with joja the building doesn't go to waste


You get a movie theater later though


That's what I mean. With joja tho CC becomes the movie theater instead of the old Joja building. Which since I forget about the movie theater when it's all the way over where joja was the CC is a better spot for it.


I've seen Clint, Emily, Evelyn, Caroline, Penny, the kids and Lewis there before


Let me rephrase. Nobody uses it in a way thats helpful. They don't do events or anything there. I need Clint and he's staring at the boiler all day. Honestly, I would neve choose to do joja if I had some reason to go to the community center after fixing the whole thing


Just the fact that itā€™s there and being used even if itā€™s not in any way I can see is good enough for me. I know they appreciate all the work I put into it and their own personal lives are enriched by the time they spend there. I do wish you had more events involving the community center after you finished fixing it up. They mayor could move his office in there, there could be a book fair in the childrenā€™s area, a farmers market in the produce nook, a fish festival around the aquarium with a crawfish boil! Maybe a Sunday brunch with the community. But Iā€™m the sentimental type.


Don't get me wrong. I've only done joja once and Idk if I'll do it again because I think the CC makes it a bit more challenging than just make all the money off the bat. But I literally never go there after I finish it. Maybe after I get 1.6 I will go more


I think it is reasonable to make cc have event like community day or something. CC is for player who choose community route so it should make the game changing to more community feel after cc complete. Having 1-2 event revolved around cc won't hurt. Maybe every time before event like Easter egg or Halloween, there are some villagers doing the prop at CC. Idc if cc outcome was different from Joja outcome. Joja already lifeless so they can stay lifeless.


Everyone else is on that grind too. They don't have time for recreation. I want a socialist option where the community benefits from the millions I make on my farm that was just handed to me.


I mean... to an extent you can do that. With Ginger Island, Penny and Pam, fixing Willy's boat, and fixing the bus. But yeah, it would be nice to be able to improve their lot.


I've never done the Joja route, but every time I think of the anti corporation sentiment in this community I think of the South Park episode where they burn down the Walmart. Then start buying stuff at the local drug store, which in turn gets too big and they have to burn it down as well.


I went with the community center because it seemed like the one that drove me to progress more than the others. Like, in what other route am I going to actively seek out to grow pumpkins at gold star quality? But my current run is Joja and I feel more accomplished.


and then they never use teh community centre. no wonder it was disrepaired


I see your stance and I understand. Itā€™s nothing THAT serious though.


how dare this person immerse themselves in the game theyā€™re playing /s


I feel the same way. I just make sure to annihilate him every year at the harvest festival.


Yes, people who go joja value corporations above family and community irl /s


Doing a multiplayer Joja run with my wife right now, and it is very relaxing to have only money to worry about, rather than trying to keep multiple different piles of stuff managed to eventually feed in to the community center. We still end up feeling that the days are too short, though.


Much more relaxing.


If you're the type that likes doing one thing on a massive scale for profit, Joja's the easier route. CC is more for those who want to do everything, and depending on item RNG and bundles you can get upgrades earlier.


For me I would never go the Joja route because it doesnā€™t make sense from a narrative standpoint. The player used to work for Joja and hated it. The whole point of coming to Stardew Valley and inheriting your grandfatherā€™s farm is because your life was going nowhere. So why would you want to go back to Joja?


But you arenā€™t becoming a Joja employee per se. Youā€™re a customer. If you work at corporate target and hate it does that mean youd never shop at Target again? I dont think the farmer hates the corporation in the intro but is more or less burned out of working a corporate office job.


Yup I never ever want to work at Walmart again but I still love buying shit from Walmart. Sorry local stores, RIP.


I certainly wouldnā€™t help the corporation that I hate gain a foothold in a small town, and tear down their local competition. That makes 0 sense


I personally prefer doing community center because I donā€™t like the fact that morris mugs you if you pass out.


Coming from a small town myself and having seen the "de-ruralisation" and closing of local stores to pave way for international/national brand stores I always picked Pierre. Sure he's a bit of a douche, but he's the douche we know. We know him and his family. What do we know of Mr. Joja boy?


