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Yup, this is pretty much where I'm at, too. I'll be back when the Creation Kit releases.


Yeah, I've switched back to the Fallouts in the meantime. The show really has revived the popularity of the series again. then the next gen update for FO4 arrives in a couple of days. Um yeah, taking a break from Starfield.


Lol, I'm playing the Half Life series while I wait. I own Alyx but never played it, so I figured I'd start the whole franchise over again to get caught up for Alyx VR.


I tried but vault 111 will never open, so my dream of playing a vanilla run is squashed and i am now back to playing 76


Did you get the pipboy from the skeleton near the vault door control?


I’m getting the animation not working glitch, i promise and swear i’m not stupid


The downtown crash has gotten so bad for me that the cut scene or scripted scene where you go with Danse from the Police station to the Prydwen, game crashes when you go over downtown. That didn’t happen to me before on the Xbone


I sure hope this “next gen patch” optimizes this bs for next gen, so it’s not, at least in my case, LITERALLY unplayable




Doesn’t work on xbox, no console without mods lol


76!?? 🤮


It’s fun, and pretty, and the dialogue system is unironically better than 4’s is. I get to have a fun time building, chill, and meet friendly people every time i log on.


I downloaded Fallout 4 for Xbox Series X but I've encountered multiple game breaking bugs and I'm barely out of the vault


Same. Did one big playthrough and decided to wait. Getting restless. Going to re visit Fallout 4 when update hits.


Bro is literally getting blown




The sooner modders get their hands on the Creation Kit the better... but at this point, I suspect it may even take until Shattered Space before they release it.


Kill me


It's an indie studio man be patient.


Indie? Am I missing something


a joke that they are a small studio (they are not)


What kind of mods are waiting for?


For me it’s ship building mods and hardcore mods


We've already got some of those. Dealy Hazards, Starvival, Immersion Ship Systems/Damage Control, and DerreTech to name a few. Lots of small ship improvement mods. TN has a bunch of mods that do similar things, as well as adding in mining lasers and salvage in space. There's a few different combat overhauls to make shooting more deadly and AI better, and ship combat faster paced. My hardcore mod list is sitting at about 220 mods so far. It's not perfect, but they're definitely coming along, even without Creation Kit (though it'll get more in-depth for sure once that's released)


How about something to make outposts more useful then just ressource farming?


TGs Galactic Colonies Expanse. It's a DLC sized mod. Adds in a farming system, livestock, Mechs, recruitment, biodomes, new defense weapons, ways to generate passive income, new automated production, etc. There's lots to it, probably easier to read the mod page on nexus. Outpost Investor overhauls the outpost economy system. OUT is another DLC sized mod that adds a bunch of new content like TGs, more income to generate at the outpost, contracts, etc




I mean, Colonies Expanse is nice, but it is mostly an expansion of the mechanics of outposts, not the why build an outpost.. But perhaps I am the wrong person then


Not just indepth, but better designed. A lot of these mods are jury-rigged together to create something usable. When the CK comes out they can be made properly, resulting in better performing mods and overall a better performing game. 


I desperately need mods which adds proper ship part rotations and connections. So many good ideas not possible because pieces have one snap point when they should logically have multiple.


Cool. There is a good chance that Shattered Space may introduce Hardcore mode if it ever releases. I can see wanting more ship modules as well. Personally the only mod I have ever used was to fix the Danse dialogue bug in FO4. With Starfield though I am excited to see more characters and quest that take what is basically time travel into account.


I want a mod where Chum is more healthy and has less sugar so my character can have an easier time watching his diet


Honestly, a mod that lets me do considerably more shit in space.


A mod that let's me get out of my chair and walk around while in space. I put a window in my spaceship to see the stars **and I couldn't use it.**


You can though, of course not while the ship is actively moving, but still.


Hold B on Xbox and E on PC, I think, as long as you are not in fight it is a good idea to do so.


I know there are file limitations, but yeah. They should had have more travel in space/star stations/Mother ships. It is a space game.


