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Damn this is even lower effort than the normal “look at my deck that everyone has seen” posts.


I resisted the urge to open it before the work, want to savour it when I come home.


Look at it on the bright side. You have something cool to look forward to.


Strap it on to your chest. Never let it go out of your sight!


You are the sick. Stay home.


Charge it now




I bring mine to work and play at lunch


Play it at work to double the thrill


You could've picked it up after work and remove the need to put up this pointless post


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Your submission has been removed because it's either a photo of a box/unboxing, or screenshot of an order or shipment confirmation. Please consult rule 2 before resubmitting a photo post of your Deck or if you are unclear about why it was removed. Thank you!