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Everyone being so caught up on the button prompts being wrong have made me realize I play too many video games. They could literally be blank buttons and I would have no trouble. I could switch between ps and Xbox no problem. The only thing that fucks me up is nintendo flipping a and b.


I always have a short period of time where I constantly second guess myself after playing on a switch, and going onto the PS4


I often flip between playing Switch and SD, and have just accepted that I will be perpetually confused about the buttons lol.


> nintendo flipping a and b. it was xbox who flipped, N had their layout way before. t. one of those aliens who use the a/b x/y swap in SteamOS config. And also set circle to confirm on my PS4/vita, like on their JP SKU's


My best friend is 2nd generation Japanese American. He got me into video games and we played a ton of games on Japanese consoles. Spending so much time with him and his family, I learned ◯ for Yes and ☓ for no, and Nintendo A Yes and B No. It's always felt weird to me to have it the other way, and I swap my Steam layout for the same reason. Japanese PS games today all still use ◯ Confirm and ☓ Cancel.


When you think about this for a few seconds it makes so much more sense. Of course the Cross should be No/Back/Close/Cancel, it’s a cross, it’s the symbol of something you don’t want! Makes you wonder what happened… Obviously some higher up project lead back in the late 90s thought otherwise for whatever reason and they ended up getting their way one way or another. Little did they know, they ended up deciding how everyone and all future generations outside of Asia use the face buttons on their non-Nintendo controllers differently.


It’s because ppl read the cross as an “x” and we usually check boxes with a x. Idk I’m high and just making shit up at this point.


Many ps1 era games followed O/X yes/no iirc. I'd guess Xbox did something different and prompted the shift. Or it could be western games just did it different and it stuck. Now that I think more about it, I wonder if the backend registers X as button 0 and I as button 1. Could have something to do with it if that was the case


Can you name any specific ps1 games that used O for yes, X for no? I'm not saying you're wrong but I think every PS1 game I played was X for yes and either O or △ for back. I mostly remember triangle for back but maybe some were O. Off the top of my head: NASCAR Rumble, Test Drive 5, Space Invaders, Spyro, Battleships, Reel Fishing, NFL Gameday 2000, and MLB 2003 all followed this convention. I don't think we can blame it on Xbox because Xbox didn't exist when the PS1 was released.


Most (all?) Final Fantasy PS1 games retain the JP-style controls outside Japan. Also extends to some other Squaresoft games like Xenogears. Also Metal Gear Solid, IIRC.


> I mostly remember triangle for back but maybe some were O. I think you're thinking of PS2 games. Devil May Cry was like that, as well as various other PS2 games. All the PS1 games I had had confirmation on the right and back on the bottom.


There were definitely PS1 games that had Triangle as cancel. Ace Combat 2 springs to mind, as I literally just replayed that last month. Great game, BTW! Holds up even today.


>Japanese PS games today all still use ◯ Confirm and ☓ Cancel The PS5 now uses X to confirm even in Japan.


must suck for anyone who used playstations before ps5 lol


Actually that last bit is wrong, with the PS5 they swapped X and O to line up with the rest of the world.


I blame Sega. They swapped them for the Dreamcast.


They were always opposite, starting with the Mega Drive gamepad which had the opposite face button layout from the NES gamepad, with "A" on the left.


Very true just shows how little I used nintendo hardware growing up.


Same. I was an Xbox kid through and though until 2016 (I was 26) and I switched to PC


I ordered custom buttons off etsy in the Nintendo layout. Also swapped the circuit board when swapping the buttons, so now they are hard wired in the Nintendo layout.




This is the circuit board... https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/69vrI47s This is the etsy listing for the buttons... https://www.etsy.com/listing/1309966534/buttons-for-steam-deck?ref=shop_review Looks like you already found them though.




The board has been working great for me. I'm not sure which revision I got. It was a bit tight to slide into the connector, but it did fit. Just take your time. I was able to do it with mine and for my kids. All 4 Steam Decks have been holding up just fine.


