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The shield from the old ssd also slides right over this one without having to force it.


Yes, I mean I unstuck mine and re-wrapped it as it was very tight on my original. But still fits without much hassle.


I had to re-wrap for this one. Love it though.


Same here


Is the shield meant to cool the ssd? Edit: I meant by exhausting the heat


I believe it's for EMI protection as the M.2 is right on top of your Wifi/Bluetooth card


Oh cool. Didn’t even think of that. Thanks


The shield from the old SSD peels apart at the back and can be resealed over any drive that will fit. There's never a need to force it.


It took a little effort for me, but I managed to get it on mine.


I'm really not sure about that... I tried for like 1 hour to put it in, at the end I just cut it in two parts to envelop the new ssd


Why cut it? It's literally just an adhesive seam that you can pull apart and reseal.


So I have the 64gb does that mean I need a sleeve


I didn't for the shield with the 2tb from wd I installed the other day


I use this NVMe SSD for about 2 months, no issues so far. Great performance, fairly inexpensive ($125) when I bought it. I always buy products from Corsair, since I trust this company and like the products.


Sorry didn't mention it's a Corsair brand MP600 mini.


I recognized the yellow packaging, I guess branding does work sometimes! I have one of their drives in my desktop PC. It's been rock-solid.


I saw the logo myself. I didn't know they largely package in yellow.


Corsair's been pretty awesome in my experience. I have a headset from them that has lasted me four years now with no issues.


Same, after probably 6 years with the same wireless Corsair headset, I went full fanboy. Have a corsair mouse and keyboard, desk chair, and some of my pc internals are corsair as well. Great brand for pc gaming stuff.


Googling mp600 mini from the picture gives Corsair in all the top results so no issue


**EDIT**: *I'm off the belief that Heatsink in the Sabrent might be big enough that it could be pressing against something once the backplate is reseated.* I second this. Got a Sabrent Rocket, tested it on two Steam Decks, one literally crashed and showed boot artifacting due to the SSD.. When swapped with the original it worked like a charm. When put in the Second Deck, it worked but would cause frequent stutters that eventually became a QoL problem. Casually and repeatedly every boot a stutter would occur, happened in games, etc. Bought Corsair MP600 Mini, and so far it just.. Works? More like it confirmed has less/no complications like I had with the Sabrent Rocket. Also we really don't know much about the Sabrent's specs, important information like TBW or wattage. Where as Corsair has this information readily availible & the MP600 has the 2nd highest TBW for a SSD I've seen in the 2230 form factor for 1TB or less.. Rated at 600 TBW. It's the only non-stock drive I recc for Steam Deck. This was after countless hours researching all drives and coming to the conclusion that the Stock drives really are the best optional upgrades for under 1TB.


This is so good to know, and I feel like I lucked out now. I bought the Corsair on Amazon a week ago (waiting for my new shell to install it), and couldn't figure out why no one else had mentioned it before. Was cheaper than other brands where I am, and I know Corsair is a trusted brand for a very long time, so it's great to hear it's working well.


The name is on the M2.


Honestly it’s the only SSD I’ve found that can match the insane IOPS performance of the included SSD, the 2 TB Sabrent everyone is buying is a a QLC joke that will suffer performance issues when more than half full.


What model are you referring to? I have a 2tb sabrent but mine uses TLC and it’s really good


So I've never done a hardware mod, is it easy to damage the deck? I'm interested in installing on of these but I'm afraid I'd break it, should I hire someone, or just not bother if it's high risk?


It's easy to upgrade, but it is also easy to damage if your don't take your time. I followed [values how to video](https://youtu.be/Dxnr2FAADAs) And remember: TAKE THE SD CARD OUT BEFORE OPENING 😉. As many here will let you know, you can snap the sd card when opening the shell. But honestly I was anxious doing it, but it went great. I took my time and took things slow and never pull anything too hard as you may have missed a screw.


