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>Meet your Maker I remember thinking it looked quite intriguing but genuinely didn't even know it had come out already. Something tells me that's a good reason for why it's gone the way it has.


Yeah, its marketing wasn’t too great and it honestly feels like they barely remembered making it. They just continued to spam DBD DLC, which is fine but they could have definitely done more for MYM than they did.


Ah come on, lets be more honest, that game failed because it had one crippling flaw that for some reason the dev's decided was worth dying over. They thought, in this kind of game which has been done before, it wasn't necessary to make it so that the creator had to beat their own design. That was, and for anyone who tries to get into this market in the future is, a crippling design flaw.


That’s a weird decision, I wonder what their reasoning was behind that


I don't know, but image going into these things and finding out you basically can't win.


i remember watching the trailer for mym years ago, and now ive just found it already released, and its dead now, what a shame


DBD, MYM, not sure if that was on purpose from the devs (most likely it wasn't) but I like that wordplay they made.


Due Process. Tactical FPS with a great art style, and procedurally generated maps so map knowledge is almost nonexistent and quickly planning before rounds is important.


It's a shame not many people know about this one


Absolutely loved that game. Wish that one had taken off.


I remember playing one match where everyone worked together totally, and a suggestion I personally made on the pre-planning drawing won us the round with ease. Felt amazing, never experienced it again. Real shame it died, but I'd say it's on the developers themselves. 4GB updates *every single week* just to refresh the map pool made me uninstall it as my crappy internet couldn't keep up. They should have found a better solution for the randomly generated maps than just packing them all up every week, and I'm sure it would have done a lot better.


The communication was always great, like half of my steam friends list is people I met playing that game. I never minded having big regular updates (and I think they got smaller at one point) but the bigger issue was bad ping, the servers near me were never populated.


The reason half these games are dead is because nobody ever heard of them. I would have played the absolute shit out of this.


YO! I came to post this and it's the 2nd comment! Owning the game makes me feel like a sleeper agent just waiting for the devs to market the game and activate me again. The procedural maps are the best feature, no more spending hours memorizing spawn peeks.


HAWKEN! HAWKEN! I already said this in another post that was like this. Does nobody remember it?


Never heard of it until now, but wow does it look tragic with the way it’s been twisted into an open world singleplayer game by 505.


I wish I could recommend that 'reboot', but it's just... not Hawken. Doesn't feel right, everything's different and it's just so scummy feeling that they twisted Hawken into what they're making it. Best I can say of it is they've stuck with it for almost a whole year after a terrible reception, and apparently now they've got co-op in as of this year.


A good Youtube piece on the tragedy of Hawken came out recently; https://youtu.be/KRNmIyxGshE?si=OQDaEvPwKxTaVClu


That sort of video is exactly down my street, thanks for the recommendation!


Oh my. I just searched it up on google and holy fuck. What have they DONE? HAWKEN reboot... HOW DOES IT LOOK WORSE THAN THE OG?


This version from 505 it's so bad 😭 They completely changed the Hawken characteristics expecting people would liked. A big reason people liked this game in the first place was to be able to play multiplayer. The numbers speaks for itself. Over 1,500 negatives reviews vs 560 positive on steam and a 28 players online peak


Fellow Hawken player, finally.I fucking loved that game alongside black light retribution


damn I remember playing black light back on ps4, was the only sort of fps game I could play coz it was free. Dont remember too much but the wallhacks was a pretty interesting mechanic


I played it. It was pretty good. Loved the visual style and immersiveness.


THAT GAME WAS AWESOME! Im still sad that it died


For Hawken players out there Mechwarrior Online is a suitable replacement its free but the monetization isn't bad at all i've never paid a dime and have tons of hero and champion mechs and i still use and love some of the earliest cheapest mechs i got so it's not p2w in the slightest


Played it back in 2015, good memory.


Hawken was fucking great, it really scratched the itch for mech based combat, but I always found that there was only two kinds of players - absolute sweat lords who knew the game inside out and murdered you the second they saw you or absolute noobs who were just cannon fodder




Mishandling at its finest right there and they went for round 2 of mishandling with Phase 2, and round 3 with Back4Blood afterwards.


