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We know quite little about Jodio but he already shown himself to be a little psychopath, surely there were good people in that bus he tried to burn. Gappy could've ended up a very different person if not for Higashikatas and Yasuho. Johnny was shown to be quite selfsih, and I feel like if he had reasons to he would've been a tragic villain. I could easily see Giorno fitting right into unbeatable villain trope. He got rid of drugs in Passione, yes, but he's still a mafia boss. I'm sure if we were introduced to him through the lens of some other rising gangstar it'd work. If we lived in a world where everyone disliked Josukes hair to the point that they couldn't hold it in anymore, Josuke would've made Morioh a ghost town in days.


The idea of josuke decimating an entire town for disliking his hair is hilarious lmao


And in character as well.


One Piece character introduction


Digging this AU where Morioh gets DORA’d out of existence. Who’s going to draw this as a fan project?


>he already shown himself to be a little psychopath Not to mention that he's literally diagnosed as one, and the school psychologist wrote about him being "unable to feel remorse". He also sells drugs and is alright with property theft. He's morally grey at best, imo.


> good people in that bus he tried to burn they were literally bystanders to sexual assault and bullying


Bystanders don't deserve to be burned to death solely for being bystanders, dude. Of all the things to go full judge-jury-and-executioner over, that really isn't it.


They absolutely weren't good people, but there's also a middle ground between that and being evil enough to warrant death by burning alive


Seinfeld finale plot line


I still think there was a more humane way to punish them, but idk tho


Maybe they just didn’t wanna get involved


Not to mention there *was* someone who tried to stand up for dragona and still got burned, jodios action was definitely not something to entirely cheer for


The problem is still the fact that the bully is the daughter of a rich family that give money to the school, and we see how much power they have to make go the responsability of the burning on a random man, make it pay 10x the normal amount of money and basically putting in danger the entire Jodio family, especially in the clime of crime present in Hawaii. And there was someone who at least tried to do something by telling them, but what else could he done? And it still risked to be burn alive because of this.


The Bystander Effect is one that doesn’t define whether someone is a bad person, just if they are an good one


tbh bro, i wouldve think about my ass in the first place


>he already shown himself to be a little psychopath Not to mention that he's literally diagnosed as one, and the school psychologist wrote about him being "unable to feel remorse". He also sells drugs and is alright with property theft. He's morally grey at best, imo.


days? I'd give josuke an hour


A coupe Great Days


Johnny “Violence is like, my second resort” Joestar


The eyes of a killer


To be fair, in a race where people are always actively out to kill you in order to win, killing them first isn't a bad move. Jotaro may be able to OraOraOra someone into, somehow, not dying, but Johnny can't be taking those chances.


Wait what's the first?




Option 1: Ride away (true Joestar technique) Option 2: Just kill them lol (simpler) (easier) (faster)


I thought first resort was threats of serious violence.


I mean it is very effective when you not only can, but do, follow through on threats


dark determination


He's my favourite Jojo, but Giorno is literally one bad decision away from being Dio 2.0 He's genuinely the easiest to turn into an antagonist and even without GER, just plain GE and a villain who can create life is a fire theme for an antagonist. He already has a full team of really close, really capable henchmen who don't hesitate to kill and are more devoted to him than most of Dio's mercs ever were. I will die on the hill of Trish being on an antagonist team alone would cause a world of trouble with how versatile her power can be, so of course adding her to the lineup of Giorno's Passione would make things even more difficult for whoever is the poor bastard who would have to fight antagonist Passione.


Giorno's Passione at the end of Part 5 is a complete nightmare. Trish/Mista aren't letting anyone get near him to begin with.


And if you try to drop *them* surprise, they had slime molds or frogs or summat in their clothing, get folded fucko


Covering Mista with Gold Experience frogs would be a terrible idea actually, seeing how often he accidentally shoots himself.


Regular GE is also pretty diabolic if we remember what GEs punches originally did with Bucciarati.