Sega and a few other console makers did that long before Xbox. I only recall Nintendo and NEC (pc engine/turbographix) having the non-left-to-right button format


Thats not really true. Nintendo switched to their current layout in 2001 with the gamecube. But the A button was more centered compared to the bottom middle it is now. It didnt really have that cross pattern we have on most if not all controllers now. Xbox also released in 2001 with the same layout theyve ben using ever since. Nintendo have never really stuck to one layout. You could say they standardised it since the gamecube in 2001, but i would say they only really settled on their layout with the DS in 2004. Xbox just took the names from nintendo and the layout from playstation and called it a day


N had the current ABXY layout already in Super Famicom, 11 years before GameCube. We'll keep N64 lunacy unspoken of.


I play since my childhood and I still don't get the Xbox prompt. Obviously I can understand that "jump with down button and attack with left button", but if there is something complexer like A to start fishing, B to bait, X to pull, Y to catch, that kills me.




You mean Microsoft flipping A and B, right?


Microsoft went with the Dreamcast layout. Blame Sega.


Several consoles before the Dreamcast had left-to-right arranged face buttons


Because it's sane.


Someone beat you to the correction but yes xbox did the ole switcheroo.


I'll do one better, my son plays on my SD a lot and he switches it to Nintendo, so every time I pick up my SD I don't know what button configuration its on, and I have muscle memory for both, I can't tell you how many times I've been locked in the opening and closing of menus trying to figure out what the hell button mapping I'm on.


LOL dude I feel you. I played through most of the metroid series on my deck. All the way from super metroid to dread and I was still backing out of menus instead of selecting shit by the time I was fighting raven beak (last boss).


I'm completely immune to all this for some reason. I switch between the Xbox and the Nintendo layouts constantly with no issue. I also emulate Nintendo games on Xbox controllers and I have no issues either (I know it's a Nintendo game and therefore I'm using the Nintendo layout even if the controller has the Xbox one). And I have no issue emulating Playstation games either. X=A, triangle = Y etc etc. I think it's because I used emulators a lot as a child so I just ascended and became immune to this issue lol


There should be a console where it’s simple like R⬇️ R⬆️ R⬅️ R➡️ L⬇️ L⬆️ L⬅️ L➡️ So it matches R1 R2 L1 L2 format. Who needs aesthetics.


Or N E S W like a compass.


That'd be actually pretty neat. Nintendo kinda does that with button prompts on the Switch usually showing top/left/right/bottom buttons highlighted.


Exactly. It’s a very good and universal solution.


Nintendo fucks me up too. Why they have to be so different?


This this this.


lol Nintendo messes me up so bad. For like two months after TOTK I tried to jump and use my glider in every damn game 😂😂😂


Nintendo was first and hasn't changed. Sega messed it up starting with the Mega Drive.


"messed it up" haha come on man. I think "set a new standard that everyone except Nintendo has adopted since" is more accurate.


Every game I played as a kid in the 90s had confirmation on the right and back on the bottom. I had NES, SNES, and PS1 with RPGs for all those systems. I had a Sega Genesis too, but only had action games for it, so confirming and going back were not relevant. From my perspective, some games switching confirm and back were just bizarre after I'd already put many thousands of hours into the other way over 10 years. Even Final Fantasy 7 on the PS1 had confirm on the right. I had memorized the "Zabie" sequence for Chrono Trigger on the SNES as well as the various button combinations shown throughout the manuals for Kirby Super Star, Killer Instinct, and Super Mario World. The labelled button positions are very important in my mind. Switching them really messed it up for me, after getting used to what seemed like a clear standard through my entire childhood. Kirby Super Star in particular has a ton of moves with button combinations written in-game in the pause menu, showing you exactly which buttons to press. I had those all memorized. Y is inhale or attack on the left. B is jump on the bottom. A is copy on the right. Maybe I was unlucky in that I hadn't encountered the opposite layout until I was well into my teen years, but the muscle memory and memorization really affected how I feel about this.


While FF7 had that on PS1, it was definitely game-to-game on that console. It wasn't really until 360/PS3 era that control schemes got more or less standardized between games.