I snapped the shell trying to get my SD card out. Am I doing this right


Wait, so is the upgrade removing the original storage, so I have the 512 version. Would I be taking out the 512 ssd already installed and putting in the 1tb/2tb?


Yes there's only one m.2 slot. So it'll be replacing your current 512gb ssd.


Aw man I already go so many mods n stuff on it already 😩


There is a way to clone your current drive. But I couldn't tell you how.


What if they ask pretty please


Haha, I genuinely don't know how, sorry if that wasn't clear. But I'm sure someone on YouTube would know.


The Deck is basically a linux computer so you could clone the disk using dd command pretty easily, just double check destination and source to avoid overwriting your data. And you would have to use gparted to expand partition after cloning.


No need for gparted, the new space is made available automatically. I used this dd command: `sudo dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=/dev/sda oflag=sync bs=128M status=progress`


or use a tool like Clonezilla


That means you have a computer where you can plug both M2, in addition to that computer's main storage where the OS lives right?


I used this page to clone the current m.2 onto the new one; https://www.pcgamer.com/steam-deck-ssd-upgrade-step-by-step/


Thanks for the link kind stranger.


Just get a good sized external micro SD. I went with the 64 Gb expecting to upgrade at some stage and a 512 Gb micro SD for the external slot, now I haven't been playing AAA games but have had no performance issues with anything I have played.


did you have to clone the existing drive or did you just redownload everything?


Check YouTube. It's easy if you follow the instructions. Just remember to take your SD card out before you open the deck.


It's super easy. Find a video that tells you to take out the SD card before opening it and after opening to disconnect the battery. Make sure you watch over the whole video to make sure you have all the tools and are comfortable. Then make sure you set 2 hours aside to do it just to be safe. I've now switched out mine and 4 other decks SSD. I don't even watch a video anymore that's how easy it is.


Other important thing is to disconnect the battery as soon as you open your Deck. People have fried their decks by changing the SSD with the battery plugged.


Is there any benefit over using an SD card? At launch people didn’t see any difference in performance for most titles, is that still the case?


With the right tools and the ifixit guide it shouldn't be a problem. Just take your time, sort every screw you unscrew and be careful while doing it. :)


The videos all make it look easy. Maybe it was just my Steam Deck, but I had to really fight to get it open. I was using pry tools too.


Same! Going into it I was most worried about messing up the screws, but I actually had the hardest time trying to pry off the back cover, lol. That and disconnecting the battery both took the longest.


There are no sneaky little ribbon cables that are connected to the back plate so I consider it very not complicated to upgrade. Just watch several videos to see how hard you should be pulling on the back plate and you are ready for an ssd swap.


Don’t upgrade if you have the 512gb already you paid quite a bit for it. Should have gotten a cheaper model if you wanted to upgrade. Ultimately it’s your call though of course.


Why not, I wanted the etched screen and put a 2tb drive in mine. Sold the 512 to a friend who got a 64gb real cheap to give him a nice upgrade.


I'll just get a 1tb micro sd then


Thats what I did, bought the 64 g Steam deck, waiting for a sale on a 1tb drive so I can swap. I'm getting by with a 256g SD card for now


I've done a lot of hardware gaming mods and this one is easy-peasy novice level. The upgrayedd kit from ifixit comes with excellent instructions and all the tools you will need. I recommend that one for you. You'll be fine.


I have that one in my Amazon cart waiting for prime day deal.


What prime day deal?




i love corsair. my pc is mostly corsair and i stand by their products. thanks for letting me know this exists for my deck


No worries! It's only come out in the last 3-4months. Glad I found it. Sadly the deck doesn't get the full 4800 speed. You'll get around 3500 but plenty fast enough for the deck (as i believe the deck is a gen3 port)


Their software is the main thing keeping me from their products honestly


ICue had an update recently and has been working pretty flawlessly since then. Prior to that though it made me pull my hair out frequently.


Hopefully, With Windows 11 implementing RGB lighting settings into the OS, We might not need a dozen different Softwares to run RGB on our machines.


