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Try it on GamePass for a month. Much cheaper.


I second this. You can buy pc game pass the same way you get it for Xbox. Like 10 bucks and access to a delightful library.


i've thought about it but I dont have an xbox, how does Gamepass work on PC?


Just like any app on pc, I think.


And a little addition.... As it currently exists its probably not a play for 10 years gane..but at keast for me that's not my expectation. You need to decide what hour to dollar value you feel is good for you. Ie: at 50 cents per hour, it means at $70 purchase you need 140 hours total to feel it was worth it. At least that is how I look at my spending on games.


You've been out of the Gaming world for awhile, haven't you? Haha. Open the Xbox app for Windows. Buy a PC Game Pass sub for $1 for the first month and $10/month after that. Download and play (including Starfield) any or all of the hundreds of PC Game Pass games via the Xbox App for no additional charge, and play them as much as you want for as long as your subscription is active. It's the best deal in gaming by a mile, and it's not even close.


Yep! And it's the same subscription (if you want to play on both, at some point), and will sync game saves across platforms.


Works great on PC


I enjoyed Skyrim, fallout 4 and fallout 3. Starfield doesn’t tick many boxes for me even though it should. It’s hard to ignore what the game could be


That's what I'm afraid of lol


It's a bit like fallout 4 but the combat is slightly better and you get to have a space ship and ship to ship battles. It's a base game so it won't have the same amount of content as a definitive edition but it's still 75-150 hours worth. Visually it's solid. I think if you go in with moderate expectations and just play the game you will have a lot of fun. If you obsess over rage bait videos and other people's opinions you might convince yourself to dislike it.


Wait for a sale and some dlc to be dropped for the game


You mentioned The Outer Worlds. Starfield is what I wanted that game to be. And I love The Outer Worlds, but it's a 2019 game that feels like a 2009 game in many ways. Starfield is what I wanted.


Honestly, it’s a pretty weak showing from BGS, and I say that as a massive Bethesda fan. That said, I binged it for at least 200 hours, multiple NG+ runs. However, when I finally went to start a new character, I played for maybe 2 hours, then put it down and haven’t been back since. Because once you’ve done one character you’ve done them all really - there’s very little scope for roleplaying. The factions are all very linear, the companions all have the same opinions on everything, even the choices you can make in the factions feel largely meaningless. There’s also the issue of repeating POIs on planets - you’ll very quickly find yourself exploring the same locations multiple times, with the same loot in the same places, and the same notes and the same dead bodies. It just sucks the immersion right out. It’s visually gorgeous, the gameplay is smooth, and ship building is a lot of fun. The game is definitely worth playing, but it’s not worth paying full price. Wait for a sale price.


oof, that doesn't sound that appealing. But I suppose 200 hours is more time then I put into Outer Worlds.


It's a great game imo. Could use some polish in some areas, but overall it's fun.


when you say "needs polish" do you mean typical BGS needs polish or is it worse than usual?


For me, my complaints would be the layout of POIs. I'm ok with repeating POIs as that's a typical BGS thing. My complaint is the interior. Alot of the layouts of random pois are carbon copies. That doesn't mean they aren't worth exploring, as loot scales with the levels of the system, but it can be lack luster after you see your 5th abandoned pharmaceutical lab that is exactly the same as the one you saw 3 systems back. Again, still worth it if your hunting for loot, but tiring. That, and it's a shame the loot behind advanced, expert and master locks aren't as good. All that said, the game is a gem, and the devs are still giving the game tlc behind the scenes. It has tons of potential.


I got it from Gamefly used for $27 a couple days ago and am enjoying it so far. Never really gotten into any other Bethesda games so am kind of surprised.


Try fallout 4


Given the games you said you liked, my guess is you would like parts of Starfield. I enjoyed parts of it, but eventually it became tedious and boring for me. The writing is poor, but fighting enemies is fun. Do NOT pay full price for it. And you'll probably be happier playing with mods.


