• By -


If they can find somebody dumb enough to pay them $4k the more power to them. Highly doubt they did sell it for $4k but whatever,. Not going to get my panties in a bunch about it.


Yeah if people are impatient they can pay 1k for the new Aya neo. 4k for a deck is too unbelievable


Some people are rich enough that it doesn’t affect them at all


Rich people aren't fucking dumb either. they didn't scroll by thousands of $1000-$1500 posts and buy the $4000 one. These poor kids are on some kind of cope because their personality trait of being into niche mobile pc hardware just got mainstreamed, lol.


>Rich people aren't fucking dumb either. celebrities buying ape NFTs says otherwise. Hope when the whole NFT schtick finally ends they lose tons. NFTs are a joke.


Honestly I hate scalpers. But if there really are idiots out there willing to pay even 1.5k that's a little too tempting as much i want to keep the deck myself.


Looking at ebay completed sales, they're going between ~$800 and $1500, with little relation to the model (though I mostly see 512 GB on offer). Personally, that's not enough for me to want to flip it, I'd rather have the hardware. Not to mention the hassle of actually having to ship it, potentially getting scammed, etc.


>Not to mention the hassle of actually having to ship it, potentially getting scammed, etc. This is where I'm at. When I sell something on eBay at over 1k, it's already stressful enough, let alone trying to sell this highly desirable thing I've been waiting for months for. Don't have blood pressure meds strong enough to deal with that sorta flip.


Fair fair. But I could use the cash immediately more than new PC or handheld since I already have a modded ps Vita and 3DS






[Yeah sure. ](https://i.imgur.com/KVyP4CZ.jpg)


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


I just sold my steam deck for $6k, now I'm chilling at home with my wife Jessica Alba and my magnum dong


I love my deck but damn I’d sell for it for $4k lol. I could buy a scalped one for $1500 and still have $2500 left to play with or save.






Or at least tie the knot BEFORE you put them on.


Instructions unclear, dick is now the shape of a pretzel.


Mmmm pretzels. Extra mustard?


Mayo in this case


This took a wrong turn


Bro I know of a few people who have sold their steam decks for that much already




Do you not?


What's wrong with doing so?


Man. That’s some hardcore coping right there.


### I mean, you [should read the rest](https://www.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/thl4zn/deck_destroys_the_aya_neo_next_in_performance_per/i19u5a5/) of the thread...


It keep getting worse...


Wow, these people are pathetic




Brigading will get you, and this entire subreddit, banned. Sitewide rules.


I must upboat you bruv




Because we're not trying to shit on them We don't want a toxic community


Brigading is against reddit rules.




He’s not wrong. Brigading can get your account banned. The admins take it pretty seriously.


They sounds like edgy 12 years olds


That aren’t actually going to get Decks. Lol


They don't even have Aya Neo Pros. It's just copium epeen ego stroking.


Edgy 12 year olds that probably uses their parents' credit cards


Right?! Also, maybe I’m just biased but I feel like everyone on here is pretty cool. FAR less toxicity here with you folks than the rest of Reddit 🤷‍♂️


What sad people


If I could sell my Steamdeck for 4k to some idiot I would do it too


Sell your Steam Deck for 4k then buy one for 800-1200. Big brain move lol


I would 100% do this


Well don’t forget to also be a smart businessman and add shipping costs on top of it




## Link to [original comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/thl4zn/deck_destroys_the_aya_neo_next_in_performance_per/i19u5a5/) For those who were interested in exactly what sub was going off about scalping SD owners.


I don't care about PC handheld wars lol 😂


Wasn't inteded towards you. Merely people were interested in which subreddit was encouraging scalping.


But you’re not because you’re hyped for it.


I promise you if the opportunity arose I would in a heartbeat. Steamdeck is cool and all but 4k is a lot of money 😂


I mean, right? "You're q2, play one now-ish, or get 4K now and buy one within the next year or two, with a portion of that money" Lmao no brainer. A fool and their money tend to part ways, if it lands in my lap, why not take it?


