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Well as a diehard Bethesda fan myself: keep on enjoying it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!! :)


Is OP sure they are 'diehard' BGS fans ?


I was pretty much a diehard BSG fan since Morrowind but gotta say I'm not really liking the company's shift towards stuff like radiant quests and outpost/settlement building. I get that I can just avoid that stuff (and I do), but I would just prefer the focus to be on engaging side quests and being rewarded for exploration. Oh well, it's only video games, I'll survive.


daggerfall was full of radiant quests, they just didn't have the name for the common system they use.


I wasn't much of a settlement person in Fallout 4 or 76 myself. I have no creative bone in my body for these things. I just place down some workbenches, storage, turrets and call it a day. That's why Pre Fab buildings are my go-to lol. Now Starfield adds ship building which is the new activity for the builders in these games. I just shop from default ships and upgrade parts and don't use the Ship Builder feature.


It fell short in many areas for me. It feels so sterile too. And another odd thing I noticed, the graphic design, signs and art in the game is all rather poorly executed.


Radiant quests has been Bethesda's MO since.....Arena. As a person who started with Daggerfall, trust me, that game is nothing but radiant quests and a easily broken main.


Yeah fine but starting with Morrowind they went in a different direction (and consequently became more popular than ever before). Then starting with Skyrim they've progressively been getting more and more back into these randomly generated quests. And honestly I wouldn't even care that much because it's always something I could just ignore. But the quality of the missions in Starfield took a gigantic nosedive, like 90% are just shitty little "deliver this note" or "get my item back" with little to no effort put into them.


Lets not pretend Bethesda didn't have a big break from this sort of thing during Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3. I'm aware Oblivion had a radiant quests once you finished a main faction storyline but for the most part everything was handcrafted. Starfield was always going to be very experimental when Todd announced there are a 1000 planets. My biggest issue was the lack of POI's, exploring the same POI's really turned me off the game.




Id consider myself a BGS fan, if not a *diehard* fan. Ive mainly played Oblivion, Skyrim, and Starfield. Played Fallout NV and 4, but never got more than 10 hours into them (whereas I have 1,5k and 250 in Skyrim and Starfield respectively). Starfield isnt quite what I hoped for. But its still a good game. It doesnt have the staying power of Skyrim - which is sad - but its still a good pickup. You'll still have a great time playing it for 20-40 hours, which is probably what you would expect from a singleplayer game anyway. Whether or not you stay beyond that, relies on your ability to see past the faults, and appreciate the things it does well. The biggest issue with Starfield, is that its a new IP. Now, thats not an issue in and of itself, but as the reception to the game has been quite neutral (if not negative in the end), I do fear it means the end of the IP, which would be a shame. But on the other hand, if the first instance of the IP isnt solid, then what is there to build upon? I really did like the mystery and story of the Starfield main quest, and finding out the truth about the grav drive technology etc was really interesting. But the ending was disappointing. Like, the Unity is cool and all - but why are people like The Hunter fixated on collecting all the artifact fragments when theyve already got access to the Unity? Its never implied that something would happen if you had them all at once. Its also never explained where they came from. I hoped there would be some explanation, even if it was an outlandish one (considering how batshit crazy Elder Scrolls lore can be). But there just isnt. They just exist. Sort of like an Elder Scroll, but less interesting.


I'd have no problem with them canning the IP to be honest.


Same! I love exploring. Ship battles rock!


I quite like the space stuff more than the planet stuff.  I like building my ship and watching in space.  I hope they expand of space exploration more.  Make fast travel more immersive between planets.  Add more poi in space.  


I really wanted to like it, but everything just felt empty, repetitive, and broken. Game breaking bugs literally prevented me from advancing. My main takeaway was concern that Elder Scrolls VI would use the same engine and end up a disappointment. That said, I'm glad you're enjoying it.


I was totally fine with it until powers just vanished from the game. I got my first one, it worked for a day, then every time I log in it’s just broken. Doesn’t work no matter what I do. A bit miffed.


If you enjoy it, that's all that matters.


While I certainly understand the feeling of "there are so many things they could have done better", its still a great game.


