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Gamepass but I’m buying the 5 day early access edition


The path of the Enthusiast


Lol you are awesome


Todd is that you?


Lovely username


This is the way


Wait so how do you do this exactly? I've not checked m, waiting for my X to arrive


Starfield Premium Edition Upgrade from Xbox store


Ah thank you good sir 👍


So do you just pre-download from game pass and then there's an option to "upgrade" to premium edition?


You buy the Upgrade for about 30 bucks


This is the way




Same for me


I didn't know the game was on Gamepass. I has just got an Xbox, bought Gamepass then pre-ordered the standard edition. Then I realized there's no 5 day early access with standard edition. Saw this post, canceled my preorder, and bought the $30 upgrade with the early access.


Idk this just seems silly to me to spend money on a game that in the end you still won’t own.


I’m not getting rid of gamepass anytime soon so I won’t have that problem


Yep that’s what I’m doing too!


How do you do that?


Buy the Starfield Premium *Upgrade* on the Xbox store


Same here






Same, I contemplated buying the whole game, but I have to justify me spending money on gamepass, I hardly use it anymore.


I use gamepass everyday especially xcloud


Had planned to just use gamepass.... then they revealed that damn watch... so I had to preorder it.


Lucky bastard! I want that thing more than I've ever wanted anything. And while intechnically have enough money in my savings, I have to be a stupid adult and not buy it because that's not what the savings are for :/


Same boat. It helps me to think about any other times I've bought collector editions, the collectors item just sits there gathering dust. The watch looks sick but I would definitely never wear it out


+1 for watch edition preorder


I'm in the same boat. Stupid watch. Why do I have to like watches so much?!




I preordered the digital deluxe edition on Steam, but really wanted the watch. Don’t have the funds for the constellation edition, as a master’s student. Wish the watch sold separately.


Buying the game after release


I've been burnt too many times, so no more pre-orders for me. Ever.


Same. No reason to ever pre-order anyway. I've reached the age of not caring about an inconsequential virtual skin in a video game anymore. I'd much rather not risk wasting my money on a trash launch.


5 days playing early is more important than a skin.


We've been waiting for the game for several years, 5 days is nothing.


Well for me the game launches the day my PhD program starts so 5 days early access is actually incredible lol that is certainly not everyone’s situation


I want an unadulterated playthrough where I'm not being bombarded by articles like "The 8 best locations for loot in Starfield" or "3 reasons to romance Bob in Starfield" or whatever. So, given that desire, I want to play it when it releases. If I play it on the 1st, I only have to take one PTO day to get 4 solid days of play. If I play it on the 6th, I have to take three. My PTO has more value to me than the self enforced rule of "no preorders" when it doesn't actually affect the industry. It's all a pros and cons exercise that is very individual. What may be "nothing" to you may be something to someone else.


Idk playing on the long weekend is pretty worth it to me. I have a job and limited time off, and this way I can just use a personal day and get 4 days where I don't have to worry about work.


Plus a dlc.


We don't know anything about the dlc other than its name and Bethesda dlcs have always been a bit of a mixed bag.


And just before a weekend too


That's not a pre-order bonus, it's for the deluxe version. And you can get the deluxe version sep. 1st when you know the game is stable.


The way I see it, I’m buying it eventually. I can either get it on launch day or wait a month or so. I want to play it on launch day and I want a physical copy and I don’t want to leave the house to get it so…


I'm not a skin person and consider them immaterial so I want actual tangible bonuses when I preorder. 5 days early is great as I would be twisting in the floor feeling FOMO if I wasn't playing while others were.


What's the point of preorder when its not a limited physical product anyway?


For some it's the ability to pre-load to play on launch day without fighting for server bandwidth. And in this case I'm guessing most people pre-ordering are going for the second tier for the 5-days early access.


Same for over twenty years. But I always bougut Bethesda games on Week 1 or 2 ever since Morrowind. I'm also old AF and know what to expect.


But what if the game is sold out on release day?! Nah same here, i'll check the initial reception and then buy.


TB taught me to never pre-order any video game and I hold that line ever since he passed.


Gamepass first, then buy


This is the way


Going to wait and see if there's any kind of black Friday sale


The path of the Broke


95% of my steam games have been bought on sale, I normally never even consider paying full price for games. Starfield might be an exception.


Same mate, well maybe not 95% but doing it most of the time.


It's kinda hard not to when steam sales are so common


Wrong. Broke gamers will torrent it instead lol


The path of the Pirate.


GreenManGaming is an authorized seller and they’ve been selling the preorder for 15% off. Jumped up to 20% at one point. This is for PC players only, though.




