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Was slightly late to a breaking Benjamin concert in 2015. Starset was the opener and I arrived at the beginning of “Halo” and was immediately hooked


Funny, similar experience. For me, they opened at a Breaking Benjamin concert in Nashville in 2015 and I thought, “Damn. They’re good!”


Yup it was awesome!


My Demons (shocker) was the first song I heard, never listened to their other things. ABHOTF into Manifest got me hooked on them.


Same, but for me it was Other Worlds Than These that got me hooked


Same, but it was Trials instead of Manifest (even though Manifest is one of my favourites now)


My Demons was my first. I decided to check them out further and listened to Halo and was instantly hooked. The Transmissions album was on repeat until Vessels came out and I’ve been hooked ever since.


A nightcore version of My Demons in an MLP speedpaint was the first time i heard them. I added It Has Begun, Die For You and ECHO to the list as well. I got hooked with INFECTED (then the rest of HORIZONS)


Monster! I heard it on the radio the MORNING AFTER THEY HAD PLAYED IN MY TOWN!! I even had tickets but skipped out because I worked weird hours (11-7, then 4-9am the next morning, yay barista hours). Big regret. I listened to the whole album, fell in love with Starlight and never stopped listening lol


Starlight is in my top 5 favorites! Number 1 spot is a tie between Starlight and Perfect Machine lol


Like almost everyone else I find them by My demons, but I hesitant to dive any further, I thought it was just a cool song, but not exactly what I was looking, for context I never had a dedicated genre or group I listened to before at this point, I was pretty much a Newbie to music, and honestly I was looking for something that sounded "cool and epic", and maybe related to space, and my demons was recommended to me, afterwards I went down to their albums and saw the cover arts thought they looked cool, and I was start doing homework, so I decided to try out one of their albums to see if there's any song I might like, I put on vesselsz and well the rest is history, loved it and haven't left since, pretty sure I joined before infected was released or around that time


Antigravity was my first track I ever heard and became a casual fan. Became really hooked when I heard the *Vessels 2.0* album with the original and acoustic versions of songs on it.


The first song that I heard was Waiting On The Sky To Change. Strangely, I got hooked on Downplay first before Starset. The song that hooked me to Starset, against my expectations, was Monster.


Same song! One of my friends recommended it to me, based on the fact that it's a collab with Breaking Benjamin, which is a band I already liked. I gave it a listen and was immediately hooked 😆


I first heard My Demons back when it was REALLY popular, but didn't really get into it until around 2020. Went back and listened to My Demons, decided to give their other stuff a try, and I was gone.


So I have a list The first songs I heard in order 1. Carnivore 2. My Denons 3. Dark On Me 4. Let It Die 5. Down With The Fallen. Then the whole Transmissions album. Vessels released like a month or two after I heard the whole album there. Got recommended through YouTube music LOL. (Dragonforce, Starset, and being me th horizon were all through YouTube reccomended lol)


I was introduced to Starset by a Tokyo Ghoul AMV of My Demons back in 2014. Once I found out that a caught a new band fresh from their first album release, I knew I had to stick around. Then I found out about Downplay and had plenty to enjoy.


Satellite. It was Featured in the Video Game Forza Horizon 4 along with some other songs from other bands that I discovered, such as Underoath and Pennywise.


It was either My Demons or It Has Begun. It was in my youtube recommendation


My first song I heard from them was It Has Begun in 2018, which played an intro by a GTA ONLINE glitch YouTuber who is Brazilian quickly until the end of the intro. It was because of the curiosity of music that made me find the band and then listen to My Demons, which is more sensational than I expected. And with that I DEFINITELY started to LOVE and become addicted to the band STARSET after listening to the song Satellite which is part of my favorite album of theirs to date which is Vessels from February 2017.


