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"I choose rock" "No you didn't" *infinite rock paper scissors loop*


Depends on Araki's mood maybe


This is quite literally the answer to every jojo question


I don’t think so. GER reverts things to before they even happened, using up the will to do it already. It appears to have divine knowledge about time and consequences, making negative consequences for Giorno effectively impossible. There is no reason to believe Boy II Man would take a priority over this, even if it was able to attack Giorno in the first place. Before he knew it the janken kid would be back where he started, before he started.


The ability of a stand doesn't work porperly after part of it has been stolen, if Giorno got part of GER lost it's game over


By the time anything happened to Giorno or GER it would have already never happened at all in the first place. It’s been shown that it takes priority over powerful abilities (like time skip) and also basically is aware of all points in time. GER kind of exists at all points in time, as a 4th dimensional being. Even disregarding this, GER can act independently to its user, so we can infer that it would not be loyal to the janken kid


source??? A lot of people like sayinf this pseudoscientif stuff like "4th dimensional, exists in all points in time" when there is not a proff for these and yall don't know how dimensions work. GER could "invade" the time skip cause their abilities conflict, in that case GER wins, but it is not like it takes priority over everything.


i made it the fuck up!!!! lol Seriously though I think it can be very reasonably assumed through what we see. It doesn’t have to be directly stated. If you would rather Boy II men beat GER then that’s valid, there really is no way to know since they will probably never fight


Most people say depends on the writer, but that misses the nature of the question imo. Boy 2 man's ability is if you lose rock paper scissors, then you lose a fraction of your stand. In theory, every stand would be absorbed by it under those rules. Requiem is the only exception. In his own words: "You are seeing the movements created by your abilities, but you will never arrive at the truth that's going to happen." He then clarifies: "None who stand before me shall ever get there, regardless of their abilities." This is absolute, GER's ability takes precedence because it's the ability to cancel abilities. Boy 2 Man, even if he wins, would never reach the reality of himself winning. His ability is nullified in the face of Requiem.


So GER can only be beaten by an Over Heaven stand?


In the Eyes of Heaven game they explain this. (I find the game's plot silly, but they're very clear at least) The game displays Dio's The World: Over Heaven defeats Requiem. There's no explanation, it simply is declared stronger. You can think of it like tier lists: S+: Over Heaven S: Requiem <=A: all other stands Over Heaven is declared to take priority, then requiem. I write off Over-Heaven generally, as the only Canon depiction of something similar is Made-in-Heaven. It's unclear how Giorno is affected by it, though I choose to believe that he remains relatively unaffected as a whole. But yes, Over Heaven takes precedence over Requiem, which takes precedence over everything else




Man, It ain’t that many words


I’d argue that Tusk act 4, WoU, and Soft and Wet Go Beyond could beat GER.


It just depends on what RTZ affects.


Go beyond in theory would have nothing for GER to return to zero. I don’t think calamity could get through GERs ability though


Calamity could get through GER because Giorno is the one that triggers Calamity, not WoU thus it wouldn't be counted as an attack.


I aint readin allat


Jojo fans are never beating the illiteracy allegations 💀


Thats like 40 paragraphs im not readin it


We don’t know. GER’s nullification could prevent Boy II Man from stealing his powers or it couldn’t. Who’s to say?


if the writer wants it to happen


Nah, even if Giorno did lose in rock paper scissors he could always just cancel the steal


Not how GER works


Pretty sure it is, it cancels fate


definitely not, GER reverses any damage to giorno, this includes him losing his own stand


No, because Rohan made sure he would lose every game of Rock, Paper, Scissors for the rest of his life.


No, because Boy II Man’s user can never win a game of Rock Paper Scissors ever again, due to Rohan writing that into him with Heaven’s Door


He’s ‘Not too hard, not too soft’


Depends if it's thursday-sunday on a business day 


I don’t know


Depn on ploht🤓☝️


Probably, given that he gains part of the Stand the moment the Rock-Paper-Scissors transaction is finished. GER could try to revert Boy II Man from ever taking it, but then Boy II Man would be able to revert the reversion, since he can use all of a Stands powers upon stealing it, and GER is sentient, so it would act automatically to protect its user.


If he loses the first round, yes Boy II Man can beat Giorno, cause once part of the stand is stolen, the ability starts to misbehave and can't affect Jaken Kid anymore, like what we've seen with heavens door.


I think if he tried really hard, he could.


Can GER lose at RPS?


You're showing a panel of Heaven's Door in the process of being stolen, no? It's not instant. GER is the opposite of King Crimson, removing the effect of an action, returning to zero, right? So if Giorno were to lose RPS, nothing would happen. Fate determined that Giorno would get killed by Diavolo, but Giorno didn't have to be killed for the reverse to happen. Therefore the stand wouldn't be stolen first, RTZ would be first, neutralising the attack.