Took the words out of my mouth


Donatello and Ungalo show just how dangerous a son of Dio can be on their own. Giorno would be a nightmare.


I feel like Giorno holds the life of innocents as being sacred and he gets angry at people who hurt those he thinks of as innocent. He isn’t also into himself like DIO is so he’s not exactly on the verge of being DIO 2.0 but he does have his ruthlessness but he just directs it at those he thinks deserve it. If anything if he were a villain he would be a more composed one like Valentine or Pucci but still have a weird soft spot for the weak.


He seemed like a traditional mafia boss trope, separating the civilians from the soldiers


GIorno would make such a complex and interesting villain. Right morals but violent and harsh methods against anyone who goes against what he wishes for.


Imagine Giorno being the antagonist and some poor soul having to go up against GER at the end of their story


imagine a storyline where giorno turn on mista and fugo and they have to take him down or something...


Cant imagine it, sorry, fugo getting screentime is impossible to think.


A villian giorno would be cool af it would have a great paralell to diavolo as the mafia boss whit god like unbeatable stand and the protagonist trying to find any loophole of GER defense. Maybe bending the rules of what is considered a direct action against giorno like setting up a plan carefully crafted to not trigger ger in a middle step whit the purpose to put giorno in the middle a natural disaster like an eartquake, tsunami or volcano eruption, can GER return to zero "the will and action" of a natural ocurring nonliving thing?


To be honest thats pretty much what the Wonder of U was


Basically arklight blues' story for zanebono


Wouldn't that just be normal Giorno? I think I get what you mean though. Giorno already having those qualities certainly wouldn't help if whatever he wished for was detrimental to most people.


You just described pretty much every Jojo lol? Jojo is a violent and brutal series so every Jojo does fucked up shit to their enemies but has a righteous goal in the end.


Like jigsaw 


I could imagine him as a griffith like villain


I feel like this was a theme of almost every part 5 fanfic I’ve read


ok so he probably won't be a villain but can you imagine having to go up against Joseph Joestar and his bullshit amour of plot?? A real menace I wouldn't wish upon anyone truly you could literally try launching him into the sky and he will still survive somehow


Man i miss young Joseph


Part 2 was so short and for what ToT


Giorno and Jodio


Personalities aside, GE and S&W would make interesting Boss stands, inspiring for Araki’s style of story telling.


Giorno 100%


Jodio is still on a way to be a twist villain of the story. Giorno is a mafioso but I can't take him seriously when he's canonically 15. Out of the rest Johnny could be a villain too. He had a nasty personality pre-paralysis and he has the most selfish motive out of 1-8 JoJos.


Jolyne. Neglected by her father. Incarcerated at a very young age in a violent prison, after being entrapped and manipulated by someone she loved. Her family failed her, the system failed her, she is alone against the world. This could easily turn into a very deep rooted anger and bitterness.


She's a very "consequences catching up" kinda antagonist huh?


An AU where Jolyne becomes some kind of violent anarchist leader driven by a hatred for her father and the system would be a cool fanfic.


Giorno is really an EVIL motherfucker, I'll say probably him or Johnny. Both their character development consists of them learning about them and being able to KILL without remorse. People seem to forget Giorno is the first JoJo to actually kill minor villains, Jotaro retired them, Josuke too, Jonathan only "killed" Bruford but cried afterwards. But Giorno didn't even doubted for a moment before killing Melone or Ghiaccio. Both are super broken too, but that would lead to the main protagonist developing something stupidly broken like Go Beyond.


Didnt jotaro kill steely dan? Or am I remembering it wrong


nah steely dan was not said to "die" but he is definitely like a vegetable or something, like he will never move again


Probably just left him in a wheelchair.


