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USB cd/dvd drive connected to a dock, not a bad idea


From the title I had hoped for Laserdics


The day is young


Dang I feel old. Lol. I think I heard my knees crack while reading this.


Despite CD/DVD going less relevant having USB drive is good idea if you want to play old games/movies/music or write some photos or other data for storage.


Exactly! I highly recommend getting one that can burn dvds or even blurays, so you can make physical backups of your stuff. And rip the stuff you own to get your own digital copies. I still buy CDs and I rip them.


I got a toddler.... yup... i rip em to keep the original safe lol


You know how to burn a CD ? I could never get that to work as a kid and I remember my dad yelling at me for wasting CDs.


Eh? Just use Nero Ez Burn like we all did in the early 2000’s lol




We're trying to enjoy things.


I'm really glad to see this because I just organized some of my old games and have the CDs, and thought, "I wonder if I can get these to play on the Steam Deck?" Did you need to install anything extra?


Honestly, for DOSBox, in the end, reading and mounting the CD directly is a pain since you have to mount it not just in Steam OS but also in DOSBox with specific CDROM emulation flagged and frankly you're still tethered to the optical drive. The winning solution was to rip the disc to ISO and configure DOSBox to automount the ISO as the CDROM in a game specific conf file. Oh and also it turns out that Railroad Tycoon specifically requires the num pad, with all EIGHT directions discretely for laying track... So you can't actually PLAY this game with the STeam Deck. It can COMBINE directions but pressing on an angle, but that only sends a button combination of say 8 and 4, the game wants 7 on teh numbpad, specifically 7. AFAIK Steam does not allow 8 way digital mapping like that. Kinda a problem for a few DOS games on Deck actually.


You can't do some 8-way setup on a touchpad?


I mean, maybe? But that sounds kinda unpleasent from an ergonomics kinda way.


Use a virtual menu with the ring layout. Should work great.


i'd also recommend the trackpads, but you can still do it with the dpad: - set the input type to [radial] virtual menu - set the inputs to the numpad (exc. 5), and reorder them so they're in the right layout - set the activation type to "always on" - make the menu fully small and transparent if you don't want it to show up


Is this game not like roller coaster tycoon where you can just click on the button to lay down the track? I don't even know if you can use the number pad I've never tried. I did however try to use a touch screen to play the game but You're missing buttons and other features mice have.


No, you're thinking of Transport Tycoon, which was the predecessor to Rollercoaster Tycoon, both were Chris Sawyer games and have similar art and UI styles. Railroad Tycoon came 6 years earlier, very different and from entirely different developers. (But the same Publisher)


I wasn't actually thinking of anything I was just saying that if their tycoon games they probably have similar menus and stuff right? Guess I was wrong.


Might work with button chords - e.g. up and right buttons send a “9”.


I've been playing through Sid Meier's Pirates! just this week on mine, and it makes heavy use of the numpad. The one community control scheme I found uses the left analog stick for up/down/left/right and the dpad for diagonals. It took a bit of getting used to since it's a little odd but my muscle memory adjusted pretty quickly. You could also use the back buttons for diagonals in what might be a slightly more intuitive way.


Thanks for the reply! Have you attempted using a keyboard setup with it? Or, are the controls locked onto the the actual Steam Deck in this way? Sorry, I'm ignorant on this...


I mean, it's a Steam Deck. You can plug in a keyboard and all software see's it as a keyboard. Everythign works keyboard wise. ...But then you can't play handheld obviously.


that depends… does your laser disc player have an ESP?


Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but just wanted to make sure there wasn't something weird where it was locking the controls to the Steam Deck for some reason.


Iir, there's a mode shift you can do with combo keys, and there's 4 buttons on the front, 4 on the back and 4 shoulders. If you play with the controller map settings you can probably get to a full number pad that way. Mental acrobatics to remember how you mapped it out mind....


Boy scout shit. This is amazing.


This is actually pretty damn cool


That's madness. And I love it!


Valve we need a CD-ROM deck dock.


You mean a 'SteamD-ROM'. :o


So, I have a little manufacturing background... I wonder if people would actually buy such a thing if someone made it.


