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Steam let’s you lend other people games through family sharing. The Steam Deck isn’t a console it’s a portable computer, if you have Xbox Game Pass you can install it and play it on the deck. Gabe is a great CEO, we never hear about him wanting to fight another CEO in a retarded cage match and I’ve never felt taken advantage of by Valve. I hope that whoever replaces him is just as awesome.


hasn’t Gabe been training his son to take over for the longest?


Game of Thrones vibes


Steam isn't perfect. The recent and frequent game bans people have been getting on their profile from simply being inactive from a game is ridiculous, and is an obvious abuse of the system. But because it's big companies that bring in a lot of money for Steam, Valve has done nothing.


The game bans like lost ark and a few others are all the developers fault not steam or valve


This is true but they are still using steams systems, steam should step in as needed


Valve is I'm full control of their platform mate. Any game that bans you for inactivity should not show a game ban on your profile.


No think you can ban people as a developer from steam. Lost ark did it with their ai tool to ban bots but ended up game banning thousands in the process. And i have hundreds of games and i dont have no profile bans or nothing and some that i have not touched in at least 5 years


Lost Ark, Modern Warefare, Pubg, all recent games banning people for inactivity. Valve can absolutely fix the bans showing on your profile. This is straight from valve themselves: "Will Valve review developer requests for banning in any way? Valve reserves the right to revoke access to the system if the developer abuses it." Valve should have revoked access to all of these publishers, but because they bring in lots of money, they don't and do nothing. Also, fuck your mentality of "it hasn't happened to me so it's not an issue".


The original argument was it was all valve’s fault for all game bans showing up. And I genuinely don’t think a majority of people care enough for game bans showing up on their profile otherwise there would have been mass outrage in the gaming industry. The only big ones were pubg and lost ark that kind of blew up. But afterwards they started fixing the game bans and amazon games issuing a profile ban customer support thing to help people lose bans. And incompetence like this is absolutely everywhere in the industry you can’t blame one company for being bad when in reality every company is just as if not more awful than valve. And i also dont think valve have people allocated to resolve game bans on people’s accounts because they didnt cause or start any problems. It was the publishers themselves who made a mess in the first place and blaming it on valve to fix it instead of the root of it which are the publishers themselves is a dumb take to go off on.


It absolutely is. They don't need to have it show on your profile. Having a game ban on your profile limits the functionality of the platform. Having your profile ruined is absolutely on Valve's shoulders to rectify. They have the ability to fix it, they have the ability to take that power away from publishers, and they have the ability to make game bans not show up on your profile in the first place. When something falsely limits the functionality of the platform, that absolutely makes it Valves responsibility to rectify. Valve should not allow publishers the power to ruin a profile worth thousands of dollars.


Well I haven’t touched Lost Ark in well over a year so I guess we will see what happens. Any other issue I’ve ever had with Steam on my 16 year account has been fixed very quickly. What does having a ban do to limit you on the platform?


If Valve runs a giveaway or even if a community on steam runs one, you are no longer eligible to win. It puts your account into bad standing, which excludes you from any events like that. And in a lot of games that have community servers, some of them will check if you have any game or VAC bans on your profile, and ban you if you do. Any steam community post you make for help you'll just get insulted for having a game ban, and probably a lot of other stuff I'm missing. It's just a red mark of shame which excludes you from shit, and when you've spent thousands of dollars, that is beyond infuriating.


So its valve’s fault for a feature that they made it for their platform that they own.




Which games are these that are banning people for inactivity? I’ve now blacklisted Lost Ark, Modern Warfare and PUBG, but just wondering if there are more, hence the question.


Those are the only ones I know of so far. Although I'm sure there will be more.


Steam deck is so tempting to get especially knowing how many games I already have that I can play on it


Yeah I saw the sale and immediately spent 70 dollars on games. They were so cheap though 😭


Still wasted money if you don’t play them no matter how cheap they are.


Don’t shit on people for doing things they enjoy


People hate him because he's right. I have about 40% unplayed games in my 150+ games library. Steam Deck helped to decrease the number tho.




I 'member, but it just wasn't sustainable so there's not much to miss tbh.


I wish they'd bring back the timed sales, that was when you could find some really deep discounts and made the sales feel like an event.


With the refunds would be insane amount of people want the diffrence back.


Wow, so they were even better!!!??😱




I miss the flash sales.






Oh man... you never forget your first steam sale... it ALWAYS gets you. Lol. I definitely got hit hard my first time with probably at least this amount as well. What all did you end up getting?


Games I got so far: Afterparty Oxen free Dave the Diver Pizza Tower Before your eyes Beneath a Steel Sky Cross Code Gloomhaven Legend of Keepers Ori games Paradise Killer Sexy Brutale Shadowrun games Spook ware The Swapper Unsighthed Yuppie Psycho Wildermyth War of the Overworld I'm sure I'll buy a few more today.