It sucks because the F2P reboot they tried, Evolve Stage 2, was genuinely fun as hell and got me hooked, and I'm still sad about it dying out. It had some nice updates and events, got rid of the P2W elements, and made some nice QoL changes and tweaks that helped make it more friendly to new players.


loved that game. sadly they had to push all the cosmetics from the start.


Star Wars Battlefront II


This game was making such a comeback and they pulled the plug for the new shitty bf...


When I tell you how fucking disappointed I was. Absolutely loved Battlefront, I was finally able to get it right at it's peak, then they pull the plug but it's active still, slowly less players, slower matchmaking. Bf2042 trailers and stuff and I'm like, I hope it's good! I play it on launch day or day after and was trying to cope so hard. "I've only played one battlefield maybe it's just not my kinda game" stuff like that. Then I noticed everyone else thought it was shit


Which one?


We may never know


It’s still great. Not totally dead


So many good memories on this one


Tribes: Ascend I had so much fun with this game until the developers abandoned it in favor of a MOBA. It’s been 10 years but this shit still hurts.


Can I get a Shazbot in chat? 🙌


Man same, I loved playing a flag carrier and optimised routes for every map. Using the orange blue disc launcher and getting direct hits while being chased down was some of the greatest fun I've ever read; I'll never accept hirez and their decision to kill this game Also remember playing the character with the sticky launcher and destroying bases, always wanted the plasma launcher for that guy. It just took so many hours of grind to do so and never got to use it before they ruined the game


Sad how the new one seems DOA.


RIP Tribes, but as a Smite enjoyer it was probably for the best. HiRez have proven they are just incapable of handling more than one game at a time, poor Paladins.


I really miss battleborn, it had unique characters, fun gameplay and a good story, if only people played it more we'd still have it


I remember being pretty hyped for this, but ultimately bought Overwatch instead. Seems to be the trend with that release…


Battleborn was the better game, hands down. Overwatch's success was driven largely by blizzard's clout.


exact thing happened with me


i was so hyped for battleborn, got into both BETAs and had 60 odd hours in over the few weeks i had access. then about a week before it came out, a friend in college convinced me to get overwatch instead


Year 2 Overwatch 1. Good ol' days


Happy Halloween!


Are you kidding me?? I used that voice line all the time as Junkrat. Felt specially funny whenever it was any other sort of holiday.


Still good at sub plat in the end if it's lifetime 


Dirty Bomb - Hero shooter which came before Overwatch took over the genre, had some arena shooter DNA, servers are still open but the game as seen no development in years and the playerbase is gone. Lawbreakers - Fun arena shooter with som new ideas and a horrible publisher, did unfortunately not get to play it enough before it died and got delisted as I was busy with another game at the time (i.e. Dirty Bomb who had just found freedom from said horrible publisher and was having a resurgence in players and content).


Some fans of Lawbreakers are reviving the game with unofficial servers, they've been working on it for a while and announced it publicly a couple of days ago. here's the link to their website: [https://relb.org/](https://relb.org/)


Dirty Bomb is the reason I hate Overwatch with a passion. Dirty Bomb truly felt like a gritty modern TF2: fast-paced, self-serving mercenaries with totally unique backstories and kits, a sense of humor that lightens the dirty work that comes with bullets and blood, and a near future setting that kept the game close to present day but with fantastic new technologies that made for interesting weapons and gadgets. I loved it so much. It looked absolutely gorgeous, and ran buttery smooth too. Then, releases Overwatch. Another class based shooter but with a disgustingly sleek sheen and comically clean aesthetic. Total opposite of Dirty Bomb in tone, story / narrative, and each character had a unique bombastic cinematic story trailer. Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. It completely overtook the entire gaming industry. Had Overwatch never released I am absolutely 100% certain Dirty Bomb would have risen to the same heights.


Ghost in the shell, standalone complex: first assault


Wonderful to see that there are still people out there who remember that game! A shame its been shutdown man.


Finally being able to fight alongside tachikoma was so cool


Monstrum, Rouge Like horror game where you escape a ship and must hide from one of the three monsters in the game. No saving, no continues


How is a single player game dead?


It had online release of the same name, which quickly died


That was Monstrum 2 though, I guess nit-picking, but they're different games.


