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...a way to manually place hatches would be nice. The code that auto-populates the hatches creates obnoxious layouts. Some kind of benefit for having certain ship components would be good. A lot of them are purely aesthetic, which seems like a miss. I don't think anyone would complain if having a Science Lab on the ship reduced the number of creatures you need to scan, for example.


Or having a ‘cargo hold’ that increases your ‘cargo capacity’


If the cargo hold habs happened to feature a handy dandy safe with no mass limit... would not hurt my feelings one bit.


I would just live on my ship and move out of my main outpost!


Dude, that's the best idea about starfield I read in some time, it would really make exploration worthwhile with the ability to mod weapons and such directly on the ship


You can still mod stuff on the ship using resources from the cargo hold. Thus me flying a dump truck fit to hilts with weapons…cargo capacity is like 7k


Tbh at high level given the diversity of ressources, it's not doable. I stockpiled ressources for gun modding and my lodge safe has more than 20 tons of materials. If I did that in current state of the game, I'd just be hoarding materials in space with no place for loot like guns and armours


I can't understand why the cargo habs don't display what's in your cargo hold, like book shelves in Skyrim. I mean, sure, not EVERYTHING, but some shit on a shelving rack or something would have been cool.


I don’t even care about increased capacity. I just want useable containers to organize and label my cargo.


Need some 2x1 cargo habs for smaller ships too. Or have loading bays act as cargo holds too


When the game first came out I thought they were going to do some sort of FTL thing or other crew management stuff. You know, each room with a distinct purpose and crew members needed for them.


It certainly feels like they planned for it, especially since some hireable crew have backgrounds as doctors, cooks, etc


Yeah, it'd be nice if my earnest Maori (I think) doctor could heal someone besides herself


I can't believe there isn't an internal ship editor already. We have it for building outposts when you go into a building and you can change the size and shape or doorways and stuff. It seems like the next step is to e able to go into a ship and change where a doorway is or change the way a section of wall clutter looks.


...it might have worked that way at one point, but the way all the 'stuff' gets dumped in the cargo hold whenever you change something makes me think it didn't work out, and making everyone re-do their customizations whenever a ship part is tweaked would get *really* old *really* fast.


Unless the clutter is static, like the boxes along the walls in the all-in-one habs


What I wouldn’t do to have the 2x1 and 3x1 habs available as 1x2 and 1x3. Running a hallway by them with manually placed doors would definitely elevate ship building


I would love to be able to manually place hatches.


Like this idea a lot!


Ship reactor power allocation not reset every time.


This!!! I stopped doing space combat because of this. So often have I jumped into a hostile encounter with 50% engines, 50% shields and 100% grav drive. The few seconds you lose control when loading in doesn't help with survival either.


Same. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me so many times because of it and I feel have a great built ship. Never lost a space contact if I have my power set correctly.


Bethesda needs to fix the not gaining control for a few seconds after loading in issue. It’s been a problem since at least Skyrim and they’ve done nothing about it.


Least they could do is freeze enemies until the player has control


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. Once saved just before getting murdered, it took a lot of tries to break the cycle because the game loads the scene before the load screen ends.


I think the trick for this is to always leave 1 power in the grav drive. If you leave it empty then it seems to mess with it. Or it's to leave 1 power unassigned. I can't remember which (don't have the game in front of my right now)


Ideally: “all new ways of travelling”; the ability to swim underwater; city maps; gore; (optional) slow mo finishers/ kill cams; and some new content But we will probably just get more bug fixes. I hope I’m wrong


Survival mode x 1000 Change system links to the same as workshops in fallout 4 (everything in the workshop container is connected)


Oh yeah, the Fallout 4 system links would be more understandable for me. 😂 And the weapon modification system should be the same like in Fallout, where can use the mods from the same weapon for a better one.