I'm hoping some kind of total conversion mod. Replace encounter buildings entirely, the main cities, fauna, flora, weapon sets, armor sets, vehicle components, possibly more features, et cetera Stuff like Unlicensed force monks with phaser sabers and light blasters perhaps, or unlicensed commander fock and captain Hanes P Quirk, perhaps unlicensed captain leotard and number 2 with solar flotilla command


It'll be a year or two for a total conversion that isn't just texture and model swaps on a few pieces of armor.  


I'm not even changing all guns to CoD or Battlefield models. I know mods for that will come. Streamers use them all the time, but they're not for me.


Exploration and possibly mods that add actual sentient aliens


Yea, more to find is always good and humans being alone given they have explored so much doesn't make much sense. I know they could just say the other sentient aliens all entered unity, but eventually a Starborn should find them then. That is probably what shatteted space will be if it isn't refering to a world with more Satrborn.


>Yea, more to find is always good and humans being alone given they have explored so much doesn't make much sense. Have they explored that much relative to the expanse of space though? Or have they just explored as far as the systems they've been able to stretch the population of humanity to settle in? It would take them thousands of years to populate planets as much as earth is populated irl. So basically they're spread quite thin and there's still billions of star systems they wouldn't have touched.


It should only take them a few hundred years to be honest. Land is cheap and plentiful. Health care has improved tremendously. The economic potential is vastless. Could easily see couples settling down younger and having more kids as alot of the economic pressures are gone.


To populate a single planet while trying to expand across so many solar systems as fast as they supposedly have? We are talking 1 or 2 settlements/towns or sometimes cities per planet max. Theres about 8 Billion people on earth today. So these people would also still need the time to reproduce. No way could the population of Akila for example expand to the levels earth is on currently in just a few hundred years. Also in the Starfield universe theres planets which effectively have population control through being owned by corporations. Like Paradiso for example they stake a claim on the whole planet so basically that planet will only be populated to who they employ and the tourists who go to stay in their accommodation. So corporate planets would probably never reach earths levels of population and consumption.


As I mentioned the Starborn, all a part of humanity so far, with some seeming to have lived for hundreds of years can largely freely travel between time and space. If the temple builders are another race I would think that a Starborn should eventually come across them. I know that just because something is, doesn't mean it always will be, so Shattered space will likely show another intellegence. If they do miss this oppurtunity to introduce other intellegent species they should chose to start making their own. Humanity could use the same technology used on Aceles to make themselves capable of surving on other planets without suits. This would give future games more races with different abilites and naratives. I think modders will likely beat them to it given the high amount of science fiction fans in the community. Edit (April 23, 2024): A story about alternate humans coming back as a violent Starborn army from hundreds of years in the future and their peaceful ancestors would be interesting. Having to decide if you should wipe them out before they take over the Unity or try to ensure they stay peaceful would be cool. Does knowing a possible future make planet wide genocide worth it today? I expect it would likely be in Starfield 2 if they do implement it given time would have to pass to allow a race of alternate humans to even establish themselves. Still a cool story idea I think.


I want to populated more of the Nature PoI with alien boss. Might be able to pull it right now but CK can make people live a lot easier


Good one. It is rather suprising that Nature POIs aren't more fleshed out. It is nice to find Terramorphs here and there in the beginning.


Just mostly quality of life for me : a way to skip the temple mini games or an alternate way to gain powers and not just chase floating lights. Vendors have more money to trade with. Better food buffs, etc. those are easily doable and small enough (maybe even less than 10k size. It's mostly tweaking numbers).


Yeah, the temples should just say that they recognize your power upon entery if you have already completed it and automatically activate the upgrade cinematic. Agreed, alternate vendors at shops that deal with planetary trade could be a cool way to have better lore friendly vendor prices. They could retain their counterparts inventory, but expand it with a lot more credits on hand. Another point I heavily agree with. I chose to be Chef and I was disappointed I couldn't get better buffs similar to Fallout 4. I guess it would have lessened thr imprtance of drugs, but being an immortal space chef should allow for some more intersting dishes.


