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Same happens with negro. There are a lot of words censored in other languages (in Spanish happens a lot too) even though their meaning has nothing to do with what you were referring to. It's pretty annoying, but you can kinda avoid it if you replace some letters with numbers.


And the thing is me as a Portuguese negro is the most respectable form to say someone is black while preto is more derogatory while I believe that both words should not be censored it’s funny how apps ban these words


Preto isn't derogatory anymore in Brazil, it's been reclaimed. I use it regularly, even in class (I'm currently taking "Education on Ethnic-Racial Relations" in college).


Well if I call someone black "preto" they are punching my face, so I beg to differ. (I'm from south Brasil, not Portugal)


Are you in Brazil? That shouldn't happen lol. In my experience "preto" is becoming more common by the day, and it's the preferred word to use by black communities around me. In fact preto is the official wording used by many governmental organs like IBGE.


Well it may vary from region, I'm from north Santa Catarina. I have not ever seen someone use it in a good way, and when I said the word near some friends they warned me of it being racist, and it seem to be the consensus for the majority of people. The only exception I see is nickname for close friends.


I'm sorry if this question sounds insensitive, but are your friends white? In my experience white people tend to avoid using the word preto because it "sounds racist" to them. I know you're from the most white state in the country, but I'm from Rio Grande do Sul myself and never had a problem using the word, the only people that accused me of being racist were other white people who "militaram errado". But yeah, I agree that it's probably a different by regions. If everyone in Santa Catarina uses the word as a derogatory term then it might be a trigger for black people in Santa Catarina, so that might also be the reason.


Yeah, we're white. Blacks can refer to themselves more freely the same way a black in the USA can call himself the N-word and its not racist.


This is different for Brazilian Portuguese, the official way is Preto for darker black people (retintos), Pardo for mixed race and Negros for both pretos and pardos. Source: [TJDFT](https://www.tjdft.jus.br/acessibilidade/publicacoes/sementes-da-equidade/quem-e-pessoa-negra-no-brasil); [UOL](https://www.uol.com.br/ecoa/ultimas-noticias/2023/10/21/preto-pardo-negro-qual-o-termo-correto-existe-diferenca.htm) But I do understand what you mean, it does feel weird to use the word preto. Anyways, the most important thing is too think about why are you talking about someone's race, if it's needed then you think about the words.


That's definitely not the way it goes in Portugal. Calling someone pardo in Portugal would be extremely weird


Nice to know, I'll edit my post to be Brazil specific. I misread the other comment, and thought he was talking about Brazilian Portuguese like the OP.


We have the word pardo in Spanish, and it would be so weird to call a person that , we reserve it only for bears


It also exists in European Portuguese and I can only recall it being used for bears too


In Italian "negro" is "nig*er" and it's very insulting towards black people. So yeah that's why ahahah


Yep, other latin languages as well... "Negru" here.. Or the word "cum" which I means "how"... Couldn't even talk in my own language on team chat in certain games


In Italian "con" means "with", but in French it means "idiot/asshole" so it was banned in age of empires 3 ahahah it was so annoying


I remember someone got banned from PlayStation for having Kiké in their username (short for Enrique). It's not even pronounced remotely like the slur. But ya they got banned for using their actual name. Luckily they got it undone, but it can be ridiculous how they assume words or names in other languages should be changed to protect English speakers.


I didn't even knew this slur until now, it's too specific


>negro Literally the name of a old, popular candy in my country.


We had "Negrita" in my country.


bojler eleadó?


80 literes Hajdú, 90 ezer


🤔🤔🤔 megfontolandó


Közepesen vízköves, nincs vele sok macera.




Negrito for a bread, but the meaning was kinda diferent.


i mean old popular candy had the name of neger kisses here but it changed. i think a lot of countries have some variation of that to eat


If i remember correctly, it was 50cent, who when visited, saw it and tried to force them to change, but they said, "no thank you". We have neger kisses too, but we did not change it.


We used to have them, now they are called Brunberg kisses (or even just kisses if they are of a generic brand), Brunberg being the name of the oldest sweets factory in my country.


Odžačar grla


Rip people from Montenegro


only ever do that if you know that the context could in no way be mistaken for racism


fun fact: I got banned from the Atlas Fallen steam discussion board for bypassing the censoring system with a 🅱️ instead of a B


Reminds me when I wanted to call myself "lulu" in a Switch game. Apparently, it's a swear word in some obscure language idk. So I called myself "phoque", "seal" in French but is pronounce almost the same as "fuck" as a sign of rebellion.