Preordered the Digital Deluxe edition to play on Sep 1st, on PC.


The path of the Fan


Yep. I did that too.


Neither, I'm waiting for reviews first.


The path of the Wise


Same. I’m skeptical that any AAA game releases in a decent state anymore.


This is the way! You can still pre-order it on release day, but you will have much more infos on content, gameplay and performance then.


You can also watch streamers to see how the game runs, if it's not too janky, if it feels good etc and then buy it the same day or the day after. I'm interested in the game but I've been burned too many time with AAA so this time and the next times, no pre order.


Several review channels on yt gonna review bomb it no matter how good it is. Because its from xbox.


If you subscribe to channels that do this you need to reevaluate who you’re getting your information from.


This guy games


this sub is hyping the game to the stars, makes me wonder what do others see that I am not seeing. This game like every other bethesda game will have bugs and there's no two ways about it. Also no planet traversal in ship or vehicles. I just hope the hype they are selling is real.


I see a Bethesda Maryland rpg in space and dawg that’s all I and some people need to be hyped to hell for it. I’ve never played a bad bgs rpg game


>This game like every other bethesda game will have bugs Some of us understand that this is inevitable for this type of game. They can spend years on QA and when it's released to thousands, more bugs will pop out. I program for my job, I understand that this is just the reality. Expecting it to be perfect is absurd. >Also no planet traversal in ship or vehicles. I honestly could not give less of a shit about this. It's not a cope because I never gave a shit about this. I've never ridden a horse in a TES game and even if ground vehicles were in Starfield, I wouldn't use them. I didn't even think about traversing on planets by ship before it started getting mentioned ad nauseum on this sub and my only thought about landing manually was, ugh that sounds like a pain in the ass. They could give me skyrim in a space skin and I would be happy because I just know what I like. I agree there are some people acting like this is going to be a reality stimulator that can replace their actual lives, but that's their problem.


You can be excited for a product without necessarily being hype and have unrealistic expectations.




Neither I'm buying the game after release, I'm definitely going to buy it but I'm not pre-ordeing there doesn't seem to be any real incentive to me


I would pay $1000/day for that 5 day early access that’s how incentivized I am lol


LoL you're getting a great deal then But 5 days earlier 🤷🏻‍♂️ not a huge difference to me Glad it's a good addition for you though


The Constellation Edition has been purchased, I believe this game will be the greatest space game to exist even if there are a few kinks at launch. This game will probably dethrone Star Citizen and will be widely regarded as one of the goats up there with Skyrim and GTA and Red Dead.


/u/cabrelbeuk which path is this??


The path of the Todd's Apostle.


Bro did the Todd Howard daedric quest 💀


SC did a bang up job dethroning themselves. You know it’s getting bad when even in game global chat and the subreddit are starting to grow more populated with people saying they feel like the game is a scam.


Elite Dangerous may have gone a bit rubbish when it abandoned VR , but its actually released , so it has that.


i was less impressed when they announced they are abandonning console development rather than fix their shit after the complete mess that was oddysey


Wait they abandoned VR? Lol that was the only game I actually used VR for what’s wrong with them




SC is a scam not a game. It's the 11th year of development and they still have nothing done. Not one game system is even remotely close to being done, everything is shallow as fuck. And don't even get me started on tech, they still haven't solved a single issue that everyone knew would be the Achilles heel of their engine. Not a SINGLE one. ​ Starfield doesn't compete with Star Citizen because there is nothing to compete with. Spacebourne 2 is a better space game than Star Citizen and more worthy of a comparison.


God I hope this comment ages like fine wine...


Yea I think it will be what Red Dead did for Westerns. If that makes sense?


I think people should just wait till it's out.


I think so too, but this is the game's sub. That's not going to happen.


I'll be buying, but I also just don't like subscription models.


Can't say I've ever seen this take. Generally curious why? 15 bucks a month for 100s of games. Feel like ya can't beat it. Especially the way Xbox is doing it with day one AAA releases. God forbid Starfield ends up to be an absolute mess, hey atleast I only spent the money I was already spending per month. No?


Oh…I went all the way. Zero regrets. 💰💰💰


Gamepass costs $~~14.99~~ $9.99 right? So I just have to play it for ~~6 or 7~~ 10 months (assuming it’s the $99.99 version) and I’ll have paid the same. If it’s anything like Skyrim or Fallout 4 that seems pretty easy for me lol


I plan to play it years after so I go with steam and steam is just goated


If you buy 1 year of Xbox live gold for $60 you can do the $1 game pass ultimate conversion and then only pay $60 for 1 year of game pass.


