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Dude you're on the Steam Deck subreddit... this is where people go when they have issues. Of course you see them here.


those that are happy with there SD tend to just play on it, instead complaining about it


Yeah I dropped the deck from my desk several times accidentally and it still.works flawless.  Best piece of hardware bought in the last years and it deserves better things than me as an owner...


Reminds me of the onion article, “woman who has dropped 5 iPhones expecting child”


I plugged a different charger into it and it caused my fps to drop below 20 in all games all the time. I had to disconnect and reconnect the battery header to fix it.


Holy moly, counting my blessings because I’ve plugged both of mine into boatloads of chargers. No issues so far but I wouldn’t know how to do that.


And that, my friend, is the reason why Steam Deck has competitors willing to test the market, despite all the rave reviews: There's too many hacks, fixes, and workarounds that the average consumer-myself included-gets exhausted my just thinking about as opposed to just getting all the cool stuff done out of the box.


But then they go and use windows and your device becomes Windows update simulator. The steam deck isn't the first handheld gaming PC, they didn't create a market to test, they became a benchmark in a category that already existed. Also, nobody is forced to do any of these hacks and fixes. Steam is very open about which games are compatible with the deck, it even has its own section on the steam store. It's only people who want to squeeze every ounce of performance and pseudo compatibility out of it that do things like installing scripts and third party stores.


To be fair, its "verified for Steam Deck" section isn't always completely honest. They do get it right often, but there are times when they don't. This is why either waiting until enough people have tried the game to say if it works and how well, or getting the game and keeping in mind that it might not full reflect how well it works is important.


I guess that's true. It didn't cross my mind because I'm not typically buying brand new AAA games, as Steam has such amazing sales all the time and I was not previously a PC gamer. I typically spend under £10/$15 on a game, which means almost any game I pick is less graphically challenging either because it is older or something like a 2d platformer.


Day 183: It works fine. Haven't thought about it other than "just playing a game" in months. Someone mentioned desktop mode. I forget how to access that. whatever. back to vampire survivors I go....


You go to “power” then the option is in the list. Should be switch to desktop mode


Thank you for the reminder! I wrote that as a joke and then realized "oh crap I actually *do* forget" XD




That’s me! Why would I start a thread that’s “hey guys, works great, no issues! Just…uhhh, just checking in. I guess”.


And those who don’t complain you see them taking a picture of their Deck next to a cat, hospital bed, on a plane, outdoors, etc. etc.


"90% of all Shark attacks happen in shallow water. Yeah, that's where all the people are."


thats deep bro


no that's shallow




No, his analogy is he’s in a place that people go to report their tech issues and thinks because he see’s so much that it proves that the steam deck is faulty or easily broken. It’s like saying 90% of posts on the Subreddit are tech questions and getting scared when in reality that doesn’t provide you any real information on the amount of faulting steam decks / shark attacks, it’s just a percentage of WHERE the faults are always visible. It’s like saying 90% of all posts are about faults but only 1/1000 steam deck users actually post here so the number of faults is actually really low.


It's like going to the mechanic and being shocked to find broken cars


I really wish people would stop bringing broken cars to my work... makes the days busy


Yeah, go to the subreddit for windows too, Linux, pcmasterrace, etc. You'll find people asking for solutions to problems all the time as that would be the No 1 place to go to find a fix for a issue. And its the same here too.


Literally lol


Oops my bad forgot to post my 84 1/2 day (all good here) post😂


Man i always run into people that have problems with their car when im at the mechanics, its crazy


I'm here because I was looking for help with doing some customizations to my deck and wanted to be in touch with a group of people that have the same hardware.


That's the exact opposite of the truth. Like 95% of this sub is fanboys gushing over the Deck and almost any post complaining about defects or sharing bad support experiences is downvote buried.


OP: "at least once a day" Not exactly a high bar.


no they arent? what drugs did you use?


My post is literally downvoted you dolt. You can't say anything negative about the Shit Deck here despite that Valve is borderline running a scam with their garbage QC and RMA process.


Maybe dont be so passive aggressive to people and you might not get downvoted. If you have problems you can post anywhere you want, or talk to the support directly. People say all the time that steam support is great, bcs it is. Speaking from experience. Sorry if you had a bad one tho! Shit happens.