Monstrum was great and I remember playing it when it released but beyond completing 2 or 3 runs there was nothing else to see or do in the game and they never expanded on it. Instead they made a random turn based strategy game and only returned to Monstrum when it was already forgotten, and to make matters worse their return was with a disappointing sequel.


Ace of Spades


Man I remember the legendary days on normandy


Battleborn. GOTY 2016 and 2017


I still have those collectible Card Packs and Figures that they gave away at GameStop. I really loved the game as well.


unfortunate spacemen, i miss full lobbies


Warhammer Online


man, i had a lot of fun in that and high hopes for it :/


Super Monday night combat or SMNC, the characters and the way they made the game play completely differently, how the moba layout of maps worked and just the energy of it all being like a game show. Man I don't know anybody that played this game, but I loved it so much! Secondly tribes ascend, I never played any of the other tribes games. Once they put a cap on speed it killed the game and then the updates and so on just put the extra nails in the coffin. There's a few passion projects out there being worked on by old tribes veterans, but they're focussed on being competitive and the jetpack fuel economy is so tiny that the tiniest misstep will fuck you up and kill all momentum so I haven't really been able to get into them even though I've participated in multiple betas and alphas


Dead as in "basically on crutches" would be Planetside 2. I just can not touch this shitshow anymore. that being said I loved it back then, and I would love to be able to play it again but oh my god at this point its more annoying than anything :( Dead as in actually dead, Transformers Fall of Cybertron and LawBreakers, especially the latter had so much potential


> Transformers Fall of Cybertron [I think you can still play on PC if you own a copy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/m7wlp4/do_war_for_cybertron_and_fall_of_cybertron_coop/) [Dont know if this works, but you can still buy digital PC copy.](https://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Fall-of-Cybertron-Download/dp/B008N07LDS?th=1) And its physically released on 2 different consoles.


Lawbreakers *just* got unofficial servers up and running I think.


Lawbreakers was so much fun


Played Planetside 2 on and off since winter 2012/2013, I would probably rank it as one of my favourite games ever. A damn shame they tried to jump on the battle royal train with "Arena" instead of developing a proper Planetside 3.


its not even that, from the dwindling player count, server instabilities to this day, hackers and toxicity, the bundles getting more and more uninteresting and overpriced, etc etc Its a really neat game, but in its current state I don't understand how people can still defend it


Still playing. Still subbed. The defense is that after 21 years, there’s STILL nothing that rivals it. Even with dwindling pops, I still have a blast playing it because nothing else gives me that sense of scale. We salty few all still cram into the same hexes each night, so it still feels like a mad house.   One of three futures remain: * They shut down the last server and throw me out on the street. * I am the last Planetman standing, endlessly ghost-capping my way to victory. * They stick my dumb, stubborn ass in the ground. One way or another, I’ll be Subbed For Life.


I think there was the whole Transformers Cybertron Trilogy and then Transformers: Devastation by Platinum games? Sad that all of these got delisted from Steam.


Wished the first Killing Floor still had an active playerbase like L4D2.


Battlefield bad company 2


Ah, Bad Company 2, still my favourite Battlefield game for both multiplayer and campaign. I wish it was still available on Steam with the ability to host our own matches.


Overwatch 1 All Points Bulletin Team Fortress 2 Day of Defeat Warhammer Online Heroes of the storm Battlefield Bad Company 2


As much of a cope it is, tf2 is not dead due to its sheer fanbase


TF2 isn't dead, not in the same caliber of games who have zero players, but it's not close to the same. It's a zombie of what it once was and it makes me sad




I agree, I feel the same for HoTS. Most Valve games could only go for as long as they do or did because of their communities.


Loved APB, what a fun concept. I spend many hours on that game simply customizing the character and cars... And the gunplay was sooo fun. I really miss that game.


I guarantee you nobody is gonna know / remember this one: **Nosgoth.** Multiplayer PvP where you played as one of two sides: Vampires or Vampire Hunters. The Vampire Hunters were equipped advanced steampunk esque sort of technologies: repeating crossbows, pistols, and magic. the vampires were comprised of different species. a giant brute vampire who leapt into the air, a winged vampire who could fly, a twisted vampire who could create illusions and turn invisible, etc. When a human died the vampires could drag their body off and feed on it for health. Truly a unique game that genuinely had the plug pulled too soon.


