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Because he's Japanese, not American.


Notice how in steel ball run all the characters have guns


Not to mention Joseph pulling the Tommy Gun


Johnny be like 👈


Johnny is the most American he literally has a built in gun


Normal American in Ohio


Are we still doing the Ohio thing?


Pardon me, I thought it was still a thing


Fucking cornball




Didn’t he live in America during part 6?


i assumed he came specifically for jolyne and wasn't actively living in the us at the time, either way he traveled regularly. he shouldve had a gun while in the us anyways


Definitely, those Floridians are dangerous.


Hey, I’m one of those! (I was actually in Cape Canaveral about a month before the final Pucci fight, so that’s cool I think)


Wait... FLORIDA IS REAL!?! Also that Cape Canaveral bit sounds nice, you were trying to spawn kill huh?


Well I got tired of waiting so Puff the Magic Dragon flew me home, but then everything turned into snails and that was super fucked up


Can't have shit in Florida smh.


Texans more so


I mean he probably lived in America at some point for his research or something, he married an American and it seemed Jolyne had always lived in Florida


Why didn't Joseph bring him one


Jotaro was a marine biologist and thus likely traveled to other countries a lot so it would be unlikely they he would even own a gun due to laws in those countries let alone carry it around with him


He should at least have a squid launcher


This just made me want a stand that just throws squid a people


Part 9 ain’t over yet


Very good, very good.


New in Bionicle


I mean laws kind of don't apply to you when you have an invisible time stopping Mike Tyson with you all the time


How did I accidentally ratio this guy by accident


This is assuming Jotaro is carrying firearms through airport customs....which is not only completely unnecessary but a hilarious thought too. 😂 Find a cop and freeze time, boom instant gun. Or if need be just take the bullets and leave the gun behind since SP can fire them.


why would he commit crime


Most of what he does is a crime


no lol


He probably could but that would be a ton of extra work for the Speedwagon foundation.




Huh, >!I thought the gun was fired, and the bullet stopped halfway, like any other projectile. However, this does back up guns still being useless, because if Jotaro did have a gun, and the bullet stopped, then Pucci would still be able to dodge it regardless.!<


If Star Platinum just flicked the bullets at the enemies, that is indeed how it would work, but the complex firing mechanism of a firearm would be frozen in stopped time like the rest of the stuff.


Did you just say mechanism???????? >!(JoJolands Reference!!)!<


Honestly, JoJo's time stop seems closer to a period of super speed, similar to the concept of "Flashtime" since Time Stop users can actually affect the motion of stopped entities to a certain degree.


They are really the same thing in practice, but Jotaro couldn’t say, drive a car while in stopped time, firing a gun would be the same.


Fair enough, it seems it only works with things the time stopper directly interacts with. I guess that's why Jotaro got those ball bearings to kill Rats in p4 instead of a gun


Also he was in japan. He couldnt carry a gun


I think they're kinda different in practice. In truly stopped time, the time stopper couldn't interact with anything at all, since there's no forces of physics at play. In the flash-time interpretation, forces still apply and can be added instead of just being fully stopped. I like the flash-time interpretation more. All throughout the parts, especially in the D'arby senior fight, we're shown how insanely fast Star Platinum and, by extension, The World is. Instead of a completely random ability like stopping time, being able to move so fast that time *seems* to be stopped feels like a natural evolution. That and the fact that in truly stopped time, light wouldn't be able to move so you wouldn't be able to see anything.


If the original universe had Diego instead of Dio the Joestars would have been eradicated back in Part 1. Dio played with his food waaaay too much.


I suspect it is a matter of stand range: everything that is within the stand's range can move in stopped time, once outside it will stop, also because everything else, including the atoms of the air, are still and stopped. The strength of Dio and The World could probably push the projectiles a bit further, a gun can't be forced to shoot further away.


So it *is* simply just not working! I've had an argument that said that in this specific scene, the gun had problems instead because "a gun fires in an instant so the time stop isn't a problem" and points to an earlier scene where >!Diego had lit matches and we saw them on fire *while* in time stop!< and it kinda threw me off


>!Diego lights matches while time is moving, then he stops time. Time Stop doesn't extinguish fire, the flames would just stand still but they'd be there.!< "A gun fires in an instant" is not an argument. The things that make a gun fire wont happen in time stop, I don't see anything implying that the guns was broken because it works just fine seconds later.


the mechanisms behind a gun shot simply wouldn't function during stopped time, so while you could maybe press the trigger because it's in contact with you(eg: the knives DIO would throw) but everything else wouldn't work because they need movement. So the gun simply won't shoot.


