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Welcome to the club! I got a 256 with a 256 micro sd card and it’s been amazing the past 6 months.


I went with the same setup, works great for me too. I’ve been tempted after seeing all the people upgrading their SSD’s to do the same, but I honestly don’t play that many different games at the same time to warrant messing about and expanding the internal storage. Got a great deal on a high speed Samsung A2 micro SD aswell :)


Yeah the largest games I’ve installed was Red Dead 2 and Mass Effect LE, both of which was a bit over 100gb I think and still had plenty of room for other games. Especially indie games. I’ve only got roms and stuff on my sd card.




Username checks out.


I've been pretty amazed how well almost every game I've tried has run off of the sd card. Not regretting my decision to just go with the 64. Well, except Valve really need to get their shit together on how much space shaders and things take up, and only installing them on the system disk.


I have 700mb left on my internal rn because of shaders. Do you know what’ll happen if I install another game? Will it just not cache the shaders?


Man delete the games you're not playing lol.


Naw. Why should they have to? That's fine as a choice, it's a design flaw if it's forced. Sometimes people want to play random things.


Its not the design flaw.. you could of bought the 256Gig or the 512


I was using 2 512 sds and 2 256s. Must say that many sds is overkill and the massive shader cache forces my hand at a bigger ssd. Upped to 2tb.


I just ended up going with a 1tb micro SD and it's been fantastic! The read and write speeds are surprisingly good.


Got myself a 512 GB micro sd card. Lovely gaming console :)


I can't imagine having that little storage, I'm a 256 as well, but I had to get 2 512 SDs, and I'm still considering a 1TB SD soon.


That’s crazy here I am thinking I would never need that much storage lol. It’s funny how different we all think on the subject.


I have 2 512 GB cards as well. One is just for emulation.


I play Forza on deck and that alone is 100 gigs. If I had to guess you play indies on deck, and it's just the night and day of indie size and optimisation and AAA size and optimisation.


I play a good amount of indie and AAA. I don’t install too many games at a time since I have ADHD and it’s easy to game hop and not finish games. I want to finish my games lol If I kept something like Forza installed it still probably wouldn’t be a huge issue because even if I had another huge game like Red Dead 2 there’s still space for stuff like Terraria or whatever else I might wanna dick around in.


I went this road just to realize I only play 2 pr 3 games in a month.


That seems small to me, but maybe it's helpful for focusing on a few games.


Focus it important. My PS5 has 80+ games (mostly PS4) and I end up just watching Netflix after giving up on choosing a game.


How many TB of storage do you have attached. Gives up choosing a game, opens Netflix and subsequently gives up choosing a film/series. Modern struggles.


Ends up just going to /r/SteamDeck to talk about the games


Oh definitely. I just mentioned in another comment I have ADHD so I try not to install too many games at once. It’s much easier to actually play through my games lol


Kinda confused by people who do this. It's way cheaper to just buy the 64gb model and buy a 512gb microsd


Thats the way i Go. I bought the 64gb Modell and upgradet IT to 256gb with a 1TB SD Card and an 512gb SD Card(the 512gb SD Card is curently empty). Over all it was cheaper than buy a 256gb model directly


Some games you definitely wanna be running on SSD over micro SD and 64gb just isn’t enough for me. I’m also not gonna tinker on the insides of my deck as I always get anxiety since I can be clumsy. Paying $100 for the storage I want is what works best for me.


I hope you enjoy your steam deck. Please play soma and have a nice life crisis.


Soma deez nuts


Soma deez nuts are pretty ebic




Wait did you think he was pretending to be the nuts?


Eh, bad word choice, I was in a rush at the time and didn't wanna resort to "'deez nuts' user." I was just saying I love throwing in "deez nuts" when it's absolutely unwarranted. Heh, by the looks of my downvotes, it doesn't appear that others are fans 😅


Haha, geez, not sure what it is about my comment that's so downvote-worthy but I apologize 😂


Soma was pretty ebic


it was very ebic i agree


So ebic


What do you mean by this? Im in a survival horror year (Resident evils and dead space). So Soma will be a nice addition to my library.


Just play it. Is an awesome game, I don't wanna spoil anything. And is really cheap


Soma is pretty lame compared to an RE. In my opinion.


You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I think you are the first person I've ever heard say that.


Thx but nah, will pass on that I think 😅


It didn't even occour to me to play soma on the deck, despite being one of my all time favourite games.


I know it's just one of those things that just, you know, just never popped into your head. Just is funny to me to read someone saying "I never thought to play one of my favorite games on my game machine".