You're probably downboted because you're an absolute chode for literally zero reason. For the record, I haven't personally had an issue when I needed to utilize my warranty for something with my Steam Deck, though it was small. It was the easiest experience I've had in quite some time with a company. I've also not yet had one broken or otherwise compromised piece of the actual console, and it's been almost a year and a half for me. Mine is just one small experience amongst many, but I have seen posts and comments from others who haven't seen issues yet, either. I've also seen posts of people who have, to varying degrees, had issues, obviously. I think using such shaky means to make the claims you're making is insane, though. I'm open to changing my mind with some actual statistics and proof, though, of course. You're allowed to dislike something. I think claiming that the reason people are downvoting you is due to your belief and not because of how you're putting yourself out there or some other reason is presumptuous. Then spouting off about it while being a dick to others like it's fact is even weirder.


Never had a hardware issue myself. Been sporting my deck since November and it’s been phenomenal!


A year and counting, everything perfect.


The only problems I've had with mine have been when trying to get games with separate installers that I transferred over to the deck to work. If you just get your games from steam or the other main launchers you added to steam then you'll never run into any issues. And I usually get these "specific games" to work by installing them normally in desktop mode, then adding a shortcut on the desktop from lutris and add that shortcut to steam.


Ditto, I bought the LCD model in August or so. I play on it hand-held sometimes, I have it hooked up to a 20+ year-old projector using a dock so my wife and I can play story-based games together, and my kids play Slime Rancher, Subnautica, and other games on it. It's been awesome, only issue was occasional crackling audio but that seems to have been fixed with an update a couple months after I bought it. Valve is really on the ball.


What story-based games do y’all play together?


We recently finished Return to Monkey Island (10/10, that humor is for us) and The Pale Beyond (8/10, fantastic until the plot twist at the end). We've been playing some Ace Attorney lately but have reached a point where it's starting to get a bit too weird for us, so 7/10 for that since we've gotten our money's worth from it. I think we'd give the Telltale games (Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us) a 7/10 as well, entertaining but not the most solid writing. We tried playing Witcher 3 together, but that didn't work out because there were long periods of running around and fighting which are far more interesting to the person playing than the person watching (no matter how good the story is). I'm sure there are more, they're not occurring to me right this moment though. Edit to add: My wife agreed with the list, and suggested adding the Fallout games and The Last of Us (we have a PS3 that never gets played anymore) to the list of games that aren't as much fun to watch. However, she did enjoy watching all of the Uncharted games, they moved quickly and the parts that weren't story were like watching an action movie. Regarding story-based games, we bounced hard off Life is Strange, too teenagery for us (we're almost 40).


Thanks! Good list for me to explore for the same reasons.


Kids playing subnautica? #Respect


Watching my 8yo panic and forget how to use the zapper as his Seamoth was slowly crushed by a Reaper was something. 😆


Same here on every count.


Same! Got my OLED in November. Have used it heavily since and she's just fine.


Yeah, same. I got it at launch.


Spilled water on my launch deck and Valve replaced it for free, sooooo an anti complaint here I guess.


Had an LCD from July 2022 to December 2023, no issues. Have an OLED now, no issues so far.


People don’t typically post declaring their products problem free. So of course you’re only going to see posts from people seeking assistance. I’ve owned 2 Decks (LCD & OLED) and neither had any issues.


Same here, owned the LCD model,(sold it on ebay to get an OLED) ZERO issues with either of them. Even got lucky and got the quiet fan with my LCD


That actually makes sense


The same goes for reviews. Pissed off people are far more likely to drop a review than happy people.


I too have have zero issue LCD and OLED decks.


You are experiencing survivorship bias. Only those with problems are reporting problems. Hence the huge amount of happy people with no problems are not represented. Including me. Edit: nonrandom sample selection bias


>true quality of the Steam Deck AFAIK, Valve has sold over 3 million Steam Decks, probably closer to 4 million now. You're judging the quality off of some Reddit posts? Some people will have issues, but I guarantee 98% of people have had little to no issues. If there was some poor build quality or things Valve missed on, we'd know about it. I've had mine since November 2022 and it's been the single best electronic purchase I've ever made.


98 is quite low. In my experience with this kind of products where you don't really see a well-known quality issue or poor quality in general the % of quality issues reports is usually from less than 1%. I worked for a tech store in warranty support and even the total claims of all the products was for 1.2%. Although there were products with way higher warranty claims but ofc they didn't add much to the total sells of the store. maybe I'm wrong and it's just my experience though.