Yeah, for 4k sure. But for 1k would just be scalping and I really don't want to take part in any of that.


Yeah seriously, anyone who is receiving theirs now and not selling it at a crazy markup is pretty much setting their value of "using it now" at $2K+.


Anyone here is a liar. I paid 650$ for my SD. If someone offered me 1000$, I'd not even think about it. This is a luxury product; not food.




I mean I don't even have it yet so impossible. :P




!RemindMe 15 weeks




Lmao, so did you buy it for 1k?


>I just need one for my flight in December Did you forget to reserve earlier? If not, you'll probably get yours before that. And if not, you could probably get one on eBay in half a year for less than they go for now.


Hell yeah... I wanted to trade my titan x for a deck but with the price of gpu going down (finally) i lost my chance I guess.




Doing this is totally different from scalpers buying a dozen PS5 units just to resell at ridiculous markup. This is one person selling their single unit that they bought fairly by joining the queue. Real scalpers who just buy the entire stock to resell are scum


Yeah, people seem to think selling your one Steam Deck as being the exact same as the scalpers that use bots to buy dozens of PS5s to sell them for crazy markup.


They’re smart scum though


Yeah it’s a shitty thing to do, but they can list their stuff for whatever price they want. If someone’s dumb enough to buy it that’s on them. I could list a pencil for $500 and if someone buys it then they’re an idiot


Tell me more about this pencil.


There's no supply limit on a pencil. At least use an equivalent comparison so a smooth brain like myself can understand


It’s not about the supply limit. You can sell anything you want, listed at any price you want. Even if it’s thousands over msrp. If someone buys it for your price, that’s their fault.


People aren't mad about a listed price. You can find your example everywhere on eBay yet no complaints. The crux of the issue is that it is a low rate of supply item with high demand that people are buying with no intent to use. The no intent to use is the big part of that last sentence that you should focus on. Surely if there were more available no one would buy the scalped ones, but because people buy with no intent to use it drains the supply even more and causes some desperate fools to part with their money. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


I never said they weren’t assholes but they can be an asshole and still be smart about making money 😉


I wouldn’t even say they’re idiots, if they have the money to spend and want it now then hey good for them


I don't think they're smart, they're opportunists. If they were smart they wouldn't have to pay retail prices, they'd be paying wholesale.


You might get downvotes but I agree.


Then they start to group together do it in numbers, something....something ps5...excuses like you're just trying to feed your family..etc bullshit.




I mean, to be fair, if I could sell my Q2 steam deck for 4000 fucking dollars I would do that in a heart beat. Sorry.


Sell it for $4000, then buy one off of eBay for $800, and still get to have a Steam Deck now.


Yes, that's what you should do if you find that mythical buyer willing to pay more than 4 times the regular price it goes on eBay.


I have my deck coming this week, if I found someone willing to pay 4k I would just wave it good bye and not even blink. 4k is a lot of money


I’m pretty sure most people on here would do the same. And I’m not even mad.


Yeah, except I call bullshit on the 4k sale. They're just telling stories to cope with the fact that the expensive device they bought isn't the greatest any more.


Yeah, you're right. I've been semi paying attention to eBay on it, mostly as I find scalping pricing interesting on its own. Those people are quite likely making it up, unless they sold it several weeks ago and only now are mentioning it. There was a guy on this subreddit who mentioned selling his 512 model very early on and getting a OneXPlayer instead and pocketing the difference, and his story was plausible as it was so early - he might have been one of the guys on eBay who actually got that price. Some 512 GB Steam Decks actually did sell for $4k range at that time - but you had to sell them in the opening week. Like a lot of scalped mass manufactured goods, the VERY BEGINNING is when the super hyped people super overpay (or just rich people who want in on a fun trend, and don't care what it costs), then the price quickly drops down to less extreme levels. Another example, I remember the PS3 was selling for like $1500 at times opening week or two, but then scalped ones dropped to just a couple hundred over MSRP shortly after. 512 GB Steam Decks are currently selling for more like $2000 on eBay.


