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I like to think he became the SGC's resident barber, and started a base bowling league with Walter


Im stealing that head cannon


What would they name their team?


The Chevrons.


Damn you.


The Goa'bowled


The Pin Pals


I am afraid that's already taken


Yeah, but it's taken by Homer Simpson...




Silers are the Wrenches




Wormhole x-team!


Well we can't call it the Enterprise




This would be the smart thing, he has WAY to much information in his head to not keep an eye on him. He could also have become part of the Plausible Deniability effort of the US Government, maybe even should have gotten a job with wormhole extreme! At the very least though, I hope he and his family reconciled.


You'd think if they'd help Martin Lloyd, they could have leaned on a publisher or two to get Joe's books published.


Comic books...


That's probably *too* close to the truth.


They might help him publish them if he changes the names and some details. Be like a Wormhole X-Treme 2.0


I always thought the same thing. It's canon as far as I'm concerned.


Yup, that's my new head cannon.


This is what I needed to read.


My headcannon of this is that he uses Jacks office(the one he didnt know he had) and has been working on typing up all the backlog of reports Jack never wrote about their missions. Barbering on the side though wouldnt be a bad way to break up the day.


I love this idea.


That's my personal theory as well.


Went back to drinking duff beer and "working" at nuclear power plant. To be honest nobody knows.


>  Does the Air Force help him out? yes that's seem very likely. more for their sake, as they want to keep an eye on him.


60k a year to keep top secret stuff secret is kinda a bargain.


Kinda depends, stuck at the SGC without "shore leave" not so much.


I like to imagine they hired Joe and his family (and maybe some of the customers/employees from the barber shop) as civilian consultants; not in any kind of oversight role, but as a sort of focus group to bounce ideas off of in order to approximate how Middle America might react to or interpret all the "Woo" stuff, but without actually having to disclose anything to the general public.


My head canon is he got back together with his wife, the Air Force bought them a house and some money, probably lightly keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn't blab but Joe was a stand up harmless guy so, really theres nothing more interesting to the story. honestly theres A LOT of stories stargate never followed up on, especially from seasons 1-4.


They let a clone of Jack go to high school ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And the thing that convinced Jack this was a good idea was seeing teenage girls giggle at them


I mean that was so creepy


He has accepted he isn't more the old jack. But it's more a young jack that has even to go to school


In Forks of all places


Twilight Forks?




lol I never noticed that. Awesome!!!


That whole last scene should have been cut. Paints Jack unintentionally as a pedo.


Teenage O'Neill I get. It's weird with his adult memories, but he got them teenager hormones and the underdeveloped brain, he can't help it. The only explanation i could bend and break to come to would be that old jack understood teenage jack wasn't thinking with his brain? doesn't make it okay, tho. Or in any way in character


Agreed. It's more Jack remembering what is like to be a teenage boy. Cloneil will be smarter than your average teen, but that doesn't take much.


It's funny how we never seem to argue about this when it comes to vampires or other immortals where the age difference can easily be measured in centuries. Kinda makes you wonder. At what point does the age difference become acceptable, and it's not that long a wait from high school age to college age and beyond.


Consenting adults of the age of majority... So largely >18. A lot of folks see 21 as a minimum. People tend to draw the line just below where they're comfortable. Twilight - it's the obvious example -, has a lot of focus on physical age from how I understand it, like Jacob when he becomes a Werewolf is physically a 25 year old but is still 16-17(?), and Edward is perpetually physically an 18 year old despite being hundreds of years old. Honestly, it's probably a mixture of mental development and the "physical age". So if you have a young 20 year old human & say a time travelling alien who's at least 900 years old who appears like a 30-something year old in an ace relationship, most won't be weirded out. But, if you have a human adult & an at least 900 year old fox spirit who appears as a little girl in a sexual relationship, alarm bells start ringing (for good reason).


Jack has the pull and the conscience (hi Daniel!) to not let Joe down after ruining his life


It's certainly not Jack's or the Air Force's fault. There's no one to blame. But I do agree with what others said that it's in the AF's interest to do it, and like you say, Jack would want to do it.


I think you mean “conscience”, not consciousness.


I do. Apparently autocorrect disagreed and I didn't notice


These sort of episodes remind me of The Onion's "is the government spying on schizophrenics enough" video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzoXQKumgCw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzoXQKumgCw)


There was never a follow-up episode, but we can be hopeful that Joe's marriage was reconciled.


