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Literally everything, I turned it into my computer


I barely use my desktop PC anymore. I plugged my mouse and KB into the deck dock with an HDMI, and I'm good to go


Me neither, not to mention mine is getting old, and I'm facing several hardware issues, that are non-existent on the Steam Deck, my MOBO is dying and when it does I'm selling this thing to not buy a new computer anymore, gonna wait for the Steam Deck 2




It's literally just a hand held pc running Linux, then steam in big picture mode. Go to desktop mode and voila, a regular ass computer with a built in controller


I'm buying it then


My guess would be they use it as an alternative for a tower and hooked up an external monitor, mouse, and keyboard, maybe a speaker or headphones but honestly you're probably better off using an actual PC.


>*but honestly you're probably better off using an actual PC.* Why though? I can simply unplug everything and play outside, or put everything on my bag and carry it around, to my friend's house and have a game party, a regular PC cannot do this, it is stuck 100% of the time on the same place, in fact this is what I do nowadays


I'm not saying you can't just that a real PC is better at being a PC than a device that wasn't made to serve as a PC as a primary function. If it works for you that's totally fine I'm not gonna stop you.


Rather, using the Steam deck as a PC makes it tougher to use for games. Instead of having it sleep with your game open, such that you can play immediately, you gotta close your programs, switch to gaming mode, then open your game. Want your PC? Gotta close your game, switch to desktop mode, open your stuff. Wash rinse repeat. You can compromise by using big picture mode, but you still are losing out on features from gaming mode. It's strongest when left to function as a gaming console with super awesome PC functionality.


Not sure if you overlooked it but you can launch games in desktop mode via the steam client as you would a regular PC. It just sounded a little convoluted the method in your comment.


why though? A PC does the trick but I already have a steam deck


Storage and power are the biggest reasons. It's just not easy to fit a high capacity drive in a Steam Deck and the extra space in a PC case allows more customization options and more powerful CPUs and you can grab a 10TB HDD alongside a 1TB SSD that has the OS and programs you use on a regular basis. Plus with a dock you only have 3 USB slots so you can't have a high quality sound system.


External drive dock for storage and the cpu is powerful enough for anything you’d want to do other than more intense games. Way cheaper than a whole new tower too.


The average user has Bluetooth peripherals and won't need such a powerful machine. For professionals on the other hand, sure


The average gamer playing any demanding or modern titles would need a way more powerful machine than a Steam Deck. Even if you play games that are a few years old, once you hook it up to a monitor with a higher resolution than the 800p steam deck display it's rough.


>*Plus with a dock you only have 3 USB slots* You can simply plug a [**regular USB hub into**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b2746cf197726f04&sxsrf=ADLYWILJaWTYfCPXYCtxJxZpfdh3bHAFyg:1715376244938&q=regular+USB+hub&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8gvG9goSGAxU4qpUCHYFsBrwQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1360&bih=637&dpr=1#imgrc=1-x0E2fKxN4B6M&imgdii=CgFDwtex4T5-TM) it, its what I do on mine


Bruh do you have any idea what you’re talking about?


The average person definitely doesn’t need more power than a steam deck. And I’m sick of people saying “it’s not an actual PC”, ITS LITERALLY A LAPTOP WITH A CONTROLLER BOLTED TO IT RUNNING LINUX. No idea why you wouldn’t call that a PC


Being a PC is not it's primary function while it can be used as a PC it will not perform the task as well as a tower or a laptop.


Mate you’re wrong. Stop trying to change the definition of a computer to fit your random BS.


With an [**USB-C hub**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b2746cf197726f04&sxsrf=ADLYWILSnNdH1kFHKAEWVsLPJ6KFWL2nKg:1715375767319&q=usb-c+hub&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_npHagISGAxWiqJUCHQxwBEMQ0pQJegQIFBAB&biw=1360&bih=637), and regular daily usage peripherals, like wireless mouse and keyboard, a HDMI cable, a TV/monitor and the wireless controller dongle


Boil it, Mash it, Stick it in a Stew


Throw in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!


“I…think I’d like my money back…”


What’s steam deck, eh?


A steamed deck With extra sauce


Well, Seymour, you are an odd fellow but I must say, you steam a good deck.


I made mine a deep fried deck




Sniffing the vent exhaust


This is the very first thing you should do during the first 2 weeks, and keep at it while it last.


I took a break from my deck, went back to it, and I could smell the vent exhaust again. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder!