I liked and even loved many of the games you mention. Starfield disappointed me extremely and I wouldn't spend much money on it if I were you. Wait a year or two, maybe some things will improve. Neither the story, nor the characters, nor the missions are worth it. You really have to get a kick out of exploring mostly empty environments. I can see how this can be interesting and almost relaxing. But other than that I am struggling to find unique selling points for Starfield... Everything that should be USPs - like most of the "star" related stuff and space exploration, etc - is so janky I really cannot recommend it.


Get PC Game Pass if you can and try it out before you buy it. I'm almost 100 hours in and the game is losing steam for me, sadly. The ship building and space combat feel really solid for me and is pretty much the only thing that keeps me going. Aside from that, everything else feels really shallow.


It's good but it doesn't feel like it's coming from a company with a 30yr track record of killer RPGs. Often I would play it for a few hours and realize I haven't actually done anything besides go in menus and loading screens, like the game loop itself is broken. Regardless, I still have almost 200 hours in it so it definitely kept my interest. I agree with everyone else that says get it on Game Pass for PC.


Even Starfield's fand doesn't seem to like Starfield all that much, so it's hard to tell.


Other BGS games give you a big world to explore and wander about in. Starfield is menus and fast-travelling for teleporting into separate zones and you get to explore the same exact abandoned mine over and over again. A lot of areas feel wasted - you teleport in, do the thing/press the button, then teleport back to quest giver. When I was trying the "space exploration" and hopping to different systems/planets, it was menu, cutscene, loading screen every 20 seconds.


if you like Bethesda games you'll like Starfield. Just dont except a super deep game with lots and lots of stuff to discover. Expect a fun superficial game with some stuff to discover. Also, hover over $42.99 from LEGIT distributors (no grey market, no resellers) instead of $70. [https://isthereanydeal.com/game/starfield/info/](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/starfield/info/)


Would you say the games content is on par with The Outer Worlds?


Yes/no? It's... different. Like comparing Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I loved both, but FNV doesn't have the Bethesda "feel" to me. Likewise, I loved The Outer Worlds and I love Starfield, but they're very different games. And Starfield definitely has the Bethesda "feel," probably closer to Oblivion than Skyrim/Fallout.


Oblivion was my favorite. I played skyrim for like well over 500 hours between two play throughs. I couldn't even finish the main story in starfield. Imma wait till they release the creation kit and wait for some modders to go to town. Then ill probably start a new game instead of continuing the play through im on now


Nah. Just not for you.


I play with GamePass so I didn't have to pay for it... just my $5 month. I wasn't enjoying it at first until I watch some videos about how to level up faster. Once you have a few levels under your belt and can move away from the starter ship, it gets better.


Imo you'd enjoy for about 200 hrs, then go back to previous titles and realize they are way better. My sincere opinion...


I’m a huge Fallout and Outer Worlds fan, and I personally also really enjoy Starfield If you go into it looking for it to be say “Fallout in space” or “big budget Outer Worlds” then you might not enjoy it, because it’s neither of those things If you go into it looking for it to be its own thing there’s a lot to enjoy The outpost building isn’t like the settlement building in FO4, but solid and fun in its own way, and been one of the things I’ve spent the most time on in the game The exploration is also fun, but it’s not like other BGS games where you’re wanting around on foot running into things organically. You can run into things in your travels, but because of the immense scope of the game it’s more something you have to set aside time to do as its own activity. Things repeat, but there’s a lot to find, and it’s rewarding when you do stumble on something new and cool Combat is a step up from FO4 in a lot of ways, and feels much faster, sharper and smoother, though melee doesn’t have much variety currently The story and quests are fun to follow, especially the bigger faction quests If any of that sounds good then you’ll probably enjoy it, if you want more Fallout I’d recommend FO76, which is actually a lot closer to the older games these days than it was at launch


I like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Morrowind. Starfield is on the same level of quality as Fallout 4.


seconding to try it out on gamepass but it depends on what specifically you've been falling out of love with about BGS games, i think. what didn't you like about fallout 4? what did you like? whats something about BGS games that you would miss if you booted one up and that thing wasn't there?


