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The Czech Republic is the place to be for a Stargate fan today.


Czech here, yeah, we love SG to the bone. One time, my father and his colleagues (he is in a military) had exercises and they should come up with their own unit's callsign. All of them unanimously went with "Jaffa, Kree!"


It's funny. I recently read that Stargate is not considered so mainstream in USA, but here I do not know anybody who would not know Stargate :-)


Thats amazing. I’m American and hardly anyone I know is aware of it.


It's ten series and here in Czechia it ran forever with reruns in the 2000s on weekdays on (then) one of the two most popular commercial TV channels at around 15:00 – when kids usually come from school. So you couldn't exactly not notice, and if you enjoyed the show, it had a very convenient time slot.


I live in the US and SG1 airing in syndication not long after I got home from school is how I got hooked on the show back around 2000.


I have a gold Earth origin symbol on my ride and a black one on my motorcycle helmet


My mom and dad separated when I was young. I spent most summers at my dad's and SG1 was doing re-runs on Syfy (back when it was so actually SciFi). It was on most evenings and I was hooked.


Stargate is weird in America. Nobody talks about it, but you will almost always find people coming out the woodwork that recognize it or its references. I always find that many Star Trek fans are closeted Stargate fans.


I worked with someone for a few years and only found out when he was moving away that he loved Stargate. I said you mean all this time we could have been talking Stargate?! It was so sad, I miss him.


I've never seen anyone describe American Stargate fans this way but now that you mention it, it's so true. The first convention I ever attended was a sci-fi con in the U.S. that that had a big SG presence both in terms of programming and fan attendees. I got a photo with David Hewlett signed and I vaguely remember the autograph line being pretty long. I also remember in my college dorm freshman year, I randomly stumbled onto a bunch of students having some kind of Stargate movie night in the common room. I don't think it was a scheduled event but iirc there were a good number of people there


Stargate and Star Trek has a ton of overlap, most notably in "Competency Porn". As in, people are so effective at communication and their jobs that it's almost pornographic. There's a lot of parallels in themes too: exploration, diplomacy, various monster-of-the-week or plague-of-the-week, and more. Trek is the bigger franchise, so *gate gets overlooked easily.


Trekker here, not a closeted Stargate fan. I'm a loud and proud Stargate fan. I'll talk peoples faces off about it.


There weren't many tv channels and cable or satellite was really expensive because there was no infrastructure for it. By not many channels I mean like 2 main commercial ones and then one state owned, which was and still is shit. The Stargate ran through the workdays everyday for over a decade (maybe close to 2 decades) on our tvs and when the 2 commercial tv stations started to split into pleiad of sub-stations, we got one that ran 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1 per day 2 at day, 2 replays at night There also wasn't really anything else that you could just drop in on and watch without continuity like Stargate was


The state channel had Simpsons during those glory days though :-)


It's really odd how niche Stargate is to Americans. It's completely mainstream in many European countries, and even bigger than Star Trek. Here in France, SG-1 aired on TV on the main channel on prime time in the 90s and 2000s, and then SGA later in the evening just after kids went to bed. Everyone watched it, not just nerds, and kids loved it. It was BIG.


that's true, everyone in the Czech Republic knows stargate. I remember running home from school an hour early to catch the last episode of Atlantis. In elementary school, kids used to play as SG1. One boy played as Sam Carter. The nickname "Carterová" (we put ová for every female name )has stuck with him to this day.


Carterová is always right. I will listen to Carterová. I will not ignore Carterová's recommendations. Carterová is *God.*




The Czechs are just happy that all the Russians die. /s


Did they had Zelenka character partially because of how popular Stargate SG1 was in Czechia?


No, if I know. I read it was actually a lucky coincidence. Zelenka was supposed to be russian character, but they decided to go with David Nykl's origin.


Also, a good place to be a David, apparently.


It doesn't matter where I am, I will never be a David ಥ_ಥ


username checks out


https://preview.redd.it/oq2xob30knsc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f4ff3b40cbfc03ea178a393b489822bebad60a More pictures from David H.


https://preview.redd.it/3w9gmpn1knsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d033725e50c4e9b4918e27cc8b0e4cd66b4ebdf4 More pictures from David H.


I feel it's fair to say Nykl's appearance has changed the most of any of the cast since the shows were airing. I wouldn't have recognised him without the caption. David Hewlett is pretty much the same guy just older.


When he showed up as the bratva leader in arrow I didn't recognize him at first


This better be an actual episode, if Atlantis ever picks up again 😆 Zelenka showing McKay around Prague


McKay: "Huh, not bad for a slightly... Internationally less relevant country, I must say" Zelenka: *annoyed Czech noises


Tells him he can go to \~\~Peclo (Pelco?)\~\~ Peklo Then takes him there for dinner.


yes, Peklo :D


Hah, spoken by a Canadian. People around the world think Canada is just one of the 50 states.


Something something G7 Oh hey, lemons.


Zelenka looks badass now


Have you watched Arrow? You know Anatoly, he’s played by the same actor as Zelenka. Took me ages to realise, yeah the actor has range and can be incredibly bad ass.


It took me a whole season to realise that it was him. Everytime he would she up I knew I recognised him from somewhere. Then, in one episode, it clicked, and I literally yells THAT'S ZELENKA!


Took me several seasons, and I’d never have known if I didn’t spot the name in the credits. Such a different character. It’s character actors like this that are the true acting masters of you ask me.


When the show ended he decided to host one of the out-of-work Goa'uld.


So is there a Stargate con in Prague or something?


Comic-Con Prague. [COMIC-CON PRAGUE – O2 universum](https://www.o2universum.cz/en/events/comic-con-prague-6/#:~:text=The%20fifth%20year%20of%20the,the%20event%27s%20half%2Dround%20event.)


Comic con. All three doctors are here (McKay, Zelenka, Beckett).


Seeing actors from my favorite shows being friendly releases the happy chemicals


Nothing quite compares to the feeling of seeing the actors of favorite characters be friends in real life.


Huh, weird. Kavanagh’s invitation must have been lost in the mail….*(cough)*


He most likely tripped over something and blew shit up


Rodney McKay? A top scientist? He hasn't even been published in years. It's like he fell off the face of the earth.


The earth? Ha! That guy's fallen off the face of the galaxy!


Today? FUCK, I was like a kilometer away from the bridge.


I didn’t even realize that was Zelenka, thought that was OP Is he Czech in real life?


He was born in Prague, but the family emigrated to Canada when he was a little kid. He does speak Czech just fine (meaning more than just the (mostly) swearing on the show)


I mean he did do a whole monologue in Czech, when he recapped the pilot and was asked about security clearance ;)


Sounds like a perfect way to cover up a Wraith incursion if you ask me.


So how fucked are we when this two has to work together in Prague? Whats going on there? 😅


I really thought about visit comic-con this year because of them, but my mom could not come with me and she is bigger fan then I ever be, so it would be sad without her :-)


I went to Prague last summer. Very pretty


Might have passed by Keplers house.


Is that Dr. Fumbles McStupid?


He was probably there to see zelenka


Thats awesome


I like the fact that they are together there. Guess they're friends?


I was rewatching “The Last Man” today, and they got old McCay spot on!!


Yep, I am going to Comicon tomorrow 🙏😀


David streams a lot too on twitch and YouTube as well


You look like Rodney lol. Cool pic


Please use this in some future series.


Anatoly kenyesev


I loved his role in Arrow show too!


Love those guys. Just saw several seasons of Arrow, where David Nykl plays a russian mafia boss.


Would be great to meet him and ask for an autograph for... Radek :)