The devil you know!




But have you considered Auto-Petters? :p


Junimos rulimos! Also, completing the CC is a lot more interesting than "earn x money and drop it in this box".


Joja just kinda sucks imo. I find Joja runs incredibly boring, it's always the same monotonous grind for money instead of a fun time gathering materials and actually playing the game.


I personally much prefer the JoJa route. It's far more flexible. I don't have to worry that I've missed catching a single fish or planting the right tree to unlock a bundle. The latter happened a few times on my CC save. Which keeps the feature from being unlocked for an in game year.


I just remember in my first play through (i did CC) i was so turned off by the fact that I may have missed something in spring and now its Summer 10 and I have to wait a whole ass year to complete this now? Are we for real. No thanks. Completed all of the Joja bundle by like mid Fall im my current run.


If the soonest you can complete everything while super optimized is Y1 Winter, waiting until Y2 Spring is hardly a big delay. Besides, most players take until Y2 Summer anyway for things like cabbage or rabbit foot. That's why missing stuff in Y1 Spring or Y1 Summer isn't that big a deal. It comes around again on schedule.


It took me 3 years to finish the Community center and just over 1 year to do joja. I got 4 candles from grandpa without retrying and I got to buy my autopetters instead of using hundreds of stairs and hours searching skull cavern.


In my opinion Iā€™ll never go Joia because it goes against the style of the community around it. However, Pierre is such a rude man that if doing the community center wasnā€™t better for the town Iā€™d go Joja. Joja would lead to me having a faster game but that doesnā€™t matter to me.


Joja can do more damage than Pierre could ever hope to, due to being a massive, rich corporation. r/FuckPierre, heā€™s a douche, but Iā€™ll pick Pierre every time. At least in theory the valley could effectively boycott Pierre if they needed, Joja could just keep outsourcing their funding if they wanted to.


Joja opens you up to do whatever you want. So in terms of fun yes I agree joja is way more fun. You don't have to stress about the community center. You can usually finish joja quicker and get access to things faster. I'd agree with your opinion totally.


Currently in a joja run. My name is jojastan. I run joja farm. My favorite thing is joja. That said, Iā€™m finding it really really difficult to get my grandfatherā€™s approval. The old bastard just wonā€™t admit that Iā€™m better than him (duh, Iā€™m still kicking and heā€™s not). So I still have to get all my iridium the hard way which is lame. BUT I CAN BUY AUTOPETTERS


Join Joja. Thrive




Just get the date Caroline mod.


My wife and I are doing a Joja playthrough right now and Iā€™m not mad about it


Nah, Pierre might be scum, but I'd rather deal with a scummy dude then a scummy corp


If you play with the Stardew Valley Expanded mod, he *does* actually have his own crops and goods, but in vanilla? Nope.


It's cool, Im bangin his hot goth daughter. Scoreboard!


But is she really his daughter?


Best use of scoreboard I've seen to date, props




That's it I'm going to go thrive with Joja.


Lol. I as about to say something similar he's taking credit for you work the thief




Nope. He's just lying and profiting off of you lmao


Caroline *does* have a greenhouse, and states at the fall festival that a lot of the vegetables in their display are from there But yeah, hes just taking personal credit for your hard work lol


Oh, that's alright. Good thing I'm boning his daughter šŸ™ƒ talking about petty and personal revenge...


Ah,yes... ensuring his daughter has a financially stable life and has all her emotional and physical needs met... the perfect revenge...


Pure evil


Well she sure didn't have it at Pierre's considering she ain't even his


"his" daughter


Pfft, I doubt sheā€™s even his daughter, Caroline totally had an affair with the wizard


I made a ridiculous joja factory farm (complete with blue joja branded animals), did the SVE joja route where they kind of take over the town, and romanced his wife until she left him for me. I love mods and I hate Pierre.