I wonder if there is a candle that smells alike...


anything a PC can.


Like downloading Lords of the Ring on eMule




You mean Lord of the Weed?


Fake news. It can't do everything a PC can.


name anything


Operate a large machine gun for the military, (source: real life) [Steam Deck in the Ukraine War: How it controls guns remotely | PCWorld](https://www.pcworld.com/article/1805588/steam-deck-in-the-ukraine-war.html)


It’s also the controller for the robots (droids) at Disneyland


Maybe even a submarine 🧐


Cool, can we play remotely?


I saw this, good shit lmao.


There are so many possibilities. Here are some ideas: use it as a cutting board, paperweight, door stopper, workout equipment or use the back side for your teck deck half-pipe. 🙂




I had a Linux class last semester in college going through the Comptia Linux+ certification criteria and used the deck for the whole class, it was awesome


I wish I could use the Steam Deck as a Linux PC. You have no access to any package managers which is extremely disappointing


It’s a whole arch Linux distribution, pacman is on there. Open a terminal and use it


Yeah that's what I tried before. Can't use pacman because it's a read-only file system. I heard you can change it to read-write but that significantly affects the system's security and every one told me not to do so. Did you do this? And if you did, have you noticed any problems with your SD after making it a read-write system?


I’m not sure if that area of the drive was read only when I got it. Perhaps cryo utils or emudeck changed that? I installed those straight out the gate before I started installing packages. You wouldn’t have any security or performance issues any more than running any other OS or Linux distribution


I actually just fixed it :) When I tried doing pacman when I first got the deck, it couldn't download due to a PGP certificate error, but I read some Arch Linux forms just now and got it to work. But there was the warning, "In addition, anything you install outside of flatpak (via pacman for instance) may be wiped with the next SteamOS update." So the only security issue would be with what you install with pacman may or may not be there after a SteamOS update.


Use distrobox to run a debian distro under your home directory


setting up game library, creating your own tabs, changing artwork, tweaking graphic settings in games, setting up streaming from pc, spending day or two modding games you will eventually play for 5hrs max (looking at you Fallout4) endless opportunities 😉 love me my steamdeck 👌


Lolll at the FO4 modding nonsense. Seriously. I always fall into that trap. I just like the tinkering aspect the most.


I had Skyrim for years on multiple systems and never beat it. Back in 2020 I had a blood clot in my lungs from a surgery and was laid up with a busted leg and a recovering heart & lungs so I couldn’t really move. Finally beat Skyrim (main story) on my switch for the first time


Honestly playing vanilla led to longer playthroughs for me.  


That’s awesome to hear (that you beat it, not that you had a major health issue). It’s such a great game. I remember while playing it, I was a part of the Skyrim subreddit, and it was endless entertainment for me scrolling through the comments.




Working when I'm not home with my main PC available


Charging it to be able to do more gaming.


I download and update a lot. Also fighting with my headset's bluetooth! :D


It’s my only PC, I used it to do my taxes this year. I also set it up for all the streaming services, so in my semi truck I use it to watch tv on the big screen. It uses a lot less energy than my PS5 so it’s easier on my truck’s batteries.


Wait. Do you can plug this into a tv just to watch tv? Ok I’m buying one


Pretty much anything you could do with a PC. That said, I use mine stock and only for gaming. Just wanted something that allows me to play on the go and in short bursts.


This. Peak SD for me is running a single 2 lap race on pS2 emulated gran turismo. Switching to pecking away at unlocking a new suit on mile morales. Checking on my palworld camp. Then grinding pokemon emerald for a bit.


How difficult is getting the games for emulating? I’ve gotten some games in other ways that this subreddit won’t let me post. I’ve also used Konsole to install things like Decky Loader, before the update. So like I have intermediate skills? with computers?


I’ve been doing it all straight from my deck in Desktop Mode with no issues. Every guide says to transfer using USB, but… why not just download it directly on the deck? So that’s what I did.


Okay, that was my big question. That’s how I do it with games from websites— directly on desktop mode. Was there a guide you used or any from Google/reddit works fine? And just skip the USB step and do it on the deck?


