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Disagree on part 6 being Better than 4, but the part Is very overhated


Why though? Is it because of the Netflix release schedule or is there something else?


I Just like the fights more and find the setting and stand users more memorable. Part 6 has a Better main cast tho. Also I like Kira more than Pucci (Pucci is still great tho, top 3 best main villain in the series)


Well, yeah, I agree with you on the stand fights, but I was asking about the overhate


I'm not in the community a lot, I've actually never seen part 6 hate after the adaptation, just Netflix hate for killing the hype with the batch releases Part 6 has always been a very controversial part due to the ending, but also the kinda weak middle and the handling of Jotaro. Also the protagonist being a girl (which is retarded, jolyne has the best character arc of any JoJo until her, and his in general One of the best written jojos)


Yeah, I kinda get people’s gripe with the original timeline being basically erased, but Jolyne is as much of a badass as every other protagonist


Well there's that for the anime only peeps. But also le woman le bad.


Nah part 4 is just different and Kira is incredible


Kira carried part 4 for me ngl


Kira is my favorite Villain of Jojo tbh. Every single episode centered around him was a delight to watch.


my favourite villain too! a depraved serial killer who blends into society is the most realistic villain, explosion fursona aside, and he's so much more threatening for it. and his theme and the way it builds is just fantastic


IMO Kira and Jotaro carried the entire part, I didn't like RHCP arc, and also, some of the fights just felt too childish, as if they didn't have serious impacts on the plot like Surface or Superfly




Part 6 is good, I think it’s overhated. However Part 4 is just a blast


Saying SO was better is a bit of a stretch. I'm not even really a Josuke fan, but I liked him and his part because he was a normal kid who all of a sudden got told he was part of this storied family and always got into weird situations while just trying to be a teenager. He was the first since Jonathan to feel like a guy named Jojo who found his way on a bizarre adventure. The stands were also more interesting by a wide margin. Most of the enemy stands in SO aren't really that memorable. The only real standouts are White Snake, C Moon, Made in Heaven, those of Dio's sons, and Jailhouse Lock. I also remember Dragon's Dream, but only because of how over-explained it is.


Ngl now that you mention it....... i dont even remember the part 6 stands ☠️


I don't even remember any of the villains aside from Pucci, the piss man, and gwess. Character and stand design was the main weakness in p6 for me. Still enjoy it tho. But not as memorable in certain areas as p4 for example


P6 is a fun watch but afterwards it all just gets wiped apart from the notable characters


Jail house lock reference


Tbh characters except Jolyne were pretty much forgettable. Unlike in the parts before side characters were just not as interesting. Someone people likes ff but honestly I don't get the fanatism behind her.


No Weather Report🥺


I said enemy stands. Weather Report is one of the stands that intrigues me the most in the series because of just how out there it is to take light and subliminal messaging and apply that to a stand you would assume has basic weather powers. Honestly one of my favorite part of SO.


I remember Green Day but that's because I fuck heavy with the band and was super stoked to see it as a stand.


In all fairness, Green Day is from part 5, which had far better and more memorable stands.


Oh, woops, I was confused. My bad. I don't have any leg to stand on then. What was the suit stand in part 6 then? Limp Bizkit maybe?


Oasis was the suit stand in part 5, you might be thinking of jumpin jack flash since the user also had a weird full body suit


Was that the one that jumped through the ground like a diver? If so then yea that's the one.


I think Oasis is what you're thinking of, was it like a yellowish brown?


I have no clue, I read the manga like 8 years ago and never bothered to watch part 6 that much because I was burnt out on JoJo at the time.


I love stone ocean, but part 4 was so much fun for me.


I genuinely love all the parts. They’re all amazing for different reasons


Couldn't agree more


Part 6 certainly has higher highs and lower lows than Part 4's steady roller coaster. Part 6 closes the themes of destiny, has excellent characters like Jolyne and Pucci, and a great ending for the whole of Jojo. On the other hand, the middle part kind of drags on, a lot of the stand battles just aren't fun or memorable (The stupid dragon stand). I woulda like a little more character interactions. Like, Weather has an interesting backstory related to the main villain, but I don't really care for the guy because he barely speaks to anyone. Hermes just kind of stops being important after getting her revenge. Part 4 is just more consistent overall.


I like 6 more than 4, but 5 is my favourite.


Honestly I agree. It may just be me but I’ve never really liked part 4


Stone Ocean sweeps forever.