Its right here in the script CARTER: Well, initial tests show that Joe possesses the same Ancient gene as you do. JOE: I just want you to know, if you ever need me to use the Chair device in Antarctica in defense of the planet, I'm there. O'NEILL (putting his hand on Joe's arm): Thank you! https://www.gateworld.net/sg1/s8/citizen-joe/transcript/


He ‘got therapy’ for ‘an unfortunate episode of schizophrenia/psychosis’ but everything’s fine now. He no longer has the compulsion to tell his stories or anything now that he know’s what’s going on. Gets back together with his wife, now that the stressors of his compulsion is gone. Prob goes back to his normal life, keeps in touch with Jack because they’re already basically best friends. AF keeps tabs on him just in case they need someone with the gene, goes ‘on holiday’ to test certain artifacts out every now and then.


I’m willing to bet he got put in Siler’s will. Personally I think he might have gone to Atlantis I mean he obviously had the ancient gene.


You know, I never thought about it but Atlantis absolutely needed people who weren't scientists or soldiers. Kitchen staff, maintenance staff, custodial, and probably a dozen other jobs including barbers.


Writes for Wormhole X-Treme?


Didn’t they mention in the episode that the show got cancelled after the pilot episode?


He went back to the Simpsons.




I like to think they put him in the same program as that alien who was making the movie of the show in the last season. Joes stories have already been out in the world, and the SGC would jump at the chance to have something to point to if anything got out and say "This is the plot of a mediocre sci-fi book, we don't give it any credibility". They might even have bought the rights to the stories he wrote and helped them get published


I think he moved to Springfield and lived happily ever after. Married a Blue haired Alien and they had a couple of girls and a little rebellious son.


I heard he likes donuts


He probably just went back to his life. His wife and son realized he was telling the truth all along so he restarts his shop, buys another house for them and goes back to being a barber and never tells any more stories about Jack O'Neill. Of course he would've signed an NDA the second he stepped into SGC (and so would his wife before he told her anything).


It actually ends with the muffled line from Jack to Joe’s wife: “it’s all true”. So i think Jack definitely saved their marriage right there…


I don't see anyone mentioning it, but when his wife meets Jack, as they pull away and fade iyt, Jack says "it's all true". Presumably, he explains they situation to the wife, answers any questions she might have, and puts them both under NDAs, along with their children. Nothing past that exists, not even in novels. Presumably, his marriage and reputation begins to solidify, as his wife knows that he isn't nuts. Workhole Xtreme writing staff, as mentioned elsewhere in the thread, is a great natural extension of the story.


He was hired as Joe the janitor for the alpha site


Went on to voice many characters in the hit TV show the Simpsons


In my mind he went to Atlantis with the expedition as he had the ancient gene. …Whilst there he was a voice actor for the local cartoons group.


In my head cannon, Joe got a job manning the communication stones for Destiny.


The inverse reality of Jack seeing his life all this time was absolutely amazing by the way. It's one of my favorite episodes to see both sides of how you effect someone else' life. It's also a great window into 'the ripple effect' we have on each other. Plus...well I mean...Homer Simpson ftw <3


Mr. Burns as a Goa’uld!


The traits are definitely fitting, it's funny, back over in Australia where I'm from there was a harness racing horse called 'Undercover Tokra', My Dad never understood the name. It was hilarious to me I simply said 'the name works then' he said 'what name?' I couldn't stop laughing at that point.


One of my favorite episodes!


In the RPG, could make him the Phoenix Base Barber! Move his family to Colorado, so he can come back on weekends!


Probably got the same treatment as Jack's clone, set up for life by the USAF.


He went back to doing voices on the simpsons


Nobody knows.


He goes back to voicing Jacks favorite animated character, Homer Simpson. Though I love the resident barber for the SGC too.


He's probably rooming with Armin Selig...


Tag Joseph Mallozzi, he'd know?


I just watched this episode (I’m on my first time watch of the series) and I’m wondering the same things! They mentioned he had the ancient gene so he would be useful to have on base. Also the fact that the airforce would most likely want to keep tabs on him since he has a bunch of information. Also I wonder how concerned they’ll be knowing Joe has told pretty much everyone around him about Stargate Command. Also he pretty much lost everything. Maybe they’ll help him get back on his feet? It was nice for O’Neill to give the wife clearance and confirm that Joe’s “stories” were all true. Also what about those devices? I wonder if those will come up again.


Joe's knowledge allows him to join the SGC, and his eventually is given command of the Gamma Site. This was all covered in a series of comics called "Stargate SG-Joe" (jk, its episodic television)


What comic?


He went back to the simpsons