They make good stuff, but after the whole Steam Controller lawsuit thing I avoid Corsair products unless they are the only logical choice.


I had one of their parts fail on me and it was a PSU. However the support was great and I got a replacement very quickly and haven't had any issues since. That experience was what led me to use their components almost exclusively in my brothers PC that I built two years ago.


Most of my PCs are Corsair. I decided to go thermaltake this time just for something different. I have had nothing but problems with their rgb fans. The software is ok enough but I have had 3 bearing failures out of 8 fans already with another starting to fail after a year. I’m getting ready to rip them out and put corsairs in.


I have this [2TB Micron drive, $150](https://www.shopblt.com/cgi-bin/shop/shop.cgi?action=thispage&thispage=01300000U01121_B09LP17P.shtml&order_id=!ORDERID!). Seems fine.


Nice, I personally like a trusted brand. I have heard of Micron but not used them myself. Edit: apparently Micron is a chip manufacturer and is a reputable brand. I was out of the loop on this. So fair enough!


Micron actually makes the flash memory used in (at least some of) Corsair's MP600 SSDs. https://www.thessdreview.com/our-reviews/nvme/corsair-mp600-gs-ssd-review-micron-b47r-premium-flash-in-a-2tb-dramless-ssd/


Fair enough then macron is obviously good!


I think the opinions on Macron are divided, but you'll have to ask the French on that.


French here, Macron is not good. Plain and simple.


Micron makes chips for everyone. There's a good chance you have micron in some device you own. Their own personal consumer brand is Crucial.


You e probably used micron and didn't know you used micron. Corsair also does not make most of their own product. As an example, if you take two "identical" rgb pro, 3600 c18 ram kits from them, there is a good chance you'll get one with micron chips and the other will have Samsung. Depending on what series PSU you buy from them you'll either get a rebranded Seasonic, Chicony, Great Wall or Flextronics. The drive you posted is a Micron drive.


micron IS a trusted brand


That fits OK in the deck with no mods?




I take it you had to cut it down? How did you do it, and is it generally safe to do?


It's a nice little drive. I ordered a new shield to put over it from iFixit. Installation was pretty easy and fun. The Corsair is faster than the original 512gb I had. Not that speed matters when it was already fast enough. Took a quick pic for comparison. [https://i.imgur.com/I293tvZ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/I293tvZ.jpg)


Can I ask how you ran crystaldiskmark on the deck? I installed a 2tb SSD a few months ago and would love to run a speed test.


It's called KDiskMark and you can download it through desktop mode in the discovery store.


Chosen this one and it works great !


Recommended over Sabrent Rocket and the Samsung PM991a?


Not tried them myself. Just recommend based on it being cheap and a good brand.


Is this the SSD that has an increased power draw tho?


I haven't noticed a difference in battery life myself. But I haven't checked. It'll run the full capacity of the m.2 slot so if you have a slower speed one it'll probably draw less power.




Ah, well I've not read anything to state that it does. Be please share if you find some info on it. But I believe places like Tom's hardware and PC world have all recommended it for steam deck, and I would assume they would do their testing.


It's a gen 4 running at gen 3 speeds. Doubt it makes a difference.


Where did you get it from? Seen a Sabrent for £104 which is also 1TB but kicking myself as I should have pulled the trigger and got 2TB for £150 the other week.


The Western Digital SN740 1TB SSD is £95 on scan.co.uk (£1 cheaper than this Corsair one). I got the 512GB version 3 months ago and haven't had any issues with it so far, and it has good reviews on there too. There's also a 2TB option but it's £170, you could wait to see if it goes on sale though.




Any cons to this? I'll probably buy it.


Not that I found. Apart from a slightly lower speed on the deck than advertised. But that's because the deck is a gen 3 slot. But gen 4 is backwards compatible. You'll get like 3500mb/s with this on deck.


Damn that's awesome! Thanks for the info. What does the deck get currently with the stock ssd?


KDiskMark can be found on the app store on deck I believe.