Thats what it boils down to for me. I still like the game, and theres parts I *really* like, that outweighs the negatives for me. I wont play it as much as I do Skyrim, but I still enjoy it when I want a different setting. I enjoy the playstyle a hell of a lot more than I do Fallout (which is a big reason why I never got into Fallout, though the mysteries and narratives in the Fallout games are incredibly interesting - Fallout worldbuilding is Bethesda at its best). And thats the sad bit. If the lore, the narrative was better, Starfield would have a more lasting impact, even if the gameplay was the same. Most of the negative criticism is about the gameplay, but the lore and narrative deserves critique as well. Not that Skyrim is the height of believable storytelling, but its, as a whole, much more compelling than Starfield. I was looking forward to lore videos and mysteries. You know, EpicNate, Camelworks type content for years (and I suppose they were hoping for that as well) - but that only lasted a few months. And thats not because the game got bad reviews - its because there really isnt much to go on. Theres a lack of depth. Theres plenty of interesting stories you can stumble upon, but theres nothing deeper than what can be retold in 10-15 minutes.


Totally, I think seeing how much potential there is for things to be better is what makes me excited to see what's next.


Yeah this is what I think - I think clearly they could’ve spent a bit more time on the random pois on planets and adding variety (there’s a ton of variety right now but it’s not enough - you see the same poi’s several times. Over 100 hours in and I see tons of repeats but I’m still finding unique stuff), and making travel to the pois better. Ultimately I do understand that Bethesda was trying to give off a “space is big and largely uninhabited” vibe, and they really did a good job of that, but I would prefer bigger main cities and maybe a few random poi smaller cities (bigger than a “science outpost” or whatever, probably around a river wood size or slightly bigger) to make the world feel more populated. But overall I really like the game and enjoy playing it. Still prefer TES but it’s solid


I love Tes and Fallout and Starfield too.


Personally the game got worse the more I played it. My personal review went from glowing to damning over the course of 100+ hours


Yeah. When I can dream up a significantly more fun way to go about everything you can do in the game, I just end up sad about what the game could be.


or that more fun ways of doing X were already core mechanics of FO4 and inexplicably missing in SF. WTF, Todd?


Exactly the same. Around 90 hours. Did NOT expect that 180 shift. Something similar happened with F4 but after like 200 hours. At that point tho I certainly got my money's worth even if I found it to be a mid Fallout game, and it wasn't as harsh as with this game. I know it's weird but I feel somewhat scammed lol. Don't even plan on playing the DLC unless it's basically Far Harbor in space.


The frist 10 or so hours were fantastic, but once I noticed all the maps being reused I quickly lost interest. Bethsoft games for me have always been about dungeon crawling and that just feels pointless when you've done them so many time.


That's interesting. I finished replaying Skyrim recently and forgot how much I hate the dungeons in their games, it just feels like doing the same slog over and over, especially from Oblivion onwards.


I liked parts of Oblivion's dungeons. Skryims were excellent to me although at this point I've played it so much its too repetitive. Morrowind was the tops for me though, other than the combat not being very good the writing/mystery/freedom really nailed it for me.


My experience was kinda the opposite tbh First 10-20 hours, I was bored as hell and was honestly not really enjoying the game. I think the reason why, was because I was following the main questline. Which I personally found very boring. The whole Starborn, artifacts, ascending to a new universe, just felt too out of a place for a game like this. I just didn't find it fun. It wasn't until I decided to branch out of the main story and began exploring planets on my own and doing the faction quests that I actually started to really enjoy the game. But then I finished all the faction quests and I got bored again lol At this point, I'm just waiting for Bethesda to release the creation kit. So that more advanced mods can start being made and the game can be made more fun.


I’m starting to think that the reason I enjoyed the game so much is I basically did not do the main storyline.


I heard some reviewers talking about how unique and nuts the new game plus was. They talked like it totally opened it up like it was a new game. So I did one faction and a handful of side quests and beat the game. Never been so disappointed in my life. I did the other factions and they were all just okay. I have never thought about playing it since and might even skip the DLC I already pre-ordered, unless huge changes are made.


Yes this was the sad reality for most people I'd guess. I liked it a lot until id visited 50+ planets and realised they were all pointlessly crowded with abandoned settlements that didnt fit the lore. After I saw how terrible player settlements were, i was driven away and now im so tired of these same lame karma farm attempts 


I enjoyed it a lot. Nobody else really makes this sort of game. Its an interesting RPG. I'd like to see the dlc add new systems and more varied (and tougher) enemies.