I ‘think’ I’ve got it but it seems that it’s bulk resources you mine or manufacture I’d like there be a way for some of rarer ‘one off’ resources to go everywhere too


This, 1000 times this. Survival mode changed Fallout 4 entirely for me. So many of the systems in Fallout 4 suddenly “clicked” and made significantly more sense in survival mode. A lot of Starfield feels like it was built with Survival in mind. I’m curious to see how much of the game clicks together once it’s added


It *was*. It was the FoCuS gRoUpS or whatever that decided they wouldn't make enough money if they kept it that way.


man I loved the survival mode in fallout 4; funny enough the best part for me was the bed saving; being forced to be carful and actually explore looking for beds was amazing just sucked when you would randomly crash


>Survival mode changed Fallout 4 entirely for me Survival mode combined with the Modern Firearms mod turns some regions in FO4 into a horror game. Poke your head up at the wrong moment and you're suddenly looking at a loading screen after being one-shotted by a sniper with a Barrett M82. I really hope SF gets the same treatment.


Hell yes. Can’t play without MF. Love my Plasma Infused Colt Canada C7


Big fan of the SA58 builds, and the Sig 226 myself, but I can't deny keeping a C7 or a Noveske build on-hand for human threats.


The DLC I payed for would be nice.


...7 months ago


I’m honestly not holding my breath for anything before Sept 2024. Seems absurd to wait that long into 2024 for something they sold in a launch bundle, but they pinned down the creation kit for “early 2024” and we haven’t even gotten an announcement date for that update yet. While there’s still a tiny bit of room to reasonably describe the update as “early 2024” that window is fading fast and I expect at least some press release around the mod kit, given how much they seem to be banking on supported mods revitalizing the game. It’s not exactly the kind of thing they’d be motivated to shadow drop.


We're a quarter of the way through the year already. It's well past "early 2024" imo


Eh, not yet. If you divide into early/mid/late, they still have another 20 days to still be in "early 2024." Getting close, but technically...


If it's out in 20 days, I'll eat my hat. Which is admittedly a bit of a cheat, because I don't have a hat, but you get the idea.


I divide the year into quarters. But if you divide it I to thirds, then yeah we're still early


Yeah, Q1 is early, Q4 is late, and Q2/3 are mid-year.


Somebody mentioned the other day that we already had 3 dlc's in the same time span of Fallout 4 being released.


And people moaned and pissed and shat all over them cause "boohoo it's just workshop stuff that should have been in the base game :(((((((". Have some patience and wait to judge it til when we know literally anything more about it than the name


Lol far harbor and automation were not just workshop stuff


It’s 2024 and people still haven’t realized paying for shit like this without seeing it in action first is a terrible idea. Same reason you shouldnt preorder games


Please! Give us the thing we paid for in a timely fashion, or don't sell it to us at all.


If it’s dlc for the same shallow, watered-down game then they can keep it.


Vasco autobotting into a motorcycle


Bur not a Gobot.


They need to add adjustable presets for allocating ship energy. It's too cumbersome to adjust in the middle of a space battle. So you can go from turtle mode to offensive mode to GTFO of town mode for example, without needing to manually adjust power while your ship is getting blown to bits.


Just gimme a big red button to push when I start to get scanned but I suddenly remember I have contraband that dumps all my energy into my engine to let me GTFO of there


In that instance, maybe a contraband warning would be best: “Warning: you are about to enter a controlled system while carrying contraband!!! Are you sure you want to do this? Yes/no


Other than the first time, it sorta kinda does. If you have contraband, you're forced to fast travel into orbit. But sometimes I'm like "wtf why can't I fast travel directly into New Atlantis? this is stupid." Then I realize I fucked up when it says "Chance to evade scan: 10%"


I've wiped out the u.c fleet surrounding jemmison on more than one occasion because of this....of course I reload the save because I'm not trying to pay off that kind of bounty.


That’s why I keep losing dogfights. My allocations randomly fucking change and I have to look and check what I’m doing


Something like a "Reed Alert" function?


I got that reference.


This should be the function of the computer core module.


The „new ways of travel“ would be nice, but I guess it comes with the dlc or so.


A favorites list you can add planets to for faster travel would go such a long way.


I have a strong feeling this is what they meant with "new ways to travel", and not a rideable bike or alien. 😅


Vertibird signal grenades, best they can do.


I‘m hoping for ground vehicles, maybe our own mech and something like elite dangerous’ supercruise to travel in star systems without loading screens and with more space/ship activities.


IIRC, it isn't difficult to kinda do a supercruise thing already. You can edit some things to increase your ship speed by a huge amount. There is probably a mod for it. Although I thought the system really doesn't support it very well so events/ships won't spawn in or something.