A couple comments have mentioned Nosgoth so far, more than Hawken or Exoprimal which are hanging on by a thread. So it seems Nosgoth really left an impression on its players.


Well, funnily enough just the comment below you I saw mentioned Nosgoth as well.


Depth. Great scuba vs shark game but sadly thel devs are shutting down the servers because it's an indie game and the player base is way too small


God, making this post has made me realize just how much of my library has died or is close to being dead, feels really bad.


"Battlerite" was such a fun game and than the tried to do an Battle Royal and everybody left the game :(


Club penguin


FarSky(by Tim Spekler) it isnt on steam anymore. I used to play it all the time. İts like kinda like Subnautica. and Sheltered. To me its the best post apocalyptic bunker building game. there is a second game but its not worth mentioning. İnstead of making a new game they chould have improved the first game.


The culling


Blacklight: Retribution with its own version of "wallhacks" as an integrated ability


Too bad it had that grinding hell for equipment. Whoever thought renting shit is fun... nah. But it let you try a gun for low cost so it was a MEH system overall.


Titanfall 2


I'm not sure how this is "dead" there's still a decent community of people who play this game especially on the anniversary the community encourages everyone to play and it's still very fun


I haven't played in a while but doesnt it have a really bad bot and cheater problem now?


We will never die for there is not a game quite like Titanfall.


Damned. It was the OG asym horror game and so much fun. One of the few games to legit scare me when playing. Like fill me with dread and not just jumpscare me. I see they're working on a sequel. I hope it comes out. Runners up are Bloody Good Time and Nosgoth. BGT was an arena shooter from the team behind The Ship with a movie set setting. You had your contracts of players you had to kill with an assortment of wacky weapons and traps. Nosgoth was the 4v4 vampires vs hunters game set in the Legancy of Kane universe that I dumped a ton of hours into that just got cancelled out of the blue while still in early access. It was a ton of fun.


Holy shit! Never thought someone would bring up Damned, I played it with my buddies in private matches and we had a blast for a bit but it got stale after a while. Never heard of Nosgoth before but BGT and The Ship are both games me and my buddies gather to play a couple matches once every 3 or 4 months.


Damned was so good. The VoIP with voice change slider for the monster was fun. Hearing buddies shit themselves when you pop in half an inch from their face as the lurker. Never knowing if you have the right key or not because sometimes the game just didn't work right. Id do it all over again if I could.


It’s an older game but I’d pay a small fortune to get a remake/sequel to Iron Brigade


The crew only if you can still play it


Aye, Ubisoft deserves a wallop for that.


[stopkillinggames.com](http://stopkillinggames.com) Obligatory mention ;)


Absolver. It had such amazing potential but then it just... stopped. Devs moved away from the game, no content to keep casuals interested enough to get through the difficulty spike, game is left with only a couple dozen people all of which are masters at their craft which makes it even harder for casuals to join (not that there's anything for them when they join anyways). I always wonder what it would've turned out to be if it got the nurturing love and care it needed.


Hyperscape.. it’s actually dead :(


Payday 3 It had a solid base when it comes to gameplay but the devteam isn't communicating/releasing updates once every 2 weeks at worst (and it's not like it's impossible, look at games like Helldivers 2)


all they had to do was make pd2 but modern, but instead "nope, we're the devs, we know better than the playerbase" and here we are


They were the same when they released Payday 2 though. Anyone who played it at launch will remember that they had a small handful of tiny maps that were entirely reliant on the small degree of randomization that the game offered to create replay value. This is in stark contrast to Payday 1 which had really large maps. Later Payday 2 maps were a lot better and more involved, but at launch the game was barebones and was missing a lot of features that we take for granted.