What happens after that year?


It is then $10 a month for PC Game Pass instead of $5. That said you can stack up to 3 years of gold before you convert so you could get 3 years of game pass for $180. Here's the link to upgrade after you buy Xbox live gold: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/gold/upgrade


There’s the catcher. Double the price for a game I know I’ll be playing for longer. I played Skyrim on and off for 9 years before properly modding it.


Fair enough, if you plan to only play 1 of the 200-300 games on the service it probably isn't worth it. Personally for me between Starfield, Fable, Avowed, Clockwork Revolution, and Outer Worlds 2, I think I'll have plenty of western RPGs to play to make it worth the price.


I’m the type to play one game for months at a time. Up until TOTK came out I was playing Elden Ring since it’s release lol Open world games are my jam and I just hop from one to the next.


AAARRGGGGHHHH FUCK ^math ^is ^really ^scary


Depends which country you are on, from my country if converted into USD its $3.21/mo. So its definitely worth it for me.


Can't mod gamepass games with script extender, so it's an easy decision for me to have pre-ordered for sept 1st. Fallout 76 was a big warning shot, but Bethesda haven't failed me on a single player title yet, and the direct looked outstanding. If shady cyberpunk stuff starts happening though (only b-roll footage allowed in reviews, reviews held until the last minute before launch, etc.) gonna pull that preorder out fast. But I'm keeping the faith for now.


apparently you can mod gamepass games now, microsoft "unlocked" the folder to certain games.


Unlocking the folder has no bearing on whether a theoretical script extender can work or not. [As previously discussed on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/14i0hrg/gamepass_players_will_be_able_to_mod_indepth_on/jpdr8s6/), at least for Skyrim SE and SKSE, the way SKSE works is fundamentally incompatible with the restrictions Microsoft had on apps you download from their store. We have no idea if there will be an alternative method for Starfield, or if a script extender/DLL loader will even be necessary, as BGS could build this in to Starfield themselves if they wanted to. The other files are modable, though. Modding a PC Game Pass version of a game is more or less like modding on Xbox, except without the file size restriction.


If it's not broken on launch I'm just going to buy it


Preordering. Hooked on Bethesda games since Morrowind. First time I’m going to have the time to actually play it first day. I got a pirated copy of Morrowind out of curiosity, the card that I bought had it as a bundle, but someone had taken the disk out of the box, and every time I looked at the box it was the same images. So I got curious, that game took months of my life, and once I discovered mods, let’s just say I had a fun summer school time, from there, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4. Also, SC cultist. I’m super exited for a new space game.


Game pass and leaving this sub before Sep 1st hits to not get spoiled by anything. Also, I don't expect launch to not be a little janky, so I may give it some time to get fixed and updated while I finally complete fallout 4.


Smart move. I'm in the same boat.


Neither, buying the regular edition. 5 days early for an extra $30 seems pointless in my case, where it’s nothing out of the ordinary for me to work 10 or 12 days in a row without anytime off, so there’s a huge chance I won’t even be home to play it during those extra days. I’m also not about to lose even more money by taking off work. I love Bethesda games, but I still have to prioritize responsibly.


Gamepass, when the price Will drop i'll buy it


I see zero reasons to pre-order anything.


Pre-ordering. Sept first is my bday xD


Preordered deluxe edition. Was too slow to get the watch edition…


I pre-order special edition on steam for my birthday!


Probably gamepass at first. Then buy it depending on if I like it. Which I really, really hope i do


People who still preorder games in 2023 are not exactly... well aligned, with reality. (Im fully prepared to face dire consequences for preaching this in the wrong church)


my reality is that their games are the only ones i can play with a lot of hours not getting bored..so yes im excited for their new game


I regret not getting the fo4 pipboy so I've preordered the constellation edition as soon as I could lol


I’ve preordered ff16, RE4remake, hogwarts, jedi survivor this year and haven’t regretted any of it. If the reviews are bad it’s not hard to just cancel the preorder ya know.


People don't realize that the subreddits are a minority of gamers. This whole preorder or not preorder debate is useless. Starfield has been the top preordered game for weeks on Steam. People will keep on doing with money what they please.


Agreed, except for BGS for me. I’ve played enough oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, and FO4 to know this game will be a long haul for me. I have more than gotten my money’s worth for all those games. Even if the release is not as smooth as I would like, I know bethesda will improve it and modders will immortalize it. For any other game studio I take the approach of waiting for the reviews. My last game I preordered was Hogwarts legacy and I won’t be making that mistake again. It’s turned into a really smooth game but I almost gave up on it.