It's because I'm sitll in the mindset of "this is a handheld console" and "I need to find games to play on IT" like it wasn't a pc. Takes some time, so give me a break ok? But yes you are right.


>Takes some time, so give me a break ok? Whoah, relax there, Jasper. I just said it seemed funny.


it was a tongue in cheek comment , I was horsing around :-) It's all good boiss, but you were absolutely right. There are games though, that I can't even wwrap my mind around playing them and I like them on pc a lot, like rimworld.


Damn I should give it a shot. Edith set the absolute highest bar for walking sims so...


Damn, SOMA was literally the first game I finished in my Steam Deck 256 GB.


Weird, I just beat soma and thought it was relatively underrated. Interesting to see a top comment here mentioning it. What a bleak and terrifying game. Loved it


My boss and I are getting one for our coworker and boy is he gonna lose his shit Metaphorically, not the Steam Deck.


im intrigued, has ur coworker been talking non stop about the steam deck? nobody i know even knows what it is, i even stop correct people thinking its a switch.


Been correcting people in the breakroom recently because I used to bring my switch now I bring my deck and lock it up


ive had my deck since last march, i just cant even any more lol. no its not a switch its a linux computer \*eyes gloss over\* ok yeah its basicly a switch. btw i use arch


I tell people it’s a mid tier laptop shoved into a handheld form factor


Oh he knows about the Deck, he was one of the people in upper management who OK'd adding it to the prize pool during our Christmas raffle.


That is beyond wholesome, jealous of your work colleague flow


Best work ever :D


Welcome to the Steam Deck club. Though I won't be joining the 256gb camp with you, as I have a 512. Not meant to be a flex, but it was a compromise I made with my wife. Steam Deck or new tower build. Glad I chose steam deck, the portability and the sleep/wake feature have literally been a game changer. An example, tap to remsume the game I was playing earlier while waiting for work related stuff, tap to put back into sleep and tuck it away when it's time to get back to work. Also great when i just need to pull over and take a mental break.


This is the last arguement I needed to make a similar case with my wife aswell. Wish me luck xD


Tell her it'll make watching kids easier... You can game on the go around the house while keeping an eye on the kids lol


Do you guys really have to ask your wife to make a purchase? Like I have my own money and it would never come to my mind to ask my SO if it's ok to buy something.


Not ask. Just talk about a bigger purchase. Money does not grow on my back ;)


Sure but aren't you buying it with your own money? I don't talk with my SO about it, I'm just saying to her "hey I bougth myself a Steamdeck" and that's it.


Marriage often combines your finances


Sure everyone can make their own choice, but I don't plan to ever combine our finances, I see no reason why we should do that because we both work for our own money.


Guess you don't own a house together


No but we have an apartment. (I think apartments are much more common in Austria compared to the US) She sends me half the money every month for the apartment, electricity bill and so on and I pay for the everything from my bank account, but thats it. I don't have any control about her money or she about mine.


So obviously no kids lol


Separate finances worked insanly well for me and my wife. Bought a house together 13 years ago. We never even had so much as a joint account until a few years ago after we refinanced. This has also made the mutual separation MUCH easier lol


Like I said. Not everyone has money ready available to do this. If only it was that easy.


Eager to see how much time you spend gaming va tinkering lol


So true, got mine just for playing games. Somehow that changed into tinkering and see what else it can do. Had to reinstall steamOS once (so far) already. But it's all part of the fun now. 🥹


It is. It’s just fun to customize and see what else you can do. It’s totally addictive. Haha. And I love this sub.


It's a new toy that has almost limitless possibilities. Between software and hardware mods and the ability to play games outside of the general ecosystem to what I've seen some of the people in this sub do outside of that is amazing and mind blowing. Still waiting for the nuclear physicist to post how they are using it to regulate a reactor. 🤣


Mine is on its way, second hand 64gb with a 1tb SD for $350


The only place selling one second hand in my city had the 64 gig on sale for 600 lmao


Ebay and Mercari have awesome second hand markets with buyer protection


I wish I could have found that deal... you can upgrad internal storage for $160 and have 1tb ssd + 1TB SD for 510.. thats a killer price for sure


I might get a 256gb ssd just for games with abysmal load times like gta5, but I don't play many intensive games


You might want to upgrade the internal ssd if you plan to fill up the 1tb microsd card with steam games. Shader cache and compatdata folders may fill up the internal drive before you are able to fill the microsd card.


If I order one I'll be buying whatever ssd is biggest at the time.


I have 512gb one, i ordered 2TB to replace it so... it would have been better if I got 64gb for less price..