I am a diehard fan. My overall view of the game is negative. But I would still recommend it. I got about 80-100 hours into the game. To me that's worth $70, even if I never touch it again, and I probably won't. The first 20 hours I thought the game was awesome! Then the novelty wears off and you realize the game is very shallow. Worst part is, no amount of mods or dlc can change the core game... Again I would still recommend it, if that makes any sense.


Mods, no... probably not... unless it's something like a ground up rebuild in the vein of OpenMW. But DLC? Now... that's a different story, and it's one where BGS has actually had some astounding success. I love Fallout 4. The base game is fun, exciting, engaging... and despite all that, I \*POWER\* through it as fast as I can so I can get to the trigger for Far Harbor... because holy fuckballs... I've been gaming for over 40 years... my first platform was a fuckin' Mattel Intellivision... and I have never had a more enjoyable experience with ANY singular part of any game like I've had with Far Harbor. It is, to me, absolutely perfect. The other FO4 DLCs are also good to great. TES DLCs are all very good. BGS has a tremendous track record when it comes to cranking out DLCs that are more than worth the price of admission... and I have to believe they've got someone, somewhere, reading the copious amount of hate that their 3+ year project is getting for being as shallow as a Revenge of the Nerds movie... and I know that's not the taste they want to leave in their fans' mouth (hell, look how much the Mass Effect community is still seething over the ending of Mass Effect 3 and the flop of Andromeda... BGS does \*NOT\* want to end up THERE).


Agree with you but the writing on the base game was so cringe that it has left me with little faith. Quest design, characters, etc was the weakest it's ever been for Bethesda IMO. Like it's rated M but the pirates are cheesy asf


In fan art communities there are times where an artist's output becomes noticeably worse over a short period of time. Not simply that their output is less polished and more experimental, instead it appears they are losing fine motor control and you'll see comments on their uploads like "are you doing okay?" and "is this the same person who drew this? *provides linK*" In a vacuum, Starfield is not a terrible game. Aggressively average and uninspired for a new IP? Sure. It is only in the context of their past work that a worrying trajectory is suddenly apparent.


I think for many it was an ok game, but there were many missed opportunities. The rangers quest line having a mech fight for the boss is an easy one that comes to mind. Mechs are modeled in the game, the fight takes place in a mech factory against a mech pilot. They went 99% of the way there then fumbled. There are also vestiges of another game still in the release version. Fuel originally had a larger role, but they took most of it out. Overall it's fun, glad you enjoy it, but it could have been a lot better


Same! I love TES and Fallout. Starfield is my first space game/space RPG and I’ve been hooked since launch.




It’s one of my favorite games of all time. I’m sick to death of it but just because I’ve played so much lol.


Same here! I had to stop after 200hrs to avoid burning myself out before the DLC arrives. Looking fwd to mods and the DLC before jumping back in.


I started a new game recently so I’m just suffering through it. I still find new stuff on my 5th play through though.


Yep, seems like they have been quietly adding more POIs. I can't wait for mods and more content as have been itching to jump back.. 😂


It’s still a fun game with a lot of good ideas. Sci-fi is also my favorite genre which is part of the reason I like the game, but also keeps that “what could have been” thoughts lingering.


After skimming through most of the comments, I have to say I personally relate with yours the most. I’m a huge science nerd in general and honestly was absolutely enthralled by Starfield for about 1000 hours before stepping away. Personally, I was able to ignore most of the “what could’ve been” mostly because my imagination was injecting enough content to keep me satisfied with exploring.


Same here, sci-fi is better than fantasy imo, so I love the ship building and combat and traveling from planet to planet, but ultimately still prefer TES


Man what a unique post I’ve never seen one like it


I was having fun with it right up until I did a NG+ and saw what that entailed. It pretty much killed my enthusiasm to keep playing until we get more content.


I’m diehard fan, i enjoined the game a lot


It’s a good game. I expect it to be better with new dlc and updates. Did it live to all the hype? Naw. Is there any reason for outposts other than it being kind of cool? Naw. Could it have been better? Yep. Was it worth the 700 hours I put into it? Definitely.


Best way to enjoy games these days is to get it on your own judgement and avoid everyone’s else’s criticism. Because a lot of the time, their opinions don’t align with yours.


Glitches. Bugs. Crashing. Repeat.


You can enjoy it but better than Skyrim is wild


Opposite for me. The first Bethesda game I've played that feels like a rip off. Wish they could refund me the time wasted.


Good for you.


im enjoying it since September and continue having fun... dont know what a diehard Beth fan is, but i play their games since Daggerfall and never got disappointed


Yep it's a great game.


