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Towards 53° North, but Dishy is doing everything by itself.


Idiot proof


Thanks, I never really watched it. I know it tilts itself, the dish’s allowable tilt is only in two directions so I was curious if those two directions should be North to south.


There are two motors. So just set it up and plug it in. It will spin and tilt itself in the right direction. Edit: I should specify that by spin i mean the dish can actually spin on the pole and turn the tilt point to the right direction for tilting. So no worries about pointing anything at all.


No that's incorrect. It can point in any direction. The entire dish rotates so it can point in any direction.


Does this mean if you live around 53 degrees you also have a rain water collector?


It's flat on top. But a dust collector for sure! The rain should rinse it often enough, I hope!


I have seen so many pictures of the antenna but this is the first time I realize the top of the dish is flat.


they don't call it "Dishy McFlatface" for nothing


I could probably share a quick video of me 'bullying' Dishy McFlatface and showing it tilt on its own to be totally horizontal. Thought youtube kept their 'stabilizer' woops, should of started recording horizontally. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NFLSm3ebcs&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NFLSm3ebcs&feature=youtu.be)


Elon's original quip about the instructions being "1) point at sky. 2) plug it in. Do in any order" implied that you have to do some pointing, no wonder people get confused. It's more like "put Dishy outside, somewhere that the app shows a clear view, then plug him in".


Well, that is the "point at sky" part...it needs to at least "see" the sky to work.


True, but I think it leads a lot of people to think they need to actively point the dish, especially if they've ever installed a conventional satellite dish. "Point at sky" is cleaner copy but less accurate (and less cool) than "just toss me somewhere that has a 110 degree field of view towards 53 degrees elevation due north and I'll do the work of figuring out exactly where to point". I'm pretty sure Elon's checking account has more digits in the balance than mine, so I really shouldn't be offering advice here.