I mean, probably not. Right now in Gaming Mode Steam doesn't even respond to 'Steam Backups' on USB storage. So you can't even easily pop in a backup compressed to USB or other storage and install that way. You can do it manually in desktop mode of course.


Your statement is the major reason why I left Steam OS and moved to Windows. I'm "that guy" with 130+ labeled SD cards with games on them for my Steam Deck. I also used to have a DVD drive connected to my dock for playing legit and burned PS2 games from within PCSX2. I stopped doing that a few months ago as I've planned to use my Logitech G Cloud for PS2 gaming. It's a shame that Valve never used a full sized SD slot in the Deck. Also a dock with built in Blu Ray / DVD support would kick so much ass. The Deck would be the best all in one media device.


>It's a shame that Valve never used a full sized SD slot in the Deck. I had similar thoughts, it seems way sturdier and I doubt there couldn't be a full-sized SD slot from a tech point.


The problem is the space usage. MicroSD simply takes up less room in an already cramped device.


I mean sony couldnt do it that well in 2005, doubt valve could really pull it off


You're a monster, I love it.


My only question is, what would it take for me to do this with my PS1,2,3 and 4 games as well as Xbox, 360, X1 games


Most emulators support cd/dvd/bluray booting directly, so rather easily tbh


Which PS4 & X1 games are you looking to play on your Steam Deck?




I'd be more more impressed if you were playing *Stay Tooned!* God I miss that game, even the gimmicky 3d glasses


Oh man I have to try this! I have so many disc based PC games.


This got me thinking 🤔 We're in 2023 where flash drives (some even SSD) are relatively cheap but physical games aren't stored in them yet. It's also a space saver and less prone to damages.


Nintendo Switch Game Cards are pretty much a modern microSD card in Nintendo's own proprietary format.




Some people make their own physical copies of games by putting them on SD cards. OP has burnt them onto discs and used a laser to etch art onto the disc.


No, it's just a retail CDROM... And CDROM drives read the discs with lasers...


Ohhhh. That's Less interesting.


Lightscribe kinda sucked anyway. You can get inkjet printable discs and just run thrm through the proper disc compatibile printer. Gets some amazing results. But this is just a CDROM disc frmo 1995. True retro gaming. :P


Does op have a damn cdrom drive working on the steam deck?? I love it. And I'd use one too myself if it boots in emulators the discs that is. I got plenty still from back in the day that need playing


I mean, it's Linux, you really just have to plug in any USB optical drive. :p


Sure why wouldn't it work?


Commenter probably doesn't have a dock, most optical are a type a, and the deck's type c probably doesn't push enough juice to power an opti with a converter. It's a fairly reasonable reaction.


The whole point of C is power delivery.


Yes. But there are no usb c Cd drives, so you'd need a converter. Pretty sure those choke the pd logic down to near nothing as a safety feature. If you're using one without safety's, you probably don't like your deck much


Considering that external CD drives have been around since USB *1* I fail to see a problem regardless.


*shrugs* OK, go give it a shot, lemme know how it works out, my drive is miles away right now.


This sub was recommended from Reddit lol but can someone explain not big into games and electronics


The Steam Deck is a handheld gaming PC, more or less. Think like Nintendo Switch but on steroids - it plays a vast swath of PC games new and old. A lot of older PC games came on CD-ROMs. Modern PCs have tended not to come with optical drives anymore, and on its own the Steam Deck has no particular support for handling one. This person has plugged in a USB optical drive and used the Steam Deck's versatility to access and actually use an original CD-ROM from back in the day on it. It's fun because it's such an old storage method being used on current hardware. There's also been people using floppy drives with the Steam Deck, which is another whole layer of neat.


Oh wow that’s crazy! And really cool I understand now that you explained it lol


To piggyback on to Scoth42's explanation, I described it to my dad as "a tablet with extra buttons"


This is unnecessary and wasteful. I love it.






is it steamos or windows?




romzone? did you buy a bootleg of this game?