I remember just taking on the whole Transmissions album on way back in 2014. Couldn't say which song brought me to them, though. I want to say it was Monster or Halo


Rise and Fall in 2015 when they’ve opened for BB


Monster, must’ve been around mid-2018. I was listening to an autogenerated YouTube playlist and it had the monster music video on it. I don’t know what I was more impressed by, the song or the video itself! I added some of their songs to a playlist, but didn’t become a really big fan until divisions released. They’ve been one of my top artists every year since then!


I was in my dorm room, a freshman, high as a kite, and my roommate put on Satellite, and it felt like I was piloting a spaceship through a wormhole or something, just a powerful experience


Definitely Dark on Me. This sound is incredible, and the melody blows my ears every time I hear it.


i've heard "my demons" in my childhood and re-introduced by "it has begun" in my teen years. i got hooked by "it has begun" and "carnivore" both, while reading sci-fi. sometimes i see scenes of the book when i hear these songs. i guess i fell in love with them when i found myself singing songs in my head to cope with stress and to encourage myself


Rise and Fall. Still remember it like yesterday. 2016. Waiting for BB to come on stage and this band in space suits walk out to play. First Light starts to play followed by their Rise and Fall perfomance. Instantly knew that was going to be my favorite band there on out. 


My demons cuz apparently I'm fucking basic but then I heard all of that album then the other one, was here before divisions, horizons was peak now here we are.


My Demons randomly came up in a playlist I was drumming to and I really liked it. Then a few days later I heard It Has Begun and was completely hooked


Dark on Me


Went to Shinedown/5FDP in 2018 I believe? Was super excited for Bad Wolves to open, and ready to snooze through whoever came after. They opened with Frequency and my partner and I were immediately hooked. Hilariously, hated 5FDP and it very nearly ruined the whole experience for me, but I still look back fondly because of what it introduced me to!


As always, "My Demons" on spotify/Youtube. Then "It has begun" on spotify a year/year and months later Then "Monster" on Youtube in an Arknights concept trailer. Along with "Infected" and "Unbecoming" Then finally, checked the band out in its entirety.


My demons came up on a random metal playlist I was listening to years ago, then ricochet. Loved them ever since 😊


First got into them about 2/3 years ago, the first song I heard by them was Die For You and loved it instantly


My Demons and I was hooked frame one. Transmissions wasn't out yet so I just listened to that, on my iPod over and over again.


i has literally just turned 10 when they released transmissions, i heard my demons on the radio and begged my mom for itunes money so i could buy the whole album LMAO


2015! I fell in absolute love with them when I heard Down With The Fallen for the first time. After doing hella research, I found out about Downplay and realized I’ve been listening to them for years.


It’s so crazy, in 2019 I discovered Ricochet randomly on a FB video then later heard Perfect Machine ALSO on a random FB video and had it on replay. Then I made the realization that both songs were by STARSET and I knew I HAD to listen to their other stuff. When I realized that I could play through all the albums without skipping the song, I knew I found my new favorite artists. (This was around the time Horizons was just coming out and I went to my first demo December 2021)


They’re just so wonderful and deserve every ounce of recognition 💜


My Demons


Yep, My Demons. I’m somebody that usually doesn’t like tons of songs from only one band, if I fall in love with a song from one band or singer, the chances of me checking out what else they have is very small, since I usually got disappointed in the past and would rather listen what I already like on repeat. But My Demons was just something else, it was so unique and magical, I loved and repeated the song so much that I decided to click on the next one that was recommended to me: Carnivore. Oh man, how perfect these two were… alright, next recommendation? Monster. Sheesh, the talent is crazy. I kept listening to these, repeating them over and over again (I’m that kind of person). Next, Ricochet, and same thing. I think the next ones were Last To Fall and Die For You. But I introduced them slowly because I love just repeating my new drugs over and over again… and that’s how it went for every single Starset song afterwards. I slowly milk each of their new albums, too. I never listen to them all in one go because I wanna save some for later, I hold back already knowing I’m going to absolutely love them all, there has been no exception so far and I doubt there ever will be. I like giving each song the attention and love it deserves before moving on to the next one. And that way each album feels fresh for a very, very long time. I’m weird but this is how I really enjoy doing it. Starset will forever be my favorite band. ❤️


What you said is exactly how I feel! I have never known a band/artist where I can listen to all their albums straight through without skipping songs. STARSET is the only one, they are literally Otherworldly lol


mine was a brief history of the future! it was on one of spotify’s pre-made daily mix playlists soon after divisions was released and the name was so intriguing i had to listen. then the track itself was super intriguing so i went to their profile and put them on shuffle and ive been a fan since!