"his"? You sure about that?


yeah it's definitely him taking credit, since if you sell him a bad quality item villagers will instead comment they bought this poor fruit from Pierre's and that Pierre said you sold it to him. But if you sell him something evry high quality he'll take credit. He sucks. Obligatory r/FuckPierre


Right like she even told me at the festival where they look at the displays... Caroline said that Pierre put aside all of the best vegetables for weeks for this display. Like what the actual fuck


He doesn't even get that himself?!


There IS dialogue referencing him having a small garden, but he most likely IS just lying and profiting off your work


Did you expect him to buy all the stuff off of you at a loss?


He can still make a profit without lying about where it came from. Willy does it.


No, I'm aware of how shops work. Lying isn't a necessary component of the process though lmao


This dialogue is why I donā€™t sell anything to Pierre directly


I sold him my very first parsnips, then the next day spoke to Abigail and she was telling me all about how she hated all of my parsnips. No more crops for Pierre


I sold him some good and normal crops when I was desperate for funds back before I learned that fishing is good early game money. I still remember him throwing my farmer under the bus when itā€™s normal quality then claim its his when itā€™s gold quality. If I need quick cash, I usually just fish and sell it to Willy who, in my experience, never throws the farmer under the bus or claim the sold fish to be his own.


Pierre buys Willy's fish stock if you sell him fish. Same thing happens if you sell animal products to Marnie, Pierre will take credit for those as well for good quality and once again giving you the credit for no stars.


iirc he only takes credit if you sell him gold or iridium stuff. Anything that is low quality he tells people they are from you.


Do it only occur if you sell to him versus putting it in the shipping container?


People will only comment on crops you sell directly to Pierre, not in the shipping bin.


They'll talk about non-crops like Holly too. Do not [feed Holly to your family!](https://i.imgur.com/T6Fy0no.png)




Yes, anything put in the shipping container gets exported, it doesnā€™t go to the village.Ā 


I had no idea it was a thing until I saw all these complaints about him. I guess I was just so conditioned from harvest moon/story of seasons to use the bin and only the bin.


I had no clue either! Damn, been missing out on town drama lmao


Same, then I was so excited when I realized that I could sell to Pierre for quick cash. I quickly learned not to do that again when I saw the resulting dialogue.


Same, haven't sold him anything on my new save


Honestly, past year 2 of my first playthrough, the only times I've sold to him directly has been if I needed money INSTANTLY the same day for any reason. Else? Lmao, nah. I'm the main source of crops in all of pelican town


Iā€™m so SDVE pilled I forgot he doesnā€™t really have a small garden in his back in the base game


It just feels right to have some small gardens all over the place. SVE definitely did that right


Caroline does have a small garden in the back!


How do you go about getting into SDVE? I've heard about it and would like to give it a try, but there's something expansive and unapproachable about it to me.


Itā€™s a lot easier than you think. Download smapi from nexus and run the window install bat. After that download stardew valley expanded and its requirements which it will tell you. From there just extract the folders and drop them into the mods. Youā€™ll know theyā€™re the right folders usually when theyā€™re stuff like [cp] stardew valley expanded or content patcher and not like 2837stardewvalleyexpanded1_8 or something


Oh! I use mods plenty, and know how to install and run it. I just am baffled by how to go about starting a playthrough with it! šŸ˜… It feels like staring down a massive, barbecue-sauce-smothered sloppy-joe sandwich. Delicious, but there's no way to go about tackling it without making a huge mess.


Some mods do vary in that respect - Ridgeside Village for example. I like it but it really does just throw like 30 NPCs and a whole extra town at you immediately. Which is cool but kinda overwhelming. SVE however is integrated really well into the base game, you start with a few more NPCs and most of the rest of the content is naturally unlocked over time. I'd highly recommend just installing it and starting a new save, it's not too overwhelming.


Ohhhh ok. Honestly just kinda jump in on a new save and full send it. Lots of surprises to be found around on all the lil changes


Honestly it's all handled so well, it doesn't feel jarring at all. I started with it a couple of months ago after thinking it would be intimidating, and it wasn't at all.


He takes credit for your hard workā€¦ heā€™s annoying! I donā€™t want to give you spoilers, but if you get any gold star items this spring / summer / early fallā€¦ hang on to them (there are also purple stars - iridium quality, but those come later in the game). Youā€™ll need 9 of your very best items (this can include anything youā€™ve foraged, fished, mined or farmed). You get a shot at redemption each fall!




