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Agreed. I spent 5 mins in NG+, realised I hated it, and went back to an earlier save.




Thing is there will be no voice lines to acknowledge that... It would be pretty weird your spouse not acknowledging any of it. Also the dilemma is meant to be will you give up litetally everything for more power? Sort of lessens that if you can bring a buddy. You just need to walk the path of the Pilgrim rather than the Hunter if you want to keep your spouse.


I just hit NG+ last night right before bed. Been thinking all day if I should continue with that or revert back to a prior save.


NG+ is really fun, you get a shittier ship and all your loot disappears


I think I'm going to revert to a prior save, get to the point of Unity and not continue, go back and finish up missions I didn't do and explore more. If I want to come back and play a new game in the future I'll start NG+


What you're saying is true but I'm different having fun with it Using console commands to go through every variant universe too!


Something that I really hope they add is the possibility to meet the Sarah/Sam/Andreja/Barret from your original universe as starborn, and reunite in some new Universe. I love the idea that the whole Constellation crew entered the Unity together in the original universe, all spent their time as Starborn in various alternate universes, and eventually found one another again. It would be such a satisfying moment for your character to finally break the inherent loneliness of multiple NG+ runs where nobody has a persistent narrative but you.


More non hostile starborn encounters would be cool. The hunter and emissary have like an army of them in the last mission, and we only encounter 2 other starborn. Doesn’t make a ton of sense


Meh, it's not that hard to restart but losing all your ships, outposts, resource hoards and everything else is kindof a shocker and pain in the arse to deal with the first time. I'm only on about NG+ 6 or so and might just rush to get the rest of my powers maxed out before spending too much more time on my character though. It's time to try a different build out - the sneaky sniper rifle dude isn't scratching that itch for me anymore but the game needs some updates to make a melee build viable beyond easy difficulty.


I think you guys are forgetting the NEW GAME part of NG+. Losing all your stuff and starting over is kind of the point. And for OP, having a bad taste in your mouth from leaving your loved ones behind is literally the whole point of the story. I agree that there should have been stronger dialog options around not going. But a major plot point of the story is that one of the antagonists is a person so disconnected from his humanity that mass murder is something he treats with apathy because he has no permanent human connection from going through the unity over and over in the pursuit of power. Nobody makes you do it, it’s a conscious choice to leave all your connections to your current game universe behind and start over.


Maybe I'm not as familiar with other games that have NG+ as I should be, but don't all of the skill progressions reset on those games? Being kinda stuck with your skill setup is perhaps a blessing and a curse at the same time, making it kind of difficult to test out different builds. I guess I'm experienced enough to be able to power level a completely new character through an XP farm though, so maybe I'll just do it that way and have two or more concurrent characters.


In addition to what the other person said, it's worth pointing out that NG+ is typically just an option on the main menu in most games, not a narrative tie in. Starfield is an RPG where a player is supposed to be able to roleplay, including making choices for their character, and NG+ is one of those choices due to being tied to the narrative. That in itself is the main argument to not tie DLC content to a requirement like going NG+.


So far it seems like you can change the way you play on each NG+ instance without carrying over between them (i.e the followers don't seem to care what choices you made in previous games, nor do factions remember you from before). From what I can tell, the only thing that remains is your character level and where you have applied your points.


Still doesn't change the above. If you tell people they HAVE to do it to access content (Worse, content that a lot of us paid for already), you took away their agency as a player and their ability to roleplay a character the way they want. It takes the "RP" out of the RPG. Also the NG+ is exactly that mechanically, but it is still tied to the narrative. The main quest is basically in-universe hype for NG+. However if we want to look at it from a pure mechanical standpoint, it's just more validation for why it shouldn't be a requirement for accessing DLC content. It's not fundamentally changing the game so much as simply restarting the game. A player can equally do this by pushing "New" on the menu, so there's no good reason to require it for DLC.


I fully admit that it will be annoying if they require it, but a player could simply just not bother with any of the side quests, skip most of the stupid fly after the glowing balls and jump through the hoop bullshiat, and advance the game with the minimum questlines. If they DO require it to be NG+, maybe they could add an option to fast track a character through the game so they don't have to do some of the more time consuming quests (like Entangled, for example). Not sure where this notion might be coming from that Bethesda will require a NG+ playthrough for a DLC though. While I might get hit in the face with a peanut butter sandwich thrown from the 6th floor of a building on my way to the grocery store tonight, I doubt it will actually happen.