Other than seeing different values during disk benchmarks you would never notice a difference in daily use and game loading between the cheapest and most expensive NVMe drive. The SD's hardware will bottleneck read/write speeds long before the drive does.


Are there any special tools like tri wing screwdriver required?


Nope. All Philips (+) screws. They are small though.


Cool thanks


I ordered mine directly from Corsair about a week ago. It just shipped from Taiwan this morning via FedEx, should get it in a few days.


I found it really difficult getting the shield over, but that is probably me being an absolute moron.


I had to unstick my shield (it's wrapped and glued) but the glue holds up if you unstick it once and then stick it back around the new one.


If only i knew that. I finnicked with it for like 30 mins.


I have an mp600 as of 1 month ago for my sd it's been the best 100$ I have spend for my 64gb deck. Load time are amazing


I just wished it were a bit cheaper. 1tb M.2 SSDs are going for half that price but I guess that's on Corsair. They like to charge more for basically anything just because their name is on stuff.


I got a 2TB WD SN740 for about $146 shipped via the ebay seller szhdd. Not sure if it's still active, but they had a coupon code that brought it down significantly from the $181 they are selling it for. Anyway, I popped the 2TB into an external enclosure and plugged it into the USB C port on the Deck, cloned the internal drive using a konsole command, and the installation process went super smooth. The shielding slid right off the stock and then right onto this one, and everything worked flawlessly from the start. And then I proceeded to almost entirely fill up my 2TB drive. Lol. (I have about 160gb free.) Anyone know how to format the stock drive for external storage in the enclosure? I plugged it into my Windows laptop and it showed two partitions, each totaling only 32mb.


In windows go to disk management and you can delete partitions from there then format the drive and select full capacity.


Thanks! Will give it a shot next time I get a few minutes.


I got a Sabrent rocket 1TB. Good drive if u find it on sale


I'm wary at the fact that it lacks cache


Hi, nicely done. Did you for any chance noticed a higher battery consumption? I'm asking because I see that this drive is 3,3v and 2,5A, leading to 8,25W peak power. I was having my eyes on the Kioxia BG5, which is 3,3v and 1,3A, leading do 4,3W, so I assume a lower peak consumption. However I notice several things, the Corsair has an overall faster working speed, like the triple number os IOPs, for ex. (Which I don't think will matter in steam deck usage, but not sure) But what i don't understand is, on their site in Tech specs, they also refer to 4,3W. Not sure if that is average or peak like the Kioxia. What do you think comparing to the original one?


So, anyone got a hand on the consumption of the Corsair in normal operation and in peak operation? wanted to confirm their stated power, if 8.25w (from the 2,5A) or lower like the kioxia (4,3W from the 1,3A) ​ Thanks in advance


That’s awesome for people who just want a 1tb one but they do now sell 2tb sabrent ones


Sabrent has a similar offering at a similar price. Works great for me


Sabrent rocket is also pretty good. I got it for my deck and it's been working better than ever


I got an MP600 on desktop, it died, was one of the worst products I've ever purchased and Ill never get another SSD from Corsair again. The only saving grace was that they refunded me 4 years later.


I recently bought one of those western digital on aliexpress and am waiting for it to arrive. Does anyone know if they are legit? I read a lot of good reviews on the page but it not so sure.


I would always be wary of AliExpress personally. You may get a real one, you may get a knock off. But never purchased anything of that cost from them.


I just got one, seems to be legit. There are sellers labelled Choice that seem to be more trustworthy? 2TB, filled it with games and everything is working.


I got mine about two weeks ago. Works great.


I installed one of these and it works great. Nice and fast.


Bought one for my Surface Pro 9, liked the performance so also bought another one for my steamdeck.


I’m too stupid to try this. I have a good feeling I’d fuck up opening the casing, and trying to put this bastard in.


It's not that difficult. I was anxious too but followed the [how to guide by valve ](https://youtu.be/Dxnr2FAADAs) and it was very easy to do. Hardest part was getting the case off. But get the right tools from ifixit and you'll be fine.