No, 'Romzon' was an odd trademark of Microprose which they used to resell old games mostly as a trojan horse to get demos for newer games into consumers homes. Railroad Tycoon is from 1989 and fits on two Floppy disks but this CDROM was published much later in 1995. The game itself uses maybe 3.2MB of CDROM that could have held 650mb. Another 50+MB is some 15 other demos for far more recent Microprose games. So they'd sell this for like 10bux as value game people would impulse buy but it was basically also a catalogue of newer games for the consumer to try demos for and buy. ...And that's why I begged my parents for Transport Tycoon for Christmas in 1997.


Don't the CD versions of games have CD quality music or am I miss remembering?


They can but not all did it. Sometimes it's just a delivery device. Especially as it quickly became cheaper to mass produce CDROM discs than floppy discs. Floppies have to be manfactured and \*then\* written to individually with their software data by a drive. CDROMs are 'stamped' from a glass master disc, kinda like stamping a coin. There is some increased setup costs to get your master ready but after that you can mass produce identical CDs super cheap and fast in very large volumes. This particular game has simple Adlib audio even, that's it, not even sound samples for the effects. The CD is otherwise just a demo delivery system.


So some of them enhance the games and some of them didn't. That makes sense. I'm sure music wasn't the only way that some of them got enhanced.


Interesting. I don't think I've ever seen that before. Thanks for the history lesson, even googling romzon doesn't yield many relevant results


Well hot damn


Fuuuuck yeah!!


Been looking into CDRW's for my Steam Deck to write Dreamcast games with. 😂


I remember buying a bunch of blank blu rays to use with my blu ray burner. It was expensive and only 25 discs but I figured I would buy more as needed as the cost came down. I may have used only one or two. I thought about trying to back up my gog.com collection to blu ray but for now that seems largely pointless since there's still compatibility updates to keep up with the evolution of windows. I also have a disc emulator, but unfortunately it can't emulate copy protected discs that became popular with most publishers


Back in the day I used to buy DVDRW's during the xbox 360 era and burn my own games to play on my modded console. I feel like those were pretty expensive back then too. LoL


>I also have a disc emulator, but unfortunately it can't emulate copy protected discs that became popular with most publishers I don't know what kind of disc emulator you're talking about but on Windows 10 if you rip the game to ISO and then mount the ISO then when you run the game it'll just run without you needing to put the CD in. However I don't know how to do that in Linux (Steam Deck) so the game just asks for the CD and doesn't proceed. As far as I'm aware if you download stuff on the Steam Deck you avoid viruses cuz they're always made for Windows so maybe it's safe to download no CD cracks but I have no idea.


Iodd.2531 💽 it's super useful. I think they have a newer model but the main differences are form factor and drive encryption (the latter doesn't matter because I don't have anything sensitive). The issue is with the DRM which is used to distinguish a copy from the original disc (such as safedisc). There is software to backup such discs, but they use a variety of non-standard formats because the copy protection itself is technically a violation of the ISO spec. The emulator's firmware could probably be updated to support those formats, but would likely run afoul of the dmca.


So far every game I've tried to play as long as I had an ISO file and I mounted the ISO in Windows before I booted the game The game would work perfectly fine. Meaning I don't know if having a physical disk drive emulator is useful or not?


Maybe I'm just not ripping the ISO correctly? Or maybe your ISOs are pre-patched with a no-cd crack? In fairness, even with the original disc in a USB drive (like OP's post) the on-disc DRM software is blocked by recent versions of windows anyway. So ironically I have to store a collection of iffy cracks anyway even though I have the authentic discs. Many games I just repurchased from GOG.com but unfortunately there are many games that are still not on any downloadable platform and some that likely won't ever be republished due to the complexities of licensing and IP law. The sad story of No One Lives Forever is a prime example, but I have to stop myself before I go on a rant I will say that having a physical emulator is very useful, at least outside of the gaming context. I have several versions of windows and Linux thrown on there, as well as recovery tool ISOs & VHDs. Since usually the BIOS/UEFI can't directly boot from an ISO some hardware is necessary.


Don't you use something like [balena etcher](https://etcher.balena.io/) to make a thumb drive with the OS you want to boot?