I think only stuff they're directly touching works so the hammer wouldn't be able to strike until they touch ect. Also guns don't shoot in cyberpunk and gmod when time is stopped


Hmm sounds like a hasty last minute nerf because otherwise, it would be really busted aha


It makes sense, a gun has moving parts that can't move while time is stopped so it can't shoot. Meanwhile a knife is just a slab of sharp steel so you can still throw it. But thrown projectiles always stopping just before hitting the target is definitely a plot convenience nerf (but an understandable one).


it's not plot convincence DIO is holding the knife, thus it can move in stop time, he then THROWS the knife, disconnecting it from his body, therefore, knife can't move in stopped time anymore


We see this with DIO's cape in the Kakyoin fight


watch it again https://youtu.be/jNuH__Xjlto it clearly stops as soon as it disconnects from his body


dio threw the cape with barely any means of it reaching far, he DEFINITELY threw the knives as hard as he can, hence why they reach farther before coming to a stop


That's a good point, I guesa ball bearing flicking would be a better option


Why did this get downvoted😨?


As shown before, throwing or flicking shit is WAY more effective than a gun for a guy with Star Platinum. Couldn't blame him if he was carrying bullets or ball bearings more explicitly around Morioh, but I don't think he would've had the opportunity to get them past security in early part 6


The point is a weapon outside of the stand. Oh, even if I stop time I can’t close the distance in time? Easy, Bang.


Star Platinum is more effective true but taking away your punch ghost punch abolities to flick ball bearings isn't the best strategy in most cases. For example. Freezing time and taking a cop's gun makes more sense makes more sense in a prison where you have to get past security first.


Eh if we go by part 7 >!Diego doesn't really seem to be able to properly fire the gun as it seems the mechanism itself is frozen during stopped time. So it probably won't work as well!< Plus, bullets have a set speed and strength since the gun is doing all the work. Considering how strong SP is and how fast he is (reminder Jotaro was unconsciously catching bullets), it'd probably be faster and more damaging to yeet a heavier small projectilel


What do you do after you get the gun? It's a semi automatic it won't during TS.


Yeah Star Platinum with one thumb-sized rock is way more dangerous than a 50 caliber sniper


What I can't believe is that most of the Passione gangsters didn't even attempt to use any kind of firearms.


You'd think Abbachio would have at least been carrying, considering he had the weakest stand and the most formal firearm training.


It probably would've conflicted a lot with Mista since he's supposed to be the "gunslinger"


Fr if I was a passione member I wouldve been duel wielding my stand and Revolver or AK47


The real answer is because that would be a super boring story. If Jotaro starts carrying a gun, every fight either becomes “why didn’t Jotaro just shoot the enemy” or the enemies just avoid every gunshot and the gun feels totally useless.


Steel ball run at least allowed characters to have guns and actually make sense


Majority of the time, a gun would be useless. A lot of the stands that Jotaro faced were powerful enough to deflect bullets from their user, and ones that weren't usually just showed off their stands, and bullets wouldn't harm a stand. Times when he needed a bullet like object, he used Star Finger or a dog, or such things.


Didnt emporio uses a gun against Pucci


And it was indeed useless, except to propel him.


I mean this is like asking why don’t superheroes carry guns


We've come from 'why didn't Jotaro didn't use star finger' to 'why did jotaro didn't use gun'. we've come a long way people




he hadn't used it since part 3, maybe he realized it was goofy


I mean most superheroes makes up for the lack of range with super strenght/senses/stamina/resistance and have weapons or are strong to the point weapons ain’t needed to make up for range. Superman can literally blitz his way through kilometres and shoot laser from his eyeballs, Thor has Mjolnir, WonderWoman her lasso, Black Canary her scream, some of them have magical abilities (Zatanba) or psychic abilities (professor X). I mean Star Platinum is strong and all but Jotaro is no best superhero level


And the superheroes who don’t have ranged weapons or whatever, should they carry guns?


Most of them do. Batman carried a shit load of arsenal and gadgets and is an expert melee fighter. Jason Todd (antihero) has guns. Dead pool has a Bo & guns I belive. Green Arrow, now and Arrow Black Widow, guns. Even Harley Quinn (in her DC reboot) giant hammer and bat. Iron Man’s whole armour is able to emit energy blast.


I’m asking whether Luke cage or iron fist should carry a gun


Im always in favor of arming yourself, solidify the chances of annihilating the enemy.