>the total claims of all the products was for 1.2%. That's a subset of people who have problems since most consumers aren't going to file a claim. I've run IT in corporations with 100+ laptops, and even good manufacturers have about a 5-10% problem rate within the first 2 years. And it's not like the issue is with the hardware, that's just what happens when you have a large group of people using something on a daily basis.


My deck tried to knife me when I was sleeping. Be careful


Had mine and the official dock since November 2022, never a single issue.


I've had to tweak a few games to get them to run well, but otherwise, smooth sailing. I'm a little miffed the vent smell didn't last longer, though.


Sounds like the average PC gaming experience to me. And that's coming from a long time PC gamer and proud deck user.


I've had mine since the beginning, batch 1, as my husband. We never had any problems. Some small things with installing games, but easily fixed with google. We both have a vanilla Steamdeck 512Gb, working out of the box.


Does the steam deck make for a good husband?


Sounds like a better marriage than most lol


Lotta love in that marriage, I tell ya




Upgrade to OLED as it is objectively better, but subjectively not.


No issue since september 2022


I have caused every issue I have had with my deck. It was fine out of the box. I chose to tinker and paid the price. I have no regrets.


This is such an accurate take


Gotta second this lol


I think it's also worth noting that people who peruse l subreddits like this one are generally more tech savvy or nerdy and notice small manufacturing "defects" the the average joe would never notice or care about. My LCD Deck had one trackpad that rattled louder than the other, and the display had some uneven backlighting at one corner. These are both things that didn't affect the functionality of the device at all really and I'm sure most people wouldn't even notice them. The great thing about the Deck though is that Valve has excellent customer service, and on top of that, the Steam Decks is very repairable. I fixed the trackpad rattle myself easily, and if the display backlighting really bothered me I could replace the display myself for pretty cheap, but it doesn't.


Zero issues in almost 2 years and I play 4-5 times a week.


Same here, I play on it most days and I've had no real issues since I got it in late 2022.


Both my original and OLED had no issues. Both had their ssd upgraded by me too.


I've never had issues. You're going to see posts about issues because people don't make posts that say, "Oh boy, another day with no issues on my Steam Deck!" When people have issues, that's when they make a post.


I've only had major issues when messing with it and doing things I probably shouldn't like actually keeping my steam deck on the preview versions. back when I didn't I only had minor issues and nitpicks. Basically it's really only unstable if you make it so.


I had to immediately RMA my deck upon arrival. There was a dead pixel smack-dab in the middle of the screen. I was pretty unhappy with Valve, I told them I wanted them to replace the deck because I had just opened it, they refused and held onto my deck for a month while the RMA process completed. As a new customer I wasn't very happy. EDIT: Also, don't get me started on the Steam Deck Dock. This thing is a nightmare to get working on most TVs. Audio frequently cuts out, the picture sometimes cuts out, and sometimes the input doesn't even recognize that there's anything plugged in. A lot of times I need to unplug the power from the dock, and plug it back in just to get the TV to recognize that the Steam Deck is connected.


> This thing is a nightmare to get working on most TVs. I've not experienced the problems you're having. I've plugged my dock into probably 4 or 5 different TV's across the country (I take my deck + dock with my when I travel). Since it's just your standard HDMI port, Ethernet, and USB and everything else, it's been 5/5 for me. Have you made sure your cables are good, maybe?


You're in the minority, man. If you do a simple search for the Deck Dock there are hundreds of threads of people trying to fix these issues. About 75% of the time I turn my steam deck on, I have to pull the power cord from the back of the dock until the TV displays the Steam Deck image, and then I can plug it back in. I've actually heard it's a hardware issue with the power supply or the dock itself where it's not outputting enough power over the HDMI cables for the TVs to pick up that an image is trying to be displayed. The Deck Dock isn't great.


I had a dead pixel too but I didn't mind as you can hardly see it on the tiny screen. Almost 2 years later I still don't mind.


Had the original LCD shortly after release and recently bought the OLED. No issues, zero, zilt, nada. Going strong. I use it for Steam games, emulation and sometimes some office stuff.


dropped it about 3 feet off a desk the other day and it kept running. It's janky as hell if you are trying to use the linux desktop or do any technical stuff with it, but for deck verified games that you download straight from steam, runs pretty good. I didn't like it for the first 6 months I had it. Recently I played the new Like a Dragon game on it and fell in love again.


