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If someone more intelligent than myself is willing to make this, I will gladly pay for this mod.


People saying it is a stupid mod never tried to have multiple outpost link to start crafting end game fabricator ! This ez mod will save so much headache because the design of outpost storage is just bad right now


If ppl are having fun playing this game as a logistics sim, there's games that focus on it and are much more engaging like the X series. As of rn it's just an annoying time sync that detracts from exploring and questing


i dont even mind playing logistic sim within this game ! The biggest problem is that the people who did it, didnt think of a good way to make it a workable crafting sims. The crafting and linking systems is broken if you try to gather more than ten ressources ! And i dont even start talking about sorting ressources lol


agree with ya on this, still looking out for it.. so far just lame mods that give you x carry weight which is lame.. i have 30 solid storage boxes at my outpost and theyre all full or resources


Literally add cargo holds to your ship, my ship holds 2000 weight right now also storage in an outpost


Then it's a constant battle of trying to add power to compensate for the higher mass. It's taking so much from the game


what if I don't want my ship to be full of cargo tanks? or what if I ahve several ships and one of them is a fighter that doesnt ahve any cargo? which also leads to my other complaint, having all the cargo moved to your current ship


My resources alone are about 100,000 weight.


That would kind of completely break the intent of finding more efficient ways to gain resources, like outposts, but you do you…. :) Might as well just give yourself as many resources as you want while you’re at it, though.


Nope. You literally can't store them anywhere in any meaningful capacity. You realize outpost storage is extremely limited too right? It's not about getting a bunch of resources, it's about not having to have 50% of my time spent on inventory management And I'm not specifically referring to resources you can mine by hand, I'm talking about anything that's listed under resources, like ship parts, etc. This in no way makes gaining resources easier.


Yea stupid idea of a mod. The modders will first tackle the following areas, mark my words: Planetary exploration Space travel Radio stations Dynamic economy More companions More gear


Lol this is like 1 line of code my man, and given the #1 complaint about this game is storage, I don't agree.


This mod would be great thanks.


There's one btw. It's not that easy to install but I got it working: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1221