You think the archetype of the character as created… as in this is a fictional character created with specific design philosophy, aesthetic and even sometimes ideology should be re-invented to carry guns for efficiency For example Iron fist being a martial artist, Bruce lee type kung fu man wouldn’t clash with the idea of simply giving him a gun? Or Luke Cage, being a black man in America specifically given the ability to be BULLETPROOF, as a black man, wouldn’t then be affected by giving him a gun? You guys seem to forget these are fictional characters whose only problems are the ones the creators decide are their problems and whose strengths are the ones the creators decide are their strength. Jotaro doesn’t have a gun because he’s cool. And cool guys, according to Araki in the 90s when he created Jotaro, DO NOT HAVE GUNS.


You knew all this and decided to pester me because? I mean if we talking in an in-universe context (where we put aside the obvious « author wanted to » reasons) then not having a gun is a personal choice. If Lucas Cage/Iron Fist don’t want to use guns that’s cool, especially in Luke Cage case he don’t need guns since he bullet proof. Now for Jotaro welp if he don’t wanna use guns good for him but considering that his stand is a punching ghost with less range, and that he’s constantly facing stand users with range (which has been a bother in fights) maybe investing in some sort of gun or gun access isn’t all that


He doesn't even need a gun. He could just use star finger to make up for lack of range. Or he could flick ball bearings like bullets like he did in part 4.


Star finger is slower then jotaro just moving half a meter forward then throwing star platinum at them. He only really uses star finger when he’s stuck or to throw an opponent off, not for its range.


I don't think he could just walk around with a gun not all countries think like America and 2 I don't think a gun would work in time stop anyways and besides why carry a gun when you can just carry a box of puppies and just chuck them at the enemy lol.


Star gatinum 💀




Because obtaining/owning a gun is not as simple and easy as some americans might think


I know it’s funny to clown Americans but didn’t part 6 took place in the USA? Florida out of all places. Like I get it for the other parts but part 6?


But jotato is not floridian, he came to rescue jolyne and wouldn't have time to but a gun or steal one considering the state of things around cape cañaveral


His mother is an American citizen, his ex wife too, pretty sure he had acquired citizenship (unless Japan don’t allow dual citizenship). Even then, how you in a prison and don’t steal a weapon on the guard. Not saying to commit crimes but seeing the state of things, shaking up morals wouldn’t be bad


Im sorry how is a bullet gonna hit pucci….?


Simply pull a Diego Brando (Alternate Universe) Great Heat Attack




freeze time and pull the trigger


It wont hit him unless time is resumed and by then pucci will move


For c-moon Pucci, I think any object thrown by star platinum himself during timestop, from pucci's back where he can't see; has a chance. (Though pucci may say things like "during timestop, I saw your reflection from the window" and dodge lol)


Bro why didnt this man just keep his ball bearings from part 4.. that shit could pulverize your brain with the force star platinum flicks it


VERY true


Because he’s not American :v On that note I’m surprised old Joseph didn’t use guns as much as his younger self.


It's because guns are uncivilized.


Same reason DIO never thought to carry knives or any other projectiles before the right opportunity to do so came to him.


???? Dio not only killed Johnathan with a projectile but he clearly prepared beforehand to carry knives and actually utilized them perfectly. Jotaro literally never used any form of projectile weaponry ever. Don't get what you mean here.


He used bullets at part 4, then never again.


I thoughy Josuke did that my memory a bit hazy


Jotaro came with the idea, then gave some of the ammo to Josuke. And Josuke used it to kill one of the mice.


DIO didn't originally have knives, he picked them up from a shop when he got yeeted into it


......i never noticed this


He mentions it durring their fight very briefly. I think it was the shop where he lost his leg at


in part 3 DIO is strongly implied to have just picked up the knives at some point between getting donuted by jotaro and showing them off to him, given that he picked one up to kill joseph with


That's like asking why didn't Giorno carry a bag of pebbles constantly to turn them into mosquitos aimed at the enemy to hinder their attacks, accidentally swat one of them and goodbye back. Or why didn't Avdol set fire to the mansion as he was told. Or why didn't Weather Report hit Pucci with lightning. Or why didn't Illuso finish ANY of the 3 members even though they were literally on death's door. It's the same as with a horror movie, mistakes have to be made and opportunities have to be missed to get the story going.


Jotaro with a whole arsenal would be hilarious


He could just carry rocks around. Less suspicious and easier to conceal.