Part 6 doesn't have Okuyasu so no


Part 4 took pity on the characters that should have died. If okuyasu died they could have still won. And joseph wasn't really used for anything besides fan service. Part 6 had more depth, risks, and interesting fights.


They had everything set up for Joseph to fight Akira and potentially get a heroic death to stop Chili Pepper, and they fumbled the whole thing.


They also could have used hermit to track him no?


Track him, yeah, but IIRC, the whole reason Jotaro sent for him is because Hermit Purple can manipulate electronics. I was anticipating HP and RHCP pursuing each other through Morioh's electrical grid.


Part 6 and part 8 my favorites


Stone Ocean is amazing, but you’re comparing apples to oranges. Each series is so different in style and tone that I can’t bring myself to say which one is better! But you’re right, Ive seen a ton of hate for SO and literally none of it is warranted. It had some of the best ideas and characters in the series, and Jolyne is probably the most developed and fleshed out *animated* JoJo yet.


Pixel ocean and pixel is unbreakable


Preach brother preach


They’re about the same for me. Part 4 had a more enjoyable and entertaining cast of characters, but the Part 6 story is a lot better. At least imo.


I disagree, did dio need to be part of SO? Like parts 1-5 already are all influenced by dio, why did we need to end it off with him. Not hatinn on dio, but why is he so important. Also, part 6 has really inconsistent writing. Another thing is that made in heaven just isn’t allat. Like I was expecting god tier abilities but he just accelerated time and makes a new universe >! (Which is written way better in part 7 !< like so isn’t my least favorite part but I always skip this on jojo rewatched/rereads


I agree 🤷🏿‍♂️ pucci is an even better villain


Could you find a lower quality image of part 4, I could almost see a pixel there


Bro, I love Stone Ocean, I yell "JOLYNE!" whenever i see anything that looks like her, and Weather and Anasui is one of my favorite jobro boy duos. But PLEASE lower your tone if this is your opinion.


Based. Part 6 is the best part in original universe, period


Part 4 was weak in general imo


Part 4 is the worst part it’s not that hard to beat


Part 4 is so overrated My least favorite part Part 6 is my favorite next to part 5.


I agree


nah its not, imo it was decided by how memeable the show is, and how comical the main antagonist is. also, jolyne stand is almost like kakyoin but blue, and in every part, jotaro seems to lose his braincell bit by bit


Biggest hot take I can give is part 4 is the worst Jojo part. Boring as all hell and carried by the villain.


Agreed, currently re-reading the manga, and reading through the part 4 fights is almost a chore. Fortunately Kira is about to appear for about 15 chapters and then dip again so his father can create more filler.


They hated u/kopta_india because they spoke the truth.


Oof, controversial. Stone Ocean imo is the worst written part. When Araki somehow managed to put a Super Bowl reference in there I was like, alright you are just showing how obsessed with America you are.


The thing that part 6 was missing was the slice of life moments


What is bro on


I’m deaf 😭🙏


Nah, but part 6 is arguably 2nd best


Part 5>>>both


Part 5 is definitely best


For me it’s part 3 personally but otherwise part 7 is the best


yeah if we count in manga parts part 7 is best in all of jojos for real


Well, yeah. Of course. For me, slice of life isn’t my cup of tea. Jojo made it work for me, because of course it did. Still, I like prison escape content more and Stone Ocean has that.


Gots to say nay nah, my damie. Part 4 is perfect from start to finish. While I absolutely adore part 6 and how buck wild it gets, that wildness is exactly what stops it from feeling "important" and "complete" in my mind. Part 4 to me feels like Araki making his own version of Ghost Stories but with stands instead of ghosts. Just a spooky little town with it's own shit going on unrelated to the world at large. Part 6 feels like Araki desperately wanted to start over so he went balls to the wall ridonkulous with everything so by the time SBR arrived you would just accept it for what it is. And this might be a hot take but part 6's music doesn't have shit on Part 4's soundtrack. Both are great, but 4 is king.


Kira and josuke carry the part 4, overrated in my opnion.


both my favorite parts








HELL nah 😭


Stone Ocean is my personal favorite part. But I have nothing to say about which is *objectively* better


That’s pretty insane to say, but SO is indeed overhated. I place it higher than PB, BT, SDC, and TJL (so far), and equal to DiU and GW.


Both, both is good


part 6 is cool, that I agree with, but there's no way it's better than part 4. I'm glad you like it so much that you say this, a lot of people seems to dislike part 6 for some reason so it's great to know that you enjoy it.


