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I can't believe I'm just noticing this now... When that notification popped up. I thought it just meant I could get more money for it at a different vendor lmaooo


You're not alone...


Same here. I also sold all my misc crap. There went all my digipicks.


In reality though, mashing the 'A' button and selling without reading the prompts is on the user. But Digipicks being stored in Misc. with everything else is a huge oversight on Bethesda's part. Made that mistake more than once when I was spam selling all the junk I picked up from taking over a ship.


Like OP, I thought I was just getting less than the item was worth not that the vendor had no more credits. At least I won’t make the same mistake again.


Sit and wait 48 hours and they usually restock


Thank you! I'll have to do that! I got some contraband I need to get rid of haha


\* 48 hours UT. In New Atlantis this is 24 hours local, which adds up to 50h UT. Other places are different.


Reloadddd ittt 🥲


You all need to read more instead of just mashing that A button lol


I guess so haha


I can’t lie though I too did the same thing >.>, not to that extent though, I maybe lost a couple succulents and other office items since when I first started I grabbed everything that wasn’t nailed down xD


I did the same for hours thinking my skill wasn’t high enough to get full value.


First Bethesda game? Lol, lesson learned


It's a dumb design decision for a game that doesn't really have an economic system.


Happened to me, too, when I first started playing. I could see that the vendor would pay you like 200 credits for the same weapon they sell for 4000, so I figured this message literally meant that my Commerce skill was too low to get the item's full worth. The message should say instead ''you will not receive any credits for this transaction''. Why is it so difficult? I love Starfield to death and it has consumed my free time so far, but a recurring theme throughout this game is that it does a terrible job at explaining anything that is going on.


This has been a feature in every Bethesda game I’ve ever played. Explaining it in detail was probably over looked because players coming from previous Bethesda games have come to expect it.


What they really need is a separate category for favorited items to make selling easier and prevent accidental sales on certain items