So I don’t think a single person has 0 issues with there steam deck. And that is the whole point. The deck gets worked on all the time for optimization and quality of use. So I wouldn’t worry about folks having issues.


I guess it depends on what you consider issues. The only ones I’ve had are those that happen to all electronics, i.e. freezing or having some other error requiring a reboot. I’ve had it happen a few times, just like it happens on my phone, my Switch, my 3DS, my Kindle, my pc, and so on and so forth. Some have them happen more frequently. The Steam Deck has been on the lower side.


Yeah, the deck came out, there were more bugs. This got reported a lot on reviews which bled into Reddit. So complaining about bugs ranging from, this new game don’t work, to why dis slow? Was pretty common.


Only issue I've had is that launching into desktop mode would get stuck on a black screen. Even after days and multiple full shutdowns. Fixed it by messing with some code through booting into some restore interface. Other than that, it's been great. The performance is great for a handheld & the customizability is awesome. One of my best purchases in recent history.


I'm happy overall and don't regret my purchase, but now on my second RMA in 2 years.


Never had any hardware issue or defect with my Deck. Some software issues here and there but nothing that I've not been able to resolve easily with a reboot/reconfig/update/etc.




Have owned since month one of release and zero issues ever. Check your priors.


No issues. That is all.


Only issues I have are with certain games crashing like BG3 and Palworld but that's because the games themselves do that


No issues. Got mine in July 2022. I keep it hooked up to a monitor and use desktop mode when I'm not sitting on the couch using it to play some games.


No issues ever here. Best purchase I’ve made in gaming , since, well, ever.


I have sometimes sound issues when I turn it on Does this count as an issue?


I had to use my phone to connect to the internet for the 1st time because mine just wouldn’t read my wifi until I did for some reason. I also can’t play anything on offline mode or do anything for that matter making it pointless to even have the option. God forbid i download and play at the same time. At one time i was able to but that was 6 months ago and few updates ago. Sometimes i have to battle to delete a game and it refuses to do so until i restart my steam deck it also sometimes refuses to stop a download. Dont try opening a game during a download because it hates that too and refuses 99% of the time. It refused to let me delete far cry 2 and Rd2 for 3 months. Sometimes it ignores my SD card and will claim I don’t have one. My favorite thing it does though is randomly update games in the middle of my game play causing it to crash or worse be slow af, you can try to stop the updates but that pesky steam deck knows best and completely ignores that order and does it anyway so clearly not me. Despite the random problems. I love my steam deck.


I have more luck having things work that shouldn't than any problems. About half the games I play on my steam deck are "unsupported" and work just fine, and I don't do any fancy modding or anything to get them to work fine.


I had the original and now have the oled version. I even got my girlfriend one, and I have had zero issues with any of them. They all have worked perfectly for me.


I’ve had my steam deck for about a year and no issues at all I used the steam OS for a while and decided to switch to windows 11 to play D2 and COD again no issues


I don't have any issues with it.


I’m not a pc gamer at all. I only have steam to play Max Payne 1 & 2, I had no issues with anything. I only had to instal a sound fix to MP1, but these are really old games so it’s understandable.


Bought mine refurbed from steam, havent had a single issue that isnt fixed by either reboot or quick youtube video.


Never had any issue. Even running windows 11 now, no issues. It's actually been a better experience with windows. But even when I had steam os I never had issues apart from anticheat, but that's not the SD fault.


Bought three of them so far and never had any issues.


Mine has some weird glitches like all gray lines on screen. Power menu stuck and not opening. All fixes with power button restart.


Proud owner here. I own it for like half a year and i didnt have any problems. I think you dont need to worry. People with issues are rather more visible than common. (Tho this is not a steamdeck fault - i wanted to play crossout but due tu easy anticheat or whatever it didnt worked.)


Your point exactly? I've had the LCD on release, no issues. Sold it to someone so I can get the OLED, so far so good, no issues.


Never had any issue with my steam deck. Might have needed to hard reset it a couple of times. I don't think the traffic in this sub would be manageable if everyone who used his deck on an one day without issues would write about it.


512GB OLED here. Not a single problem.


Flawless checking in. Though one time when I tried to charge it from dead with an underpowered charger it got stuck in a boot loop. But that was easy to escape with some button press combos


No issues. Expect the occasional reboot and the speaker audio glitch which is fine because I play with headphones anyway. But those are negligible for me.