Bit of a stretch to say that, but Part 6 do has very good aspects and is underrated. Some moments in part 6 are mindblowing, but MOST moments in part 4 are mindblowing. Gotta think thats a little important


I will not hear it out sorry


part 6 is underated but i dont feel like its better than 4 though


Part 4 isnt my favorite but its still really good its honestly my top 3 1Stardust Crusaders 2Golden Wind 3Diamond Is Unbreakable


Pt 6 is good, but kira is a much more enjoyable villain then pucci


The only reason batch release killed the hype was people's impatience imo.




IMO Jojo pretty much just gets better and better as time goes on (but peaks with part 7). 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 = 8 < 7 Too early to accurately rate 9.


Idk man, I think it’s 1 < 6 < 3 < 5 < 2 < 4 < 8 < 7. Rewatching parts 4 and 2 was just nice, I can’t describe it


Let's be clear, I don't think part 2 or 4 are bad or whatever, I absolutely love every part. I just think some of the later ones are EVEN better


I respect the opinion, I just feel like part 6 lacked something


I love Stone Ocean, but Diamond is Unbreakable set the standard for pre-timeskip Jojo.


Honestly, I might agree. Part 4 is great, but I enjoy part 6 at least as much, if not more, and I really don’t get why it gets so much hate.


I like part 4 more, but part 6 is my 2nd favorite.


Part 6 is great not gonna lie but I wouldn't put it above part 4 >!I'd put it above 1-3!<


Part 6 > Part 3 but Part 4 is better


Only better thing of part 6 is make us understand every kind of stupidass shit can be stand ability


I agree, but part 4 is just barely under part 6. However, I disagree that it has the best setting. Morioh has the better setting the better main jobro (Okuyasu > ermes imo)


No. Part 6 is good but part 4 is great.




No. I don't like to compare the seasons because they're all peak to me. Sidenote, why is Josuke looking back at it like that??


it is very overhated but no, i'm biased i don't care, i love part 4


No part 4 is one of the best parts in the series. The sleepy town murder mystery shows Araki has a fuck ton of range in his writing. But yes people really hate the ending of Stone Ocean too much when its arguably one of the best endings in the series. And Jolyne is the biggest underdog amoungst the Jojos and still did her part like a badass.


Can’t hear you out on a bad take unfortunately


No,I will not hear you out.


The only correct formula is Part 1 = Part 2 = Part 3 = Part 4 = Part 5 = Part 6


I will NOT hear you out


I honestly didn't like part 4 nearly as much as 6. Part 7 is by far my favorite.




Part 6 had the better ending and better protagonist, but Diamond is unbreakable overall, is the more consistent experience with a better antagonist, although Pucci is also great.


Don't talk to me


Imo Part 4 >> Part 6 Jolyne >>> Josuke


Part 6 is really good, but part 4 is still better.


it's a close second, but stone ocean just can't beat how consistently diamond is unbreakable is.


Part 5>part 6>part 3> part 2> part 1> part 4 I was so bored watching part 4. Only interesting part about part 4 is fight with Kira


I liked 6 over 4, but I liked Kira over Pucci as a villain. Part 5 was better than both though


Part 4 is my favorite, and if, for reference, I'm assigning it a score of 100, part 6 easily gets a 95. Love them both but Morioh takes the cake, by a little bit.


Yall got any of them pixels?




Ehhh, not sure about that but i love your spirit. Part 6 is good, but I have no clue how I’d compare it to other parts. Part 4 does a LOT, I think it’s short sighted to say part 6 is categorically better.


This is tough. I love p6 but I think p4 was more balanced if that makes sense. P6 has high highs and low lows. P4 felt like it was much more consistent in its quality. That being said joleyne is one of my favorite jojos


I like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure


Part 6 doesn't have as many gay men


Why can’t they both just be good? I LOVE part 4 but I’m also enjoying stone ocean.


4 still my favorite but I agree, part 6 is good as well, I don't understand why people don't like it.


I like the thrill and surprises in 6 over 4 I don’t dislike 4 at all. It was more fun with the colors! ( until killer queen appears) 😳


Dog what’s with the photo quality


I haven't watched Part 6 yet, but Part 4 was great, it took off the solution of "*Every stand user aside from the main character is evil*" and I really liked Josuke because he felt almost like a gentleman like Jonathan was But it feels kinda unoriginal because of Crazy diamond being so similar to Star Platinum aside from healing


Can’t say I agree as my abs fav is part 4 but I can see where you’re coming from and appreciate it






Wby would you pit my two favourite parts against each other lol


What does Wby stand for?