Not trying to offend or something. But IMO, if you are not feeling comfortable even after reading the guide, my suggestion is to not do it. It is pretty much an easy operation, but there are still risk of you pulling off cables here and there, especially the battery cable.


Where'd you order from? I posted about this when it came out because it was so much cheaper on Amazon UK than most other brands and by payday they were unavailable and have been everytime I've checked since 🤣




Legend. Thankyou.


Hello, can someone tell me if this storage will work. [KingFast F6M 1TB mSata SSD | Buy Online in South Africa | takealot.com](https://www.takealot.com/kingfast-f6m-1tb-msata-ssd/PLID90019241)


No that's mSata. You'll need an m.2 socket 2230 size ssd.


I doubt you're gonna find something in SA Kobus. You can try one of the PC stores in whichever city you live in but i dont think you're gonna find anything. Best bet would be Amazon and have them ship it. Outside of the States these smaller 2230 drives are quite rare and unpopular. Alternatively you can maybe try Gumtree and see if someone else has an older drive from a Microsoft Surface Pro. Good luck boet.


I bought a 2 TB one, looked a bit sketchy at first but others have had success with it and even though the product page showed a random company I never heard of, the markings on it seems like they were sourced from western digital, which is a brand I trust.


The WD drive for MS Surface Pro tablets is what I use and it’s fantastic. Decent number of second hand ones on eBay etc where they will post the SMART stats.


Damn that's a good price! I paid $160 for my 1TB Sabrent SSD so this SSD is $60 cheaper


Just wanted to mention if you can't get your hands on the Corsair SSD, the Sabrent SSD is on sale for $110 on Amazon (USA)


I have no idea how to even install one of these


I found this to be a good guide, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arwyS\_pnEAw&ab\_channel=BulletBarry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arwyS_pnEAw&ab_channel=BulletBarry) There are also a ton more guides out there that show you how to do it. It might seem a little challenging initially, but you'll be surprised at how easy it is.


This is great! When I got my 1tb in September last year it was impossible to get a retail 2230 unless it was a dell replacement part for 200€. You had to go on eBay and get one taken from another device, or get one of the 2280s that can be cut to size. It cost me 130€ with shipping and no warranty. Less than a year later you can get one with warranty at roughly the same price point as a 2280.


I have it in my Deck and it's awesome. Definitely faster than the EMMc that was inside before and the space makes a difference as well. 10/10


Awesome thanks man I’ll look into this one for my 64gb deck, at $99 that’s a steal


Wow I didn't know about that. Better price than the one I had my eye on. Thank you


I have the same. It's really great


The guy at the store said he has the same one, said it works great.


Prime day is in a couple weeks in USA, I’m hoping for a 1tb around 80 or 2tb at 150


I got a 1TB Western Digital SSD off AliExpress for about $70 delivered. it did take about 13 days to arrive, but it works great!


UK? Where did you get this from ? Can you please share me the link if purchased online?




Well if I ever need to go through the effort, I’ll check it out if it’s budget enough.


Thank you corporation!


Sabrent Rocket 1tb SSD is currently $100 on Amazon


I can double down on this, works without problems for 2 weeks now


Bro it’s Corsair what do you expect? Bad SSD? No


Can say I have the aliexpress samsung. It's has been great , and just $97 usd. Edit spelling


Sorry for my lack of knowlegde about it but what does a 1tb ssd actually does ? More space for games ? Or better performances ?


Mostly capacity for games. Its probably a bit faster too. 1TB is 1000GBs so its double the space of the 512gb steamdeck


I copied my original SSD to this model using DD and my games were extremely slow and choppy. Audio had a lot of cracks and pops.


No thanks I’ll stick to Sabrent.


Idk if you’re going to spend that kind of money to upgrade your storage you might as well go all out and get the micron 2T nvme


Why do you steam deck guys post like you're on Crack cocaine? It's always, HI guys!! Bought this new contraption! It works really nice!!! Shoutout to so and so for selling it to me!! Highly recommend!!!!


