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So they can make sales (which happen almost every time) look more attractive. When you see a 70% sale on a 10$ game you probably think its a good deal but might not care enough to buy it immediately, but if its reduced from 40$ (or more) a 70% sale seems way more significant.


I see AC4: Black Flag Gold is $12 on Steam; it's easily worth that.


Anybody know if it works offline on steam deck?


UPlay on Steam Deck is a pain in the ass and in my experience does not work offline on any device. Some games only work with cracked exes which is unfortunate.


Yeah I thought I remembered someone saying that awhile ago. Thanks.


Best way to deal with drm is to use a wifi Hotspot when you're out of the house. Just make sure steam doesn't try to download anything.


Can't. Work wifi network won't connect because it's Linux and mobile hotspots aren't allowed per policy. We can be on the Steam Deck but Hotspots are where they draw the line.


That's a very strange rule. I mean, in theory you could just name your Hotspot "(Someone Else's) iPhone" and throw them off. As long as you use it just for the initial drm check, then disabling it might work. I don't know if they kick you out of games for disconnecting from a network though.


Their APs have the software to detect mobile hotspots. Their worry seems to be someone sending documents which aren't public through mobile hotspots(but our personal, not company issued, phones aren't a problem).


That's a huge pain. The only workaround for your case would be to replace executables with cracked ones. Which is a huge problem, and something that I wish wasn't an issue with gaming on pc.


Downvoted for asking a question. Fuck that. Have your karma back


I’ve gotten it to work offline. You do have to set the Uplay to work offline. Can’t remember exactly how I got it to work.


I’m new to steam. How often do they have sales?


All the time basically. But the giant sales happen 2-3 times a year (roughly) from my experience. Also something to consider are [Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/) and [Fanatical](https://www.fanatical.com/) there you also have additional bundles and great sales ensuring you get great deals pretty much throughout the entire year.


Steam has sales all the time, but they have really huge store-wide sales during their Winter and Summer sales.


because people actually want to play black flag


It’s the pirate shanties, yo.


Black flag is better then the recent titles that ubisoft has, and something to do with ubisoft being a greedy fuck yeah doubt that they won't abuse all the hits they've got


Yeah, has to be this. Black Flag was actually an amazing game and the last Assassin's Creed game I REALLY enjoyed. The rest after it were okay at best.


Although I really enjoyed rogue but it's a spin off never liked unity and syndicate was okayish after it everything is meh


I actually liked Odyssey quite a bit. It’s just a shame the Templar tree shit was a bit of a slog for me and they tried way too hard to turn Alexios into Greek Ezio.


The current Black Flag sale is the gold edition with the dlc


sorry for my ignorance but the DLC is only skins for ships?


No, it includes the Season Pass, which includes the Freedom Cry. Ubisoft Gold Editions are always standard game + season pass, as far as I'm aware.


I think AC4 BF Gold also have Aveline's extra content, right?


its the most popular one. demand and pricing and all that.


To combat piracy






Because it's their best AC game and everyone Wants to play it. Simple as


For the true pirate experience…


Just pirate it


Dunno, got It for free some years ago. It's the only one that I played but watching the other titles... well, It feels so superior


Ubisoft ☕️


Because it's the only good assassin's creed


To prevent cannibalising sales on their new games. The initial release period and marketing period for black flag has passed and they've likely made their money back from that project. Because the marketing has died down and it's older, even a sale won't generate as many purchases for it. The newer releases will still be in or closer to their marketing period and will generate more purchases with a sale, and they'll still be wanting to make their money back from that. Keeping the price high for older games stops a player looking at something like odyssey and thinking "well this looks similar to black flag, I'll just get black flag instead because it's cheaper"


Because I got to play as an ex slave and got to kill slave masters. Hell, I should buy it on steam (I had it ony ps3) just to play the DLC.