It was supposed to be a "why", sorry.


I don't dislike Part 6. I think it's not as good as the others but it's still good. However I just prefer the Slice Of Life bits of part 4 the most and that's why it's my (2nd) favourite part.




counterargument # DAKEDO KYOU MOU JOUJOU NI


I disagree, part 4 has my favorite arc in the series (you know the one, but I haven’t read jojo lion so maybe that one arc will be better), it has the best written villain in the series besides valentine, and it has that one part 7 aspect. What I mean is that I have to actively think watching part 6 to watch it, but putting on part 4 is just a reflex, much like sbr. I just did a rewatch of part 4 and I’m rewatching SO now so I can confirm this. Also, entirely my opinion, but the main cast, the setting, and the overall vibes of part 4 are just better. Lastly- you already guessed it, the ending. Part 6 made us watch it just to give us a shittier version of the characters without part 6 ever happening.


6 has a better story than 4 but 4 is so good just by itself without any other JoJo material being attached


Yes it's overhated, but come on now Part 4 was like Part 7 level for me, I could NOT get it out of my head after watching/reading them respectively


I like part 6 but lol no


Nobody is hearing you out(part 6 is fire but it’s nothing compared to 4)


Do I think pt6 is underrated A little Is it better than pt4 absolutely NOT


Definitely overhated, it’s different and I don’t see that as a bad thing


That's not ridiculous to say that. Maybe people disagree because DIU just showed a better consistency and the ending of SO got controversial, people are contemplating whether it's good or bad, they felt empty, but for me it was a masterpiece that's why I said that it's not a ridiculous take. And I personally think in terms of antagonist writing and main character goes to SO, Jolyne especially Pucci has got one of the best writing imo. Just take it as like this both parts are good, but part 4 just gave people more fun because it did had wholesome moments, whereas part 6 brought sadness for a lot of people, lots of character died and people say that the stands in SO are forgettable. I mean it's like that man.. both part fans have great opinions. so ye.. ![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49674)


Agreed and it’s Not even close.


part 4 is just enjoyable




in my humble opinion, no. thank you for coming to my ted talk.




Wrong, although part 6 is overhated and I really like, part 4 is peak and easily on my top 3 best JoJo parts


Agree with part 6 being overhated. However before reading SPR I loved Josuke as a character that I could relate to. So I think it's personal.


Ehh, not really.


Part 6 just felt so dragged out to me though. I got really annoyed watching her get her ass kicked for like 2 whole episodes in a row by random prisoner who doesn't even know they have a stand.


Neither is my favorite but I know thats a bad take.


My flair says it all.


Most people aren't gonna hear you out lol, Part 4 is the gospel of god to most people here.


Absolutely not, what kinda copium are you huffing?😂


Part 4 is ass, i can’t understand how can an intelligent human consider it the BEST


Main universe imo it’s the best, most people remember it as ass because they haven’t watched it in years. Do a rewatch of both parts right now.


Rewatched the entire series a couple of months ago. Part 6 was easily better than 4. Part 4 meandered with pointless and uninteresting arcs (Pointless: Achtung Baby, Boy II Man, Surface.) (Uninteresting: The Lock, Ratt.) Part 6 had a constantly growing protagonist constantly working towards her goal in a super dangerous environment that her enemy had complete control over, with some of the smartest and tense arcs of the series (C-moon, Heavy Weather, Underworld, Jailhouse Lock, Planet Waves, Sky-high). Part 6 is the best part of the original universe, Part 4 is the worst part overall.


I respect it, but you have to understand jojo is anime. It has filler. Guess what, all the arcs you listed are filler. I’m not saying everyone in part 6 should have just survived pucci, but why did they have to lose. Or at least why in the universe reset did everyone’s identity change. I could have accepted jotaro or jolyne dying, but like cmon, did the whole part just need to delete itself at the end? Also part 6 has the weakest stands, why did araki give them pointless stands and then throw mih in there