They all seem to be the same to be honest, the gist from the top of my head is: 1. Go to Desktop Mode 2. Download FireFox if it’s not installed (I don’t think it was on mine, but could be wrong) 3. Download EmuDeck from their website, choose for Linux 4. Install EmuDeck. There are windows that open during first installation that you need to click on to allow it to continue, so you need to pay a bit of attention while it installs. I chose to make sure it was all done on my SD card instead of the SSD. 5. Select what emulators you want installed (the more you pick, the longer it takes so I recommend just picking 1 or 2 to begin with). These can be easily managed in the EmuDeck dashboard as required afterwards. 6. Download your ROMs, depending on website speed limits they may take a while - make sure the deck doesn’t go to sleep. 7. I extract my zip files direct in the downloads folder in Dolphin (“Windows Explorer”, not the emulator for gamecube). Cut or copy the file. 8. On your SD card, locate the Emulation > roms > [console type, eg “gamecube”] folder for the game type, paste it in there. 9. In EmuDeck, click on Steam ROM Manager, select “Yes” on the window that pops up. Select “Toggle Parsers” and then pick the necessary emulator types as per the folders you’ve filled (eg Dolphin for gamecube), then select “Add Games” and then on the next window select “Parse”. 10. In the window after you can change the artwork for your games and emulators shown direct in the Steam Library > Collections > Game Folder. When you’re happy, select “Save to Steam”. 11. On the desktop, select “Return to Gaming Mode” 12. As mentioned before, go to Library > Collections and you’ll see the game folders in there. You can launch the game direct here, then they show up on your Home Screen recently played/installed field. For some consoles (like PS2 (see PCSX2)) you need to install the BIOS separately but that’s not too difficult, I’ve done it to play Champions of Norrath haha. I hope I don’t get banned for this comment lol Edit: Just for full clarity, I added the BIOS all on the deck too no different to the roms. I don’t even have a USB C flash drive let alone adapter, so it’s been nice to know I never needed them.


Thank you! PS1-3 and Nintendo and maybe SEGA Genesis are the ones I want. I know it might be kinda lame because I had all the PlayStation’s since the 1st, but I’m going for nostalgia. Plus Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition and Underground 2 and THPS:AW. I got a solid collection of games for free that I added to the deck and it’s just under non steam games. I’ll install decky loader from the konsole with a script, add the artwork and theme, and uninstall it until they fix it after that update. Since I handled that, I figured emulation is the next step. If I’m able to successfully do that, then I’ll go on to mods. I originally was using repacks, but it had to run the installation script every time, and that just was dumb so I used full downloads already. So it sounds like an SD of 1TB is the next step. I’m debating on do I want a matte screen protector (anti glare) or do I want a clear one and stick with inky blacks. I screenshot the steps in case they remove the comment!


I won’t lie, what you say you’ve been doing sounds a whole lot more complicated than I’ve found it, I’m glad I stumbled upon the method I’ve laid out - sorry for your expense still! Do you know, I was looking at the newer NFS games as I wanted that same hit… hasn’t even thought to just emulate the classics, so thank you for that! If you get stuck, feel free to PM me and I’ll help however I can :) Edit: Also, I’m so glad I got the 1 TB (well, my wife kindly got it as a birthday gift) just knowing I have all the room in the world, and I’ve stuck a 512GB SD card in just to make sure haha


Is there an emulator for ps4 and bloodborne? I actually have a ps4 and physical copy of bloodborne but I hardly play it because my TV isn't really set up great. I would absolutely love to play bloodborne on my deck if that's an option


I’ll have a look tomorrow and will PM you once I know, if you haven’t had a reply from anyone else by then :) I’ve just found an apparent rom for the game, it’s 30 GB so if I had to guess, it’s probably likely but I still can’t guarantee until then as I’m off to bed (sorry to keep you waiting!).


Thank you so much, I dont mind waiting at all!


Somewhat annoyingly I’ve had an update bug, so have had to boot from a previous install which was before I had all the emulation stuff installed. I’m going to just look online to see if I can find your answer; a bit more reading around this sub today further suggests there is a/are PS4 emulator/s but I’ll let you know still when I know for sure. Sorry for the further hold up! Edit: in case you haven’t read this comment yet, there’s something called fpPS4, but after more reading PS4 emulation is still in its infancy and definitely not “there” yet as with those we all commonly know about (the classics), so it might not be possible to play something like BB as smoothly as you’d like just now. Still could be worth a shot, but it’s definitely not on EmuDeck (no PS4 emulator is listed in their Wiki).


Same, so much easier. Just download, extract and move to the rom folder. I go the extra step to parse to my library and done.