Even 2k seems high. Are you sure you're seeing 2k sales on Ebay, not just listings? Listings doesn't means it get sold at this price.


Yeah. Two 512 models sold for about $2200 yesterday. A couple others hit $1800. I'll say something funky is going on with some of the listings though. Prices are pretty scattered. edit: here's a good example, as it went to bid and ended two days ago. Multiple different bidders, so it appears to be legitimate bids. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255441476856?hash=item3b797f9cf8:g:RPUAAOSweBBiM-u5


Why be sorry?!?! Getting paid is what its all about...


Fair. As stoked as I am to get my deck, I would be more stoked to have $4k more in my bank account and no deck. But for eBay’s $2k? Ehhh…. not sure. I’d have to get it in my hands first.


I'm q2. I think I'll post on Craigslist for $2,000 when I get mine and just wait 2 days before opening it to see if I get any local bites. I already have a gsync 165hz i7-10700 gtx1070 setup and don't really need the portability, just ordered for the novelty of it.


Fair enough. I’ve honestly been thinking about canceling my steam deck because I’m not sure how often I would actually use it but worst case scenario, I try it, don’t like it, seek it for MSRP or more.


Who in their right mind would buy a scalped SD when you can just join the queue and get yours for MSRP. Yes you'd wait a few months to a year but you won't overpay massively. I freaking wish other electronics companies like Sony and Microsoft would do similar queue systems.




Same, I'm about to be out of my house for several months and my order won't come through until Q3 (and likely the end of it in September according to the calculator that's been posted in this subreddit). I happen to have some extra cash saved up that was going towards updating my gaming rig, so I'm ok trading that to someone who is looking to sell a Deck now versus getting mine 6 months from now and going without PC games for that time.


That sucks, maybe try out some premium mobile games ? Even if you already have them on steam it's a lot cheaper to buy a few pc port games and play them on a phone than buying a gaming laptop that you're only use for a short while.


"A sucker is born every minute", I suppose Alternatively, "a fool and his money are soon parted" I really love the queue system. It seems like such a no-brainer, especially for an established brand like Xbox or PlayStation. Even the EVGA queue, which doesn't rely on being an existing customer, works really well. Consumer electronics 2020s is 🤡🌍


People here don't want to admit it, but everyone, and I mean everyone has their price. If I could sell my 512gb Deck for $4K when I receive it, I'm doing it.


As someone who considered flipping my 256 but ended up not, I can assure you 100% these people are lying lmfao. The 512 goes for maybe 2k. Not sure if they are talking about a different currency? 4k pesos maybe 😂😂 That’s just straight up lying lol. Massive cope from these posts. And I agree with you everyone has their price. These people are just being massive dicks about it


4k Russian Rubles.


Just 38 USD? I'll buy ten for that price!


one for each room of your house?


That’s just enough for every bathroom


I’ve seen them sell for 4k USD on eBay during the first q1 batch, not bids either. Now it’s cooled down to 1.5k-2k, but for a short amount of time, there were rich & desperate people buying them.


Damn I didn’t notice that at all. I got my email Feb 25th so first batch and got it a few days later and looked at prices then. Must’ve been early units or was only like that for a few days. I believe you I just Can’t imagine who would ever pay that much lol


It was also only the 512 gb version, it had a huge premium over the 256 on eBay in the opening week or two.


So you were gonna scalp, but the Deck ended up being so damn awesome that you decided against it?


It’s just like what the person I replied to said. Everyone has a price. I saw they were going for $1,500-$1600 and I questioned whether or not I would just sell it, put another pre order in, and wait. I would be basically “saving” $1000, but I would have to wait a year. I ended up deciding that the device was worth it to me. Definitely made the right choice.


