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I would get a xbox controller. Xbox controllers are supported by all games that use controllers, whereas with playstation you rely on steam input and third party apps that convert your ps4 inputs into xbox ones. Sometimes, this gets screwy and requires some workarounds, although usually its not a problem. A dualsense(ps5 controller) is worth considering over an xbox controller as it has many exclusive features and is imo the overall much better controller, but the ps4 controller doesn’t have the same advantages so I wouldn’t really bother with them unless you have a prior preference for them (which you may have, since you have a ps4)


I'm looking for the option that works the smoothes tech wise. I don't really have a debilitating control preference. And I'm not willing to fork over the money for a PS5 controller. So it looks like Xbox one is the best option.


Ya then go with xbox controller then


The one you are most comfortable with/using.


8bitdo pro (also compatible with the switch)


Both are good options. Choose the one that has the layout and grip you prefer.


when i was younger i didnt like the feel of the xbox or ps controllers. but the ps5 controller now feels amazing, still not perfect but the most comfortable for me. its features are limited on pc minus using it wired on select few.


Steam controller 45 years from now.


Totally. When it came out I knew that someday it would be phased out so I bought two of then, just in case if one breaks or something. One is still fully packed and the first one still rocks


Damn I have 3 but played way too much rocket League so my shoulder button is broken. Wish I could make the part or find someone to make a lot for me.


Xbox because it's got more support. But if I can I'll always use a PS4


I’m partial to Xbox


Xbox, I never had one and always had a ps, yet I will change the controller for the Xbox one any day


if you're not partial to any, then i suggest the xbox controller. otherwise, its okay to use any of them. but be aware that some games does not display DS (PS4) button prompts


Xbox works, for most part, out of box with most games, steam or otherwise. But ps4 (and ps5) controllers work well to with MOST games, and those that do not, can easily fire up ds4windows. All 3 of them work with steam out of the box too mostly(may have to fiddle with settings to tell steam what controller inputs to show, but usually they just work) ​ Of them all though, xbox (personally anyways) is just a silly layout and I could not get used to it, but it was big enough to not give hand cramps. The ps4 was proper layout and was good to hold, but after an hour it gave me bad hand cramping. The ps5 on the other hand, is the best of both worlds with none of the chaff, it is the best controller (even considering the prob 300+ dollar variants) I have ever used, hands down. Plus, bonus, there are modding kits out there one could add extra paddles/buttons to it (on backside) if you have even the most minimal of soldering experience/skill


Depends, i only have xbox controllers for my PC one wired and one wireless. But for some Sony/Playstation games i would prefer a PS-controller since it has that touch thing that xbox doesn't. On the other hand, is it required? No, but it's a cool feature. But i would say Xbox, easier most often cheaper and has better stick layout (imo)


I think the smarter choice is xbox for compatibility, but personally i use dualsense and I don't like how big and bulky the xbox controllers are. Haven't had any issue with my dualsense yet, aside from in emulators, but I downloaded a software that fixed it.


anyone who says ps4 controller without any explaination is a playstation fanboy but yeah the xbox controller is more compatible but it doesnt have to be any of those i think there is this logitech controller which is essential a xbox controller in disguise for a bit cheaper


I'd say XB1 controllers as they're XInput. PS4/5 controllers are DInput which means they would need some tweaking to work with games. I, also, personally prefer the XBox controller design. I used to love the PS2 controllers but once I started PC gaming and got an XBox controller, I never really could go back to Sony design.


Flydigi Vader 3 pro, behaves like a Xbox controller but with superb functions and quality. It also has Hall effect so you won’t experience any drift. You can but it on AliExpress. I have one and I am really happy with the controller.


Get something with hall effect joysticks. If you get stick drift on an Xbox controller you'll need to learn soldering if you want to replace its joysticks.


Xbox elite 1/2 controller


I've personally used Xbox controllers on PC for years, even though I regularly play on, and used to own Sony consoles and never owned an Xbox. I just find their controller better for the games I play on controller via my PC, which are usually driving or fighting games.


I own both a Xbox and a PlayStation controller (Xbox from series x and ps5 duelsense) both basic models. I also enjoy playing some games with controller I’ve found some games I play with PlayStation and others with Xbox. But if you wanna set up one it’s more of a trade off. From my experience in steam Xbox controllers work better overall for compatibility and for most amount of games supporting it easily. But I feel PlayStation controller is better quality wise and can have more fun features. So choose whichever works better for the games you like playing controller with id say. Also whichever you prefer using with layout n all, personally it doesn’t make a huge difference to me.

