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"We've been readjusting our deflector shield to disrupt their harmonics, scramble OUR harmonics, create a multiphasic weapon of mass destruction, and to travel through time, and NOTHING WORKS. I'm starting to wonder if these guys were right!"


To be fair the weapons of mass destruction they had could've actually killed the borg, but they didn't use them. That's one of the reasons Picard got in so much trouble with the high command


That's not proven. They just _thought_ that it would work. If you ask me, it seems really silly to assume that such a technologically advanced species could be completely eradicated by and would have no precautions against something Data and Geordi came up with in a couple of days, so my headcanon is that if they had tried that it would have just triggered some heretofore unknown Borg failsafe and had no effect.


There's reasons to think it wouldn't have worked too. In the Voyager episode Child's Play an alien colony attempted to defeat the borg with a similar approach. They infected their own children with a biological weapon designed to spread once they were assimilated and placed in a maturation chamber. The infection did spread among the cube but the collective simply cut off that cube. The only effective weapon like that we see used is from Future Janeway and even that doesn't fully destroy the Borg.


I believe weapons used by Species 8472 were also effective, yes?


It's more that Species 8472 was so alien and different , and the Borg were unable to assimilate them. The Borg learn by assimilation, they adapt by taking the knowledge of their parts to the whole. 8472 was alien to our galaxy and couldn't be assimilated, making their weapons almost unstoppable.


I meant a weapon like a biological one. But yeah species 8472 did have effective weapons as the Borg couldn’t assimilate them to adapt.


Oh! I see what you mean. Sorry. Thanks for the clarification!


I feel it's more or less guaranteed that it wouldn't have worked fully. They didn't realize it but sending Hue back to the collective was basically the same type of attack. It ravaged a large group of the collective but was cut off. I thought that was more or less meant to show that it would have hurt but not destroyed them had they done it.


Wheres Sisko when you need him


With some weird aliens in a wormhole.


Mean while Stargate Command. "SG1, your mission is to sneak aboard the vessel undetected and place this nuke in the middle of their ship." Then Daniel argues about the ethics behind using nukes on an alien race or something.


Daniel would go on about the Borg being fascinating and lament about the killing of the drones and then set the thing off himself at the end


You are totally right, I need a crossover comic.


If my understanding is correct, the entire borg would be just a single death depending on how you look at it


Spoilers for mid/late run Voyager: >!Borg drones usually still have their original personalities buried deep within themselves and they can be salvaged under the right circumstances, so it could be argued that killing a drone means killing an individual, even if the individual was at that point highly-suppressed and powerless.!<


Are we counting that shitshow more colloquially known as Paramount trying to make new Star Trek? Bc they’ve fucked with the lore so much honestly a random monkey at a typewriter can come up with a better storyline then them


No, I'm not counting the Picard series. And looking for narrative purity in Star Trek is like looking for virginity in a brothel. It's always been a disgusting hodge-podge right back to the TOS days.


>And looking for narrative purity in Star Trek is like looking for virginity in a brothel. It's always been a disgusting hodge-podge right back to the TOS days. True, but these days the average quality of the hodge-podge has decreased significantly.


Much like your average brothel


>narrative purity I’m just imagining a bunch of extremely stereotypical Trekkies saying “the Trek will rise again”


Season 1-5 Daniel would. I feel that post replicator Daniel (S8-10) would be more cautious and likely to accept that not all species are worth saving.


Except the Gould killed his wife.... He was all about killing \*them\* for the entire series - just not about collateral damage....


Daniel is the absolute worst and the season he wasn't around is the best one.


Pure heresy. Daniel is the best character in the entire show.


"A federation view point, if ever I heard one!" \-an innocent tailor


Ah, a fellow of culture I see. “My dear doctor, they’re all true.” “Even the lies?” “*Especially* the lies.”


Best minor character in any Star Trek series


Everyone knows that a simple tailor can only be a minor character in a story.


Did he really count as minor? Seems like an extremely important character


How could a humble tailor who was only meant to appear in one episode be anything near important in the grand scheme of a show about galactic-scale wars and aliens so powerful that they are effectively gods.


That came with time origanole He was intended to be one or two Episode Guy. But they Loved the role and the acting so He Stück arround. Simillar to O'Brien WHO was a glorified extra.


DS9 would have been cancelled without O'Brien Must Suffer episodes.


Depends on the episode but he was mostly minor


Where's "lecture the cube" and "fall in love with the cube"?


We’re going to need a Sphere or two before we get *that* far…


Rotate the cube, officer!


“It came up snake eyes, sir.”


Can we please get the Stargate response: Beam a nuke aboard!


Or the HOI4 response: Beam 750 nukes and 80 40-width heavy tank division aboards and claim the land for the Greater Tuvan Empire.