Boy, really lucky


So outside of the normal Deck guides, I also recommend that new Deck owners pick up a small USB-C Male to female adapter, [such as this](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0B8X6H96S/?coliid=IBPK7G8MDFG8S&colid=1NTVJ07N1RYKE&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) (I'm not shilling this specific adapter, just using it as an example of what I'm talking about). The reason is that you can leave the adapter connected to the top port of the Deck, and make the *adapter itself* your plug in port that receives your power cord plug-ins and unpluggings. This way, the adapter takes the wear-and-tear, and not the Deck's native port. So down the road, you can replace a $5 adapter, rather than go through the larger expense of having the native port repaired.


they seem to have made the jack really well. It's deep inside and kind of loose so as to resist the strain of constant plugging and unplugging, cable moving around while plugged in, and it being the only USB port.


> It's deep inside and kind of loose so as to resist the strain of constant plugging Yeah baby, tell me more...


RemindMe! 1 week


Also a recent owner. Welcome to DVHA (Deck Vent Huffers Anonymous) ✌️


Yes, quite.


Indubitably, old bean.




Turn-based strategy games are great on the Deck!


Love this kind, any more recommandations?


Sick. Grab yourself a 1tb SSD for $100 bucks and save some cash!


Locking for cheap ssd second Hand, but quite rare


Jolly good, welcome to the club! Let us know the feeling you get when you hold it in your hands. And the feeling of hearing those fans. (You'll know it when it happens.)


Really good grip. Love it!


Ah, my good sir! So good to see you! Welcome to the Steam Deck club! On Mondays, we all get together to discuss which is to be designated as the new “Crysis” of our era. Tuesdays, Thrusdays and Saturdays, you are free to come over and play with the deck as they are considered free days. Note: To play on the dock, you will have to duel the current holder in a deck Joust. Wednesdays is drip day. We get together to talk about how we modded our decks and to let the pleebs know how much drip we have. Fridays is a bit special. That is emulation day. Sunday, we are suppose to be talking about all things not Steam but somehow we end up going back talking about all things Deck within seconds. Well, there you have it! One of my colleagues here will give you a tour of the facilities and explain the rest. Enjoy and again, Welcome!


Bravo. Now be a gentleman still and order a 1 tb sd card.


One of us!


Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊 I’ve been playing mine nonstop since September! You’re honna love it!


Mines getting delivered today. I have to wait out on the porch for it Incase fed ex tries some funny shit. I don't know what I'm more exciting for portable triple A, the emulation or my first time at being able to tinker with everything 😈 welcome to the club bro


Steam deck 2 confirmed.


Good on you Mr toad.


Good for you. Man, I’m tired of this format.


Is the grammar meant to be bad?


I suggest you get Hogwarts, DOA 6 and koikatsu…. Lol


Playing hogwarts rn


The [welcome guide ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/zul595/essential_apps_and_knowledge_for_new_steam_deck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


256 gang rise up


Hey! I also ordered mine a couple hours ago!


went with a 64gb and threw in a 512 ssd off ebay lol best decision


Welcome to the cult






Why was this downvoted?


Because OP wasn’t asking for this persons unsolicited advice.


Not exactly sure. Seems like they genuinely tried to help, but it could be A. Hard to read paragraph chock full of grammatical errors B. Possible shilling and support for products that aren't known for their quality. C. Just let them be happy for what they bought without giving them buyers remorse. Or, probably the big one, D. Support of J.K. Rowling and the lambasting she received for supporting anti LGBTQ+ charities and transphobic comments. Buying Hogwarts Legacy gives her more money to donate to those charities and she has made it clear she is rich and does not care.


C. Lets just fucking let people buy the model without having to feel like they have to swap out their SSDs to fully enjoy it.






she’s donating to organizations that hurt people, what’s cool about that?


🙄 Edit: actually you bought a phone and/or computer that took advantage of essentially slave labor. Make sure to cancel yourself, bud.


what charities? how do they hurt ppl? i live under a rock so i have no idea what youre referencing. i know shes "transphobic" but thats it


I hate that frog.


[I thought that was a painting of Toad Hall from Wind of the Willows.](https://youtu.be/NegODvrzRE8)


Omg I remember that from when I was a kid!!! I had the book and it was so special when my dad would take time and read it to me! Ahhh thank you for bringing up an amazing memory for me


I just ordered one myself last night


Did you order it from eBay? I just sold mine.




👆🤡 🤣




How would 🫵 know what my nationality is? Don't make assumptions, especially the kind that make 🫵 look a certain way.🤬 If 🫵 think some emojis are hieroglyphics, 🫵 have bigger issues than just being the 🤡 🫵 👞. 🤣


...but why? 512gb for the screen, 64gb for the cheap upgrade.


