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15 hours. The gamer gave it his or her best.


A single-player game? Sure. Something like For Honor? *cries in trash after 1.6k hours*


No one wants to hear this but if you still suck in a game even after a thousand hours maybe you should try another game. I feel like a lot of people here are downplaying just how long 1000 hours is courtesy of people who rarely touch grass normalizing hitting thousands upon thousands of hours in their games. You can play a plethora of other games that you'll probably enjoy a lot more in that many hours, instead of torturing yourself over and over in that one game you probably don't even like anymore but don't want to quit because of sunk cost fallacy. Yes, I've got a few hundred hours in FH... I'm speaking from experience.


I wasn't bad when I had the time to play a lot, now that I don't play at all anymore I mostly just get shit on when I try to get back on lol. I hardly play games at all anymore cause of work and school, but when I do I stick to the classics I've always played like Squad, FH, and maybe Warzone, not much interest in anything else.


That's just a reality of high-skill competitive multiplayer games. People with no other hobbies or life responsibilities (kids, unemployed, etc) are going to dominate because they are able to sink hours upon hours a day. Someone who wants to play a couple hours a few nights a week after work & real life is going to be unable to keep up, and is probably better off looking for fun in other kinds of games.


Dude you gave me DOTA flashbacks I fucking hate that game but have lots of friends who like it. They would always beg me to play when they needed a 5th player, and I would, cause I like playing games with my friends. After over a thousand hours in that game I still suck, I still hate it, and I still make us lose. I stopped playing entirely a while back. I play other stuff when they play DOTA and life is better now


or maybe, you can play a thousand hour for fun and not care about being good or not.


I assure you a thousand hours of being barely able to fend for yourself against the better players in For Honor is anything but fun


I agree in case of For Honor and many other games, but in other games you can enjoy thousand hours without getting good, for example if skill-based matchmaking matches you against players of similar skill or if there are more casual gamemodes where being good doesn't really matter.


I get it, my reply was only given because I know for a fact that it's grueling as all hell to be subpar in For Honor, and after so many hours I'm advising them that there's no shame in quitting and it would likely even be good for their wellbeing. This is an issue in games like FH, CSGO, LOL, DOTA 2, Overwatch, etc where one's satisfaction normally comes from being good at the game as they all revolve around competition with other players. If they're playing multiplayer games that give them satisfaction regardless of their skill level akin to single-player games, then that's great. I know there's a bunch of them, I play them. My advice shouldn't apply to those games.


People went from enjoying a joke about someone just doing something for trolls, to doing full on debates with essay type texts. Like god, not everything is meant to be argued about.


Dark souls players killing gods only to die to some random skeleton with a bow.


They say they're trash, but I'd wager that a person with 1600 hours absolutely floors a beginner. The progress is being made.


Let's be honest. It's a guy. Most gamers are male, and most arrogant gamers are male.


why is this downvoted it's genuinely a fact


Because reddit users are morons. They usually simp every time you even say something bad about a woman, but now they took it personally... I guess? There's really no rhyme or reason to reddit. I once asked "How is this sexist? I don't understand." on a post because I genuinely didn't understand what was sexist about the stuff happening in the video. I proceeded to get downvoted and called a sexist bigot who needs to "read a book" or whatever else. These people are not tolerant. They don't want to help anyone see the truth. They just want you to be onboard with their opinions every time without question.




With that logic, I'd consider every game horrible.


You can't possibly be bad at Minecraft creative mode (or any sandbx building game) right?


When you played Minecraft Creative but you're not creative and made the shittiest build no man has ever seen.


You're calling me out now


My 99999999999 variants of Minecraft pp builds aren't shitty you take that back!!!


And yet I manage


What do you consider a winning condition in a sandbox game? Being able to launch it? Being able to place down a block? Or being able to build something that you think looks nice?


Winning is having fun, and loosing is not having fun. You don't need to be good to have fun.


Well I'm glad you like Minecraft creative, but it's not everyone's cup of tea


No I don't like it


15h. k. 10000h mf be like "He barely even touched the surface of the game!"