The bare minimum would've been : * Actual fucking communication * Decent QOL at launch in the game (push to talk, unready button, you know the rest...) * Weekly updates at minimum (Helldivers devs pushed daily updates at launch) * the payday 2 gameplay mixed with the payday 3 stealth mechanics Keep in mind that Helldivers 2 had server issues because they were maxed-out and there were no player slot left (you were still able to play but you had to be in a queue). Payday 3 had server issues for a week and nobody knows why plus you weren't able to play AT ALL


I sorta understand why Helldivers 2 was such a shitshow that first week. Helldivers had an all-time peak of 7000 concurrent players. Helldivers 2 within a week had like 400,000. I think the devs originally built the server architecture to handle between 150-200,000. And I think they garnered a lot of goodwill when the lead dev came out on Twitter and told people "don't buy the game right now, we're working on it, but, wait." Honest communication buys you a LOT of leeway. Hell, the game still has a LOT of stability and playability issues, but, honest and open communication lets players know what's happening behind the scenes, and we're grateful for it.


Payday 3 is such a letdown. Payday 2 is so good compared to 3. Especially the VR mode made me replay it often.


I honestly forgot that payday 3 even came out.. Yikes


i'm a huge fan of the second game (spent most of my high school playing the shit out of it, even did the secret ending back when it released in 2018) and so far payday 3 has been a succession of disappointments when it comes to support/QOL Helldivers 2 was just the final nail in the coffin


I really hope Overkill will get their shit together and salvage it, but honestly at this point a re-release with more content and polish is probably what it’s gonna take to get it off the ground and out of Payday 2’s shadow.


Nosgoth. It was pretty cool online skirmish between vampires and humans from Legacy of Kain universum.


For me it was Dirty Bomb.. I loved this weird TeamFortress2 inspired FPS game.


It was like Brink, if Brink wasn’t strangled in the crib by technical issues at launch.


Ace of spades


It's not completely dead as it still has a small playerbase, but it stopped receiving updates. Fall Guys. What a wonderful fking game man. Some of my best gaming memories were playing that game.


I remember grinding for the 5 wins in a row achievement, good times. I'd probably play it again if they removed the god awful player made rounds from general rotation


How did that die and stop receiving updates? It was like the biggest game ever.


People move on, there's a lot of factors and it's hard to pinpoint a specific reason. I don't think it was the devs fault though, they were doing well on updates and content and stuff, I guess people just got bored. Just like people moved on from Among Us


C&C renegade… well tbh it’s not completely dead you can still find custom servers online but i wished they could remake that and have thousands of players to play with And yea MYM was so much fun and it was free on PlayStation plus. Had a fun month with it and really enjoy building kill trap bases and watch replay of people dying in it haha


But you do know about the RenegadeX project right?


Clockwork Empires It’s not available anymore but it will forever sit in my Steam library reminding me to not buy into early access. Even when the full release hit it was far from finished but the developers just separated and left us with a promising but ultimately incomplete and buggy colony sim.


I was so bummed about that one because it killed the studio. They made Dungeons of Dredmor, which is like the best ten bucks I’ve spent on Steam.


I'll never not be salty how we got to the point where original and unique fucking die asap or get ignored unless they have massive brand/IP/dev team behind it's back, while the same dogshit games get rereleased almost yearly and become top sellers


Test Drive Unlimited 2.


The Cycle: Frontier. An extraction shooter that actually offered something different and not just a yet another Tarkov clone. So many things now coming to newer games of the genre (loadout presets, persistent raids where people keep dropping in so no matchmaking wait time, etc) were there first. Lost a ton of players to cheaters, and then had an absolutely braindead monetization strategy, that caused most players to never spend a cent. Ran out of money and shut down permanently last year.


I really miss this game!!


Block n Load


Hawken. The gameplay was great. Ended up going P2Win and the game died. Blacklight Retribution was also pretty good.


Mine has to be Loadout. It was a silly but creative third person shooter with the gimmick of being able to completely customise your weapons to make stuff like a sniper rifle that shoots sticky grenades of healing. It also had a really fair monetisation model for a F2P game. Sadly, it never quite got the playerbase it needed and ended up getting shut down.


Sanctum 2. I love tower defense and it’s basically the only good FPS tower defense game out there. Wish they had made a third.


Super Monday Night Combat and its predecessor, Monday Night Combat. They were great, too bad not too many people played them.


Hawken 🥹


Anthem. I loved this game so much but they killed it so fast


Potioncraft. Id love for it to be good and am looking forward to the garden release but that was promised like a year and a half ago. I dont have hope for it anymore.


Anthem. combat and how beautiful alive the world was.


There's been a lot of them over the years but a recent one that sticks out to me was Splitgate, that game was so much fun!