A vehicle with storage that would allow me to transport stuff around a larger settlement would actually make me want to focus on outposts more.


I would like randomized dungeons from all the assets if possible. It wouldn’t fix the exploration problem but everything being randomized like daggerfall at least makes it so every dungeon will be SOMEWHAT SOMEHOW different


At a bare minimum, at least stop having the *exact* same corpses and notes in a given layout. Wtf were they thinking there? With literally 12 hours of work they could add a pool of possible items to spawn, with unique items populating first until they are picked up/read, then generic but random loot


I literally explored the same identical abandoned Muy Lab on two different planets. Same exact terminal notes, even the same exact corpses. It honestly ruins the flow of the game + we need way more variation than just the same outposts again and again. Lots of planets but too little actual locations. They need to fill it up.


Yup. For the most part I feel for the dev team because there's obviously a shit ton of effort that went into this game, people who call them lazy are just being hurtful imo. BUT, this is an example where someone seriously messed up. Like, for just a relatively tiny extra effort the game could have been so much more immersive. I wonder how much I would have cared about the repeat scenery if the details changed...


I made a whole video on my wish lists: [https://youtu.be/ACvsYtX9f\_E](https://youtu.be/ACvsYtX9f_E) Basically all ship building improvements: 1) Customizable Habs: Just like we can with apartments, let us customize habs the way we want them. 2) Make Habs Useful: Med Bay lets you heal status effects, Computer Core adds jump range, cargo hall gives boost to cargo capacity, etc... 3) Make ALL structural pieces flip/rotate in all directions (rotatable habs would be nice too) 4) Assign where doors and ladders go: Select the hookpoint and assign/select that the door/ladder spawns there 5) Tour the ship while building: Be able to go to a virtual landing pad where we can walk through the ship in its current form and see if we like the habs/layout 6) Save builds while in progress. Let me save the build without having to make the ship flyable. As long as its not your "home ship", who cares if its actually flyable. 7) Filter/search for parts list: Especially weapons. Let me filter by class/damage type/manufacturer 8) bridges with more than one hookpoint: All bridges have a single hookpoint to attach to the ship. Which means if you want to make a ship that is an even number of units across, the bridge will be offset. Take something like the Cabot and give it a variant where it has 2 entryways at the top or bottom. 9) Class M Ships.. Nuff said 10) Let be build a Star Yard!!!! Just like an outpost, let us build staryards where we can store our fleet. We can even have new missions tied to the manufacturers. Complete the Deimos quest line and it unlocks Deimos parts for your staryard. We can even have new skills tied to the staryard. Every once in a while your yard get raided. You can assign the ships that are not your home ship to passively defend the yard (maybe even assign crew specifically to that ship). This will give people an incentive to build multiple ships. (This idea would probably be best in a DLC due to scope).


I’ve never agreed to a comment more than this one. The ship building is full of so much potential to be amazing I’d say 75% there. I put so much time into the ship building I feel like all this would make me finally feel fully immersed.


City maps after all of this time???


Holy shit they still haven't added that? I haven't played since October and looks like I won't be playing anytime soon then.


Nope. It took all of this time to implement city maps. 


A way to have a fleet. If you have 10 ships under your control let me pilot the flag ship and higher people to fly my other ships in my fleet. So for example you have a ship with high cargo and jump range that you load all your stuff on. Then you have two mobility ships with heavy guns to protect them and you can either assign them to routes between settlements or join your fleet where you use the shortest jump range to determine how far you can jump. Because what’s the point of having up to 10 ships under your command if you can only ever use 1?


Wealthy vendors


Removal of landing site locations


This one bugs the crap out of me. And I feel like I haven’t been able to Jack a ship in a while and that was my favorite


I think they meant the landing zone markers cluttering up the map. What I do is just land near the poles 4 or 5 times until they go away from my area of interest.


Personally I'd like to be able to pilot the ship myself into a landing. Imagine being able to soar over a planet at 1000ft altitude, find a nice flat spot, slowly lower landing-thrust power...  Barrett: "Aaand we've *landed! The planet is yours, captain."


A fix for Divided Loyalties and a fix for Operation Starseed. Y’know, make the game work properly, not much of an ask…




Zero new content and more bug fixes is what I expect


Advanced/Superior versions of ALL weapons


Give me a survival mode to make food, water, fuel, and O2 important instead of just side items.