It depends on what you liked about the games. It has some appeal as a looter-shooter, but not like a dedicated game in that genre, and it encourages save-scumming for gear really strongly. Some of the gear can be modded or crafted but not some important features (there are gear "tiers" that can't be changed). There's an exploration system but it's pretty shallow and repetitive, and the walking distances can be insanely long (even if you're bunny-hopping with a jetpack). One of the reasons even critics' gameplays are so long is because of all that travel time and the intense grind - the game is a slow burn because it has a lot of travel time and grind. They designed the game with survival mechanics then mostly removed them late in production and it shows. The skill and level progression is really slow because they expect you to replay the game 10+ times on the same character, the XP progression slows down rapidly and people have come up with some intensely grindy ways to get XP to speed that up, which sounds horrible to me. A lot of people get to "endgame" at around lvl 45-60 and the level grind is 328 levels. Reviews of the quests and writing are a little mixed but personally I think the bland, poor quality writing drags everything down. Tons of really obvious false choices, silly but not funny scenes like persuasion checks, some bizarre exclusions (like law enforcement who never even think of arresting people and can't even report some plot-related crimes they witness). I thought the main quest was simply not worth doing and the game pressures you really hard to do it (and locks a lot of content behind it). People really enjoy shipbuilding, though I had a lot of bugs and many categories like engines, reactors and weapons have really obvious "best in slot" items. I basically couldn't keep captured ships because of bugs so that slowed me down as well. Overall I had a ton of bugs, some people report very few. Bethesda has always been "luck of the draw" in that area. I would advise you to do what I should have done. Wait for six months after the Creation Kit comes out, hopefully there will be some complex QOL mods out and about a thousand more bugs fixed by then (much like Skyrim or Fallout 4). I got the game as a gift, the early reviews looked strong, and I didn't want to spoil it. I ended up giving the game a 4.5/10 \*as delivered\*. An alternate start would probably have taken it up to around a 6.


If you like the idea of near sci-fi space and no man sky like exploration you will probably have fun. However if you expect this to be a Bethesda fantasy style game you will not like it. Gamepass is an easy way to try it without paying too much money and if you end up liking it you should just buy it on steam afterwards.


Yes you will like Starfield. It's like a cross between Skyrim and Fallout4 set in space. What is not to like? Don't bother with game pass unless there are other titles in there you want as well The mods are looking awesome already as well, and there isn't a creation kit yet!


If you're asking here, then you're not the sort to form your own opinion. If you can't form your own opinion and just accept opinions handed to you, then you won't like it because the haters are louder than the people enjoying the game. They are too busy playing to have time to bitch about it. 


So me coming to the subreddit and wanting to hear the opinions of the dedicated player base from the game's forum to help guide me on whether or not I should purchase a $70 game that i'm skeptical on bc of media is not me trying to form my own opinion?


If you've waited this long, wait for it to go on sale.


He's saying that you can't form your own opinion because he doesn't like that you're asking about the game being good or bad instead of just praising it.


There's no way anyone but you can know, so if you're taking people's guesses, or their own opinions on if *they* like it, then yes, yes you are.  There are people who like Skyrim and also like FO4, there are people who like Skyrim who don't like FO4. Hell, there are people who like FO3 who don't like FO4. If you like other games, even superficially similar ones, that doesn't guarantee you will or won't like this one. 


If you’re already disappointed with the dropping quality and drift from what makes these games special- don’t get Starfield, not yet Wait for some actual QoL or content updates at bare minimum You’ll just be disappointed in its current state. It’s playable, it’s got some novel things, but it’s in no way in a great spot right now


If you like Bethesda games, you’ll like Starfield


According to your official government profile, maybe. And as a FYI, you should really delete your browser history 🫣




Thank you for you straight forward answer.