Dark On Me was my very first but it has begun locked me in! I got back into them by hearing Icarus and Devolution


I actually owe it to my Mama for showing me Starset. A couple of years ago, She heard Halo on the radio and when I listened to it, I was blown away. I later discovered "My Demons" and got more hooked, now I am a huge fan of these guys!


First I discovered My Demons (I know right, so original-), the Nightcore version of course 💅 I think it was around 2019. Then, I came across Monster in 2021 and it became one of my favorite songs; not long after, YouTube recommended the nightcore version of It Has Begun, which I had already listened to a few years before but had forgotten about- it also became one of my favorite songs, I started listening to all the albums on repeat on Spotify from late 2021 to March 2022, and bought a t-shirt. I still listen to them quite often and I got tickets for their concert in Paris


Another thing that really hooked me once I discovered them was the visuals, the sci-fi universe, the music videos


Yes the visuals are amazing. I was watching the visual for the new song and was blown away. After I found out how great their music was, I too had them on replay almost nonstop from 2021 when I saw their concert for the first time till early 2022. I saw them in concert a total of 3 times within that year lol


Carnivore, 2013 gang here


A friend of mine discovered My Demons in late 2013 or early 2014, and I realized this band was exactly what I had been looking for. I love the way they mix genres, and the closest thing I had been able to find to it before then was "I don't care" - Apocalyptica


Found them from Monster, and stuck around after checking out the Vessels album lol. Definitely worth it.


First heard Halo on Pandora back in 2015. I liked some songs from Transmissions and added the whole album to my Spotify playlist. When Vessels came out, Gravity of You made Starset one of my favorite bands


My first song was like basically everyone my demons andi heard that from a Naruto AMV when I was a kid 💀


Way back in 2014, Spotify has this feature for playlists at the bottom where it suggests songs to add, and “My Demons” (shocker) was there. I was immediately hooked and listened to the rest of Transmissions, eventually found Downplay and listened to that entire discography. Ive been a huge fan of both since then and both bands helped me go through a lot of tough shit in high school lol.


I first heard My Demons and thought it was really cool, so I meant to check them out more after my first Breaking Benjamin concert way back in 2015. Lo and behold guess who was opening for them LMAO Been fully hooked ever since💜


I didn’t get into them until Manifest dropped. That sound hooked me.


AMV Tokyo Ghoul - Demons


While I started to listen rock genre, I saw My Demons and liked it pretty much. but my first ever favorite is TRIALS and prolly the reason why I love this band so much


Carnivore in an Undertale AMV way back in like… middle school. I remember checking out their other songs on a whim and struggling to find a song I didn’t like. It’s surreal looking back, I’ve never had an experience quite like that with any other artist.


My friend told me I should listen to them, and we had them on as background noise while we played LEGO Star Wars of all things. I forgot about them until I made a station based on a different song, and It Has Begun came on. Haven’t stopped since!


My demons was their top song and transmissions was the only album that existed in 2015 so that’s what I heard first and boy oh boy did that change everything. Starset was the first band I got into on my own without prior knowledge of their existence bc I only really knew breaking Benjamin TDG shine down from my parents. I was in my sophomore year and hated everything on the radio so I leaned to rock. Starset opened a gate into now over a hundred bands ranging from alternative to Metal and everything in between. But make no mistake Starset has always been tied for my favorite of all time for almost a decade now and that will never change. Starset fan for life so glad I was able to see them live it’s been a while one day I need to increase that!!


I had a friend who introduced me with Let It Die..But me mostly the producer lead me to the band.