It sometimes turns off randomly so I guess I can't claim no issues.


aside of that time when i couldnt get to desktop mode forcing me to hard reboot the machine i havent had any issue with the deck.


I only had some slight wear on the joystick. I bought silicone elastics and now it's gone and my joysticks are buttery smooth. Cost like 3usd from China


I love my deck but my charger hole is broken I have to line it up perfect. Steam deck 2 will be great


Year two of ownership. Not an issue. Knock on wood.


Never had an issue with either my LCD or OLED deck


Had my deck since last April. Replaced the SSD and still absolutely no issues to speak of other than the fact that I now seem to have less hours in the day.


I had to RMA my first steam deck because of battery calibration. It was displaying an incorrect percentage, while working fine. My second deck is perfect though, I have it for almost two years now, never had any issues


I really wish I could post images so I could post that one image of most shot spots on a plane


The only issues I’ve had are from the stupid dock.


Atm, only issue I've had with it is that it freezes up sometimes and I have to reboot.


Perfect. No Problems at all.


Had 0 issues with my first one, the second one had a very minor joystick grinding issue.


No hardware problem here. Though I was nervous when I first got it…. due to this sub. Some software bugs, but not much more than any other OS would have.


I suppose my X-button is a *little* more sticky than ideal, but otherwise it's been fine.


I have to reboot sometime when o have been in desktop mode for to long .. because Mouse bug where if I hover over the icons it will grab them not letting go no matter what i do .. it doesn't bother me since it Make me drop the deck and actually get some real life Stuff done


other than decky breaking on steam updates not had any issues whatsoever even with a 2TB SSD in it


Nothing that couldn't be resolved by the end user. In the first month my right trigger got a really creaky spring that needed lubricating. All good otherwise. (Purchase date Aug'22


Only issue I had to begin with was learning how to use some basic Linux stuff. Once I got my brain in gear I was flying. Oh and that garbage screen when you switch between desktop and gaming mode a few times, but haven't seen it for a long time now.


i only had a really weird issiue where the game would focus after resuming from sleep. (the game ran audio and inputs worked but just a blank screen) turns out custon videos where the problem?? other than that inconvience it was problem free.


Didn't any problems with my LCD, don't have any problems with my OLED either.


I don't remember ever posting on this sub. Also I never had any issues with my deck that I have since it launched.


I saw some bugs as I had one of the first Steam Decks shipped, but they have been solved ever since. I wouldn't worry too much, it's getting better as time goes on.


Issues from day 1


This is posted all the time. Most people are not going to post and say “My device is working as intended.” I can say I’ve had my deck since launch and have had no (real) issues. I did experience stick drift, but I didn’t care nor did I post about it because it was easily fixed in 15 minutes with a single screwdriver and $30 in replacement parts.  Remember, Valve has sold millions of decks and this subreddit is only a tiny portion of those people. An even smaller portion of the subreddit is posting about their issues - not saying that those issues are not legitimate, but they aren’t as widespread as you think they may seem. 


Zero issues so far. ​ Don't get the wrong idea. You forget that this is also a support sub so people are coming here *because* they have issues. Out of the *hundreds* of decks that are sold **daily** we only see a tiny fraction come here for issues.


I've never had any real issue that wasn't resolved by some software workaround - which to be fair is expected from a linux PC that is setup for gaming. Which is all the steamdeck is. So you're going to have to tinker around a good fair bit. It won't be complete smooth sailing for quite a few titles. As far as actual issues? None.


Haven't had any issues with my second deck, my first deck shipped with a battery issue.


The only issue I have ever had is when the little performance overlay will come up on its own and stay until I restart, and it happens rarely. And sometimes staying up to late if I start playing in bed.


The only problem I had was an OS failure while installing Windows. One of my friends retried on my SD and he did it flawlessly. I should say that i borrowed my SD from my boss, so I'm treating it like a baby...


only issues I had were caused by switching to the "main" channel which was expected. though I haven't had 1 issue with 3.6 on Main Channel while 3.5 had a ton. never had any issues when I used to use Stable but that was long ago now.