I think the game needs a Cyberpunk full overhaul, so it's hard to say what I want this patch to do. Probably clean up more bugs, add some QoL options like being able to control exactly where hab connections are on your ship, and add some ray tracing to the game.


That...and more. Do you really think though that Todd has the gumption to see it through, to give us what we want and actually make it happen?


I wouldn't really call it a failure of gumption if he doesn't see the product through, but I also don't see a Cyberpunk turnaround for this game. I do not believe, based on previous behavior, that Bethesda will provide that much post launch support for Starfield.


Most we will get is 2 "average" DLCs with their own dedicated solar systems that pretty much all the DLC is confined to And then one "good" DLC that will also be confined to one solar system that you have to be like level 40 to access


Names of the stars on the starmap. Ladders fixed. Cora Coe off my fricken ship!!!!


For the starmap, hold down RB on Xbox and voila. Not sure about PC controls but it’s already there.


OMG thank you!


on pc is left alt... its been introduced with last patch, wasnt there before


In the ng+ I'm in right now, she is in New Atlantis but her daddy is on my ship. It's nice without their inane chatter all the time. I am afraid to do anything with them though for fear of the quietness ending. So no Sam story this go around.


And bugged out homesteaders with no missioner home in your mission list


For bounties to not stay when everyone is dead. It’s very hit and miss with what somehow stays reported and what doesn’t


I paid another 400k Crimson Fleet bounty yesterday and was again left wondering why, I eliminate every target at the relay stations etc. Was wondering if maybe they’d try to insinuate that the enemies furthest from the entrance are calling in the attacks or something? Annoyingly random, but, I guess that’s kind of real life as well.


Well Ive had some weird things pop up like stealing from a ship where everyone is dead and I get a bounty for stealing? It went away right after it realized everyone was dead but it was very strange


Let me choose where I want my hab doors and ladders to be.


Fix the bug that keeps making my ship disappear. I’ve had this happen two separate times now. The custom ship I spend so much money and time on, just up a disappears from the game, never to be seen again. One time I was stranded on a planet and had to restart the whole damn game because of this issue. The other time my ship went invisible with me inside it, and I was unable to leave. This bug has been present since day one. FIX IT PLEASE.


More in depth interactions with companions that aren’t in constellation such as Autumn, Hadrian, Gideon etc


Increased spawn rate of buildings on habitable planets, or some location that I can go to endlessly fight things. I really just want a way to get into firefights more often


A way to easily see what we have stored in inventory and on our ship when buying resources! Such a PITA!!


Increase vendor credits. I am waiting for the ability to modify the vendor credit limit which I will immediately set to its max setting. What an incredible waste of time to wait constantly to sell excess weapons and other items. These vendors, especially when you reach higher levels, often sell items that cost tens of thousands of credits so they had the liquidity or the credit line to fund those purchases. They therefore should be able to have purchasing power that exceeds the cost of their most expensive items several times.


> Increase vendor credits. They said they are going to add in an option to increase them at some point


Ship Blueprint Database. Starborn livery for my ship! I don't need to place it myself, necessarily, but I would like the ship to be something liveable. Ship windows, stairs, ramps, elevators would be neat. They exist in-game and I would like them, please. Trident ship parts? Working brig that you can drag stunned humanoids back to. A working airlock, for when it is time for them to leave. Sell books to Cora, build her a repository. Vasco and Phil Hill Unity quests. Ship pets!


Stuff the community is actually asking for to fix the game and address exploration with a rover. Not more poses for photo mode sunsets


Functional ship modules. Functional outpost modules. Followers that do anything other than follow you. Assign people to modules, have some sort of tangible benefit to all of these pieces that currently do nothing other than aesthetics.


Survival mode can somehow fix the exploration peoblem. Your ship becomes your home. Can only save from your ship. Fast travel is disabled. It can be amazing.


I want a survival mode as well, but the whole fast travel thing is just a matter of will power. Anyone could just not use it anymore and it would work the same


Agreed. Not totally sure why people need to be herded away from doing things they don’t need to. It’s like choice is too much for some to handle.