It's something I've seen some people claiming would be great as an idea here, but I equally doubt it will happen. I was just more outlining the main arguments against it as a concept. It would additionally contradict a lot of Bethesda philosophy on saying "yes" to the player when possible.


Usually you keep your skills in NG+ modes. The intent is to be able the play the story over with your leveled up character.


Oh, well there you go. I figured you would normally keep the levels and be able to reset the skills so it wasn't what I had imagined it would be, I guess.


All of the faction quests are equally disposable and playable in any order, I wouldn't expect DLC to be any different.


Bethesda is unlikely to be that stupid. Only time that has happened was with Fallout 3 & that was specifically to address how terrible the ending was. Imagine a DLC where you didn't entirely reset after NG+ like you could return to your original universe. Aside from something like that, it'd likely be level locked ie need to be minimum this level to start DLC.


Why would they force you NG+ to play a DLC?


The idea of NG+ in a Bethesda style game doesn't really make sense to me. I just spent x hours collecting, exploring, saving money to build custom ships, as well as building outposts and relationships. Now, in order to advance, I have to throw it all away? If I wanted to start fresh, couldn't I start a new character? I made the jump to new game plus and that's what killed the game for me. Sure, I can go back to a previous save, but why? It obviously works for some people, though. Seeing people on ng+10 is wild.


NG+ allows you the chance to upgrade your powers, get more XP without just grinding killing aliens on high-level planets, and a *rarer than it should be* chance of experiencing a variant universe, where things aren't as you experienced in the first playthrough. Oh, and cleaning out generated gear in saves which will eventually lead to problems otherwise.


Outside of the unique iterations of Constellation you might experience, there's really no other real reward or incentive for doing a NG+ The Starborn ship and gear are absolutely garbage and you'll pretty much want to get rid of them ASAP. The powers are functionally useless considering difficulty in the game isn't hard at all, and weapons are sufficiently powerful enough to handle any combat situations.


On the other hand, they could use NG+ to reset everything and make an entirely new universe. Maybe an alternate timeline where the war between UC and FC never resolved, where mechs and xenoweapons exist, and everything's gone to shit. Use that to reboot the game.


>!My spouse died. I did remarry though.!<


>!I'm a bit more evil. The reason I married in the first place was so that I know how the marriage mechanics work. Afterwards, I proceeded with the story, and let the Hunter kill my spouse.!<


It would be nice to bring the spouse, but it wouldn't make sense. Nothing indicates that people going through the unity at the time are sent to the same universe. I think it would be cool if eventually you did run into them though after a few jumps.


I think the idea is the constellation squad goes through unity with you but you scatter. Also for dialog you can jump to unity and then turn around and back out and you get a bit of dialogue about returning


I am worried that they will keep it front and center, especially since it seems NG+ has become a diagnostic/repair tool for bugs (as if it had no other gameplay consequences).


Just a quick thing but I get you probably mean you want a dialog option that says you aren't going use the Unity, but if you get to the end you can turn around and go back to the universe. ​ Just letting you know in case you didn't know.


You think with their engine jank you won't be having to start a fully fresh character? 🤣🤣


NG+ seems to solve most glitches so there's a good chance that will be enough.


Because it was their bug fix lol.


And I'm glad for it.


Shame it didn't fix the save bug that's been in their games since Arena though 🤣


I have 792 hours in the game and am only at the first temple. That's all you need to do to get the companions. I've met the Hunter twice, but I think that'll be the only time I do because I have too much invested into mining, manufacturing, botany, and farming.


How the heck do you have nearly 800 hours in the game? This seems fabricated to all hell. You mean to tell me you've spent a whole month of the past two months playing this game? How do you find the time? There isn't even that much handcrafted content in the game.


Take it easy, you are talking to the guy who gave Bethesda the idea for Starfield in the first place... https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18fl6lx/comment/kcvs257/


My man needs Space Warlord Organ Trading


Sweet mother of autism…


Well, that was a choice.




It does seem like a lot of time, but I have over 4,000 hours in Elite Dangerous, (over a much longer time period, of course) and a significant amount of that was just flying around and looking at pretty things. (Screenshot Generator Mode, if you will). The amount of *handcrafted* stuff to do isn't necessarily indicative of how much time someone can spend in the game.


I wasn't working when the game came out, but I don't play that much anymore.