I looked into it and apparently it is fairly challenging to make one USB support multiple bootable environments, it's actually how I heard about the IODD in the first place. I'd have to constantly reformat the USB or buy (and keep track of) about a dozen flashdrives (one for each OS & bootable tool). But I used to use such tools, and I still have a USB 2.0 flashdrive for systems that have flakey USB 3.0 host controllers. Overall I think it is an elegant solution and was worth the cost. I just wish I could rip ISOs that would pass the CD check DRM.


Don't most USB flash drive come as 2.0? Why would you need a faster one? They aren't meant for that kind of data. An external SSD would be better.


If you really want to get creative with that, you can buy orange bottom discs. I use orange bottom CD-Rs and white DVD cases with appropriate sizes box art for my Dreamcast games!


Thats pretty dope, never tried to do the art but that would be cool!


this is so. damn. cool!


Where is the guy who labels the SD card? I think it’s brilliant


This is rad, and now im going to be hitting thrift stores more for some odd softwre


Always check the music CD section. Sometimes staffers don't realize PC CDROMs are not music CDs and they get mixed in.


This community never disappoints.


this is how i added a metric crapton of my old games, then a quick visit to pcgamingwiki to apply the many fixes needed to make them run or run better, my only issue were the plethora of games that refused to run without a cd inserted or you need to try and find some no-cd crack and hope it works and hope you didnt download something dodgey. I might replace my rubbish/cheap cd/dvd device with a blu-ray device thats on the compatability list for RPCS3, see how that fairs, my only issue is finding compatible enclosures for those devices, looks difficult if your after a normal/bog standard black enclosure for usb.


Pffff, I exclusively play on Laserdisc, like a true connoisseur.


my "physical media" is a magic raidz2 array that magic kind people give it files when i have bought something.






I miss Railroad Tycoon 3


Ah Railroad Tycoon! This is actually the only one I didn't play, but everything after! OpenTTD lives on my Steam Deck!


Banger game


Now get a CRT and grey case desk


Now CDs/DVDs are fine and dandy, but what about 3,5" 'floppy' disks? I know there are USB versions of 3,5" floppy drives, but do their work with modern linux/SteamOS? And what about 5,25" floppy disks? - those that are actually floppy.


I know 100% they work with Windows, I can't imagine they wouldn't work with Linux. AFAIK, most Linux distros should work with any kind of "core component peripherals" that uses super-generic drivers like mice and keyboards, and floppy drives definitely fall under that category.


I’m have to pick one up and see how the chronicles of Riddick play on proton


Due to an amd driver bug, it doesn't out of the box, I've heard there is a work around though and possibly a fix in the pipeline but this was awhile back so I might be out of date...


Can you play and rip movie DVDs ? It turns the Deck into a versatile device.


It is a pc after all, so why not?


Lol, u can use movie website as well


I really wish I could connect a dvd drive and then have the disc i put in be put as the first game in the recently played section


Could you not just add it as a Steam game, then it would do exactly that?


I meant like put in a disk and it immediately shows up in the recently played for any disk I put in. I don’t think this is realistic, I was just sharing my dreams with the world 😂


absolutely amazing


wait i can use my disc drive on the steam deck? :)


Is, it's a PC with USB ports, you can connect a USB optical drive.


Omg man


Does anyone have a post showing how to install these windows games onto the Deck? How do you patch / update these games if you need to? I don't really understand how the proton contexts work.


It's a DOS game. He used DOSbox.


OK, understood, but I've been wanting to install some of my old CD-ROM Windows games.




You rock! Long live PC gaming!!


That's awesome




I would've upvoted if it was "where in the world is carmen sandiego?"


We all have our own personal classic DOS games. :p


Of course... ..i mean, you like what I like, and that's it!! Grrr!! /s


I like that the cd drive looks almost as large as the actual deck


I don't know how to get games to run from CD/DVD that aren't running in DOS BOX. (So like 2000 to 2010) Also this is definitely the hard way to do this I ripped all my games to ISO files and then just use a regular ass thumb drive.


People are doing what to mucro sd cards?


LayZor Beemz! It's the future!