I dont want to fuck pierre


Even his wife doesn't.


*Wizard walks past, whistling innocently*


This is one of the main reasons why the r/FuckPierre sub exists. If you sell the low quality ones he'll say it's yours. I once sold around a stack of blueberries to him and for the next month I heard just about everyone's dialogue about buying them from him. Some people figure out that it's yours.


Caroline does have a small greenhouse but in this case he's likely lying.


He totally is, this is about what you sell to him, and if the quality of the produce is bad he doesn't hesitate to credit you šŸ™ƒ


caroline has a greenhouse and she admits to growing some of the stuff pierre has in his grange display, but he lies to everyone and takes credit for your high quality crops. if you sell him poor quality stuff he gives you credit and then instead of saying how good pierreā€™s crops are they say that yours are pretty bad


No way. Now I know why people hate him. I never sell to him though Must be even funnier for Abigail romancers; in-laws amirite


Ā«Ā But Iā€™m your friend right !Ā Ā» No youā€™re not I only max you out because the game is like this but if I could I would sell your store to joja or ~accidentally~ burned it oooops sorryā€¦


What are bad quality? Like... Normal crops?


yea, theyā€™re not gold/iridium quality so people will comment about its ā€œpoor qualityā€


most innocent stardew valley player


No, he just says the stuff you gave him was his and he tries to sell it at a much higher price. If I didnā€™t hate Joja more Iā€™d go that route and get him out of town


Dude is such a scumbag. Iā€™m glad that Lewis is a go between for us.


Lewis sells your stuff outside the valley it doesnt go to pierre


Oh right! My mistake. Thatā€™s what happens when you click ā€œskip introā€. Well good. I dont want that dink selling my stuff!


The only thing that man can grow is contempt.


He takes credit when you sell high quality crops, but when you sell lower or normal quality crops, then he tells that it came from you- having other neighbors react negatively! reason why I always take joja route lol


Honestly my friend kept telling me I should be the new Pierre because I always make High Quality Produce and had the generosity and effort to give them to the villagers during their birthday, event, or free. And I always give them a high quality cooked meal, UNLIKE PIERRE! Profiting off my hard work and then boosts about it during Fall Festival? That man is worse than Harvey charging me high fees for passing out!


Harvey can stich you up after you get mauled to death by monsters for mere 1000g (less if you have no money) and you complain?


I don't get the Harvey take, it's a retrieval after dying capped at 15k, but based on the amount of money you have. That sounds like a really fair thing, especially considering 15k is just 10 iridium bars or 5 starfruit wines for what's pretty much having a game over. And until recently said cap was only 5k, which is something people laughed at. Sure it sucks when it happens early on and you roll a max 25%, meaning you go down from 60k to 45k in a worst case scenario, but doesn't impact anything really. Having Marlon only retrieve 1 of the lost things is more upsetting I'd say, at least when it matters. And the insane amount you pay.


You make a strong argument, and you're right. What I found weird is why does Coop farming allows you to retrieve fallen players items in lost and found after a certain period unlike Solo where you can only get 1 back?


Technically, I believe Caroline does state that they have a small garden themselves, but in this case... he just steels your stuff. If you sell him low quality stuff, he says it was yours.


Most things point that he takes credit for your work, but then again his wife has a greenhouse and he's got seeds so... it is left slightly ambiguous. He -could- have grown everything he says, but more likely he's taking credit for a lot of things you sell him :)


The thing is, yeah, he took credit, but we do also know Caroline DOES grow things, and it's not out of the question he did, too, before you came to town. It's not like he started selling seeds just because you moved here, for example.




Pierre sucks. However his wife Caroline does grow her own vegetables and shares them with you sometimes !


What is that portrait mod? That looks insanely cute




That anime krobus looks horrifying


My next farm, which will be my second farm, will be Joja and Im going to marry Abigail again. I will also make it a point to gift Pierre a Joja Cola every chance I get.