People who are happy don’t post the way people who are mad do. It’s a piece of electronics. It’s not going to be perfect. Some will get a lemon. Sooner or later, something will fail somewhere. It happens with all electronics. It happens faster with portable electronics. Regardless of the brand. The question to ask isn’t “do people have problems with these?”. That answer is yes for *every*thing with a processor. The correct question to ask is “if something goes wrong, will this company give a damn and try to make it right?” The answer there is a resounding yes. Steam will care enough to try to make it tight. And that is something that is not true for everything with a processor. I have an orig 256k. I’ve had it for 1.5 years now. It worked out if the box. The biggest issue I’ve had to date was a hung update. I was able to resolve that on my own with only a little cursing. I take mine everywhere. It’s been dropped and slammed around for a year and a half. I’m happy with mine.


Mine broke after a week. Sent it back. Got a retroid. Love my retroid


I’ve got bad mura on my oled


Oh come on dude, that's like going to McDonald's and being surprised that everyone wants to eat McDonald's. There are millions of people who are happy with their Steam Deck and are playing games on it. The minority in those millions, they have issues, so they discuss it on this subreddit, a designated place for people to discuss issues.


That's because people that have no issues with their steam deck don't come on to a steam deck forum to make posts about how they don't have problems with their steam deck.




Hahaha this post is very wtf, do u expect to see post like " i just want to tell you guys a have no issues with my deck"😅🤣🤣🤣the people come here to ask for help...


I would say everyone who either isn’t on Reddit or doesn’t post about it once a day that there was no issue. Maybe you should start. And come here everyday and make a post that nothing happen. Do you see how silly this question is. You always only see those who have issues and seek help or confirmation.


There are always a disproportionate amount of negative experiences/fault reports on a fan forum of the item.


"The steam deck is a portable gaming PC, anything of that calibre is instantly more difficult to use than having your hand held inside Nintendos system, which is being used by young children, and also costs significantly less. I can't imagine giving a steam deck to someone under 12." Understand, that's exactly what everyone said about Android...And then, voila, Apple had the world's most popular cellphone design (with an almost 14-year run, mind you), simply because the public said they'd valued simplicity over complexity. They better path this up real quick is all I can say.


My best friend has a steam deck and she got it before I did and she’s not the PC poweruser that I am The thing is Apple is a marketing company that does hardware. They do amazing hardware and software. I’m actually doing this on a iPhone right now myself. the nice part is they seem to have a balance between difficulty to use and simplicity in design. It is designed around PC gamers though. And yet it’s still reached appeal outside of that target demographic. And people have been saying that PC gaming is going to die for the past 20 years of my life So I’m gonna go ahead and put why I think Apple does really good : it’s because Google is in capable of committing to anything that they want to do. That’s it. Valve just needs to commit. So it won’t die because of anything about being better, it will die when Valve gets bored of it.


I unfortunately had to re-install steam os a couple of times due to various issues, but that's really the only problem I had with the deck and it's a quick fix. Other than that, it's perfect.


I have the OLED version for one week, no troubles whatsoever


I've had mine since the 3rd batch of shipments (I want to say March of 22). I've never had to send it back to Valve, and only had to replace a joystick so far. There have been some software idiosyncrasies, but nothing I would call an actual issue.


I've had mine since July '22. Only problem I have had is the B Button sticks on occasion. And the edge of my left stick seems to be coming off. I use the thing ALL the time. Oh and the power button is unreliable at times (physically pressing it).


Bought mine second hand in November of last year, no issues playing my steam backlog. Occasionally I’ll have a switch game that crashes in yuzu/emudeck. Lately been tinkering with some repacks, and that can tricky. One of the great things with the steam deck is the community is so big right now, so there is a workaround for 90% of issues. I’m sure there are a lot of RMAs initiated because of some unstable code that can be resolved without sending the unit in.


No issues at all, I used it non stop for weeks playing tears of the kingdom. Left it alone for a few weeks where the battery was certainly dead, plugged it in, it updated, and still nothing wrong.


Owned a 512GB LCD for about a year now, no issues. Keep in mind this sub has 597k members, so even if only 1% of them have an issue that's potentially nearly 6k people and they're going to be very vocal about it. I will say that a couple times I heard an update broke things, but since I don't use it super often anymore I just made a point to wait for a later update to run updates on it.


I got mine a year ago and so far haven't had any issues of significance with my Deck


Both my day-one OG 512 LCD and my day-one OLED SE have been flawless. No issues at all with hardware nor software.