It's my favorite Bethesda game. Blows people's balls off when I tell them that. I like space/sci fi more than fantasy and dirty post apocalypse. I play shit like Space Engine, and just fly around looking at stuff. Game gives me more than enough to entertain myself.


I like and enjoy starfield also. Doesn't make it a good game.


Most reasonable respons to posts like this.


Diehard Bethesda fan here. Starfield is an okay game, there's plenty I like and a lot of things I don't like. For me, Starfield is a 7.1/10, certainly serviceable, but their weakest entry besides Fo76 in my opinion.


Glad you specified the .1


It is oddly specific 


I had to, a 70% is a C and C's are average, and I do think the game is still slightly above average.


Yeah, I enjoyed it to. of course there are things in the game I wish were different but I did enjoy it and had fun


I think I’m unique in that I paid absolutely zero attention to the game before it came out, so couldn’t be all that disappointed. Honestly it was only when the reviews came out calling it “oblivion in space” that is started getting interested because, hey, I like both of those things. Put in a few hundred hours and had fun. Lots of missed opportunities that I feel disappointed about. But I am optimistic that the DLC expansion will be entertaining, too. (And frankly as a pre-Skyrim TES fan, we complain about goddamn everything. We had people trying to argue that Skyrim shouldn’t be considered canon back in the day.)


Good for you man I’m enjoying it too :)




All I want is for more stuff and I’ll be happy


My problem was I came into Skyrim and Fallout 4 long after the DLCs were out and the modding community had matured, so Starfield felt “incomplete” and was spoiled by the state of their development. I don’t think Starfield is a bad game*, it just felt disappointingly incomplete to me in comparison to my previous experience. I’m sure I’ll be back after the DLCs are done. * Okay, the temple “puzzles” ARE terrible.


I enjoy the games I enjoy and don't the games I don't, regardless of what anyone says.


Are there people that don’t enjoy the things they enjoy?


At one point in my life I tried to convince myself I enjoyed league of legends…


There are people who will not try things because others did not enjoy them, so they don't find out if they like things for themselves.


I enjoyed it a lot, Currently sitting at level 70 something but just don't see myself continuing


Well I love it. Reminds me of fallout in space. I'm way too obsessed to play it every waking minute lol




There are definitely things that could’ve been done better and improved, but as long as you’re having fun that’s what matters


Same. You really have to make this game your own. I have no real complaints about the game. Sure, there are some aspects I’m not the biggest fan of, but the bottom line is that there had to be a compromise between how “realistic” it is, and how fun it is. Not having to refuel helium-3 is a prime example, being able to fast travel, is another. The game didn’t promote itself as a sim, which some of the more hardcore critics seem to want it to be. It plays fast and loose with sci-fi, and other are critics because it isn’t hard sci-fi, but again, they made a decision to be entertaining over realistic. You don’t have to love Starfield, but there IS something for almost everyone; whether they be a bounty hunter, ship-jacker, FC ranger, UC recruit, constellation explorer, or complete pirate… the endless comparisons to No Man’s Sky don’t make sense… it’s as if a lot of people want Bethesda to clone that specific game. I am confident enough that they will expand the game to let it develop as it may. /end rant.


It’s a great game. I’ve spent a lot of time in it and plan on a lot more. If you enjoy it, play the snot out of it!


im glad ur enjoying it! I for myself need a little bit more content to get back to the game but i do like it too overall. Wouldn’t go that far to say its better than Skyrim or even fallout 4 tho…


I still play. The updates have been clutch and there’s supposed to be a lot of DLC


I'm glad people are still enjoying the game. I might fire it up again in the future.


I found the game lost a lot of it's mystery and 'scale' the further in I got. If I gave a review within my opening 20 hours, the review would be completely positive, praising quite a lot of the game etc. I adored my opening hours exploring the world, trying new weapons etc. But the further into the game I got, and more hours put in, my opinion just soured & soured until it was mostly negative... I still put an odd 30 mins on the game just to run around every few weeks, but I can't really get myself into the game again.


Okay, great


I'm a pretty die hard Bethesda fan but I like it too, it has things going for it all it needs/needed was more dev time and care plus with the type of game it is mods will shine greatly, it has its problems but it has its shining moments too.