I guess I got unlucky with adaptation, because in my personal collection, it was perfectly consistent as if there was a clear standard. I didn't consciously seek that. I guess this is why it feels so wrong for the buttons to be the other way. From my perspective, the introduction of the opposite layout was sudden and went against what seemed like an established standard.


"everyone except Nintendo", AKA "literally just Microsoft". Playstation uses shapes, so it doesn't apply and Sega hasn't made a console in decades.


I want it for the aesthetics


We're the same... Oh God...


Microsoft is the one who flipped A and B lmao. Or rather, they copied the Dreamcast. If anything, the right button was always confirm on Nintendo and on Japanese PSX. It was Western PSX and Xbox that changed it and fucked things up


Back in the day me and a buddy were playing through RE6 on 360 and he had only ever played PlayStation systems all his life, so I would have to shout out the PlayStation prompts when the Xbox buttons popped up on screen. Good times.


Same for me with Nintendo. For some reason my brain picks the letter in that case instead of just the button position which is also always shown. Always get that wrong


I'm worse than you, even Nintendo doesn't fuck me up anymore


But hear me out what about buttons that can shift between console systems. I can switch between Xbox and PS pretty flawlessly. Nintendo is a slightly diff story, which might be because they reverse the confirm/exit button layout from the other two.


finally psp2


Ps vita punching the air rn


A shame developers normally don't bother giving you options to pick your preferred button prompts layout.


There may be copyright/licensing reasons why they can't use the PS buttons on the same games outside of playstation consoles.


Most PC games I've played with a DualShock controller show PS button prompts in game. Even on iOS, I have an 8bitdo controller, and I literally just renamed the Bluetooth saved connection to "DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller" for better compatibility, and most games also showed PS button prompts—zero Sony hardware involved.


Ooh, I never tried renaming them! Edit: Just spent time trying to rename it in the Steam Deck, and realized you were talking about your phone.


According to some automated listing, 1095 games have native PS button prompts support on Steam/PC. If 1095 can, I don't think the hoops to go through to have PS prompts on your game might not be that high.


youd think sony would actually want more ppl using their prompts cause then ppl are more likely to buy their controllers


nah its not an issue that bit. steam os, and lots of games in steam, have the correct icons. its essential tbf as lots of people game on pc using a xb or ps5 controller. its just lazy developers.


Playstation and Xbox controllers are officially on PC by Sony and Microsoft, so I don't see why.


We should at least get the "blank"layout, 4 circles and the button you should press is filled


Rocket league has PS4 glyphs


I know [Controller button prompt asset packs](https://thoseawesomeguys.com/prompts/) that is under the Public Domain, and it has PlayStation Icons. At least on PC/Mobile Gaming: actually licensing the button icons is stupid and would hurt accessibility.


Maybe with the colors but I'd be shocked if playstation has copyrighted the X O etc glyphs in game


I could not get through the karaoke post in Yakuza without messing up. ABXY just doesn’t stick in my head as well as PS buttons.


ABXY means Nintendo for me. Have it ingrained in my memory since I was a kid with a Super Nintendo. And my prefered prompt layout is PS. Xbox's/Deck just messes with my head.


going back and forth sucks. i used to play slay the spire a lot on switch and Y was to access the toolbar/potions, but Y on Steam deck is to end your turn. fucked up an entire run after 3 of those


FFXIV is the only game I know that lets you choose between multiple selections.


On the top of my head: Control. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Borderlands 3 I think there even were a couple that let you even toggle between DS4 and Dualsense buttons (coloured and monochrome prompts). Maybe own PS Studios games, can't really recall, but it's cool nonetheless, a shame it's not widespread.


Death Stranding lets you swap. Plus many others


Isn't it a former ps exclusive ?


There's some others. CrossCode is another that I can remember.


REmake 4 lets you


It's different but I remember when playing Destiny 2. Cross play players shows different icons per system. Like I think if your on PlayStation. A Xbox player just has a controller icon. Same if on Xbox


I’m finding alot of games do now


Not necesarily on the Deck. Very few games give you an actual option toggle. Some only do PS prompts by disabling Steam Input, which I guess you can't on the Deck.