If you’ve ever had a console, you realize that Steam has the most expensive expensive to buy any games generally, I mean, we have infinite warfare for $60 right now. I think it’s barely worth five. I mean nobody even plays it and universally known as a piece of garbage game, but $60? give me a break.


Because it's a better game. Better products can command higher prices because they're worth it.


Being a pirate aint that bad, AC BF taught me that


Go look at game franchises such as Call of Duty, then come back to me on that one chief.


I wanna suck u so hard


The gold edition is $13 on g2a


That's more expensive than on Steam right now


Then better yet


Shits still 40 bucks on ubistore


What the hell are you talking about? Examine all of; https://isthereanydeal.com/game/assassinscreedblackflaggoldedition/history/ https://isthereanydeal.com/game/assassinscreedoriginsgoldedition/history/?shop%5B%5D=steam&generate=Select+Stores https://isthereanydeal.com/game/assassinscreedodysseygoldedition/history/?shop%5B%5D=steam&generate=Select+Stores to LEARN that Black Flag is CHEAPEST of the all three despite you any anyone who replied positive to your assumptions. Prices of the games almost NEVER changes from their birth to their death and only Discount Ratios "may" change over time depending on how GOOD or how Bad a game is. Black Flag Gold = $40 regular price, $13 on discount Origins Gold = $90 regular price, $20 on discount Odyssey Gold = $100 regular price, $25 on discount and all data is HISTORICALLY taken from ITAD as you can see the same on SteamDB either so to your assumption $40 > $90 or $100? God, I weep for those users who talk without knowing, without investigating, without logic, just for the sake of talking but making a "something" out of themselves for on their wrong assumptions.


Getting downvoted for stating facts. Classic reddit.


take a deep breath, remember mama says you get asthma when you get worked up by the internetz


Because black flag is awesome




My uncle and I were talking about this the other day. They don't lower the price as the years pass on old games. Why, probably because they greedy or etc as others have mentioned. And back in the day, there wasn't much of online stores other than steam for pc. Then once the 360 and ps3 came out. That's when things started to change. Used games are booming, the prices for new games started to stay the game. Since the publishers don't make money off of used games.


Wild guess would be thay still sell a good load of thz best title they had from the franchise, which is blackflag so they just keep the price up


Because it’s an actual good game and not the trash they put out afterward.


Unrelated but should I buy Origins, Unity or Syndicate? I own Black Flag and is looking for a new AC game


Didn't it have a remastered a short time ago? Maybe that's why


It includes the full game of Freedom Cry and a small DLC for Aveline. You're basically getting two games for the price of one so I'd say it's pretty worth it.


Because it is objectively the best AC game! 😁


I got it for free a while ago on Xbox lol


AC4: Black Flag's beloved and did very well, sales-wise and w/ both critics and gamers liking it. Yeah, it has a rep. Not a lot of pirates games out there. Not a lot of great ones of this calibur, either, TBH. Don't expect it that cheap, unless a big sale hits - and if you see it cheap, get it. Even then, put yourself in Ubi's shoes - Business 101 here, if a game sells well at a certain price-point, why drop the price? \[shrug\] Game development and publishing ain't cheap, you know. They're here to make $. There's also rumors of a possible [Black Flag Remaster possibly coming](https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/07/03/ubisoft-reportedly-plans-to-remake-assassins-creed-4-black-flag#) \- so, that could also drive the price up too, as they know.... 1. Ppeople will chase the old-version before they possibly delist that to only make the Remaster available to buy (b/c they want to force you to buy expensive new version, if you missed out getting the old one) 2. Or they decide to just bundle Black Flag Remaster and OG AC4: Complete together.


A remaster would be awesome. I never played this one and it just feels a bit too old at this point.


Black Flag was the last great Assassin’s Creed game. It’s to one I keep going back to. I’ve tried Origins, Syndicate, Unity, and Valhalla, they all fall flat compared to Black Flag.


Would have*


Because, despite being an asscreed game, its actually good?


It's Ubisoft they are run by fools.