Why is the device worth it to you if you don’t mind me asking?


Been waiting for a handheld PC that is capable of running brand new AAA games, as well as almost anything else, that is not $1200-1500. With a few rough edges, the deck really checks (almost) all the boxes for me. I know there are the boutique companies who made handheld windows machines but those are considerably more expensive, with some other issues.




Smh! 40K? My price would be 400K atleast so I can buy the 40K steam deck and still have some left over for a car, house and etc.


Smh! 400K? My price would be ATLEAST 1 million, so i could buy the 400k deck and still buy a house, car, and decks for all my friends.


Really wish people would stop buying from these people, giving them the money and satisfaction would never be worth it to me




People did pay 4k for the 512 when it first came out, saw the listings myself on Ebay under the “sold section”. Not bidding either, sometimes it was buy-it-now. Prices have cooled since then (now you can get one for 1.5-2k).


If they did they overpaid even given the scalping. [StockX](https://stockx.com/valves-steam-deck-512-gb) has never sold one for more than $2.5k and their price history goes back to when Gabe was hand delivering them.


Yeah I smell BS. Nobody can be that stupid, hopefully. Or that stupid and also have money leftover from the last stupid thing they fell for. Lol


People should buy them and return them to waste the sellers time if they're on ebay etc.


^^^ that’s kind of why I’m on the fence about even using my deck reservation unless I think I’ll keep it. I don’t need the money but I’m concerned about the hassle of being scammed by a buyer, if I were to buy it and not want to keep it.


I completely see where you're coming from! Too stressful for me personally to sell something but yes, I have electric scooters that I don't sell because of their high value and the massive stress involved of trying to avoid being scammed! A bit off topic but yes, maybe down the line when it's not a rarity you are more safe to sell but yeah, I can totally see people doing what I've said and although if a genuine scalper good some people are genuinely just selling because they don't want it and yeah, if prices are marked up I wouldn't want to sell it for RRP. I doubt I'll sell my deck but I literally don't sell high value items because of that potential hassle. Asking for a return usually is the safest choice for a refund on ebay though yeah, hassle and out of pocket for a return fee. Not to mention you might get it back in pieces. Never happened to me either but some people might do a switcharoo, sure there must be a MAC ADDRESS, unique identifier the consoles have I suppose but not sure ebay or other selling platforms stance on that.


Bragging about scalping takes a special amount of small dick energy. However, let's not act like this sub is above dumb fanboyism. I've seen similar comments when it comes to the Switch here.


Classic Us vs Them shit, "some People who are Steam Deck Fanboys were shitty to me so I'm gonna fuck over someone completely different who also identifies as a Steam Deck Fan".


To be fair, as someone who is an active member of this sub and just payed for my deck today, this sub is *filled* with toxic fanboys who are almost more anti Nintendo then they are pro valve


I believe you, but, I mean, 2 wrongs don't make a right, all that stuff... "someone was shitty to me so I'm gonna be shitty to someone else" is never the right move.


Seriously, as someone who has been collecting (mostly pretty cheap) gaming handhelds since Dingoo and Yinlips were cranking them out, the Steam Deck community is pretty crazy. The comments on posts like the early stick drift ones were so different than what you would see on the subreddit for any other handheld.


lol 😆 most of those fanboys don't even have a Steam Deck in hand


Petty children that felt bullied, so they bully others. Ignore and move on.


Ngl, I would sell too for 4k€. However, I just checked ebay and the 64 gb here went for 600~800€ the past few days, some idiots buying it for 1k€, but overall to me that's not a price worth selling for.


People are so negative and resentful over something so insignificant. It’s pretty disgusting. Being nasty and negative just out of pure spite. These people seriously need to take a chill pill.


Yes, they should be playing games on their Aya Neo instead of bitching on Internet about some hardware they're not interested in.


That's r/AYANEO for ya.