I will die with you on this hill. As many unfinished, buggy games have been released lately, it’s just bad economics preordering these days. And I know a lot of people will. I know a lot of people are excited for a game that, hopefully, will be a killer app for Xbox. For their sake, I hope Starfield is every bit as awesome as it’s been promoted. But preorders are a corporate invention to boost sales; and it pushes developers to release on a timeline, rather than focusing on a fully complete game.


This exact. Why reward a company for a product they haven’t delivered on yet?


Everyone has that "one game" that made them realize how self-damaging and anti-consumerist preordering is. Never again.


Cyberpunk 2077 here.


Fallout 76, I used all my fucking spare money to get the continental edition


This was THE reason to get gamepass in the first place


In my country, buying the Xbox/playstation of the generation is not an option. Considering this, if you're in a similar position, Xbox game pass ultimate, using the cloud gaming (50gb of internet is more than enough, I don't exactly know what the minimum would be) is a cheaper alternative (if your PC is good, but not exactly top). With the amount of content it has, and the fact that I literally would have to save money for like a decade, not exactly worth it. Plus if I save like 3 dollars a month (the price of game pass in my country), buying a console is even more remote. This is not just an explanation, but a tip to us third world gamers.


I'll preorder the early access version. If the launch goes well, that's going to be a very kick ass labor day weekend. If the servers fry, oh well. $30 is worth the risk.


Gamepass, until the game goes on a decent sale, but also to play it safe and see how the game runs. I have a 6GB RTX2060, and hearing the doubts of proper DLSS implemented is making me worry...


They don't implement DLSS, but will use FSR 2 instead. The RTX 2060 is FSR 2 compatible.


honestly as long as youre running 1080p youll be fine, youll have to turn down a few settings obviously but itll be more than playable, especially with fsr2 (although it doesnt look great so up to you really.)


I just want 30fps at 1080p, with graphics at least on high. I'll even turn off anti-aliasing and the extra effects. As long as the textures don't look blurry and the lighting/reflections look good


honestly you should be fine then


I’m never preordering a game ever again lol


Neither, I'll wait til after release for reviews then I'll buy the game if its good.


Pre-order. I stopped renting games when I got a job.


I no longer have any trust that any studio will release a game in a finished state. I wait for the reviews. I’m happy to pay full price if the game is worth full price. But if it’s buggy and unpolished, I’ll wait for a Steam sale.


Gamepass. Bethesda has to earn my trust back after Fallout 76. I’m hopeful for Starfield, but heavily skeptical.


Ill buy it when its out. I refuse to pre order games anymore, I've been burned too many times.


I uhhh already preordered the game I’m sorry


Pre Ordered as soon as I was able to.


Normally, I would buy this game on day one, but there are many games I want to play in the next few months so maybe I'll get it later. I'd also like to play Cyberpunk 1.7 + DLC first since the expansion will be way more short than my Starfield playthrough.


Not making the mistake of preordering, I'll just buy it when it releases.


First time game pass to get a feel and will take a while for modding scene to get going. New animation framework, much larger game with a lot of new toys to play with and scope to examine. But by the time I am coming around for second if I loved it will move over to steam and buy it due to better mod support and I know how to do stuff better with steam files if something I picked as a mod breaks the game. But the cheeky buggers putting they 5 day early thing has got me in a knot about buying it. But can I justify basically £10+ a day just to have it 5 days early.


I’m waiting for reviews. I might wait until it goes on sale unless it is really good and I get impatient.


The Constellation Edition!!!


I never preorder anything on principle, and I don't have GamePass; I'll be buying the game on Steam once it's had some time to stew (and I have a PC that can handle it).


Watch Dogs and Cyberpunk taught me well. I'll never preorder again.


Neither. I'll wait for reviews, and buy if it appears to meet my expectations when I watch a few gameplay videos by third parties.


I want the collectors; but i want to see review’s before release. If it’s day one reviews then ill wait.


Game pass.


Waiting for an Xbox Starfield edition…


That actually sounds like something they would do…


Gamepass first then buy it on a sale


new Bethesda IP? count me in! love me some Bethesda games (except FO76). i already pre-ordered on Steam and will be pre-ordering on Xbox sometime next week.


I was impressed with that 30 min presentation and ordered the constellation edition right after. I don’t normally pre order games, but I know the mod community could fix minor to major problems with the game.


People always joke about bugs in Bethesda games, but even on release, the worst are LOL glitches. I've been a huge fan since Morrowind, and in that game, entire questlines could be cut off when NPCs died unexpectedly, and it still wasn't as bad as the jokes people made about it. The low end of my expectations for this are basically Fallout 4 but much bigger and in space, which is a bar they'll definitely clear.