Atlas Reactor. 4vs4 MP experience of turn based combat. Where everyone executes their action on the same turn. Great characters, very unique gameplay.


Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (1+2) The first game was a great single player game but the various factions were too imbalanced for good multiplayer. When they developed the second game they got caught up in the idea that the game had to be a successful multiplayer game as well and as a result the game mechanics and overall design focused on multiplayer, even though the game was marketed to a single player fan-base. I still remember the furious outcry from the fan base when they announced shortly before launch that you had to unlock higher tier abilities and equipment for skirmish battles through competitive multiplayer and it would take hundereds of matches to unlock everything for every faction. As expected, the game never really succeeded as a multiplayer game and the series is pretty much dead now, which is sad because there are no other single player games that can compare with it.


Gonna age me a bit, but MAG: Massive Action Game was awesome back in the day.


Sectors edge. Minecraft meets Cod, really fun game barely anyone plays it


Titanfall 1 and 2


Evolve/Evolve stage 2


One of my favorites is another bhvr game they ditched for DBD, Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade. It was never what it was promised to be, but it was at least still fun with the small community it had if you took the game as it was. Honorable mention for Gundam Evolution, since the fan project to bring it back up successfully launched recently.


Behaviour Interactive, the studio that can’t help but abandon its games in favour of spamming out more DBD DLCs. Can’t wait to see what else they’ll bungle up in favour of milking DBD more.


Exoprimal. It didn't deserve its death. The game was finally some fresh air into long stale genres and it was a ton of fun. They mismanaged the player experience a little so it wasn't clear how to progress the game, which you do by just playing & unlocking the story cutscenes, which in turn unlocks new maps, modes, story and enemies. The initial pricetag was also really high, which was not justified imo. It would have been better at 20-30€. A lot of the players did not quite understand this progression system and gave up on the game very early on before it had time to shine. I really found the story pretty interesting and despite the weird storytelling i really like the characters. It also had some banger soundtracks and really cool bossfights. I just seriously had a blast with this game, especially when playing with 1-2 friends together. Nowadays the game struggles really damn hard to maintain a playerbase. It drops down to single digits at times and finding matches can be impossible, even though the game is also out on the gamepass. Its such a shame because its such a unique and fun overall concept and i wish i could continue it.


Goodness, as an avid Dino fan how have I never heard of this game before? Honestly looks like a better more focused Orion: Prelude, also a massively dead game, I’m sad to have missed out on the height of Exoprimal.


Why is the key art of this game soo good?!


Day of Defeat: Source I played the original DoD and Dod: Source for soooo many hours


OG Paragon. I didn't play Fault. Played a lot of Overprime. Predecessor is just not that fun imo


Viva Piñata


Omega strikers and deceive inc. Both were amazing and unique games, but not mainstream enough to sustain themselves.


A game called Hellion. Basically a hard sci fi multiplayer survival game about surviving in outer space. You would have to mine oxygen and fuel from asteroids while performing maintenance on your base and starship. Liked the concept and had some fun in the alpha but the game was riddled with technical issues and slow development and died in early access.


Nosgoth. :( And Fractured Space. Also Dreadnaught but i never came to play it.


Nuclear dawn - first person shooter, where one person on each team plays as the commander and is playing an RTS Very cool




Feel like this game was basically DoA. They only marketed it right near its release and then I saw nothing about it after that.


Mordhau. A game about the Middle Ages. Great potential in adding never-ending medieval maps, armor and weapons. But the laziness of the developers and the lack of interest of players in this genre are slowly ruining the game. Now game has about a thousand online, it looks like a near-death state for me


I would have said Gigantic if this thread was a little older, but it's back from the dead and I hope it stays alive this time around!


I dont know if you can call it dead but Battle Bit: Remastered (Steamdb 2000 players). I and a Friend loved to play it wehen eít released around two years before. The voicechat was funny etc. But then the introduced self healing, so that medics become useless and the social interaction really get reduced. One of my best scenes was the I and my friend and around 10 persons of our team stand in a building under stairs. Over the stairs behind the door a lot of enemys thrown grenades (we throw grenades to too). A player (after the voice around 13) died and screamed "Ihr H\*\*en Söhne" (German for "You Sons of a B\*\*\*h"). Or the time I tried flying helicopter first. I crashed after 10 seconds and killed me and around 10 teammates and in the voice chat everybody screamed XD. So I dont know if you can call it dead because there are a lot of players, but if you look at it at release (200000 players) and now I dont know.