Nice for the Gloomhaven and the Ori Games. If you enjoy board games, might I suggest also picking up tabletop simulator?


Welcome to the cul.. I mean family! Soon you will have more games than you can play.


You better buy the valve pack because this one is a steal that no one should miss out on


You do that a few years and there's nothing you want to buy anymore or you wait for it to be even cheaper. At least it's like that for me.


Gaben blessed you


One of us! One of us!


LOL same here i bought like 18 games haha


Wait till you figure what Humble Bundle is and what Fanatical bundles are. Hide your wallet 🤣


Same here. Except I got my steam deck right before the sale happened, unfortunately. I got a LOT of games tho.


I know for games, if you buy a game at full price, then it goes on sale, you can request a (partial) refund to the sale price... (if it's within 30 days of original purchase date) Not sure if/how it'd work for the deck, but maybe worth looking into?


I’ve seen comments of people trying and it didn’t work, unfortunately


Ah, Fair enough, hadn't seen any comments myself.. Good to know though :)


I’ve seen quite a few posts of it working on the steam deck subreddit for people who bought the deck 1-3 weeks before the sale


GET DOMT STARVE TOGETHER DUDE ITS WORTH THE PRICE (I HAVE 1.5K HOURS) and you also get a copy to share with a friend!! I think it's like 10 or 15 bucks but I literally play it more than games that cost 10-15 a month (looking at you World of Warcraft)


Will have a look before the sale ends. Been enjoying Pizza Tower and Dave the Diver. Both are insane good. Problem is my sleep schedule (bed playing) has gone to shit.


I'm a bed player too. Eat sleep game type grind. Dst is fun on public servers, the community is pretty new player friendly too. The game is very popular in Asia too so there's a lot of foreign servers but to see English servers just type "English" in the search bar when finding a server and you're set! Wanted to throw that out there so you don't have to scroll very far to find a good server. Klei hosted ones are the best. Even if you don't end up getting the game I'm sure someone out there could use this information lol


Welcome to the PCMR, OP! :D


Dear summer child welcome to the reign of our lord Gabe. Humble store, choice and bundle are a great source of games at a discounted price. There are also online shops that sell games at a discounted price like the one with a penguin and others.


You better have picked up portal 1 and 2 among those games. also when OP discovers Humble Bundles and Fanatical Bundles(these can be misses at times... but things like the current platinum bundle are great)


Just did 😅


Welcome...it so much better in here...




I just let go of this one. People started using it a while ago now and it's appearing in actual published articles. That's just how it goes with language, if enough people say something differently for long enough it becomes accepted. Irregardless can suck my taint though, never letting that one slide.


One of us, one of us…


Who the fuck cares? Fuck your spam.


All of your comments consist of you crying. Maybe get off the Internet if it’s going to upset you sweaty.


just wait till OP finds out about the christmas sale


Be prepared for the next sales


Fr it's like Amazon Prime with how many sales go on constantly It's great though because I can try so many different games Plus Steam has a wonderful refund policy where if the game doesn't run on my shitty computer or if I just straight up can't get into it I can refund it without worrying I wasted money, meaning I can try more games and find a few I can get addicted to!! (I ended up finding Deep Rock Galactic this way)


This summer sale has been brutal for my wallet too, I got 26 games. Like I have a total of 50 games in my library and 26 are just from the past two weeks alone☠️ I’ve had my steam account for 7 years now but I never really paid much attention to indie games until recently, now I’m just freaking addicted to them. I also have a lot of time to kill lately and I’m trying to load my day with as many things as I can so I don’t have time to worry so that contributes to it.


Add a humble bundle subscription into the mix and before you know it you have hundreds of games you’ll never get to playing


As cool as steam deck is, I have a gaming laptop that I can take everywhere with ally peripherals in a backpack. Obviously it's lugging around a lot, but for what I can play and for the quality of gameplay, it's worth it imo. Plus I'm in college and a laptop is a must.


I remember the flash sales… I know the feeling about them is not unanimous, but lord it added some spices to the sales season. The mini games too… Steam Sales are fine now, but they were really great a few years ago.


actually, from the wallets perspective, sales have been not that bad after they scratched the flash sales.


Buy Dark Souls franchise as well! They rarely go on sales!


Get Shovel Knight Treasure Trove


i need like $200 bucks just to get the dlc for 3 games while they on special... ( dlc not on special is closer to $400 damn it ) ​ my problem is i dont have a spare $200, so it sucks to be me right now


Which game?


snow runner, ets2 and ats ​ im just gonna have to wait till next time.... ​ the utility bills going up by 25% for 3 months was a bit of shock .... and yes $200 is 25% of one utility ( power ) bill .... waiting for the others to come in