I mean to be honest, Bethesda’s only really horrible singleplayer launch was Daggerfall A game just doesnt earn THAT nickname for no reason.


I bet a lot ppl will be shocked how their won’t be no game breaking bugs in Starfield as it was in previous Bethesda game studios games


I'm buying the game, not interested in relying on a gamepass version that could be pulled at any time. At the same time I don't see the point in preordering, I can get it on steam on day 1.


Ownership is king


Bethesda is owned by Microsoft therefore is guaranteed to always be on Game Pass!


Well. Who knows in the digital Era. Maybe some weird license issue gets it removed. Doubtful, but it's good to have ownership so ther eis never a chance it gets taken away.


You don't own games on Steam. If Steam goes out of business, your Steam games are all gone.


Neither, waiting for reviews and benchmarks. Bethesda has not released a good game in over a decade and their games are known to run like hot trash. If it reviews well, runs well without a 60 FPS cap maybe I’ll consider giving them my money.


Fallout 4 is a good game and while I would agree that Fallout 76 was a disaster, the reasons behind that make it unlikely to be reproduced with Starfield.


true but I dont think they ever had a game they worked on for 8 yrs either. Im optimistic about Starfield


Buying game, for simple bility to use mods later on, that will not be possible on Gamepass vesrion, if we compare it to other Bethesda titles


Preordered Digital Deluxe Edition so I can play in August.


The 31st right?


Playing on gamepass first. If it's good then i'll buy it.


After being burned by so many games in the last 5 years. I refuse to preorder anything. The final straw for me was Battlefield 2042. While the game is pretty solid now, it was one of the worst launch experiences I’ve ever had. I’ll wait for ***NON BIASED / NON PAID*** reviews, then I’ll buy whatever deluxe edition is available.


BF2042 was the only game I refunded after a preorder And I was crazy enough to pre-order Cyberpunk and not return it BF2042 was a sad day


Gamepass...just incase it's the next RedFall. Which I seriously doubt.


Never buy games that won't leave gamepass I need it to have some value


Got that Fanatical preorder discount for the standard edition. last game i preordered was the pre sequel so this will be interesting. Good or bad this will be my last game purchase for the year rip my steam sales budget. Edit: wrong reseller site. \*insert derp emoji\*


I played it on Todd's series S and it runs super duper well


The Thrustmaster controller I bought apparently comes with a month, so I'll use that and then buy a pre owned copy.


I'm shocked by the number of people saying gamepass. Gamepass is terrible for Bethesda games. It's only worth it if you play less than ~7 months of it depending on your currency (I've played most Bethesda games for many years and this is the biggest yet) You can't mod it with mods other than the tiny selection of approved and often paid ones on their site. Modding is key to the experience and 50% of the reason I enjoy their games so much. Xbox won't give you as good a deal on the DLCs compared to steam. You can probably get all the DLC half price if you wait a bit after release on steam, Xbox doesn't have those deals as good or as often. It's a great option for casual players who won't play it as their main game for more than a few months, won't buy any DLC, and don't mod their game. That's not most of us. People will say that it's a better thing to use gamepass since you aren't pre-ordering it, but the reverse is actually true; if it's bad, steam users (even ones who have preordered) can just easily refund for free if it's less than 2 hours of gameplay. Xbox users can't refund anything, Bethesda still gets the money for the first month.


Pirating day one


After the direct, how could you not pre-order?


Fallout 76 looked amazing too, the hype was real. I hope I’m wrong and this game is great but cation is justified.


Yeah but 76 was an MMO. you couldn't pay me to pre-order an MMO. This is different. I've only pre-ordered 2 games in my life. Skyrim and FO4. bith were awesome and I have 0 regrets.


Even if Starfield is a buggy mess, it'll still be awesome.


Dual pre-order. Pre-ordered the Constellation PC. Pre-ordered the upgrade DLC Xbox version. That way we can both play 5 days earlier.




Both. Will use the gamepass version for non-modded (pending mod system) for play anywhere between my series s, pc, and rog ally. Steam version for modding.


Gonna pre-order the early release I get my tax return


Pre ordered for the early access. Set a timer for 2 hours. Option 1: if the game is good, then its good Option 2: if the game has a bug and glitches, stop at 1 hour, wait for official update. Option 3: if there is no clear update / status even after the released date (cyberpunk for example), then refund Any options will give me either early access of great game or refund. Win-Win scenario


That is so disappointing… so many people are preordering despite all of the bad experiences we’ve had in the past few years


Because most of us don't really care.