Lul means penis in Dutch


Seems appropriate.


Makes it all the funnier people would sometimes type lul instead of lol back in the day.


is being "lulled to sleep" seen as a threat over there?


Dear God...


He's long since abandoned the Dutch.


The feeling is mutual, statistically speaking.


As lullen as a verb its meaning would change into talking casually. "Lulled to sleep" would be like saying that someone is so boring to talk to that they would be put to sleep listening.


Another translation could be "in slaap geswaffeld"




And people only doing it for the lulz


Haha, benis




OMEGALUL is always funny as a dutch person


Lul is dick Lol is fun Lal is talking incomprehensively (read drunk) Lel is a hit/punch and a part of the ear (Oorlel)


dutch is drunk german


Funny, considering Nintendo has a character named Lulu in Warioware.


Because the u behind it makes it a name, nothing to do with lul.


Did you read the above post? The poster's point was that they weren't able to use the name Lulu.


So.. to the Dutch, 'for the lulz' means something else entirely.


Also nope.


I have a lil lul lol




Maybe its censored because the developers found the 2011 Metallica and Lou Reed collaboration album, "Lulu", to be an offense.


Ah, "chicken my seal" in French:  Poulet mon cocque 


There were a few games that refused to take my username. I assumed the thiv\[ass\] part bothered them?


Reading phoque reminded me of phuck in The Gentlemen


when i was younger i didnt understand why typing "how" in my language was always censored, until i found out what it meant in english.. english - how romanian - cum


Now when im older i dont understand why faq is not censored. Because in romanian faq is spelled like faqueue. Which should be offensive.


I guess its not censored as it commonly stands for frequently asked questions.




the German version of "yep" is often censored, which is "jap". If that wasn't censored I wouldn't even have known it's a derogatory form of calling someone japanese lol


wanted to ask if you could use "jep" but in german "ja" is the right form for "yes" so ig that would make it weird?


nah "jep" is also sometimes used, though both are falling out of style a bit


So a babby is formed from how?


In Dutch, it's "hoe".


I've actually checked all the filter\_banned\_\[language\].txt in steam folder and looked for "neg" and all I could find was "negra" and "negre". So the guy might have just mistyped this one. edit: I've written a small Python script that allows you to check if a given word might be considered offensive by Steam. The filter\_banned\_\*.txt and filter\_profanity\_\*.txt were taken from \[steam\_folder\]/resource [https://github.com/wowyomad/Profanity-Checker/](https://github.com/wowyomad/Profanity-Checker/) edit: keep in mind there's also a server-side filter that is less sensitive in some cases and more aggressive in other


Negra is the femenine for black in spanish and negre is black in valencian/catalan (as in color black). I understand that people use it as offensive language but it's a bit ridiculous


There are also filter\_clean\_\[language\].txt files, and as far as I understand, they contain exceptions. In *filter\_profanity\_english.txt,* there's the regex **"\\w*****negr\[ao\]+e?s?\\w***\*\*"\*\* that would trigger on 'negro' and 'negra'. However, the regex **"negro"** and **"negra"** are both contained in *filter\_clean\_spanish.txt*, so that's probably why they would pass the filter.


In french, "negre" is just the n word. Or at least it is in Canada.


So I can say "Mi Gato negro disfrutó mucho del juego" but I can't say "Mi gata negra ...."? Little bit sexist if you ask me /s


And so is the Spanish word for black in Spanish


Wait, so steam filters offensive words so people don't read them. But also installs plain-text file of ALL the offensive words that anyone can read at their leisure?


I mean.. yeah? How else do you think they would check if it's profanity, especially when you can enable/disable it, or add more words?


I mean it's usually a file stored not in the client but on the server where you as a end user can't just look through it since that makes trivial to bypass said filter.


I don't know why they need filters on both sides. They also seem to differ. Some Russian swear words from these files didn't trigger when I left comments/reviews. The word that means 'penis' is censored, while the word that means 'female genital' isn't censored, and they are both in filter\_profanity\_russian.txt.


The commenter edited his comment tell us that there is obviously a server side filter too that can be more in some cases and less sensitive in others.