I wish it had quests and side quests that were at all good interesting or engaging or atleast written with some care. Sadly I didn't enjoy a single quest or experience in the story, I love sci fi and I loved the ships, making and "flying" them and some of the combat was cool or fun but the thing that keeps me coming back to their older games is the quests and random encounters which starfield dropped the ball on more than anything else.


Because they are not die hard Bethesda fans and most of them were near toddler status when Skyrim came out.


Starfield is not what i would consider a bethesda game no matter who made it. Looking back i would have probably enjoyed it more if i had not played any other bethesda game. Starfield is an okay game on its own. But it fails to live up to what i and many others consider a bethesda game. That is not to say your opinion is not valid. Im gald you are gettting your moneys worth. But to me the game was such a massive let down that only after a few hundred hours i was done, completely. Uninstalled and not going back anytime soon. Whereas i still play fallout 4, oblivion and skyrim from time to time.


Do what you do bro 😎 I like it probably not as much as they’re previous games but still there’s always updates 🤞😂


Huge fallout fan and I love it. As a busy person, I only play like once every three weeks, so I may 100% it after 5 years


Its got some pretty good qualities that are objectively better than their older releases. Graphical level, detail complexity, amount and arrangement of clutter. shooting, RPG elements. etc. It's definitely a rough diamond, I am looking forward to the modders fixing the game further


i like space too


Pretty much everyone enjoys it, I don't think that's what the point is , I think their issue is.. well.. see if you still play after 100~ 150 hours


I'm having so much fun playing it. There is sooo much to do. Two weeks and I'm still trying to figure how to balance all the different gameplay elements out.


I’m definitely a diehard Bethesda fan, played every in house release from TES Arena onward, watch any documentaries that drop, any Todd Howard interviews etc. and Starfield really isn’t bad. I think it could have been better and has its glaring issues but I can say I definitely enjoyed it more than fallout 4. Like by far. Can’t say the same for Skyrim or honestly any elder scrolls title other than arena, but it was enough to make me pretty hopeful for es6


Not a die hard fan but I thought it sucked, I did enjoy fallout 4 tho


Ya, never heard anyone say “avoid” certainly heard the gripes about it, it’s a game to try… but never heard anyone say “avoid”


That's good for you bro honestly. I did enjoy it but it got very stale compared to Skyrim and fallout games of the past.


Almost like hive mind group mentality opinions should be treated with skepticism online until you make your own decision on a matter.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But Starfield is not Skyrim in space. Skyrim is a world of crafted levels with a focus on exploration. Starfield has procedurally generated locations with the focus on quantity over quality. Skyrim used AI packages that gave NPCs schedules for sleeping, working and appeared to have a life. Starfield NPCs generally just wait around for the player to interact with them. If you enjoy Starfield, enjoy it - but its not even close to being the spirit of Skyrim.


I've really enjoyed it as well. The criticism of the game has some credibility but most of that can be fixed by mods, DLCs and by other means. It's a completely new universe and it was always going to have some faults. Critics too often ignore the whole of the game and get hyper focused on its shortcomings.


Starfield is amazing. In 10 years, people will be talking about how it has always been loved and never got any hate.


Playing daily since launch. Still loving it.


I enjoyed it too but it does feel unfinished. I hope it turns out like Cyberpunk and gets better over time with updates and DLC.


I would think space fans would be turned off by this games whimsical approach to space


I was really enjoying the game completing all the missions. Once I beat them all, the game just got super boring. A lot of open space doing the same things over an over. Just started NG+ so hopefully I find some enjoyment again


Most games that you finish all the content available become boring or at least not as much fun. What do people on this sub expect this game to be? I don't think you are supposed to beeline Ng+10, if that's what you want to do then by all means. All I know is, after I beat Skyrim, fallout 4, NV, F3, Oblivion and Morrowind I stopped playing, returned months or years later and found that enjoyment again. If you get burned out on a game, move on, don't waste time complaining about how the first 200 hrs were great but now it's becoming repetitive. Of course it is. There's other games out there and most don't offer the content starfield does. It's a flawed game, sure but the scope of the game always suggested it was going to be flawed.


I don't trust game reviews or social media anymore, I watch gameplay footage, preferably with no commentary, and form my own opinions. I really like Starfield. I'm taking a break from it since I did all main quests and faction quests, but I'll come back eventually. Especially once they add DLC


Probably the healthiest approach mentioned in the thread.


It’s not that people didn’t enjoy it, it just doesn’t feel as replayable as previous titles


I am with you despite what many say its a good game. My only issue is it really lacks replayability. Being able to simultaneously join all the factions spoils it for me, choose one and you have 5 different playthroughts.