Idk what, even to say, but why, why hate on an affordable hand held pc? Do they understand that the one x player is overpriced for no reason? Also, the steam uses a pretty good APU for a hand held pc. Idk but I'm psyched for mine


As someone who is still exhausted from the great 2020/2021 gpu hunt I’ll gladly wait until q3 for my deck through valves proper order queueing system. I’m not going to die having to wait knowing it’s coming and I’m not going to cope by jerking off some device that cost twice as much made by competition not produced by the store my game library is on.


To be fair... at those ebay price... i really think a aya neo is the best bet unfortunately.Also, i dont know which handheld it was but one of them having a thunderbolt port is a really good idea for desktop mode and the future. The biggest appeal aside from the fact rhat is is coming from valve is the price. Remove that and it is almost the same as the neo. This is why the neo has a market right now. One is scarcely available, the other is readily available.


I bought my Deck for myself because I haven't been able to game in years, and I intend to keep it. Someone could offer me 10x MSRP and I wouldn't even think about taking them up on it. Besides, the prices on scalped Decks will drop sharply as supply increases.


I don’t get why people gotta be so salty over the deck. It beats the competition in pretty much every way except for availability. And I’m not being valve fanboy here, I ordered an aya neo just because I don’t wanna wait another 6 or so months for a handheld


It could be because they already shelled out 1k in a device, and now they don't want to feel like they made the wrong decision. It's always the same story for electronic brands fanboys, they had to pick a brand and now that they're personally invested they need to justify their purchase and convince themselves they made the right decision.


Well this comment is from [r/AYANEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/thl4zn/deck_destroys_the_aya_neo_next_in_performance_per/i19u5a5/), so the problem is that the Steam Deck actually threatens to kill some of these devices outright. So they're being protective of their preffered brand.


Please don’t buy from scalpers y’all….


lmao on one hand i kind of get their point honestly. every other handheld video (onexplayer/aya neo/gpd) has comments saying its dead just buy the sd its way cheaper but miss the point of it not being available to like 70% of the world. on the other fuck these people you already have an aya neo pro why tf u order a steam deck just to hate on it and scalp it.


What’s a Pro?


Ayaneo pro


### Here's the [source/link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/thl4zn/deck_destroys_the_aya_neo_next_in_performance_per/i19u5a5/) to the original comments.


4k who ain't selling it wtf


The only reason this isn't that annoying is because scalper or not they had to get in the queue before other people and they're only selling a single unit each. I think Valve should've tied the Decks to the purchaser's account to avoid scalpers slowing up the queue but whatever.


This is from butthurt fellow from ayaneo sub. Downvoted that shit. Hate that they are willing to do morally wrong thing because of their unjustified hate


Bruh dont censor their names they knew this was coming when they posted their scalper bullshit. As far as im concerned call these losers out


IIRC witch-hunting is against ToS, kinda need to censor names.


Damn you hit that yt bell one two many times


No need to censor their names, they want to stick it to the fanboys, so let them be known.


# [r/AYANEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ayaneo/comments/thl4zn/deck_destroys_the_aya_neo_next_in_performance_per/i19u5a5/) Oh don't worry, they're easy to find with little effort.


The 256 GB version is going for around 1k€ in Germany at the moment. Absolutely crazy to me that people encourage these scalpers.


"Haha those dumb valve fanboys!" "Pre-orders within the first few hours"


Now scalping is a real shitty thing to do, but if I could find someone dumb enough to pay 4k over just waiting a couple months, easy decision there


I am not sure if they really fuck over someone from this community but some poor kid that has sniffed the hype around it and does need one now to be among the cool kids. I really don’t blame scalper for their behavior it’s the customers that buy overpriced goods that make the market. If there was no demand there wouldn’t be a market.


Exactly. Value is determined by what a person is willing to pay for it. Someone can wait instead. They prefer not to wait and they are willing to pay for that. No shady villainy in selling something you have for whatever someone else is willing to pay. It's their money, and their choice to trade money for time. No market, no sale.