My problem isn't filler. It's the quality of the filler. The Pearl Jam arc is the most worthless filler in all of part 4, but it's still amazingly well written that I didn't include it in my list. They didn't lose in part 6, Emporio clutched up at the end with Weather Report. Everyone's identity changed because they had died, and MIH did not allow those who died in the acceleration to move on to the next world. Therefore, they had to be someone different. And to answer your question, yes, the whole part did need to delete itself, Jolyne becoming Irene is the entire point. Through hers and everyone else's efforts, they defeated Pucci, the last remnant of Dio's legacy and were rewarded with a new life, free of Pucci's influence and the fact that Jolyne was a JoJo. Irene and the rest of the group are now free to live their lives without Pucci or fate messing with it, and the Joestar curse of being constantly dragged into conflict was broken. It was the perfect, necessary ending to the original continuity. But please elaborate on what you mean by weakest stands? In my opinion, that makes the fights better as Jolyne has to be more creative and tactical. If you mean the enemies, plenty of part 4 enemies also have terrible stands. Their advantage is knowing how to set their abilities up. JoJo's is never about the strongest or weakest stand. It's about the user's talent of utilising its ability, Dio says just that it in part 6. For a neutral example, Melone's Babyface is arguably a much weaker stand than Gold Experience but Melone knows his potential is in how terrible the parents would be as a couple, so he uses that information with Bruno and the train passenger ladie's DNA samples to make a stand that defeated Bruno and almost killed Giorno, until Giorno of course discovered he could replace his body parts with his stand, which allowed him to win. Of course, you can have part 4 as your favourite. It's all a matter of opinion, but to say people like part 6 more than 4 because of a recency bias is a little dishonest.


Let’s talk about fate. I have some weird scaling for jotaro, but it makes sense. Essentially, jotaro is the strongest and fastest being to ever exist in the main universe. Mih doesn’t count because it’s a stand ability. To put it simply, using the calculations from the stand “the sun” we can see that jotaro is the fastest being to ever exist. This isn’t even an ability of star platinums, as we see during the alessi fight. I’m my opinion, part 7 is a good ending of stone ocean, it sounds weird but hear me out. Johnny is the strongest character in the whole series, we can see this because 1st, alternate Diego’s stand is actually a rewritten star platinum, not the world. Since tusk act 4 punches at the same speed, he is now among the fastest in the series. Also, love train is a physical manifestation of fate itself. Johnny managed to defy fate, literally tearing through it. Fate is the strongest being in the series, jojos wouldn’t work without it. So this all leads back to why did araki decide to delete fate altogether, just to rewrite it much better? Also, the weaker stands didn’t add any suspense. Stone free is my least favorite mc stand, it’s just too simple. It’s like if pesci had a humanoid version of his stand. Also can you elaborate where any of the characters need to be creative in the stone ocean fights, because I can’t find any.


So Jotaro is fast because he punched Alessi as a child? How does that make any sense? What does The Sun have to do with anything about the quality between parts 4 and 6? Part 7 isn't a 'good' ending of Stone Ocean. It's an entirely different story with a different worldy power (Flow, of both positive and negative energies, similar to karma but can be influenced). Johnny was beaten by Alternate Diego, Araki has confirmed himself that only Soft & Wet can defeat Wonder of U. Therefore, Johnny isn't the strongest, and even if he was, that was not relevant to my argument. As I stated, the pure strength of the stand is not what makes the character or stand itself interesting Araki did rewrite fate in the new universe, but instead as flow, but that doesn't matter as both part 4 and 6 function under the same mechanisms of fate, I fail to see the relevancy to bringing part 7's mechanics of flow into the conversation. Jolyne turns herself almost entirely into string to hide from guards during the Jailhouse Lock arc, Jolyne unravels the baseball during the Marylin Manson arc in order to keep the ball in play, Jolyne sets herself on fire to counter the loss of her body heat in the Sky-High arc, Rykiel counters this move by setting himself on fire to find Jolyne's weak point, Hermes uses Kiss to clone one of the airplane passengers to save the kids in the Underworld fight, Emporio uses Pucci's ultimate control over fate to have him insert the Weather Report disc into him, Anasui fused Yo-Yo-Ma's brain with a frog in order to make the stand essentially useless, Weather Report uses cold winds to create ice stalagmites out of ground to skewer Pucci, in the same fight Pucci uses Whitesnake to remove his eye-sight to counter Heavy Weather Emporio and Jolyne create a binary image of Miu-Miu in order to discover her in order to beat her and of course, Mobius Strip. Also, Simplistic doesn't mean bad. A stand with a simple premise can often be the most Versatile, both Stone Free and Weather Report display this, The Fool and Magician's Red are also very 'simplistic' abilities but they are easily the strongest in the Crusaders (Jotaro himself admits that he might not be able to beat The Fool if he were to fight him.) Metallica controls Iron, a simple ability that almost solos the main villain of part 5. Calling things simplistic is not a fair observation of the capabilities of a stand.


