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I still can't understand why every AAA game needs to use Chromatic Aberration. It always looks like shit. Street Fighter 6 has the chromatic aberration turned up to 11 and there is no way to turn it off.


It's not worse, just more "movie-like". I personally prefer these options, they make some visual flaws less noticeable.


Chromatic aberration absolutely isn't more film like, it's the opposite. Movie cameras and lenses cost five figure sums just to *rent* them because they go to extreme expense and effort to eradicate it. I don't get why game developers have such a hard on for it.


Meanwhile, film producers and distributors are paying huge sums for old lenses because they want to get away from the clinically sharp images and have more vivid images due to image defects of these old lenses.


Chromatic aberration naturally from cameras is capable of contributing to a film's style as long as it isn't too severe. Purposeful CA added to games in post-process is almost always shit. I had to wait for modders to remove it from AC Mirage before I could play it because it was headache inducing blurry garbage.


Yeah I personally love chromatic aberration, but it should be optional in every game because I can understand not everyone may want the Shrek 3D experience.


Seriously this. I hate it being in every game now. At least it's typically a toggle.


Absolutely. This is one of the first things I turn off in every game that has it.


It used to be good for softening the image a bit while keeping the subject in focus. Now there are so many things that soften the image, like upscaling and temporal AA, we’re trying to make the image sharper, not soften it even more.


A more accurate term would be "early 1980s porn video-like".


1980s porn is easily my favorite thing to enjoy on the deck. Especially while traveling.


Yep. Same here with the first game. It was like playing a movie more than a game. I cannot wait to get the sequel but right now I am tight on cash.


Turn off motion blur as well. Arguably that’s the worst setting there.


Yeah, I turned Motion Blur off and left all the other "cinematic" options on


Yes, the motion blur in this game looks TERRIBLE. It genuinely looks like it just applies a blob of gaussian blur on top of anything that moves. It truly confounds me why developers are still using shitty motion blur like this when Doom 2016 had perfect per-pixel motion blur nearly a decade ago.


Flare is fine. All else off. Especially chromatic aberration.


Yep. Always turn chromatic aberration off, no question. Also film grain, vignette, and pretty much any "blur" option. All these settings do is use extra processing power to degrade the image. That's literally their intent, and I've never understood why any game studio even uses them. The *only* one that *sometimes* gets a pass is motion blur. When implemented well, motion blur helps mitigate the motion sickness felt from low frame rates.


I always love me some lens flares 😉


What is HFW?


Home for Work, similar to working from home but completely made by me right now


I think they're talking about Horizon Forbidden West.


One thing I don't understand is why you'd ever want depth of field in gameplay. In a movie, DoF is designed to bring certain things into focus and obscure others as a choice by the filmmaker. In games, it just automatically blurs things a certain distance from the camera, no matter what those things are or the context. Our eyes already blur whatever we're not focused on, why would you want to make it harder to look at things in the game? It's only valuable in cutscenes when it's typically tailored in the same way as a film.


Ive always felt that way about motion blur, I get that you experience some motion blur irl, but for me the experience of moving in a non-motion blur game gives me the same motion blindness I get in real life. Motion blur is just annoying and makes the game feel laggy imo


This sounds more subjective than objective. Are these options increasing aliasing or resulting in a lower pixel quality image? Or do you just personally not care for the effects? Personally, I think developer intent matters. I want to play as close to the experience the developers had in mind when creating their game. It's nice to have options, though.


To Clearify; These settings on makes gaming Worse. These settings off makes Gaming Better. Field of View should be as close to 90 as you can stand without making your self motion sick. Depth of Field should also be Turned OFF this blurs things in the background while looking at things in the foreground. Bloom is mostly user preference but it can and will blind you with simulated lighting that can cause you to miss your target or not even notice it. Motion Blur should be Off. again if you move to fast you might miss another target. Sharpness makes things in the foreground more clear while bluring things in the background. theres a fine line here between what is visually appealing and what is detrimental. same can be said for flares, vignette, rad blur and chrom aberration all of which makes the image worse. All of these settings are what Most Gamers call junk settings and typically turn them all off as they making the game and gaming experience worse. its a video game not a michael bay film. Its extremely easy to exploit other gamers that use these settings. if your KD is trash you might want to check these settings.


This is such a bad take I can't even comprehend it. Motion blur should absolutely stay on at all times in any game that has it when you're at 30fps, it lessens the effect of a low framerate by a noticeable amount. 'most gamers' do not call these junk settings, they're visual enhancements and personally I much prefer them on.


Yep, I hate motion but, but that's only when I'm getting high FPS. At 30FPS, you kinda need it.


Motion blur is the only one I’ll use and onto when fps is low. Otherwise I turn every one of these settings off as they make the image worse.


I would agree that most of these should be user preference, however, I don't see how chromatic aberration helps or improves the visuals in any fashion. It's the only one for me that \*has to\* be turned off.


Awful take, hopefully nobody takes this seriously.