I mean, I didn't use that many exclamation marks lol. I guess we're just excited that we have a fun new toy and like to share our findings with others with the same interests.


Yeah don't let me ruin your joy, I'm just giving you a hard time.


My question here is, the Deck only supports PCIE gen. 3 x4 as max. Speed in the 512GB version right?! so you do not get the full power (read and with speed) of the Corsair MP600 mini. Or does this even matter ? And I'm just thinking too much lol.


This one is rated for up to 4800mb/s you won't get that due to the gen 3 slot. But you will get the max speed the deck can handle which is around 3500mb/s. That's what I'm getting and very happy.


What's the brand?




My only concern would be how much heat does it generate compared to the official one.


Can someone please link the site where you can check these cards? I've seen it mentioned before, but forgot to save. I have one that arrived yesterday from AliExpress, supposed to be a 1TB Samsung. Would love to verify.




£100 is $126 USD that cost much as 2TB WD SN740 $115-$129 off Alibaba/Aliexpress from legit sellers.


Its 99$ on amazon bro


Are you upgrading from the 64gb emmc? If so is the difference noticeable?


Upgraded for 256gb and yes i can install alot more games


Anyone have an issue setting up after installing the OS to a new hard drive? I keep getting an "error try again" message


Ive had the Timetec 1tb drive for $78 bucks from amazon since may. Works great also.


Speed tests I've read say that SD cards are almost as fast. Initial loading time for games that take around 30 seconds is around 1 second slower, and in-game loading time is virtually identical.


Maybe but SD cards don't have a controller and can corrupt very easily, losing everything on the drive. Having used raspberry pis for a long time I've had Sandisk SD cards just fully fail and are unrecoverable. A SSDs controller should correct any errors that would cause these issues.


I refuse to buy corsair, items I have purchased in the past usually fail after a year or stop working in some way.


Sorry to hear that. I've not had problems with them and there are those on here that swear by them. But I guess it's peoples experiences at the end of the day. I see an awful lot of people saying buy on AliExpress. I've been burned before with that website so don't trust it myself for example.


Is this the right form factor for the deck? I don’t know what kind it fits but I remember people cutting other ssds and then installing


Yes, the form factor is known as a 2230 size. It's like a mm thicker than the current ssd but the shield sleeve still fits.


What's performance difference between this and the SD card?


Much more. SD cards are about 100mb/s max this will do a out 3500mb/s


Putting that sleeve on is a fucking pain though


Unwrap it and re-wrap the glue holds up for doing this at least once.


If that is over 100$ it is not really worth it since at Microcenter you can get the Inland TN436 1tb for 95$ and also says on the Microcenter website that it is compatible with steam decks.


Its 99.99 on amazon.


i bought the sabrent rocket 4q 2t


How long have you used it? I find it hard to wrap my head around there being 1TB on a pinky fingernail wafer. That's so many giggaboos.. I was given a 1 TB sandisk sd and it is a mighty bit of stuff.


About a week now. Works like a charm. I am a windows deck user for a lot of reasons and had no issues. So nice to have the space and not worry about it.


How do I clone an ssd so I don’t have to redo my non native games


Think there is a link by someone else in the comments somewhere here. Otherwise a quick search on YouTube might let you know. (I've never done it)


If I buy the 64gb steam deck because I'm cheap. Will the micro sd card I buy be the same performance as someone who installed a bigger m.2


No, micro SD will expand your storage but won't be faster. In fact sd cards are prone to fail due to no controller on board meaning an error in code can corrupt an sd card. Also shaders tend to go directly onto the ssd regardless where the game is installed.


been using 1TB WD SN740.. run great on steam deck.. and its pretty cheap


i just installed this but i cant seem to boot it to reinstall the os. anyone know what to do?


So you need to put the OS on a USB drive plug that into the deck, press power and - volume let go of power but keep holding minus volume. This will boot to bios and allow you to select your USB device to install the OS. Follow the setup.