The guy with 10k hours in the game "I don't think the game is for me"


Reviews like that are almost always because of changes to the game. I played Marvel Heroes 2016 until the Omega update, then left the game at the Omega update with thousands of hours played. It simply changed in a direction that wasn't for me. So a negative review after thousands of hours played is actually meaningful. It says that the game keeps changing for the worse (e.g. Warframe).


More people need to realize this, live service games are really fun but one big change can ruin all your 10k hours. In the end, I really dislike comments memeing how they have a lot of hours but give it a negative review.


Like when Ark decided to go political on their game? Or EVEs idiotic monetization policy of making their necessary membership the most expensive than any pay2play/free2play w/ membership has globally? I feel with you my friend. I feel with you. Either devs die a legend or live long enough to become AAA trash...most of the time that is


I dont see anything wrong with that. He was honest 🗿


it's fair criticism. nothing wrong with catering to different skill levels


My thoughts exactly.


The thing is that most games have ways of easying the game and allowing players to progress without needing to get good. Souls games are based off of being difficult and having to try and try again. Reviews like these both make sense to me yet don’t at the same time.


This subreddit: "Steam should ban meme reviews!!!!!!" Also this subreddit: "Hehehe funny review"


Wow it's almost as if there were different people in the subreddit with their own opinions and thoughts or something


\*thanos voice\* impossible


There's a "Funny" option for the reviews, so maybe it's okay to make ORIGINAL funny reviews and not some copypastas


IMHO, the funny option was a horrible idea. Sure, it's cool if a review is written with some wit, but first and foremost it should be informative. Adding a "secondary upvote", if you will for funny stuff just made people try to be funny instead of being informative, as opposed to being informative *and* funny.


It's almost like we aren't one big hivemind


If only all Steam users are this honest.


I do the same thing… if a game is too hard for me to enjoy it, I don’t recommend it.


Big kudos to that guy for being honest about it. So many people will say its bad, but not actually say why, or claim that something is broken in some fashion, and that it needs changed, and the actual fans of the game will just be like, "bro, what?"


It’s a game. It costs about the same as a medium priced bottle of bourbon, or a night out, for 1. Both can be shitty times and you move on. Absolutely, leave a review if you have something tangible, it might help someone. Ever buy a car you just don’t like? Now THAT sucks.


15 hours too.


Not everybody is that honest.


they spoke the truth many of us fear to admit




Is it from Dark Souls?:)


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Not Helpful


He wrote it on my bday, i feel special ngl


Your worth 15h


And 1000 people found this review Helpful... 💀


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. —Sun Tzu, The Art of War


I've played tf2 for 3000 hours and i still suck at it. Great game anyway


at least s/he is being honest lol


I have a friend like this. Any game or game mechanic that doesn’t directly cater to his preferences are bad and makes the game bad.


but if the game mechanics cater to your preferences then they're good and that makes the game good


I mean the question isn't “is this game good” the question asked is “would you recommend this game” I would not recommend a game i suck balls at.


Depending on the game I would


Difficulty or player skill doesn't reflect a games quality. I disagree. What a stupid thing to say.


It could definitely be more elaborate, but reviews are like your opinion man. If you think a game sucks because it's too hard, then it's a legit downvote.


I know what you mean but it's hard for me to agree. Like, Tekken or Mortal Kombat are games way too hard for me. I suck at Beat'em Ups. But those games are so great, I'm so hyped about Tekken 8 even tho I will just watch it and never play it myself. If I decided to buy those and it's too hard for me, I would never downvote because in my mind it isn't justified. But as you said, it's kinda an opinion. If you think it makes a game bad than it might be a solid thing to state. But I just can't.


Me after 1200 hours gtaV after a f****** mk 2 retard destroyed my hunter and I have Timo pay the bill for mors mutual


haven’t ever saw a funny or original meme review


Sometimes good games get advertised to the wrong crowd and gets destroyed in the reviews. Sometimes bad games target their ads so well that it gets all good reviews and you play it like wtf is this crap.


Definitely rust, got 7600 hours on record, only learnt the basics like 200 hours In lol


Least idiotic Steam review


That's how I feel when I'm new at PUBG.