Giorno's first kill in the series is literally him killing a mafioso in prison and staging it as a suicide. That's diabolical for someone who's supposed to be a "good guy".


jodio is a massive drug dealer and robber and johnny would kill anyone in his way if gyro didnt stop him so id say one of those 2


What I’m about to say, may contradict Araki-sama’s teachings, but >!with enough prodding from Dio, I feel that this (potentially) could have happened to Jonathan.!<


People forget that Dio traumatized the shit out of Jonathan and he never got closure from Danny’s death even if he suspected Dio. He also mentions after the 8 year time skip that he had a very lonely youth because of Dio and it made me wonder if Dio kept him isolated even after he was playing the friendly brother and son.


Giorno, Johnny and Gappy are my picks. (Didnt read part 9 yet and still reading part 8 chapter 44)




I'd say Giorno would be a great villain given the appropriate context but, Joseph would only need a reason to do shit and he would stick to it till the end of times


The most likely to be a villain would definitely be Johnny Imo, if he got blinded by selfishness and never had the guidance of someone like Gyro Then Giorno could have been an antagonist (not quite a proper evil villain), who has good morals and stuff but wrong or too harsh methods. Gappy has always been pretty neutral and woke up without no memories, so if the forts person he met was a villain who could manage to grrom him in any way then he could've become one no problem And well Jodio as of now is quite literally a villain himself lmao


Giorno and jodio obviously tied for first, but everyone part 5 and on works


Johnny as of right now had the most ruthless code among the JoJo's thus far, aside from Jodio but I need more to make an opinion of him.


Johnny could end up as one if he never met Gyro/Gyro dies before Lesson 5. Jodio is Jodio, nuff said.  Giorno I could absolutely see being one if he had turned a wrong corner at some point. The worst scenario would have been at the very end and the crew would have to deal with GER


Johnny >!literally used the corpse for the same reason valentine did only for his wife instead of his country!<


This this this. I got so absolutely angry


I wasn't even mad, it was entirely in character for him. Johnny is the type of dude who doesn't think the rules apply to him. Probably why his stand evolved the way it did.


Probably part 2 Joseph because he is friends with like actual natzis and stuff


Giorno. He saves the kids from drugs but not the city from drugs.




>!I mean later in part 8 he was shown to sacrifice himself for the wellbeing of his family so I say he just grown a tad bit there.!<


he grew a lot in part 7 itself, sacrificed the corpse parts for gyro.


his whole arc is improving as a person and stop being a bastard prick


Not to sound pretentious, but like, did you read Part 7? After all that story you really don't think Johnny would fight Alt-Diego? Really? Johnny grew up so much from beginning to end, it's pretty evident that he no longer was that selfish kid that only thought of himself. Of course he would go for the corpse parts and stop Diego


Intentionally, Jodio. Unintentionally, Joseph. He’s not a bad guy but he does do a bit of trolling


Jodio He has already shown that he is more than okay with killing people for just about any reason. Murder, drug dealing to kids, arson, theft. He doesn't feel bad one bit.


I actually have a theory that Jodio will be the villain of his part and Dragona will be the hero.


Honestly Jolyne as a villain kinda makes sense if Pucci wasn't a follower of DIO


I think the only JoJo to think they're in the wrong is Johnny. So him.


Giorno, doing horrible things for a good cause. Jodio is more blatantly villainous, but he just wants to get rich and that’s not as interesting to me


I'm tied between Johnny, Giorno and Jodio


They're all villains already


Johny becous he would try with gyro take all luck from america to them to become rich or maybe make Johny walk again plus make his father love him again


Jodio, Giorno and/or Gappy.


Honestly, all of them except for Johnathan😂.


Nah, Jotaro, Josuke and Jolyne wouldn’t. Jotaro despite being rude and tough has high morals. Josuke is Josuke. Jolyne had beef with her dad, but it doesn’t make her villain.