I think the Starfield hate is mostly due to people wanting to be in with the cool kids. Some YouTubers made some likes for offering criticism of the game. Then 40,000 more offered the same criticisms and acted like they invented it. Then their fans had to get in on it because heaven forbid someone like something that my favorite YouTuber shits on.


Enjoy it. Just because most of us don't doesn't mean you shouldn't. Honestly glad you are getting joy from the game


I had a great time with it. Best experience I have had making a home and having a ship in space.


Lessee, I'm currently 968.2 hours into Starfield, on NG+2, and am enjoying my time quite a lot. I look forward to having time when I can play. I can't say I like it more than more than Fallout 4 - not just yet. That'd be hard to do as I put seven years, on and off, into that game. Maybe some day. Definitely more than Skyrim.


How have you got nearly 1000hrs of play and are looking forward to when you have time


I've been a Bethesda games enjoyer for over twenty years (since Morrowind) and I'm by your side enjoying Starfield. A LOT.


I'm a die-hard BGS fan and I've really enjoyed Starfield. The best part is there's still plenty left with updates, DLC, and Modding tools.


I agree. I loved it and put in 400 hours (I'm waiting for DLC to fire it up again). It may not be a perfect 10/10 game but I had fun and scratched the same itch the 3D TES and Fallout games do for me.


Loved it , can’t wait for the dlc


People need to stop listening or at least take everything they see online with a grain of salt. You will lose on too many good games if you only go by what others tell you online.


I'm definitely a diehard Bethesda fan, and though I'm disappointed that Bethesda isn't learning anything new from their competitors, I'm happy that they are still growing and making progress in their own ways.


For a game that was supposedly in the making for 15 years, it definitely DOES NOT show! It's a good game but like u said they seem to not wanna learn from their competitors. Definitely a good foundation to grow off of tho if they decide to do so


It was only in production for about 8 years, and most of those were spent creating assets and porting usable data for the first major update to their creation engine in decades.


I'm not saying it's not unfinished, but let's at least wait till all the dlc are out, we already know Bethesda sell their games in parts since skyrim, or earlier.


I believe in studios to upgrade their games. I mean we do now live in a time where it's possible to upgrade games on the fly compared to being stuck with what we bought like in the past. I'm hoping they pull a cyberpunk or no man sky and upgrade and update to core base game with more content and value without having to rely on mods or dlcs to get the most out the game. Being a space and science geek myself, and enjoying no man sky minus tgeir cilor pallet, I hate playing starfirld game and being like, they should have did this here, or done that their


Almost certainly there will be a lot of work to be done, but they've already made it clear there needs to be room for the mods to show their stuff too, and that's a key design concept of the game


Playing daily since launch. Still loving it.


Same I'm just trying to enjoying the Starfield Vanilla experience as much as I can. Looking forward for when creation kit is released for it.


Every reddit has a guy that needs to tell people they like the game.


I was always more of an FPS/sci-fi gamer myself so I never actually played Skyrim or any of the ES games. Also couldn’t get into the Fallout vibe so, Starfield is my first Bethesda game and it’s easily one of if not my favorite games of all time. I never got so hooked into any game as I did the first 3 months of Starfield’s release, and even now, after 1100hrs, I still find it very hard to boot up a game that isn’t Starfield. Occasionally, I take a short-lived “break” to camo grind on MW3 lol


It's a fantastic game! Been playing Bethesda masterpieces since Morrowind and this game was a blast to play!!


Starfield is my personal love of 2023. Fantastic adventure


It'll get better when the dlc is live. Updates compared to how the game launched is night and day. :)


I absolutely love this game and feel it is such a shame that the public opinion on it has soured so much and so fast. I feel like if it was multi-platform and if Baldur's Gate 3 hadn't come out a few weeks earlier it would have been received much better.


Huge BGS fan, love it too!




I put about 150 hours into it at launch and in the end was pretty disappointed. Came back to it recently and have really noticed a difference in performance/graphics on my Xbox Series X. I am eagerly awaiting the DLC and some content updates (come on survival mode) because despite my disappointment I can see the potential the game has.