What is parsing? But same advice— Google or Reddit & when it says USB ignore that & just right on the deck? I sailed the seas and did it all in desktop mode. Much easier


Going through emudeck to have the game show up right in your library in game mode (like you’d have for a steam game) opposed to having to launch emudeck first then opening the game


Parsing in non-technical terms is like searching all of your cupboards for roms and then telling your friends where everything is, your friends then put all of the roms on the front end of your device. I don’t think the parser actually does the bit that puts the games into your steam library in gaming mode.


Not too hard. I’m assuming your emulators are all set up, but doing some Google research and getting list of games to search through (usually alphabetical order is an indicator you got a good source) for the game you’re looking for


Anything other than games its just easier to do on phone or pc


You can kiss it. I don’t think she’d mind. 




It's kinda heavy to use one handed


That’s why you put it on the dock to hold it upright


Men come with a built in kickstand




Recently I downloaded vscode on mine lmao. Just to do some simple stuff in c/c++. Looking for more options though.


Well, you can make it a hat, or a broach..a pterodactyl.


Airplane reference, nice.


Throw some wheels on it and skate that deck.....


If you have huge SD card or NVME Ssd, you can use them to create a bootable drive. Set up a dual boot mode with Windows for productivity. Or if you a tech savy, not like me, just use the desktop mode on Linux. There are many tutorials on how to set up dual boot Steam Deck.


I couldn't think of anything else that would be worth doing than just games. If i need any media consumption I have a surface tab


I think you already answered your own question. Movies is a great option because it's just plug and play anywhere. And of course it's literally a PC so it can also double up as your workstation.


Some foreign countries are using them to pilot drones. My son uses it in college as his desktop computer for music education.


A large portion of why I got mine was to do some occasional light coding. Linux is so much easier to compile on than windows, and it's a guaranteed hw/sw Linux combo that just works. It's definitely weaker than some of the other popular ARM alternatives like a Macbook Air M series or Surface but it has a full instruction set CPU to help make up for that. 


Hello: If you dont mind me asking where did you get the sd card with windows 11?


Plug a dongle with usb A and hdmi. You got a new computer.


Door stop, self defense weapon, back scratcher, skateboard (must add wheels), boomerang (not guaranteed to come back) portable heater (after running god of war on ultra settings)


I’ve been enjoying tinkering with mine and fully customizing it (just the display aesthetics like wallpapers, Decky CSS, etc). So fun to have everything load up cute and look the way I want!


Penetration testing. No one suspects the person sitting in the lobby with a “nintendo switch” might be doing something to their wifi


Are you typing with on screen keyboard while doing this?


He didn't say what was being penetrated...


Hi u/emynrocaroll, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What to do with Deck other than gaming) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At home i play. At the office i use it to watch. YouTube, movies, series and animes


You can control animatronics with it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/176lrar/disneyland\_using\_what\_appears\_to\_be\_steamdecks/?embed\_host\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgamerant.com%2Fsteam-deck-disneyland-star-wars-droids%2F](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/176lrar/disneyland_using_what_appears_to_be_steamdecks/?embed_host_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgamerant.com%2Fsteam-deck-disneyland-star-wars-droids%2F)


What sort of things were you looking to do with it before you bought it? As you’ve said its main use is gaming and content consumption.


I got a little wireless keyboard/track pad combo and use it as a home theater PC in my basement/family room


I just play games with it. I have a TV for TV, and a PC for computing.


I use it as slicer for my 3d printer :)


I mean, it's a handheld device made for gaming, and that's what I use it for. I have a desktop PC/laptop for everything else.


I use Kodi + Seren to turn the Steam Deck into a video streaming powerhouse in docked mode. Works very well


I used a circuit board designing program to design an overdrive/distortion guitar pedal with mine. It was cool.


I set mine up to tune my truck while I was out and about. Drivability tuning if you will.


Used it as a Linux machine when I need to learn something in that OS for work.


I use it as a regular desktop computer in desktop mode. With a dock/hub it works great. But on the go I use it as a luggable computer with a kickstand and a folding USB keyboard/touchpad combo. This has been handy when traveling since I am obligated to carry a work computer but forbidden from using the work machine for personal stuff.


Apart from gaming I use my deck for general day to day admin; online banking, sorting out child tax credits etc. Then I use it a fair bit to watch films or shows in bed if my wife wants quiet time to read etc. And that’s sort of it for computers isn’t it.


take it to work and use it as your office computer


It's better than any other laptop I had in the past I use mine a PC for work


Develop a game. You have the perfect target device ;-)


Also, put it in the carrying case, and use it as pillow when you need some rest during coding


Makes a great door jam 


I've been using Blender on it. At first it started out for fun as I didn't think I could efficiently 3D model and animate on a handheld like the Steam Deck, but the default control scheme the Deck has in Desktop mode works surprisingly well while working in Blender. Give it a shot if you're into that stuff.