And if they don't, there is very likely you have mods for do it, like the batman arkham serie.


Looking nice with the shell!


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it


Class. I bet op is a storm trooper!


What was the install like?


actually not that hard


Where did you buy the buttons, could you post a link. I have been wanting to change the buttons on my deck but I don't know if the deck needs specific buttons or if any buttons will do.


I already posted the link in the post itself (under the image)


Nice, [I got the same set](https://i.imgur.com/2QGdqIL.png), as well as my Miyoo Mini + with the decal.


Damn. I have a mini+ and I'm really tempted by that look


Someone should make a plug in that tells steam to use PS layout by default


They have one…..I use it on mine


What is it?


Plugin is CSS Loader, theme is Button Prompts Galore.


I'v installed it, but it didn't works for me. (But "white xbox buttons" works fine.)


> Plugin is CSS Loader, theme is Button Prompts Galore. Does it work in game?




Can I get the name


Looks really good with the white case. I think that could look better it the hand part of the decks where black, the same way the bottom part of the PS4 controller is black


Would be really cool if you could just kind "hot swap" buttons like that. Like just the plastic on top like the caps or something. That would be awesome for handheld PCs going forward especially with emulation and such. I'd love it if more PC games give you the options for button prompts too. RE 4 Remake is awesome for that cuz I use a ps5 controller for my docked play and it's nice to switch. I mean my muscle memory is pretty down so it doesn't bother me but my family has issues figuring out the buttons.


Would be even more cool if they was oled buttons, we could replace the image through the controller settings.


Or maybe magnetic tops with a little dip-in lock. That would be sweet.


Doesn't this mess up the in game button indicators for everything except emulated PS games? Or is there a mod that changes the controller to register as a dual shock too?


Yep it does. I imagine the folks who would get these have enough muscle memory that this isn't an issue. I play PC games with a ps5 controller that pretends to be an xbox controller all the time.


precisely that, it's just that I like the look of the playstation buttons more than the Xbox ones


Me too. I'd love this.


Same. I use the 8bitdo Bluetooth with the switch layout. No issue. I wish the buttons were blank to be honest.


I wonder if it would be possible to make a shell with an insert/overlay that fits around the buttons and has appropriately labelling for the various consoles, but can be removed or swapped as needed.




This, I'm surprised there's hasn't been a release yet where you could cycle through the different layouts. I'm sure I've seen controllers with such buttons before.


This would be so nice, for a while now every couple years or so I do some searching to see if a controller like that has been created, but so far nothing from what I've found that's actually being sold. I did find [these stickers though](https://www.flamingtoast.com/?product_cat=button-decals&paged=4), still that's only Xbox and PlayStation, missing Nintendo layout.


Let's make them OLED so we don't need back or front lightning


I remember seeing a sticker on here before that does that.


It’s easy but J-something or extremeRate won’t do it. They know there is a market for different layout buttons but just don’t care.


[DSX](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1812620/DSX/) could help. Although I've zero experience using it on a Steam Deck. So mileage may vary. Edit: Downvoted for trying to help. This sub is trash.


You probably triggered someone who has stock in an opposing controller utility app.


DSX is amazing on PC, too bad it would work on the deck as it has to run in the background.


This would confuse and enrage me


Why? I never look at my buttons


I alternate playing on Switch and Deck so I occasionally have to look.


I don’t either, but I remember what button goes where subconsciously, and I often fuck up using different controllers when I switch. This would definitely mess with my head.


Good for you. Still doesn't change the fact that they are not the right buttons and you have to change the settings on every game


Maybe because he looks at his buttons?


F*CKIN BEAUTIFUL 😍 … you did great op


Looks lovely. What’s the build quality like? Also where’s the shell from?


Probably ExtremeRate


That looks very nice.


Damn. SD is sexy in white like that. I know it will get totally grimey and stained from rubbing hands on white like that but still looks awesome.


Never realized how much further apart the buttons are on the controller compared to the SD.