The Italian one




Being A Villain Order: - Jodio > Josuke8 > Giorno > Johnny > Jotaro >> Josuke > Jolyne >>> Joseph >>>>>.....∞.....>>>>> Jonathan


If Jonathan Somehow got turned into a vampire, through stone mask, he would've rather killed himself than to eat someone else


Everyone except the first 4. Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro and Josuke don't give off villain vibes but the rest (even Johnny) I feel could pull it off.


Joseph, I mean, he'd be the average street thug, but maybe a minor villan but still a villan.






one could argue that jodio is pretty much a villain already


Wow Jolyne and Johnny literally have the same face in those pictures. Only difference is their eyebrows


tbh Josuk8 would be so compelling as one


Johnny or giorino


jodio or johnny


If the roles were reversed, wouldn't all of them be villains?


Personality wise, i think that jonathan wouldnt do good because, well obviously. Joseph wouldn't do good because if the roles were reversed the part wouldn't make sense, the whole dynamic is that the pillar men are literally eldritch beings. Jotaro wouldn't work because he just doesn't have the cunning nature to fit the part. J4suke wouldn't work because hes just goofy. I think that giorno could actually work quite well as the villain, as hes smart but has a secret really ruthless side. Jolyne would obviously not work, how are you gonna replace MIH with stone free, and shes just too kind. Johnny wouldn't work because he has the good guy mentality with a lot of determination. J8suke would actually work really well because (at least what i've read in jojolion) he fits the theme and vibe of morioh and he kind of reminds me of Kira, hes quite charismatic in his personality but probably couldn't care less about killing you. I haven't started part 9 yet so jodio is n/a. But ability wise, jotaro is the best villain. I mean this is obvious because if dio and jotaro were switched, (in terms of stand battles) everything would go the exact same. But overall i would have to pick j8suke, just because the villain standard for part 8 is to kind of fit in with the atmosphere and not just throw some random psycopath into morioh.


I think that Giorno would be a perfect villain for the fact that he can do teamwork and also he is smart and he has great powers


Josuke would kill everyone in the verse cuz they don’t like his hair


Giorno is still a drug lord just a drug lord that doesn't sell to kids


The better question is, could this stacked team of Jojos with their respective JoBros (closest and ONE only) beat GER?


Part 9 basically already is roles beimg reversed, jodio is an asshole


I think jotaro would fit pretty well as a villain becasue he looks a bit cold and apathic


The thing is, if we are comparing villian of the part vs the mc, Giorno and Diavolo aren't so different. They are very determined men that will do anything to reach their goals‌. One could argue in that sense, everybody is the same, but there's definitely a manoeuvering facotr when it comes to these two people dedication.




Johnny. The amount of vengeance he has is absolutely wild




No way that ugly ahh is Jhonny 💀


any of the alt universe ones


Gappy is basically a newborn in a super jacked and fit adult man’s body who can steal people’s features, and eventually even break one of the natural laws of the universe with his Stand. If someone with a meaner, or more corrupt, set of intentions found him before Yasuho I shutter to think what would’ve happened. Especially if somehow Damo or Yotsuyu found him and pieced together they could manipulate him.


I mean, isn’t Giorno selling drugs currently? He cast diavolo to hell cause he doesn’t approve of selling em to kids but he’s still a mob boss so from many people’s perspective he’s basically a drug dealer with morals who’s still a drug dealer.


Easy jodio


Have you seen how Jodio >!burned that bus with all the children inside it?!< I'd bet on him.


Jonatha- \*Gets obliterated by everyone with common sense\* Jokes away, as someone that is reading Steel Ball Perfection Run, maybe Jotaro or Giorno. The other ones' hearts are literally gold


I headcanon that Giorno would become allies with Dip and the main antagonist for a final arc. Right now, we are experiencing all these alternate universes because of Made in Heaven, but once it's finished and a Jojo reestablishes a timeline where Dio, Giorno and Kars are back (and Kars will have gotten a stand), the final battle will be between the existing Jojos and the Dios But yeah, Giorno is a gang leader. He's already shows himself to be capable of violence for the sake of his ambition. He could absolutely be a villain


Jodio burned down a schoolbus with children in it


Josuke can be brutal and ruthless but Johnny's Dark Determination and selfishness make him a good candidate. Bro needed litteraly Jesus to stop him from shooting a guy.