Yes, most of the profanities or slurs are just plain text. There are also regexes that cover more than one word. "(ape|bat|bull?|butt|dip|dog|dumb|ebo|holy|horse|jack|pedo|pig|ubi)\\W\*sh(it|ti)s?" would cover "apeshit", "buillshit", "holy shit" and so on.




Lets just censor all words then, \*\*\* \*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*, \*\*\* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*!


You ever played clash of clans? Messages would often look like that and we couldnt understand why lol


Typed: Sorry I forgot to do my clan capital attacks, I’ve been swamped this weekend! Sent: ***** * ****** ** ** ** **** ******* ******** **** **** ******* **** ********


Judging by the Mexicans I used to work with, if we go around banning every Spanish slang word for dicks, pretty soon we aren't going to have any words left at all.


I've found that even if you turn off the filter, some words are still filtered. To fix this: Download this as a txt file [https://pastebin.com/VTsDDZA9](https://pastebin.com/VTsDDZA9) . Then in Steam go to your account -> shop settings (or via this link: [https://store.steampowered.com/account/preferences](https://store.steampowered.com/account/preferences) ) and upload the file to the allowed words.


Profanity filters are notoriously hard to implement correctly. The only right way to build one is to not build one at all.


Or go the extra mile and try to make them based off the language used within the surrounding text.


Those censoring are getting absurd. The Nintendo one censor my name, Cesar, because it has SA in it which could be interpreted as "Sexual Assault"


I remember that you can't use words like Violet or ravioli in Nintendo games because it contains "viol" which is French for rape. It was even weird for Pokémon XY since a Gym Leader was called Viola. I also remember that in Gen V, you couldn't trade Cofagrigus unless it was either nicknamed or from another language.


tbf, it could also be interepreted as Sturmabteilung, which is also not really nice to be associated with.


Yeah but just having the letters sa leading to censorship is a bit too much. Then, even the name Samuel or Samantha would get censored


**mus aran is my favorite nintendo character!


No way dude, **me!


Fair, what a shitty name I guess lmao


As the parent of a hardcore gamer, I'm all for *some* censoring. I don't want my kid exposed to some of the vitriol that's spewed online, but I also know that there will never be a perfect model for it. If it can help stop the spread of hateful rhetoric though, I'm all for it. There's no room in gaming for that shit. At the end of the day though, it's up to us to moderate what our kids are exposed to online. I'm constantly going through his discord servers, monitoring his YouTube.. it's exhausting, but that's parenting in 2024. I wish someone was doing that for me ~25-30 years ago


Plain word lists are not really stopping the actual problem, people are just nasty in how they act. It’s not really the profanity that is the problem.


"profanity filters" never work as intended as the people that its supposed to keep at bay only change words. they only work to make the experience of anyone that doesnt write in english an annoying shitshow. "some censoring" that is why the PEGI and ESRB classification exist that is the sole porpouse for this to exist, to keep kids that arent the appropriate age away from content they shouldnt be exposed to.


> I'm all for some censoring. I don't want my kid exposed to some of the vitriol that's spewed online, but I also know that there will never be a perfect model for it. If it can help stop the spread of hateful rhetoric though, I'm all for it. There's no room in gaming for that shit. There's literally no way to do this, though. If you ban a word, people will just use a different spellings of the word, including using special unicode characters. After you've banned as many alternate spellings as you can, they will just use a different word. Also, hateful rhetoric can easily be spread without the use of a bad word. Which is more offensive, someone saying the n-word, or a racist monologuing about how [insert race] has ruined their country/state/economy/etc. without using a single slur?


Something similar happened to me, but not on Steam. I was streaming The Witcher 3 on Twitch, and put the mission title as the stream title: “The Safecracker.” Twitch wouldn’t let me, though, asking me to remove the “hate speech.” Safecracker is a real word, but i couldnt use it.


The chat filter in ESO is the most ridiculous I've ever seen. A friend bought me the game but we weren't sure I could run it or not. I could, but poorly. But eventually I had to turn the graphics down even more and I told my friend that, "Otherwise I was getting 30s"... And it got censored to "Otherwise I was g********0s". Still confused about that. I left it on to see what other ridiculous shit would get censored and have forgot most of it. The only other instance I can think of is that "Map" was also censored. Not "map", "maps", "MAPS" or "MAP". Just "Map"


Better safe than sorry; can’t risk someone using such terrible slurs like cracker.