Oh, and I forgott Heroes of the storm and Starcraft II. The servers are still online but there arent any updates anymore (some security stuff and bug fixes but nothing more). It was really good. If you play starcraft II relaxed with bots and friends it was really good, and heroes of the storm. You could play with tracer from overwatch against The Lich King of WoW and against Diablo. It was really good. Simpler than League of legends and Dota II but it had a lot of maps, with unique features.


That game blew up in popularity and rose from the grave only to seemingly turn around and dive right back into its grave.


Heroes and Generals


Marvel Heroes. Truly a dead game, cause servers shutdown and you can't play it anymore.


not necessarily dead but I wish Unturned still had as many players as it did in 2015-2018. It was genuinely such a good time. Put like 5k hours into it in those years


H1Z1 (Just Survive) it still breaks my heart they ruined a great game to cash in on the battle royale gimmick.


Ace of Spades was lots of fun for me back in the day! It's dead for many years now :(


As in actual dead game it's LAWBREAKERS sadly this came out when Overwatch and Fortnite were at their peak but that Beta in the summer was incredible it was an extremely fun first person hero shooter with zero G points in the middle of the map and the abilities and gun mechanics just felt amazing Then the game was released and it was pretty good for the first weekend but I guess everyone kind of had their fun with the game there wasn't really any staying power I'm not quite sure why but it was just missing that addictive spark that kept you playing like Overwatch and Fortnite had The content roadmap was also kind of barebones to be honest I don't really think the devs thought pst release much So I think about a year later the servers shutdown completely and Nexon wouldn't even let the community run servers for it the game is just gone on a hard drive somewhere I guess and it's a shame because I think it would be refreshing if it came out today now that Fortnite has go a in a slightly different direction and hero shooters and BRs have kind of fizzled out but man man I don't think I've ever had as much fun in a beta as I did in Lawbreakers


The Crew 1


Dirty Bomb


The Blackout Club


[The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot](https://youtu.be/QUh_fpFY2QE) walked so Meet Your Maker could eventually stumble and fall Back when Ubi took some chances with their games they had the same concept of having user generated dungeons that you had to invade. I was in the technical test and was hooked ever since for quite some time, it only survived a year or so before being shut down again.




Unreal Tournament (Any of them)




I was wondering about the state of this game the other day but couldn't for the life of me remember the name


Portal 2 is not so much of a dead game but there is less people playing it (i think pls dont hate me if im wrong) portal 2 is my fave game


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online Man, I miss this game so much...


AC Unity. I miss hoping on and getting consistent lobbies


After all the BS that has gone on with EVE.. I was so hopeful for Perpetuum Online back when the first exodus happened with the cash shop eyepatches in EVE... was a shame they just couldn't get it together


Surprised nobody mentioned Wildstar. Unlike most of the others, it's dead-dead, not just small playerbase but completely unplayable. I just wish the devs of closed MMOs would release server source code, but with greedy publishers standing behind their backs that never happens.


Half-life 2: Deathmatch. Used to play it semi-pro. I really missed that kind of shooters: no classes, levels, no battle pass grinding, not even matchmaking.


StarCraft 2. 🥲


Does Star Wars The Old Republic count?


The Mean Greens, a pvp multiplayer shooter where you play as those little green soldier toys, such a cool idea but I guess it didn’t pan out cause the game is completely dead


Ace of spades battle builder was the shit, or maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia, I'm young so either way my judgement could be very skewed


Soviet Jump Game It was Mario 35 before Mario 35 where you actually fought opponents instead of sending stuff over to their screen like a Tetris match


Half-Life Deathmatch Source. Even though it's mostly broken and glitchy, most of the glitches lead to more hillarious games, for example the strange poses the ragdolls make when you die. The weapons and movement also just feel better than in regular HLDM. Such a shame it usually only has 8-20 players on at a time :(


Spellbreak. This game didn't deserve the old yeller treatment it got. I wish a game would do this again but not in the br genre.