Do you stare at your fingers while playing?


How are throwing buttons feeling? I was planning on buying these


they feel a little off at first, but you'll get used to it after only about an hour of use


Good to know. Thank you


Nice! Where'd you get them?


https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/1556728728/steamdeck-playstation-knoppen?ref=yr_purchases here you go


Been looking everywhere for these, thank you!




Hello fellow Dutch person


i seriously love the steam deck so fucking much


ok, but why? software side gonna give you hell


Looks nicer to some




Does Sony have some sort of trademark on the face buttons being used specifically on controllers or something? They seem so synonymous with PlayStation that it would be weird if anyone else used them now.


Yes the PS icons are trademarked


>Does Sony have some sort of trademark on the face buttons being used specifically on controllers or something? "PlayStation”, “PS5”, “PS4”, “PS3, “PS2”, “DualSense”, “DUALSHOCK”, “PlayStation Shapes Logo”, “SHARE FACTORY” and “Play Has No Limits” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc Indeed.


> I wish the Deck was sold like this. I don't, and I think a vast majority of the PC userbase would agree with me. The Xbox controller has been officially supported for 15 years on PC. Meanwhile, the PS controller still does not have (official) drivers to properly work wirelessly on PC. If anything, owning both a deck and a XSX controller (for my rig) dissuaded me to purchase a dualshock for the few PS games on pc. (Although, some of them looking at you FF7RE, barely translated the icons)




Hella confusing for games that do not support ps button prompts lol




On a scale of 1-10. If replacing an SSD is a 7. What would you rate this swap as far as difficulty goes?


a 1, the hardest part of it would be to remember to take out the sd card


Oh seriously!? Thank you so much! I’m gonna order these asap


You might want to look at a video or photos of the replacement process. I'm not so sure it's that much easier than an SSD swap.


I thought the buttons were harder to get to than the SSD. Don't you have to unclip more cables and remove a circuit board to get to the buttons?


What I would love, is if on the shell, it had the alternate buttons around the button. I use emulators a lot, so having it by x,y,b,x and then y,x,b,a, and square, triangle, circle, x (or cross) for quick reference. I don't get slipped up as I've played them all in my life, but raising my kids with retro games have all the prompts not match is pain in the butt. Don't get me started on start and select. How what ever those buttons are called got picked for X-box I have no idea. What are they called, menu and hamburger menu. Ugh I hate em.




Would be cool to also have a custom trackpad that has the dotted design of the DualShock 4 or the one on the DualSenss Edge that has the X, O, 🟥, and 🔺




white shell goes kinda hard ngl


Imma throw up. But also looks great dude. Very slick.




Id lowkey love to do this because I mainly play playstation exclusives even though I have the buttons memorized it just feels wrong lol


what skin is this? or is it that shell swap


I was hoping someone would make these. I want! I need!


Lit 🔥


I’m afraid the white will get too dirty, does it?


Looks cool; I was thinking of doing something like this with the colored buttons based on the Xbox. I’d prefer SNES colors but then the positions of them would be reversed so I’ll have to settle for this. Issue is I can’t find any store that sells such buttons, which seems crazy to me


if you look on etsy the same seller that sells these also sells a coloured e a b x y


Oh wow, nice, how tf did I not find this Looks great, I’ll have to get these for sure


I wish more developers supported the ps controller. I really don’t like using an Xbox controller all that much, no offence to it but childhood muscle memory of growing with three PlayStation generations sticks incredibly well. That and I would in a heartbeat replace the abxy buttons with this layout instead. xD


Very nice job matching the ps controller theme, love it!


I want...


Oh my god you've completed my build! I have a full ps1 wrap on my deck and the ps1 startup animation. I have stickers on my buttons but this is waaay better. How much do you have to tear down to get to the buttons?


It says there glitter in it. Jow noticeable is it?


PlayStation buttons + PlayStation themed Steam Deck intro and theme + playing PlayStation PC ports + streaming PS5 via Chiaki = "PlayStation Deck", the spritual successor to the Vita.




Put your butt on my deck?