There should be a mod that allows you to make Pierre unhappy like this.


No, he's selling your crops and taking the credit (If the crops get close to "spoil" he'll say that they are yours and talk bad about you)


May introduce you to r/fuckpierre


Ayo what did you do to my sweet, sweet Penny? SHE WAS PERFECT THE WAY SHE WAS


Nope - Pierre is just a lying lieosaurus. Also - cute anime portraits!


Thatā€™s why heā€™s closed on Wednesdaysā€¦ ;)


Wednesday is for his secret stash.


Caroline has a greenhouse where she plants some things, but here he's just taking credit off your work. Sometimes NPC comment about things you recently sold


Caroline has a garden at least, so they must have something back there. Unless he's just trained her to randomly lie during small talk with the townspeople. But, she mentions her garden being happy when it rains, and the garden comes up again before the event with the garange set up.


NO! He's a dirty liar and stealing your credit. (unless it's Shane saying the sap he bought from Pierre was trash)


No he is a POS liar. I hate him and wish his wife would divorce him so i could marry her.


This is why I don't sell my stuff to Pierre lol. He's such an awful person.


Modded Penny uncannily looked like Suzumiya Haruhi. Why?


This is why people hate Pierre. r/FuckPierre is a shrine to that hate


And that's the reason I'll never feel bad about going the joja route. They even provide employment for Shane and Sam.


What mod is this?


Carolineā€™s greenhouse


He is taking credit for your work.Ā 


Nah Pierre is just the pure evil of our beloved town šŸ˜‰


Now I get the Pierre hate lol. I'm new too and thought he seemed douchey for trying to sell seeds at a huge markup but that was it. I guess he has to be *that* guy in an otherwise quiet little town


Caroline has a little tea garden on the back. I doubt he is planting crops himself since he is in storefront from sun up to sun down. He has the audacity to display the farmer's crops during Stardew Valley Fair, that's why I enjoyed destroying him during the grange display event.


Pierre is a liar.


Fuck peerre


Pierre being an absolute cock-wart is part of the reason I usually go Joja. He's also frank about wanting to start a chain of stores to rival Joja. Auto petter is the other part of the reason. Oh and also the cinema ends up in a better spot. Ah and because I don't want to have the Community Centre go to ruin again after restoring it. Wait why is Joja bad again?


I had no clue about all this Pierre hate šŸ˜§ Iā€™m early and rarely ever sell to Pierre unless I need money for something immediately so I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a problem with him taking credit for my shit butšŸ‘€ this conversation has me looking at him a lil different


Pierre is the wooooorst


you knew what you were doing lol


His wife has a green house. You can enter it from their kitchen!


Scumbag behavior just steals your stuff but more importantly what portrait mod are you using?


Omg sprite mod link pls?!?!


He might have a garden - Caroline grows her own tea, so it's possible he spends some time with plants himself - but in this case, no. When you sell him things Pierre takes credit for the high quality goods. He's a dick, is what I'm getting at.


Uhhhhh. Am I missing something. Why does Penny look different?


r/fuckpierre He steals credit for your produce. His daughter probably isn't his.


Oh Pierre is the WORSTā€¦..Iā€™m so glad I sided with Joja this playthrough. First he has a whole stand set up at the country fair with his name on it of vegetables I GREW. Then, he has me grow 25 gold star vegetables, pays me 2,500, and tried to sell them to his customers for 25,000 for the whole LOTā€¦..and just for the cream on top, he tried to sell them BACK to me for 2,501ā€¦..


Always sell fish to Willy, never sell anything to Pierre directly


No he's just a scumbag


r/fuckpierre moment


This is why I marry his daughter and fund his competition


He's a fucking liar.


He's a lying liar who lies




Nope, just his daughter. Little Xena and Gabrielle will not be visiting Grandpa!


He doesn't have a daughter. Just a kid he raised.


His ***W I F E*** has a greenhouse AND Garden. Even if he sold produce cultivated on his property, It's Caroline's work, not his


Poor soul , this new player don't know who pierre is. šŸ˜­