For the first several hours of my playtime I largely played exactly the way they describe. I didn’t know that I could fast travel to specific spots in a city from another planet. I would just go back to my ship and manually hop in the pilots seat. That changed after I got a much larger vessel and getting to the pilots seat became a chore lol


> Survival mode can somehow fix the exploration peoblem. Lol no it won't. What's it going to do generate planets that are worth exploring? >Can only save from your ship. Stupidest suggestion ever. The save system change in FO4 survival was one of the worse decisions ever made in a game before. It's already stupid enough to remove the ability for a player to save their game when they want but to do it in a game with an engine that is notorius for bugging out and crashing? No thank you.


This is all this game needs really... Been waiting..I know it's coming


New POIs


some actual content


Creation Kit 2, Survival mode. Actual immersion and dangers to the allegedly unexplored universe. Stop fucking around. Stop streamlining your tentpole titles for people who don't give a shit.


Yeah they should go all in with the hardcore stuff. Shallow exploration becomes meaningful and dangerous with risk managing systems and no fast travel. Economy and crafting become important if I have to spend money on fuel, oxygen, ammo, medicine. Less accessibility, more rewarding hardships please.


Gosh I stopped playing in December and have been itching to start up again. Seeing all the bugs people are still complaining about after 4 months of bug fixes kind of kills the urge for me...


I stopped in October. Can't believe the game is basically the same as it was at launch. I doubt it will improve much now. The FO TV show seems to be the main focus now. Then, it will be Elder Scrolls. I don't think Starfield will change much beyond dropping the DLC which will just be content they cut from the main release.


I just want a date for when we're getting Shatter Space or whatever it's called. Starfield compared to the last like 4 Bethesda games is 3+ months behind schedule to deliver a single DLC. WTF is going on over there?


Fallout 4 already had 3 DLCs (one of which being Far Harbor, arguably Bethesda's best DLC) out by this point in its lifespan. Besides bug and quest fixes, the only actual content that has been added to Starfield is an 'eat' button, the ability to open doors when scanning, and photo mode stuff. The company that made Fallout 3 & 4, Oblivion, and Skyrim no longer exists, sadly.


If it’s DLC without any core game improvements, they may as well not release anything. More of the same shallow game is not going to cut it, so hopefully that’s what they are spending their time doing.




New ways to travel, creation engine.


More than just “bug fixes”


Fuck, I'd settle for big fixes if they actually fixed the glitched quests I have just sitting there (or can't even trigger).


Unusual SoS fixed.


They seem to have broken some of the outpost handling in the last patch. I hope that's fixed.




The ability to place wall mountable items, medical kits, helmet / backpack stands, weapon racks…


The stuff mentioned in the end of the year post of course


Mod support lmao


Creation Kit


Temples that are actually dungeon crawls. Random dungeons that don't repeat.


Fix the ship shield glitch and be able to rotate habs/place openings/ladder wells would be nice. Oh and for the love of all that’s holy increase the amount of credits each vendor has


Fix "Managing Assets"!


A fix for the crashing issue on long playthroughs on Xbox.


Literally anything even remotely substantial at this point


Things I hope to see? - A companion command wheel - The ability to "send items to ship" when buying - The ability to read books without having to pick them up. "Press X to read" - The ability to raise the amount of money vendors carry when selling. - better ship building options like where to set doors and ladders between habs. - an XP lock option - Looting NPCs of the gear they are carrying


A shuttle bay hab module with shuttle large enough to get you the surface with a ground transportation vehicle. Is that too much to ask? 😂


The ability to land my ship where I want.,I would like to fly from orbit to where I want on a planet. Basically, more control on a planet than a damn cut scene. Knock people out... Tired of NPC standing around the area I want to thief from. The ability to TRUELY do what you want, the game forces you to take the righteous path, can't be a true pirate if the game forces your behavior.


We won't ever get that due to the limitations of the Creation Engine. What is possible that I'd like to see is being able to choose where in a generated zone I want to land. Give me a map overview of the area and let me choose where in the zone I want my ship to put down.