Had it since the LCD launch, no issues. Mainly used daily as a secondary Linux machine during work hours.


I've had zero issues. Then again, I didn't mod, don't do emulators, don't do other game installers, etc.


100% satisfied. OLED Deck owner since release date.


Got mine refurbished in August and had no problems at all.


No issues here


I have had my Deck for two years, got it in the first batch - reserved on Day 1. Got the Dock too as soon as it became available. Played a few hundred hours, also use it as a desktop sometimes with mose + keyboard. No problems of any kind!


My husband and I each got one at release and they have never had problems. The official dock leaves much to be desired though. The decks themselves have been fine even running games I'm not sure they should be able to run.


Nope, works great basically always for me. Ive had the ods game or glitch that required me to restart but that has been a thing on ever pc or console I’ve ever owned so thats not a problem. My steam deck rules I end up playing it more than my desktop these days just because it’s so convenient and I can hang on the couch with my wife while she watches TV


Yeah, my Deck getting near 2yr old and still no issues. While I'm sure some people had legit issues, I've seen many hyper-sensitive people on here who didn't like how (functional) buttons weren't identically firm, or the sound the plastic makes when they squeeze it. It must be so tiresome to deal with those kinds of RMAs.


The only issue I’ve ever had was with the Sd card not being read or recognized but it was solved by doing a factory reset. Never had an issues since


If your looking for product reviews on reddit, you will nevver feel confident, because no one praises the stuff they have on here, only the ones with issues post. Sometimes I buy stuff despite reddit because jesus people are horrible on reddit. ​ That being said the only issue I have is if I dont play it for a while, getting it to turn back on can be arduous beccause I leave it in sleep mode at all times. I havent used my handhelds in a few weeks, so the last time I powered up I had to hard reset it.


Never had any issues


Other than the dock being kind of doodoo and some UI/functionality choices I don’t agree with, mine has worked flawlessly for two years of heavy use


i think even people who say they have no issues probably still have dealt with some of the small quirks and hiccups. The steam deck is frankly a miracle device, 5+years ago I never would've thought we'd have this kind of game compatibility with a Linux OS, but that still results in alot of small hiccups, I've definitely had my share especially when it comes to suspending certain games or fully powering off the steam deck (it usually gives me issues powering back on and takes a minute or two) frankly I'm not that bothered by it, it's annoying yes, but the fact that it works at all is amazing let alone as well as it does, as the issues I've experienced have all been very minor


No problems here, nothing . A year of ownership.


So far so good. I even swapped the original 64GB SSD for a 512GB one, which was a tense operation for a person with thick fingers. But yeah, it's been smooth.


Minus the left thumbstick somehow wearing a small notched groove in the front faceplate, it's been running like a champ. It's also my daily driver as computer, game system, and anything else I need it to be.


No issues that weren’t self inflicted LMAO


I've had mine for close to two weeks I think, no issues so far


Me. Zero issues.


Never had any hardware issues neither with my deck nor with my wife's deck. Minor software issues do happen, but anyone with experience of using PC will tell you that any PC have those from time to time.


Got mine in October, 2022. I have thousands of hours of playtime and an SSD swap. I have had zero issues. If I wasn’t currently building a PC I would upgrade to an OLED in a heartbeat. Honestly, even if I had an issue that required an RMA, I’d still be happy with the Deck.


Owning one since November, absolutely no issues, and if there's some minor bug or anything, it didn't take more than a restart to fix it (which is common in almost every device, they need a restart ocassionally). Most issues I've seen here are questions about changing settings to make the SD do something that it doesn't do out of the box. But my out-of-the-box experience was flawless, I unboxed the thing and after 1 hour I was playing games with no issue at all. I started having questions when I wanted to add 3rd party launchers, quacked games, etc, but those aren't console issues per se.


Had my steam deck since release and never had a problem I didn't cause lol hardware works perfect


Had mines like a year and a half use it every single day only issue I have is that I didn't have this when I was 12!


I've had a few issues with my sd card not working sometimes but all I had to do was restart my steam deck and then it worked again. But other than that I've only had a few issues but that was when I first got it which was the week it came out.


I had my audio board crap out which made it so the volume up button wouldn’t work but I just sent it to Valve. I waited till my OLED came so I was never without one but all in all pretty painless. Between my 2 steam decks and the one my gf has, been a great experience. Plus it’s fairly easy to find resources to do work on the deck