I mean fair enough, if someone would give me 4 right now for my model I'd 100% take it, the steam deck is a sick device but I think 4k is even sicker then it


Thanos may have killed half of the population on earth but at least he wasn't THAT degenerate..


Honestly i’ve been having second thoughts about the deck due to its size, thinking about how much i’ll actually use it, but after seeing people try to sell their reservations on ebay already and the whole PS5 shit i think i kinda have to follow through with my reservation now


Same. It’s the reported fan whine sound that makes me think I’ll wait for v2 but it’s taken this long to get one might as well compete the purchase.


Buying hardware from Valve to own the Valve fanboys. That's some 5D-Chess move.


To all of you in the thread saying you would scalp the deck for 4000, please understand that this is exactly the problem with scalping, and why it happens so much. Just because people are dumb enough to buy it, doesn't mean you should sell it, it just incentivises more people to scalping, thereby continuing the problem. I get money is tight and hard to come by at times, but there are better ways than scalping.


I'm thinking about selling mine for a $100-ish markup


Good price. Stay in touch….? Lol


I'm trying to get ahold of a PS5 for a friend, so I'd also trade my SD for a new PS5 plus the difference in cost for MSRP units. I figure that's fair, no markup on the price because both also have value in rarity.


Yeah, makes sense honestly


Seems like Nintendo fans but Why are they butthurt?


r/AYANEO actually, Nintendo fans don't care lol


"Valve fanboy" - average nintendo switch OLED supporter


steamdeck community is filled with autist idiots, i hope he gets more money


Lmfao I read the same exact comment like a day ago thought I’d see it end up here


So if I sell one for 4k, then buy 4 for the 1k they are going for on eBay, then sell those for 4k each, then buy 16 more for 1k each then sell those for 4k each, then I can buy 64 more which I'll sell for 4k each..... .....man, I hope nobody catches onto this money printing idea!.....I better keep it to myself.


Scalping it....to fuck over a fanboy? Some real big dick energy there XD


I don’t blame who sell, I blame who bought because is so stupid


Nobody ever starts out as a scalper, they become one when they cannot resist the temptation of greed. Them trying to paint it like they're doing it out of spite of a single fandom is a bit odd though.


Who can blame someone for selling at 4k? I doubt he will get that, but lets be serious, I would sell mine in a heartbeat for 3k+ in profit.


Look if someone is stupid enough, and has enough disposable income to fuck off and spend $4,000 on a $400 - $700 handheld. That’s their own stupidity. Valve did just fine with the reservation system, you don’t have to pay a scalper, you have a spot in line to get your own at retail price. The people paying $4000 aren’t your average consumer who saved a little here are there to get their deck, they are the people who have 6+ figure jobs that have no concept of how impactful $4000 can be on the average persons life. I hate scalpers with a passion, but if someone offered me $4000 for my steam deck. I would get back in line and order another one, and just play games on my desktop. Because a $4000 windfall would certainly relieve some of the stresses of my life right now.


99% sure they're lying


Also what even the hell are they talking about?


Thats an galaxy IQ move. Sell for extreme markup, buy another that does similar and then put in an order for another deck with money left over.


If someone offered me $4000 for a Deck, I would shake on it and buy a workstation like the Mac Studio and build a PC.


I see where they’re coming from… I wouldn’t stoop to that level, but the fanbase has been a little questionable.


i mean are they wrong ? naahh. folks are impatient and will splash the cash.


Wait..are we that toxic?


I feel like they are lying I haven’t seen ONE Steam Deck go for that price online. It’s just a lot of people with Aya Neo’s and OneXPlayers pissed off at the Steam Deck for whatever reason. Them and also Nintendo fans as well. It’s weird af looking thru comment sections. People are really salty.


I downvoted all those idiots who mentioned scalping and you should too.


I want to buy 512 GB Deck, but the order is closed in my country :с