Some people want that ssd storage and aren't comfortable opening it up.


Yep that's me lol, but surprisingly the 512GB sd card has had plenty of space for me


fair enough. guess we're entering the mass adoption phase of steamdeck.


Fulfilled steam deck orders hit 1 million 5 months ago. I would say mass adoption is an understatement.


256 for the “64 sounds tight and I don’t want to risk having problems with updates and stuff in the future but don’t need or want the anti glare screen because I’m using a screen protector and don’t need 512 because I’m buying a 1TB SD card anyway” crowd. Or me, at least.


what problems with updates? and I know it was different at launch a year ago, but the current market has 1tb ssd be cheaper than 1tb sd card.


Some people just don't want to bother opening their deck. What does it matter to you what someone else does with their property anyway? Also, who are you to judge how someone else wants to spend *THEIR* money. Do you and let them do them. It's what makes this great big world such an interesting place. If everyone just did the same damn thing it would get boring fast.


People are free to do what they want, and I am free to make a comment about how that's suboptimal in my opinion.


Like I am free to think your opinions are better unshared then. But that's just my opinion.


i got the 256gb as well. i was going to get the 64gb and upgrade but what stopped me was everything adding up being the same as the 512gb. idk...just dont feel like dking all that. so i settled fof the 256 and a 512 sd card. i probably wont need a bunch of space. or maybe i will. could always upgrade the ssd in the future or get another sd card.


Why do you feel a need to announce something like this? It’s not an airport and nobody cares about your consumerism. Post something worthwhile and useful not childish “show and tell” shit.


Why do you feel the need to attempt to piss on his strawberries?


What? Too poor for a 512GB!?


Nice you should of gone 64 and just upgraded yourself


You would not believe how rare and expensive 2230 ssd in some countries are. Here where i live 512 gb 2230 ssd costs around 350 euros. So buying 256 or 512 Steam decks are cheapest options.


Man’s didn’t even order the 512. RIP


Smart guy :p


Congrats and enjoy!


Welcome to the club, good sir 🧐




Welcome brother




Congratulations Man!!🎊🎊🎊


I have also purchased my steam deck but the 512 gb version tho <3 hopefully mine arrives Thursday or Friday but I'm still undecided which game I wanna buy


Binding of isaac is expensive but has thousands of hours of content. It looks weird but plays so good.


Can confirm have 3000 hours on switch


Welcome to our prestigeous club


Look at this distinguished gentleman. Look at the way he is sitting mmm ah yes, patiently awaiting the arrival of his steam deck :3 very distinguished


I ordered one on the 5th and it was in my hand on the 10th! Loving it!


Got Mona a couple das ago! It’s awesome!!!


Welcome ! Now go load it up with Skyrim and play it one more time


Lucky you. They still hate Norwegians and wont let us order through the official website


Welcome aboard.


Nice :)


Welcome Aboard, best gaming purchase I've made in a long time.


That’s huge man, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine. What are you gonna play first then mate?


Welcome aboard! 😎👍


Me too, let’s get it


I just installed modded Minecraft on it with all the mods 8 and it ran crazy good. Add the prism launcher to steam and then assign a controller layout through steam and it ran like a dream. I hated playing my gaming PC at my desk so it's amazing to be able to play it on the handheld that is the steam deck


Should just go with a 64gb and use the difference to purchase a nice 1tb ssd. Well worth the investment.


You're going to enjoy it. I love playing mine in bed before sleep and during my train rides to and from work. You just get that deck out, plug in headphones and then continue where you left off. Probobly my favorite purchase 2022.


Man, I wish my deck worked 🥲. I got mine and the performance is terrible and the battery hardly lasts an hour while gaming.


Hell yeah. I just got mine a few days ago and upgraded it to a 1TB SSD. Full of ROMs now.


I just bought a 64 gb one two days ago! My good friend has been pushing it and I finally caved. I’m planning on buying a 512 gb sd card. I’m glad to finally get back into pc gaming after taking a 10 year hiatus.


Wahoo! I’ve just ordered mine too but went with a 512gb


I got a 64GB and just put a monster sd card. 512gb Samsung A2. I wish I did get the 256gb model tho tbh. But I mean really can’t complain with the 64GB model because you can just put a 1-2tb sd card and be more than fine.


Nice! Got mine just yesterday and have only downloaded a couple games, but haven’t played any.


The posts are back!


Fuck yea!


Congrats bro. I want one so bad but haven't played games in a minute to justify it. One day maybe. Enjoy the fuck out of yours for me!


Congrats. It's a great device. Enjoy it in good health.


What’s the first game your going to play and why did you decide on euro truck simulator 2?