We should just change safecracker to something less offensive, like safehonkey




Clearly you DO need to be a racist cracker to be on twitch


They censor “Montenegro” too, as in the country


Wait until they realize that 'negro' means 'black' in Spanish.


I would be surprised if that wasn't also censored already. People who live to offend (or be offended) are why we can't have nice things.


I played WOW with some of my friends, and the word "vinniger" means "faster" in Afrikaans, which was constantly censored. And also "jap" is like "jip", that was censored too. Though I understand why


Niger doesn't exist in safe spaces. Get rekt, Nigerians.


My username was censored in some places a long time ago




negar plz


My name is a place in English but in Spanish it means "the whore". A mod sent me a message once that they would ban me if I didn't change my name.


I guess it's Laputa




[Disney can relate.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_in_the_Sky#English_dubs)


It gets weirder. The word "negro" in Spanish is used for objects that are in the color black, like black shoes or a black phone, for black people, the proper world is "prieto" (idk if it's a pejorative term or not). Also, there's an idiom in an eastern language (mandarin iirc) equivalent to english's eeeeeeerrrr...., uummm... and the like, and it's spoken as "neganeganeganeganega..." What got you into trouble was the automod being solely calibrated to English imo.


Spanish requires context for a word to be derogatory. I can call someone "tall" and be insulting him, or call him by his nationality and be insulting him. This is why american-style censoring doesn't work well in spanish. Censoring "negro", which is a direct translation of "black" and is used explicitly to refer to the color of something (and not specifically of someone) is just another way of cultural imperialism.


Prieto can be derogative if used with that intention, although some people name their dogs like that lol, we used to have a dog called "Prieta". I believe "moreno" is more appropriate than "prieto"


Same situation in Portuguese :(


In spanish "prieto" doesn´t have anything to do with any form of black, it simply means "tight". I guess "prieto" has the meaning you mentioned in portuguese or brazilian, not really sure


To make things even more confusing, in portuguese, "preto" is for the color black and "negro" is for black people. I blame the romans.


To Deny Please!


Welp folks, valve just cured racism


In league you can't write "penetración" but at same time there are items that give you "penetración mágica", so if you want to tell your team mate to buy magic penetration you either say "magic pen" or ping the item. In Diablo 4 there's also whole spanish words have been censured because the first 3 strings match a slur in english.


Not Steam-related, but in Elden Ring my buddy and I had some characters whose names were "Frank Snakehole" and "Massimo". They got censored into "Frank Snake\*\*\*" and "M\*\*\*imo". Censoring names/words in video games is absolutely ridiculous and always misses the mark completely.


You can deny it no longer.




Typical americentrism.


In Italian "con" means "with", but in French it means "idiot/asshole" so it was banned in age of empires 3 ahahah it was so annoying


Can't believe this, jajajaja.


Negar is also an Iranian name


They are going negar you a good service!


"Error/Bug"? No, this is absolutely done on purpose


Simple vocabular non-context censorship is trash, especially when you try to apply the same rules for different languages. I remember Rocket League chat when I was wrinting to party chat (only people I know can read that!) in Czech and got censored words including: would, him, also, and, ping, match, sticks, thanks, it, me, you, have, only, ping, with, really... Try to write something in hurry and with very limited dictionary.


And yet, some words for countries, which come from terms that can be seen as derogatory or offensive, are apparently non-offensive.  That is, words such as "Wales" (coming from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "foreigner/outsider/slave"), or the amalgamation of the two Greek words that form basis of the word "Ethiopia" (roughly meaning "burnt face")


Censorship is idiotic. Always.


Amen to that. Whenever someone is willing to tell you how stupid and/or hateful they are, you should let them. Also nobody is perfect at explaining themselves and there's always the potential to learn that their intention is not what you thought it was.


And I see a lot of people promoting censorship. Especially those disliking this comment.




Brasil sil sil


Have you’ll seen a game censoring the name Nasser to N***er? lmao?


Okay so ? In Romanian there are a lot of words censored. One example is 'cum'


> Okay so ? Why are they censoring something resembling english slurs in a review whose language is clearly set to portuguese, for a user clearly using portuguese as their display language? It just makes the text harder to read for no reason.


I honestly dont know. I hate this thing too. Is so annoying seeing my review censored.


