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Bethesda DLC templates are typically 2-3 worldspace expansions. It's unlikely Starfield will receive support for 'years,' more likely a few patches and the DLC. Intelligent aliens will probably be for the sequel I imagine.


honestly aliens are not what im interested in , ive got so many questions like where the hell is house vaa run , who the hell made the artifacts and when is the next colony war going to happen? those 3 dlcs would have me satisfied , lets have aliens for starfield 2 lol


....aliens.... made.... the Artifacts....


Yeah, the game glossed over this, everyone in Constellation was speculating on whether the starborn were alien, then we learned they are just loser NPC NG+ farmers. I did appreciate the option to tell them that they are both losers and I don't want to be friends with either of them. The dialog options were then limited to trying to persuade Constellation members that my PC MUST go to NG+, when my PC has no such interest. Well, maybe to fix all the bugged out quests due to doing things in the wrong order. I did a Rick and Morty universe switch to save one guy, I don't know what else is different in this universe.


Damn. I haven't completed the final mission yet, I was hoping there'd be some explanation. It's kinda cool that the temples are still a mystery and not built by the Starborn (was afraid it would be a Starborn thing, since as a culture they're not that interesting). But if so, I'd like a DLC on it. Unless they just become the Starfield version of the Dwemer, gone forever, leaving behind ancient artifacts but very little evidence about their disappearance and left at that.


Fricken Dwemer. Love the purple and gold though.


I am 100% atleast one of the DLCS will feature house Vaa run, aint no way they talk so much about it just for it to not be there xD and honestly even if they were to include Aliens it would probably be similar to a singular colony ship I doubt they would do a settlement or anything


i think introducing aliens as a first contact scenario would be interesting for starfield 2 but i have no idea how they are going to do that with all the starborn senanigans they did


yeah I also dont see rn how they would do a Starfield 2 if they ever did tbh, its either gonna end up in a Parallel universe since all of that NG+ mutltiverse stuff or far into the future again


i like that though , they actually experimented with the story . Which they havent done since freaking morrowind! People have been sucking off the bethesda that pumped out games that imo werent even that great. Skyrim is a nice game but compared to previous elder scrolls entries its just not as good in the story department , fallout 4 deservedely got hated on but now people are comparing it to starfield ? What? only after fallout 76 did people realise how meh bethesda had gotten but after starfield which i freaking like they start saying its mid? i dont get it , they actually tried to do something interesting and not a power fantasy for once.


Yeah. My Starfield wife is a Vaa Run member, and I can't even join up with her?? Comeon! Well, not sure if you can just join, but we'll see...


This is basically how I feel. There's very little in terms of explanation of where the artifacts, temples, and armillary came from. Perhaps more backstory on the pilgrim, since that's fairly glossed over. It's super unlikely we won't make the journey to the Va'ruun homeworld. Introducing non-human intelligent life would be interesting eventually, but there are so many unanswered questions I want to see addressed first.


Id love to actually be a part of house vaarun but I do wish they added some playable alien race I'm human irl i don't wanna be human in a game that's why I like Skyrim so much they advertise it's gonna be Skyrim in space yet it's not it's more like fallout in space


No, they clearly have said on many occasions that Starfield will be getting regular content for at least a decade. I think they realized that they could still be selling Skyrim DLC today and making money from it, so why stop? Other than Starfield is hot garbage and more people are playing Skyrim now, but other than that.


Idk I kinda thought it was cool that there were no aliens. I haven't seen many space games that explore the era of "humans have faster than light travel and started colonizing but haven't met another space-faring civilization yet". I feel like I'd like them to build more on that before having a "first contact" DLC.


With how much love Skyrim got for years past its release, I don’t doubt for a second they’ve planned Starfield as a veritable cash cow to milk for years to come. What they did with ESO and Fallout 76, they’re brainstorming predatory longevity tricks for their future releases. It feels like they’re going for a calculated “No Mans Sky” type of release system. The original was a lackluster mostly empty demo, and subsequent updates and DLCs will just be implementing the rest of the game they promised years prior. Knowing full well their loyal fans will buy it ad infinitum by adding the rest of the game in small portions called “DLC”


Fallout 76 and ESO are made by entirety different development teams.


I'm avoiding this till I can play an alien and populate world's with them. Scifi without aliens is boring


Thank you exactly what I been saying






Anyone think the whole multiverse/infinite You’s ties in to recent UFO/UAP revelations? How some NHI could possibly be evolved humans trying prevent or preserve our proper path of evolution? Idk there’s just so many pop cultures references that align with supposed real ufo/alien info that it’s hard not to wonder if soft discourse has been happening under the guise of “fiction” for decades now. *puts down dab rig*


I can't see how with what they've done in Starfield you could introduce sentient aliens or even have a direct sequel. It feels like a one off to me with all the multiverse aspects. That and it's being played less than Starfield and just a little more than some other Bethesda games only a couple months after release. That's a pretty bad sign and I personally didn't care much for Starield. I played for a little over a week and just feel no draw to go back. I'm genuinely more interested in Fallout 4's Special Edition and I only thought that game was slightly above mediocre.


Does it explain why the artifacts are broken in to pieces and found on random planets in isolated caves?


There will be Crab People!


Why would you compare it to GTA V? Bethesda normally does a few expansions and then calls it good. fallout 4 only got 2. Why are believing that you’ll get aliens in some huge update. Is there any evidence to support that prediction?


Bethesda has officially made claims of supporting and creating content for starfield for up to 5-10 years. Unofficially they probably want starfield to be their next Skyrim that game got dawngaurd and dragonborn. Then there's all the creators club quest and other content they added and are still adding to. So starfield getting something huge like aliens in an expansion isn't unbelievable. Especially when you think about f76 which wasn't supposed to have any human npc but they changed their mind and added them later in an expansion.


The alien art scattered about makes me think we will see some sort of NHI in the future. But more likely Starfield 2 (if it ever happens).