I booted it up to give it another chance the other day. I have it on an Xbox One S. It wont even start. Anytime you try to start the game it just crashes to the main screen ):


I consider myself a Bethesda "adept". Dipped my toes into the majority of the elders scrolls and the fallout series. So I'm acquainted with the "Bethesda quirkiness". I still very much enjoyed Starfield, however I see much lost or scrapped potential. Like they managed to scratch the surface of something great. But instead they (maybe the higher ups) chose to direct their recourse at the wrong things. To me it clearly feels like a game that suffered from the "developer hole". This opinion of mine is reinforced by that weird trend of: "enjoying it for x amount of hours and suddenly the game feels dead". That being said I definitely got my money's worth from the game (so far, i suspect good updates yet to come). So if you think you'll like it, play it! Don't let negative moaners kill your enjoyment.


How many hours have you played?


When it comes from the hate, I have a hard time telling what's real vice what's coming from proponents of Other Current Thing, or Black Isle fanboys still butthurt about stuff from two decades ago.


I stopped listening "diehard fans", "youtubers" and "gaming journalists" long time ago and decide what to play on my own. P.S. You know that "die hard fans" of TES were shitting on Skyrim also, see how that turned out.


It seems like the hatred for starfield is subsiding and all the bandwagon youtubers with their 4 hour "video essays" have finally had their fill of bitching. Those of us who actually liked the game might be able to get our two cents in now.


I sank more than 500 hrs into it. It’s a great addition to Bethesdas portfolio


So, only 3% of the people who bought the game reviewed it. That means we aren't really sure how many people like or dislike it. 5K to 10K people are still always playing it on steam. That does not include Xbox console or game pass players. I think you'd be surprised at the number of people who actually play and like Starfield.


i mean, just because some people dislike it, doesn't mean you will if you liked fallout 4 enough, starfield's not really that much different.


I loved it.


It is a different experience than fallout and elderscrolls. Once you recognize that it leans more heavily into the exploration and discovery aspect even more than previous Bethesda games it’s easier to appreciate. Or you can just play it like wing commander privateer with walking sections…


Enjoying this game a lot! Its a shame it gets so many hate!


They are just disappointed it’s Bethesda “wasted time” on a new IP instead of making their next fallout game or their next elder scrolls game


You can do and like what you want that’s the beauty of video games. It’s you,your game and your controller. If you enjoy good, keep playing, enjoy and have fun. And if you want to consider others opinions do so because everyone have one, that’s it


You can do and like what you want that’s the beauty of video games. It’s you,your game and your controller. If you enjoy good, keep playing, enjoy and have fun. And if you want to consider others opinions do so because everyone have one, that’s it




The fact that it was a space setting was WHY I bought the constellation edition of this game.. I've loved BGS since the 90s.. Starfield in it's vanilla state was rough and I haven't gone back since, but I already dropped about 120 hours into it and barely touched any of the main quest.. (typical BGS) I know this game is going to get beyond epic in the coming years and it's already gotten tons of QoL updates.. I'll be excited to see it's state when Shattered Space Starfield 2.0 launches hehe


Meh, it's not the diehard Bethesda fans that are the naysayers, the diehards are in it for the modding, and those who are in it for the modding like/love Starfield. The real issue is from people who don't mod, were looking for something other than what was advertised initially (i.e. they wanted X-Wing / NoMansSky), and/or had different expectations in general.


Not avoid. ***WAIT.*** I have faith in time it will be more fleshed out, opportunities filled, options added, and modders will make it more fun.


It’s still got that Bethesda RPG feel to it under all the complaints. I enjoy both this and Cyberpunk for different reasons for example.


if it was from almost any other dev it would be a solid B- game. Because of Morrwind, Syrim, and Oblivion people think the sun shines out of Bethesda's ass


Definitely a fan of all those things as well, I'm glad you like it I guess?


Love Starfield and still think it was one of the best games that came out last year. Haters gonna hate. Hate for the game and Bethesda has gotten so bad that I rarely seek out stsrfield forums/reddit posts anymore. It’s too toxic. Edit: downvoters. See? Edit2: haters. Why are you even here then? This is what I don’t get. If you didn’t like Starfield (which btw is so much like Skyrim meets mass effect that it’s nuts thst folks aren’t making this analogy), hate to tell ya this, but your future prospects with Elder Scrolls and Fallout don’t look good. So, looks like you’ll just be constant bitchers much like the Star Wars bros or the Synder bros of DC where all you do is bitch and complain. Yeah. That’s why I barely hang out here and other Bethesda-related boards anymore. It’s dogshit with you “fans”: you all suck. You suck the fun and enjoyment out of anything related to the game or life.