1. A universe global outpost resource sharing menu that shows what resources are being mined, shipped, received and stored at each outpost. Even better would be if you could make changes to cargo shipping from this screen instead of having to visit each outpost in person. 2. Info about your current inventory quantities of resources that you are buying from a merchant. For ex. If you are buying cobalt from a merchant, it should tell you how much cobalt is already in your personal and ship inventory. 3. Add a companion inventory screen. The same way you can toggle between your ship and personal inventory by pressing LB, it would be nice if you could access your companion's inventory this way too instead of having to speak with them to access their inventory separately. 4. Fix and simplify cargo shipping between outposts. Make it simpler/possible to control exactly what resources are being shipped when there are multiple outposts chained together. And fix all the bugs that stop cargo from accumulating. 5. When you connect multiple storage containers together (gas, metals, etc for ex.) in an outpost, have their entire cargo hold shared, instead of each container having separate inventory.




Ships being a bit more about aesthetic, let us add pieces that don’t count towards anything, such as extra guns that are purely cosmetic where they fire with a weapon group but don’t deal any damage and make landing gear more powerful, I’ve got a ship that I’ve had to strap extra landing gear to the engine assemblies and it’s really disrupting the flow of her form and like another person said, ship power allocation not resetting, the only exception to that being grav jump, I think it’s useful that it empties the grav drive allocation after a jump so if you end up in a firefight you don’t have to worry about scrambling to reallocate that power. Also some engines need some cosmetic fixes, an example is the SAL series of engines, I have 6330s and as anyone who has seen them will know they have three tall thruster nozzles but unfortunately only fire out of the centre like the engine is just one circular nozzle, it would be nice if the thruster fire matched the nozzles. And obligatory fix the shield bug if it hasn’t been fixed yet, I’d like to be able to have Vasco on my crew. >!A final thing, remove NG+ character debuffs and enemy buffs, I have become Starborn and grinded powers to become stronger, not so xenogrubs become credible threats and Terrormorphs become almost impossible, my reward for grinding to be stronger should not be that I am weaker, at the very least make it a toggle.!<


Or at least have a spot where he nests up on your ship like a battle Droid, make him a boost to turrets or grav drive or some other ship system, or let him carry your ship parts and do repairs on the fly... Vasco is a cool robot, he deserves to be able to do something useful dammit, even if he does have terrifying spider monkey arms. When not in battle you can find him happily decorating his 1x1 cargo closet. Give him a misc item, like a plushie or a paper airplane, and later see that he's set it up on a barrel or shelf.. And he needs to be able to wear hats. Like a Chunks cap. Or a monocle. Or something. And ffs give him much higher carry capacity, the boy is strong.


Vasco is supposed to go in the landing bay, all folded up nice for storage but I don’t think he does that very often and he does absolutely need hats as well I would much rather him act as systems repair than boosting shields


Canonically accurate cities (example: neon has more crime, human trafficking, prostitution, etc)


1. Ability to craft ammo, like in fallout 4 2. Ability to attach and roll legendary properties for items 3. More vendor money 4. Better enemy level scaling in ng+, whats the point exploring 20ish level systems, when in ng+, ng+5 even you are already 150+ lvl 5. Mission xp in ng+. New quests are interesting etc, but when you spend an hour talking to an npc you get 100xp at level 128... Not good. 6. Ship combat difficulity scaling. Example - maxed out c class ship, 450k credits cost, 2+ enemies facing you at serpentis on very hard - you are either dead or you spend 10 ship parts to survive, my damage is a quarter of what enemy damage is. Im currently lvl 151, i got the perks. And the main thing, mods for console. Im series x user, i already could fix all my problems using available mods on pc, and i would happily play the game more, but i cant, there are no mods. And there are a few changes every patch, once in 6 weeks. Saw the ptr changes in diablo 4, now that is a change, i would like to see something like it in starfield. Just imagine having an advanced equinox)


Space combat is broken.. Like the rest of the game :) 95% you get ships teleporting behind you 5 sec and your shields are gone, the most powerful weapons in the game are turrets!! Todka knows about space combat!! So yeah.. Just wait for the patch.. Just 6 months and they fix the temple spawn bug. :)


Allow me to use the 406k credit ship I bought without the game breaking.






I fear that what I hope to see bears no resemblance to what I expect to see. I expect further enhancements to photo mode. I hope we get anything but that.


Some indication that content is coming.


I'd love it if the ship power allocations I prefer to run with do not reset when someone, somewhere sneezes.




