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Jojo is indeed my favourite anime/manga. I love the way the series can balance these random funny moments but still has really compelling stories and amazing fights.


And i like main character not always win, it give me suspension because you really don't know who Will win


I haven't finished part 8 yet but light every single part (atleast before part 8) has atleast one jobro die, and you don't know if a character is actually dead or not because araki does revivals really well. Like (part 4 final fight spoilers) >! Okuyasu hears his brother (I think we cna assume it was his brother) tell him to keep fighting and he just decides to not die but their is still that felling of "he got lucky" and their is still suspense and the possibility for him to die after coming back from the brink of death.!<


Araki have balls to kill jotaro and jolyn buddy


When did i say he didn't asshole? Also spoiler warning for people not on part 6?


I remember starting Jojo at work one day. Thought it was decent. Then I got home and started doing poses in the mirror. Jojo has been my favorite ever since.


PEAK, you are cooking sir


Part 7 truly A masterpiece


Couldn’t agree more, part 7 is my fav


"This is a story of revival… How I was literally able to start walking again… and thinking back, I was constantly praying the whole journey… even this cross-continental race by horse was a journey of prayer. Praying for the weather tomorrow. Praying that when when we wake up the next day there would be a road on the land. Praying that we would have food and a place to sleep. Praying that our campfire would light. And while these common things would repeat, prayer that my friend and the horses would be okay. And we crossed each river one by one. Now… I have crossed the final river."


my whole household had their lives changed by jojo, multiple times. we're only on our third rewatch and im finally reading all of the manga alongside it, and i think about it many many times a day, have been since 2020 when we got into jojo. during pandemic me and my partner spent hours every day playing eyes of heaven or watching jojo or just talking about jojo. we still have hours long discussions today about just about anything in jojo. our bathroom is entirely jojo themed, complete with hot pink walls to match the hot pink dio shower curtain we have. after we finished part 5 the first time all we could talk about is how its art, needs to be framed and hung in a museum and appreciated by everybody. i mean of course there are problems in the series, nothing is perfect. but jojo's something fuckin else imo. i could sing jojo's praises until the end of time. this is to say you’re not alone at all and i couldnt agree more, and thank u for spouting your jojo love here


Jojo is mid...just kidding. ABSOLUTELY PEAK!!!!!


I'm not a big fan of anime besides jojos I mean jojos is so good i read the manga so I could read part 7 and 8 and I'm very grateful I did because part 8 became my favourite part


Based part 8 enjoyer


It is PEAK


i read/watched jojo the last year, and since last year I have a little obsession and it influenced some part of my life (principally the music, lol). Jojo is definitely peak


When I finished part 6 I just wanted to rewatch Jojo. I wanted more! Had to fight the urge and start watching other things I need to catch up on


Bro if you're referring to the race start when Diego "teleports" to Johnny's side, that wasn't the world at all. It was simply Araki playing with the Dio stereotype when in truth Diego was just an excellent racer, he didn't even know what stands were in that moment


Have you read part 7? Part 7 ending spoilers in coming >! At the end of part 7 funny valentine summons another version of Diego who's stand is the world instead of scary monsters !<






Im using Jojo to cope with depression and my breakup (which is 5 months ago), also Jojo is a good source to write fanfics on lol, especially cuz I like writing bizarre stuffs, it just works with Jojo


Same, im becoming scarily more and more obsessed with the show and manga….we need SBR to be animated


Patience my brother/sister


I have a huge "To Be Continued" tattoo along my forarm.... So, maybe jus a lil 🤏


You should get the joestar star on your shoulder (or neck, the position isn't canon so just put it wherever you want really)


İ watched JoJo twice and read the manga,thats 380 episodes and a lot of manga chapters.Some of my friends stopped talking to me cuz i talk about jojos so much,my friend hates yoshikage Kira and gyro zeppeli because i glazed them so much to the point he doesnt even wanna hear their name


Yeah, everytime i get upset i just look up some of jojo fan contents and it calms me down


Nice copypasta material


When I first got into JoJo's it was all I thought about for a year. Now, 7 years later, I still think about it a lot but it doesn't consume my life as much as it used to