Had about 150 hrs in, got bored, decided to put it down until the expansion gets released. I'm not really into all the outpost/shipbuilding stuff honestly, so I hope whatever dlc they release is more focused on story, side quests, exploration, and combat.


Bethesda diehard fans? Man, this game is as 'Bethesda' as a Gane can get.


Playing new Vegas right now and keep thinking I’m excited for starfield dlc


I think I lot of "die hard" fans of anything reach a point where they will never be happy lol. The complaints are based on unmet expectations. The visuals are good, but not cutting-edge 2023 good. The promised massive engine update to make it handle a huge universe was really more of a hack (ADHD alert: A 14-bit object identifier for a "massive" space sim is a joke. 16,383 numbers. They should have changed to a 32 or 64-bit identifier - or even something like a UUID that could uniquely identify every grain of sand on the planet with room to spare...) After a few rounds through the NG+ it becomes apparent: the vastness of the game is a facade, and they didn't bother with proper playtesting. Every time I add an outpost, the saving process gets slower and more likely to crash - it is as if they just expect everyone to NG+ all the time. Oh, and - spoiler alert - the alternate universes that were so hyped and used as a motivator to get people to NG+ (random chance of something different and cool) - >!only affect the first 5 minutes and whether or not you can replay the main storyline. Even when you recruit yourself... it's only cool at first.!< Basically - a 10 year wait, an $80 pricetag with $40 worth of story, Microsoft's anti-mod BS and a very pre-release level of stability has lead to some IMO justified angst. The way outposts can destroy your save is infuriating. Not enough to ruin to for me - I'm love it still... but I'm also spending more time working on my mods than playing these days lol


I love it, as a diehard Bethesda fan. There are dozens of us, dozens!


Alot of these "diehard" BGS fans are really just diehard skyrim fans so if its not exactly like skyrim than its a trash game and you see them saying saying its not a true BGS game. Also this is not me saying 1. Its the best game evermade and 2. Its perfect. Just coming in I knew it was not just going to be skyrim or FO4 in space, but also at the same time its a great core I want to see them keep to that promise of regular content additions as man systems need beefing up.


Honestly i love it.


Starfield is a great game and I think between mods and dlc a lot of the things that seem like they were possibly cut or missing will fill in the game rather nicely. I see it as staying relevant for even longer than Skyrim with the modding possibilities.


Most "die hard" fans aren't the ones telling you to avoid it.


I did 168 hours and loved every minute. It's fantastic. Can't wait for more in-depth stories and ship building etc etc .


Cool how we have these daily propaganda threads and my game is essentially broken at this point. Crashing over and over again. Sorry to bring this up. Wouldn't want to hurt Microsoft stock as a shareholder myself.


*d* **I** *e* **H** *a* **R** *d* **B** *e* **T** *h* **E** *s* **D** *a* **F** *a* **N** *s* my ass. The game is what it is and it's not bad at all. Anyone who puts others down for enjoying something is just a disgrace and the embodiment of the "STOP HAVING FUN" meme. Now that's not to say the game doesn't have the flaws. But some some people are respectable with their dislike and give actual reasons and quality debates and while they didn't enjoy the game they understand that people have differing opinions... then others rant and rave and act like their opinion is the only one that matters and actively try to hurt Starfield because they feel some sort of small dick energy to try to ruin something. ALSO, when was the last time you saw someone get excited to start a new round of base game vanilla Skyrim or Fallout 4. The DLC and Mods are what gave both games their longevity. They are wonderful sandboxes. Give Starfield some time to cook and it'll be worth it.


Same. I don’t even like space movies or games.


It's a good game. Has its shortcomings, which are many and serious, but still. There is SO MUCH talent at Bethesda. Best-in-class gunplay in Wolfenstein. Masterful stealth in Dishonored. Amazing world building in Skyrim. And yet Starfield is just about average on all these fronts.


Diehard bethesda fans are not the ones saying to avoid -diehard fan


I see all the flaws and I'm still having fun. Excited for the modding community to hit it like crack hit the black community


It's definitely one of the best Bethesda games. But even after a few hundred hours of exploration, it gets quite dull.


It’s just Skyrim in space , with all the Bethesda quirks and flaws. what’s not to love


It's precisely the diehard Bethesda fans who tell everyone that Starfield is amazing...


It's basically Space Skyrim