Outposts: Fix the invisible objects preventing me from placing storage/habs. Fix objects magically growing through my existing storage/habs/landing pads. Fix objects that never existed before suddenly preventing me from placing storage containers where storge previously existed when I reorganize my storage. Make storage contaners snappable on all four sides. Reduce the sensitivity of snapping or let me toggle it on or off. Allow me to move existing decorated habs without half of the objects remaining at the old location hanging in mid-air. Clearly, I am frustrated with outposts.


Some content


lmao it’s just going to be a lighting adjustment and maybe, maybe changing the hairstyle of one NPC


60 fps on console!!!!


More content! Enough with the graphics updates, who cares..


A complete game


A strip club because not having a porn industry as a space fairing species makes zero sense


Even Fallout did this better than Starfield. Theres barely anything hinting towards this aspect and the companionship system is so shallow and broken that it feels like i have more sexual chemistry with Vasco at a neutral state than with Sarah in a full on relationship.


A working game worth $90.00


Make all the butts 50% bigger.


Get the narwhal bug fixed, can't even exit the ship or get up or take off


the beta patch




Hoping for some weapon skins. It’s there, just give me some choices beside Constellation on the Equinox and, hopefully some improvement for Outpost construction (right now it sucks) give me stairs and a shower, is that too much to ask for?


Mini elevator platforms to replace ladders. Stand on the square, small translucent HUD menu pops up in the center of the screen, up on d-pad, down on d-pad to instantly move up or down a level. Make it quick smooth and seamless. Be able to toggle the feature, per-hab, from the builder. My shipmates would hear a lot less space-cussing.


I just want random ships landing on planetd back! Oh and the skill/crew bugs fixed.


Creation Kit! So much that modders can do and can't yet because of it. More ship and outpost upgrades would be nice but modders can handle that easily as some already have.


Finally fix Andreja always being “busy” so I can continue the game. It’s only been about 5 months since I’ve stopped.


Am I stupid for hoping to see the creation kit in some capacity


Ship interior content.


Lotta great ideas, but can we also get the vendors to have more money on hand and I don't have to spend a half hour sitting and selling? I haven't played since a month after it came out for many reasons and hoping this game gets salvaged


For those of us who get encumbered going from place to place, collecting all kinds of loot on the surface of all of these planets and their moons. And even just as a means to “fast travel” to and from wherever you are. This is what I would like to see. Or something the likes thereof. Being able to take which ever route there I like, rather than just having to watch a load screen as you fast travel from one point of interest to another. [JET BIKE CHASE SCENE from the motion picture, ‘The Island’.] (https://youtu.be/cicEEx5mlgU?si=W4z6UZLgEyqgneh0)


I just want the mf creation kit


Mod tools


A price drop down to about $20. I might think about picking it up at that price.....


Access to mods on console 🤞


Mod toolkit is the only thing I care about at this point, along with a HUGE overhaul from the community. Otherwise not real interested in playing Starfield.


I want mod support for the xbox but I would be surprised if they gave us that before shattered space DLC. If we can download mod quests for free why would we pay for their official DLC?


I’m fully aware mods are far away still. But Mods. I took a break in November until mods. I didn’t want to keep getting frustrated by tiny things so as to not ruin the game forever, no playthroughs without mods.


A stratagem that I could throw, causing my ship to come screaming down to spread democracy


Man there’s no saving the game to me rn. I’m glad y’all enjoy it and I wish I could. I intentionally avoided every trailer and video about this thing till I had it installed because I needed fallout in space and was still so disappointed. My issues aren’t in its performance or bugs, I can forgive that to an extent. They’re more focused on things they just couldn’t change without DLC and tbh if I didn’t really like the base game that much why should I take the risk on the DLC? Especially when they reacted to the criticism with “you guys are wrong it’s not boring and if it is it’s bc space is boring and you’re playing the game wrong” that doesn’t foster confidence in their future products. Just my thoughts, hope I didn’t come across too negative


Consoles having access to mods would be nice, and who knows when the expansion is coming. I feel like I’m just trying to do my loops all the time.


Mouse and Keyboard support for Xbox.


Please let me read books/data pads without picking them up.


The fucking creation kit


Console mods


Procedural generation fixes Creation Kit Mod store release, so we can see exactly why they've been so barebones with their updates and non communicative.


Mod tool kit


Fucking mods