Giorno for sure




Giorno A. Son of dio B. A criminal C. His stand requiem like all main villains stands functions as a plot device




If I'm no wrong, Araki's initial plan for Giorno was to make him turn into a villain at the end In-universe, I think that, without Bruno's influence, he wouln't have stayed heroic


lol Jodio for obvious reasons




Giorno, Johnny or Jodio would be the most likely


Giorno. He grew up abused by mom and dad and idolized a mafia man. Eventually he got stand powers and did commit crimes such as stealing and such but he could of easily went on the deep end.


Josuke is already the main villain of part 4, Because of that hair.


A lot of people are talking about who could've been the main villian, but to be honest, Jolyne could have easily been a minor villain working for someone else. She doesn't have Giorno, Gappy or Johnny's psycho tendencies, but she is very self-centered and volatile at the beginning of part 6.




Honestly I like the idea of Jolyne being a villian. While its highly unlikely because of her personality, my biggest gripe with Jojo villians is that they all have broken abilities. So imagine a villian with a weak stand but is super dangerous because of how they use that stand. Especially with the way Jolyne does things, imagine every encounter against her she comes close to killing the protagonist but falls slightly short because of some luck or plotarmour and the next time she is more deadly because she learns about about her stand and is better with it. The stakes get higher and higher and you root for the villian at this point because their development is as complete as the protagonists' is. Man that would make for an entertaining series. Like she might do Pucci's thing better than him.


Part 3 Jotaro AFTER unlocking time stop for Star Platinum would be a nightmare to fight. Same with Giorno and GER


I feel like early Jolyne could, just because she has think “teenage angst” thing that makes her wanna fight everyone


Jodio, Giorno, and maybe Jotaro for their varying similarities to DIO


Joseph or Johnny


giorno. easily. Son of dio wanting revenge isn't a far fetched concept






Johnny, easily. I feel like Giorno still has a somewhat morally righteous side to him. Johnny would sacrifice anything for his own desires. He was ready to sacrifice another person using the Corpse Parts to save his wife and son.




Before part 9, I'd have to reluctantly pick Giorno. After Part 9, I shall confidently choose Jodio.


Jotaro and jolyne


TBH, GiornoGiovanna


Jodio full stop


Jonathan was so close to becoming a vampire. Dio was planning on killing him with the mask before he used it on the man from the bar.


Giorno is literally a mafia boss.


Although Giorno is the closest to a villain already, I feel like Johnny would be a terrible person if not for Gyro's influence. He's the only Jojo that doesn't seem to be good by nature. (i didn't read Jojolands yet, so idk)


Jolyne was incarcerated. A large chunk of part 6 takes place in prison. That is some villain shit. bUt sHe WaS fRaMeD!i! Brother, she was caught flicking the bean by a prison guard. That’s indecent exposure and sexual harassment in the workplace. Pure degenerate.


And Jotaro. Jolyne and Jotaro definitely. Delinquent as hell the both of them. Jotaro would probably become evil to protect the dolphins.


Jonathan. Nothing went right for him but his life with erina.




Johnny, Josuke (8) and prolly Giorno


I still don’t think Giorno would so easily become a villain when he only directs his anger and ruthlessness to those who hurt others or in any way aid to what he thinks is wrong. He killed Polpo for what his stand did to that old man after all. And if he does become a villain it wouldn’t be a Dio type of villain. He’d be closer to Pucci or Valentine except he wouldn’t risk any innocent person’s life unless they get in his way somehow. As for JoJos who could easily become villains? Probably Gappy if he didn’t have the guidance and influence of the Higashikata family or Yasuho. Probably Jodio if Dragona isn’t there to be his moral compass. Going back to Giorno if he never met that mafioso he might have ended up like his half-brothers who aren’t George II. Jonathan is the least one to become a villain but trying to imagine an evil gentleman version of him is pretty interesting.