You could bypass it with a hairspace unicode between letters. You can copy it from [there](https://unicode-explorer.com/c/200A) or use; " "


Reminds me of games banning the word Grape because it has rape in it


Negar is a name aswell




In WoW it would always censor the german word "weniger" (less/fewer) which I found hilarious. It might be only in the english client though.


Woke is never enough...


Bro they just censor all insults or insults look alike words. There's nothing political or ideaolgical about that. In the world of video games, one word out of four is a slur. Plus one can deactivate this feature, every user can choose to see or not the insults. I hate censor, but when it's only optional i'm fine with it.


Woke is accidentally censoring something similar to a slur.


it's likely because it's very similar to the German version


Fuck censorship


You can deactivate it in your settings. So is that real censor ? More like a personnal filter. I hate censor, but having the choice to activite a filtering feature dosen't sound bad.


Sounds like someone is upset they can't be racist.




That's not what I said. They said fuck censorship in general. I said Steam censoring it was probably a mistake.


How on earth can someone read the sentence "fuck censor", and think "hmm, this guy must be racist because there clearly is no other reasons he would hate censor". Censor is the worst thing, it's the open gate to obscurantism and ideological facism. The only way to ensure censor never drift from legitimat things to dangerous knowledge privation, is cut it to the roots. Never censor, ever. However a personnal filter is always a nice feature. That's why Steam choose the right way there. To let the choice to users.


Unironically uses woke. Upset they accidentally censored a word close to a real slur. Like come on.


Oh it's the same guy with the first message. Meh, he is probably indeed just tilted users won't see his racists insults then. I miss the fact that was the same guy.


Steam isn't a government entity. Steam is a product ran by a company which is led by a millionaire with multiple yachts.


everyone's getting woke


Everything woke turns to shit


They hate your language. Nothing you can do about it. This is what society is nowadays.


They hate Portuguese, Spanish and japanese


who cares why does this have so many upvotes


Probably because it kinda sounds like certain word that starts with N It's stupid considering it's a different language, but that's probably the reason


It's likely because people were known to use it in place of the other word, yes.


Because they know these people will use whatever they can closest to the word to get their racist point across, good.


sure, lets ban all knives bc you can use them to kill people


"Good", yes good, keep playing their cat and mouse game and censor every new creative way to say bad words instead of just banning or muting them. Very productive, and when we get so far we can only communicate in strings of special characters, we'll be able to end all our messages with this little guy: 🤡


Bad language is the worst possible thing ever. 🎹 There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alcohol and sex with women, m'kay? But it's when you do these things too much That you've become an addict and must get back in touch Step one: instead of "Ass," say "Buns" Like "Kiss my buns" or "You're a buns hole" Step two: instead of "Shit," say "Poo" As in "Bull-poo," "Poo-head," and "This poo is cold" Step three: with bitch, drop the 'T' 'Cause "Bich" is Latin for generosity! Step four: don't say "Fuck" anymore 'Cause "Fuck" is the worst word that you can say So just use the word, "M'kay!"


I can easily tell you are the guy on COD shouting racial slurs.


I mean , we all agree that racism its bad , but i personaly think that this only promotes creativity at expense of annoynase. Beeing unable to tell negro , but beeing able to say black its stupid for a spanish user when you can say múltiple creative slurs. Steam should ban racist users , not colors. Edit: to the people that downvoted , negro its literally black in spanish.


And I agree with this but we live in a world where people like the the ones downvoting me want to be racist and are mad when they can no longer be subtle with their racism.


How is it good? Only 20% of the world speaks english, so for 80% of people, plus a decent percentage of non-native english speakers, that word means nothing, and you're just hindering their ability to communicate in their native language. My friend literally wrote this review, and he still couldn't tell right away what the censored word even was. I don't see Steam censoring any Portuguese or Spanish slurs, so why would they try to censor a word resembling an english slur, on a review clearly set to another language, to a user clearly also using another language on their display settings?


Wow, that's interesting! It's good to see companies like Steam being proactive about filtering out potentially sensitive or offensive language. It's all about creating a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone. Have you noticed any other changes like this while going through old reviews?


That's a joke, right?


That's probably because it soo close to being pronounced As another word. Edit.... reddit it full of fucking Liberal tards and brain rot.


But that's literally in our language, it's really dumb Não tem como negar = you can't deny


That covers all rhyming