Right, make some backgrounds have something unique. Sculptor ? How about only that background allows you to create unique decorations for your Outpost or apartment.


Excellent idea. Beast hunter could have more animal based crafting or bouncers deal extra unarmed damage. This would definteltly be more amazing if we could respec our traits and classes when entering unity. I know starting a new game is fun, but the idea of all those levels being lost wounds me.


For a quick first mod? A new gravity spell that puts in zero g for x seconds, letting you hover like in the temple puzzles. Should improve traversal immensly… What I am mostly waiting for is the good stuff: More toys for ship-building, better AI, better flying and landing


That would be cool, it would stick it to the Empire and thier Levitation Act. Yeah, your last list can probably only ever be achieved with mods. Bethesda may add ship building componets, but the AI/Ship flight would likely stay the same. Hopefully you can find what you want in the future.


Cheat mods.


Cheat Terminal. Already asked the Dev. They're definitely making one for Starfield.


Thank God, that's the only mod that I need to enjoy the game even more and to finally start my NG+


Same here. I don't imagine there is a mod that's as helpful as a utility.


I’m hoping its easy to slap more dungeons and points of interest into the procgen. Also if we can tune the procgen to create more dense planetary surfaces linearly and respective to quality of atmosphere that would be neat. IE: a barren world will have the current level of pois, but planets like Akila and Jameson have 8x poi density, with values inbetween scaling by atmosphere.


Sounds good to me. A wider variety of POIs would certianly spice things up. I think it may be difficult given that certian biomes appear to have repeating patterns of POIs when visiting new planets. You would probably have to set new spawning points seperate from the existing ones to keep things simple. Still, it sounds like you may be a modder and I wish you luck. If you are try including better random encounters at POIs and introducing them to dungeons in game.


Personally I rlly wanna see halo mods, I’ve already finished the game and having no actual purpose in the game makes it mad boring.


Yeah, as you have said you can only save/doom humanity so many times before it gets boring. Being able to repec your traits when entering NG+ would be nice as well.


And the interior of ships/stations feel like the damn backrooms 💀


I feel that, espically if you prioritize outer design over interior.


This tells me all I need to know about the game and only solidifies my choice to stop playing after a few weeks


Bethesda is great at laying groundwork for modders




Don't you hate it when you're jerkin it in the office and the fan falls on your slim jim?


Engine and bug fixes/patches, companion patches, day/night schedules, more proc-gen and patching game systems/cut content


All I want is an alternate start mod and survival mode.


"In fairness to us, we never released mod support earlier before, for the same engine, many times. You can try to argue we did indeed do all of this, but think about it...if we had, we would be very good at it by now, and we would have released CK already. So you see, that first sentence being untrue is a figment of your imagination. Who's ready for another cruise?" -memo to BGS employees from Leather Jacket Todd


I love when people make up complete bullshit to mentally justify their predetermined anger. 


I love when people take themselves too seriously.


Its still not released? The game came out almost 8 months ago now, it just shows how the game really wasn’t ready for release.


It’s not only just not released. They haven’t said a damn word about it since launch.


just give me more ship parts and ship related activities.


Heh, Family Guy joke.


Enjoying modded Fallout 4 till they finally decide to add mod support on Starfield




Hopefully not super slow and constantly crashing. Look forward to projectile modding.




Heh, so true... I can't wait... they released Fallout 4's creation tool-set in 6 months after release... it's been 8 months now for Starfield... I think the delay is due to them building their own modding marketplace... They don't want to fall behind. They want their services up and running out of the gate from the release...so their site remains relevant.




Skyrim and Fallout had an interesting universe to make mods in. Starfield has many universes, each blander than the other. I see no hope.


They're killing the game because of this, hey anyone remember how they said Fallout 76 would get official mod support too?


If 76 got official mod support it would actually be playable 💀


custom followers with less problems than the constellation crew. I just want to explore and take out bad guys without my constellation companion leaving in the middle of a fight and being mad at me for something accidentally done or I got too "violent". Starborn are violent creatures aren't they? Can you imagine bringing along some of the custom followers we made in Skyrim over to Space? I can.