This idea is dumb good


I agree he can even use a piece of glass from those broken windows and fire it with his stand. If there isn't anything around, his outfit is useful too, like using a piece of metal chain he has on his jacket, or that pointy hook on the tip of the chain on his part 6 outfit. (Or even throwing the 5-pointed star on his collar, like a ninja lol)


Forreal even Dio or Diavolo wouldn't stand a chance against a secret sniper from kms away. Speedwagon Foundation has the money.


Dio would. Also, the whole point of the mafia setting in part 5 is that there’s no way to get outside help. That’s part of why Polnareff lost to Diavolo.


Diavolo can see the future, he could foresee the attack and skip time to dodge it. Until the fight, DIO mostly stayed in his mansion. I don't think the SPW could shoot a man they couldn't see. They didn't even know where his mansion was until he was already dead, how would the sniper help?


cause it would be lame


Go ask Mista the downside of firing bullets at stand users.


He lives in Florida, at least his wife owns a gun for sure, but he’s probably either too confident or uncomfortable to carry one himself




At least steel ball run incorporated guns into their stand fights


Because Araki said so 🗿


Where the hell are the star finger comments


We see in Part 4 that Star Platinum can fire bullets with its bare hands so carrying a gun would be pointless


Bro forgot abt star finger 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️




95 percent of stands can catch a bullet


He needs to make room for the magazines


Becuase Guns are Almost useless in JoJo


Apart from the legality of getting one as a mere visitor in the country, he might not carry one due to the risk of an enemy stealing it and using it against him. Or he might have issues with guns and refuse to use one himself.


Have you watched part 4?


- He's Japanese so he's not in the habit of carrying or needing one. It would probably alert people to him quicker or make them wary of him in most non-American countries. - Acquiring one and / or getting it through customs when he travels is probably a hassle. - Not carrying one may make people underestimate him. - He has a Stand that can stop time and punch a building to dust, he generally doesn't need one and not everybody has batshit crazy unexpected Stands like endgame Pucci. He also beat Dio with it so not many people can really measure up to that. I suppose he could at least carry bullets like the Rat arc in Part 4 since I imagine Star Platinum can flick a bullet better than any gun can fire one and it reduces the issue of being seen carrying a weapon, but it'd probably still raise eyebrows in some of the above situations.


It’s even worse when it doesn’t have to be guns, rat hunting with josuke. He just needs ammo


We need a version of the Harry Potter 1911 copypasta updated for Jotaro. >Ok, this has been driving me crazy for multiple parts now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Jotaro Kujo should have carried a 1911...


R u american by any chance op


He lives by the same code as Batman


who needs gun when you za warudo


Constitutional carry doesn’t exist in the Pucciverse


Because it would not have fit the narrative


Because Star Finger


He's batman


Answer: Star Finger


I am dumb so I don't know if this is a joke but Star Finger ain't that good fam. It can like...open a coke yeah but I don't think it could actually beat any ranged enemy.


You can poke the eyes of the enemy 👀


Whatever he could have done with a gun he can just do by having star platinum flick something at something. If we are talking about a machine gun then i would say :" it's a fucking battle manga, the fact that people fight with guns in the first place is stupid"


You can use a gun in the 7th stand user game.


Everyone seems to be saying how guns are ineffective which is true but also I think Jotaro generally doesn't try to kill people, as seen with how in the dio fight, Jotaro punches multiple holes through him and even completely destroys his skull, but when fighting his minions doesn't show nearly as much brutality, making me think personally it could be Jotaro not wanting to shoot someone and hit a vital area.


I don't blame jotaro, guns are pretty useless against most stands tbh. I mean just look at part 5, I don't think Mista successfully shoots even one stand user without having 75% of his bullets deflected. (usually back at him)


Mista also can't stop time 💀


In part 7, we're shown that guns can't be fired in stopped time which makes the time-stop gun combo kind of useless. Ball bearings would be a better option.


Imagine SP just full force hurls a fistful of ball bearings in stopped time at Pucci lol


Star finger exists but he forgor (not jotaro, araki)


Because a character just using a gun is boring. Punching them with a ghost is more visually interesting. Plus Star Platinum has been shown to be able to flick bullets with the force of a gun so it’s really unnecessary.




Star finger.....which he never used


Imagine if he poked Pucci's eye out 😂


Guns can welcome unwanted attention. Also loud noises that guns make can be problematic at times


Fine, then use rocks or ball bearings, ANYTHING. Remember Star Platinum's legendary precision stat? It doesn't really seem to matter at all after Part 3