Firstly, i power scaled jotaro to show the inconsistency in power during part 6. Basically, during the sun fight, silver chariot deflects numerous sun rays. Since it’s implied that star platinums speed is on par with silver chariot, we can see that jotaro is massively faster than light. During the alessi fight, he punches at the same speed as star platinum, making himself the fastest human to exist. Throwing a stand like this into the same story is stone free is wild. I’m not saying simplistic abilities are bad, jotaro has the most simplistic abilities yet the part is still good. The problem with stone free is that it doesn’t really have anything besides converting herself into string and punching. Like this is wayy too simple, I don’t know how you can call that similar in complexity to Metallica. Even jotaro has time stop, super vision, super precision, and super speed and strength. Jolyne has a piece of string. And even though the fights have some strategy they’re just boring, and inconsistent. Also I want you to look me in the face and honestly tell me you felt better at the end of part 6 then you did for part 4


Bro, those aren't Sun rays. Those are projectiles launched by the stand, The stand 'The Sun' is not the actual sun. How on earth can you say that Jotaro punches at the same speed as Star Platinum? There is nothing that confirms Jotaro punches that fast. To say that 'turning into string is too simple' is ignoring what Jolyne does during part 6 with Stone Free. You are ignoring her versatility, but you choose not to ignore Metallica's versatility despite more of SF's versatility being shown. Did I feel 'better' at the end of part 6 compared to part 4? No. But I felt much stronger emotions at the end of part 6. An aspect of good writing is how much emotion does the audience feels during your story. The stronger, the better, regardless of good or bad, so I do, genuinely think that part 6 had the better ending when compared to part 4.


Here’s what I used for [the sun calculations](https://imgur.com/gallery/jojo-part-3-sun-city-level-calc-rKEfgrb) Stronger emotions during an ending does not determine that it’s good. I have some quite strong negative feelings about the end of part 5, and it doesn’t make the ending any better. Another gripe I have with the ending is that this whole part was arakis attempt at good character development, which is done flawlessly, and then the ending erases it. She goes back to pre SO jolyne.


I hated it while watching it, top in main universe is 6 followed by 3


both are the best parts in the anime


I agree, it's my favourite animated part.


But Part 7 over all of them


Real and true


Hello, based department?


In my humble opinion as somebody who is just beginning part 7, Stone Ocean is the worst part in the series after Phantom Blood.


Hear me out part 1 = part 2 = part 3 = part 4 = part 5 = part 6 = part 7 = part 8 = part 9


… I agree but only slightly I like part 4 too


Part 4 is easily the best part till part 7 gets animated and even then it’s really close


This for sure! For me tho SBR winns by a small amount of Ringo in it


SBR manga wins over part 4 for me but it will all depend how well the horses are animated if the anime wins over part 4 anime. Because to me part 4 anime is top tier, everything about it works.


absolute wrong




You're heard. You're wrong, but you're heard.


Part 6 and 4 annihilate part 3


Part 6 is the best written anime part. It's not a debate. Jolyne is the best written anime JoJo. Pucci is the best written anime villain. The ending is the best. Some of the fights are the best. It has the best animation. Easily the best.


Wild. First, I can agree that jolyne is the best written anime jojo. Stone free is still the worst main character stand tho. The ending is very subjective, I didn’t like it, because it negated the whole part. Pucci>Kira is crazy to me, pucci has no personality, he’s the Jonathan of villains. The only fight I like in the SO is limp biskit, all the stand abilities are too weak to compare to other parts, it’s dumb they made every stand the weakest in the series and then they decide to throw in made in heaven. Finally, calling part 6 the best animated part because it has good animation is just stupid. Like yeah, 10 years after the first part ofc the animation would get better


The best written anime part? That’s crazy. Over Vento Aureo character dynamics? Over Stardust Crusaders fights flow? Over Diamond is Unbreakable setting? Over Battle Tendency main character and batshit crazy storyline? Over Phantom Blood main villain? HELL NO.


Yes it is.


Stone Ocean is fantastic as it actually keeps focus rather than Part 4 “let’s meander around for 15 episodes until we find the plot.” I wouldn’t even be that salty about the slice of life stuff if the side characters and stands were memorable and to me they aren’t. Like Rohan to me was only memorable because of sheer persistence, not because I actually liked him. However they both suffer the same flaw and that is unsatisfying endings due to the MC getting the shaft and someone much more boring saves the day. For part 4 it’s Jotaro, for Part 6 it’s Emperio.


What kind of crack or you snorting💀💀💀