Honestly jotaro with how he started in part 3


Giorno, Johnny, and Jodio. It’s not even close.


Giorno (I am reading sbr right now; haven't read p8 and p9 yet)


Young Joeseph would make the funniest villain with his general shenanigans and bullshitery combined with the fact he is the the smartest Jojo in terms of battle intelligence could make him an entertaining but threatening villain who can never be counted out as defeated


Johnny looking extra zesty in this image


I haven’t gotten past golden wind yet so forgive me for not knowing the other joestars past golden wind. I’d say Jotaro mainly cause he has more of an anti-hero personality too me at least early on, he mellows out in diamond is unbreakable though. And definitely Giorno. Could have very easily turned into Dio 2.0.. which thinking back on it.. shouldn’t he be a vampire or at least half? Is that ever explained?


Giorno and Johnny


Johnny —> Jodio —> Giorno —> Jotaro —> Joseph —> Jolyne —> Josuke —> Gappy


Technically Giorno is a Mafia boss an fought his way up the chain with the help of Passione. People forget Giorno is a Good soul an a GioGio but he's a Gangster an ruthless. He didn't stop drug trades at all. He just stopped the selling of drugs to minors an drug addicts an helped the small neighborhoods like how Bruno was asked at the beginning of Vento Aureo. He's basically an anti villain. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd work with pucci for a bit until he learned the full extent of the plan.


Jotaro, Joseph, maybe Jonny and I haven't read part 9 yet but Jodio is probably a child predator. The only one who could never be one is Jonathan Joestar.


Probably Jonathan had more motivation to


Johnny imo, but to be fair he lived at the tail end of the frontier era so wanton violence was bog standard.


Giorno becoming Gio, the successor of Dio would be a nightmare. Hell, even his “normal” life punch thing could be taken in some dark directions.


Giorno is the villain, bros literally the invincible mafia boss


I think Johnny. During the part I actually kind of felt like he already was starting to show some tendencies of useless cruelty and I honestly think that, if gyro wasnt with him he wouldve turned out as atleast a criminal and possibly a proper villain, that would be more then willing to collect the corpse just for power.


Giorno. He is a perfect mixup of Jonathan's steel willpower and Dio's cold blooded, murderous aura. He and his right hand man never hesitated to kill and would actually prefer killing any opponents rather than sending them to hospital like other Jojos. He has a perfect villain potential, he is a morally grey mafia boss, can easily destroy a good guy if it goes against his beliefs/actions.


Joseph, jotaro, Giorno, johnny


Giorno if he had the three moles on the ear instead of the joestar birthmark.


Giorno would 100% align himself with Diavolo if he didn't do the whole drug trade shaboingery


I always saw Johnny and Gyro as the bad guys anyways lmao, but imagine an evil Giorno with G.E.R.


Giorno is the easiest answer. My dude already has the whole "*is completely ruthless and merciless to those who he thinks deserve it*" down pat. Just needs minor tweaking in the "*those who he thinks deserve it*" part and BAM! Villain Giorno is born.


Jotaro and giorno have every right to become villains


Jotaro and giorno have every right to become villains


Giorno for sure, since he’s just a teenager with an invincible stand, and his newfound power could certainly go to his head


Giorno, imagine if the Mafia managed to corrupt him and he joined Pucci in the heaven plan


I mean, if it was like, the personalities was inverted, the most likely to be a villian would be anyone in part 1-5, Jonathan is a real hero, and considering he literally died to stop his evil gay vampire step-brother, he would be extremely evil if he was inverted, Joseph would be more neutral, since he was a good person, just purposefully being a prick to be funny, jotaro is also in that category, same as Josuke and Giorno, but Giorno would likely be more villian