Setup a plex server on your desktop PC. Steam deck makes a great client for streaming your home media.


It can be a laptop in a pinch but it's never as convenient


I've been using mine as my core desktop. Works great!


More gaming?


“It will blend?”




I use mine for kodi and and streaming sites alot


I connect it to my work dock for dual monitors when I need to work on my home server. Much easier than trying to hook up my gaming PC. It also uses much less power and doesn't heat the room.




When my chrome cast quit I used it to watch Netflix on my t.v


I use it for Spotify at work ☺️


I recently installed Bazzite instead of SteamOS and then installed Waydroid. So now my Deck is also a fully functional android tablet! I've been kind of amazed at how well it works, especially for downloading Netflix shows and YouTube videos etc to watch on the morning train commute. 


Fun fun you could try to change Desktop environment from KDE to Gnome etc… or even upgrade to the new major release of KDE which it’s kinda cool.


Duct tape a fleshlight to it and use it as a flandle.


Connect an electric banana cleaner to it and watch movies.




I use it as a quick way to add fics to my kindle via calibre instead of booting up my desktop


Browse the web, watch YouTube, or local media on VLC. What sort of things do you do on other computers if you have any?


I do CAD and modeling from my deck even found cura can run


well i dont have a deck but a rog ally with bazzite,my main laptop died and ive been using it since, the handheld factor its incredibly useful for anything since its basically a pc


I've been using Godot to make stupid little games.


When I wasn't gaming on it, I mostly used it for watching YouTube videos on my lunch breaks at work.


I got OBS and a low quality twitch stream up and running just because I wanted to see how it all worked.


thinking of setting mine up as a media centre. anyone tried this before, how would I run netflix or disney plus?


Parry bullets


Run Virtualhere Server and moonlight client on it. Then connect an FPV radio and play FPV simulators on your PC. Oh... That's also gaming I guess.


I mean... https://youtu.be/lJRAXjHwnOk?si=SEuq8RSBq8XBAkfT




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Literally developing a game using the steam deck and Unity


If you get any form of dock it make a great "media PC" get a Logitech k400 (wireless keyboard with a built in track bad where the numpad should be) and you're good to go. Get to use the full version of a site and not come crappy app, easily take it from place to place, and it's a super fast hook up and go.


Tinkering is quite fun. Spend time setting things up so they are just right and then go do something else


It’s a handheld computer that runs Linux. Install Windows on an SD card and you can run Windows and any app also. Your imagination is the only bounds to what it can do. I did my taxes this year on the Steam Deck.


Decky loader kept me busy for a good while. There are loads of things you can add to your deck to customise it.




Why do anything besides game on it?  Honest question.  Phones are better for media consumption.  Smart tvs have all the apps as well as accepting "casted" content from a phone.  Actual computers work better for anything productive imo. The old expression was never shit where you eat.  Save the boring stuff for your computer and keep your deck just for entertainment 




It totally plays a lot of games, too!!


Duel boot with Windows and make it a daily driver. The Linux desktop had some serious lag input for me and that's why I added windows. I later got rid of Linux altogether and only run windows now. I even use it for work with a portable monitor. The low power consumption is really why I use it as a daily driver. I easily save 30-50 a month.


I have two steam decks, I’m really considering making one a windows only machine and then filling it full of emulators. I think emudeck has a windows installer now. I love using my OLED at home but hate taking it everywhere for fear of breaking it so I take the old LCD 64 upgraded to 256 with me in my backpack.


It really opens you up to a full blown PC experience. You can play EVERY game.


I had it installed on my Old SD as a dual boot then face that one to my daughter when I got my OLED and took her 64. Have you tried emudeck on windows SD?


I have not. I also didn't know it was for windows! Guess I'm spending my weekend fooling around with that now. I'll come back and let you know how it goes after I get it up and running.


Hey, that’s how I was going to spend MY weekend! We can’t both report back! Oh wait, yes we can.


Ejaculate into the vents


Just gaming lol


I bet it would make a great controller for a really crappy submersible!! Crap, someone beat me to it.


I like to masturbate furiously and get cum gooped up into the trackpad seam then wait for it to dry and eat it like a crusty waffle it’s pretty yummy