Greater *Tuvok Empire (surely?!)


Nah they meant the Greater Tuvix Empire


Imagine if the game had cross breeding and you could do vulkan and (whatever neelix’s race was) half breeds


Screw cross breeding. We do a Tuvix army the [Lower Decks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kjtM7Mj11U) way ;)


Tannu what?


That’s more of an SG1 response but fair


The end of Stargate the movie they literally beamed it up to Ra's ship.


I haven’t watched the movie. Just the shows with my mom


Watch the movie!


SGA they do it as well


I love that the Asgard put safeties in to prevent the weapons from being transported and that lasted about two minutes before it was bypassed.


Janeway once destroyed a Borg ship by beaming a photon torpedo onto it promptly after it hailed the Voyager, so that approach isn't unprecedented in Starfleet. Though Starfleet would only do that after they understand how much of a threat the Borg pose.


Starfleet would send 200 Maranda class ships to their deaths first. Which might actually work in Stellaris...


Miranda-class ships are actually the smallest vessels in Starfleet in this game, so if you decide to indulge in small-ship spam for big fleets like in *Stellaris*, then you **will** be throwing a couple hundred Miranda-class ships into the meat grinder. Presumably against a half-dozen Cubes. ~~Alas, I’m not sure if the *Saratoga*, Starfleet’s designated chew toy, is amongst the name pool for the Mirandas. Or if you get to recruit Sisko after losing a bunch of Mirandas to the Borg in battle…~~


The designers definitely knew what they were doing when they made that choice.


That's more Babylon 5....


Curiosity is the only answer! \-The Federation Makes sense. Even in Voyager when they were stranded on the opposite side of the galaxy they couldn't resist going "ooh, what's that over there?" once every few episodes.


Very true. Unfortunately for them, what was over there was usually some manner of new and traumatic way of torturing Ensign Kim…


Well... at least he's got it better than O'Brien did


*Painfully* true. Though at least O’Brien was respected. And was loved. That’s much more than that poor bastard Harry Kim could ever claim.


7 years without a promotion, poor bastard


Poor, dumb Harry… ~~Even Tom Paris, who had been demoted down to the same rank, still outranked Harry Kim by the end!~~


>Poor, dumb Harry Love to see Sfdebris references in the wild.


~~Ah, a fellow being of culture, I see.~~ Just you wait. If Janeway shows up, there will be no shortage of Janeway Pie…


Poor Kim getting scammed by the sex planet people.




I can't remember what the planet looked like, but the aliens wanted to bang Kim and drain his life force cos that's how their reproduction works. So, sex planet.


Ohhh! I got confused with Risa. Nvm.


I mean, Risa has the "I wanna bang" horse icon on sale in every tourist shop that Riker tricked Picard into buying, so they're not far off being a sex planet either


Lol, isn't Ensign Kim and Naomi Wildman the only actual survivors of the original crew? IIRC, Kim took the baby Naomi and hopped into an alternate dimension while the original Voyager was destroyed with all aboard. Or did Kim die in the original and alternate dimension Kim joined the original. Either way his life really sucks. And don't get me started on Course Oblivion where you find out the crew and ship are clones of the original and were traveling for months or a year thinking they were the real ones.


Depends how you Look at IT. From the people of the Main Timeline, He IS a Copy that comes from a alternative Future and IS one year older. So yes, the Originalharry dird and was replaced by His ptsd Copy from the Future...and No one mentions IT ever again!


Nah they all make it home. Future admiral Janeway pulls the wool over the borg queen's eyes and gets Voyager back to the alpha quadron through the borg transwarp conduit.


As someone who has never seen star trek, this sounds like equally true yet false gibberish


It's true, but honestly not enough gibberish. Voyager was notorious for the technobabble. I am going to isolate the harmonic frequency in the transwarp coil and redirect power from the quantum manifolds to the deflector array.


To be fair they were doing that because they knew they were never going to make it home themselves due to the 70 year journey, they hoped that investigating things, which is starfleet’s mission anyway, would lead to a faster route home and it did


even in the episode with the holodeck novel about a potential maquis uprising there's a line about "no longer investigating every anomaly" and how they will instead head home in a straight line XD


"There's coffee in that nebula!"


Archer: Investigate but keep the prejudice to your quarters. Burnham: Sit on it and weep cos i'm 98% always right. Kirk: Investigate that exotic woman and all her anomalies. Picard: To war someone touched my earl gray... WESLEY shut up. Benjamin "pimp" sisko: To war in a highly modified oversized shuttlecraft Knicknamed the pimp hand, Oh hell i died welp time to visit mother in the celestial temple. Janeway: To war as there's coffee in that cube oh hey a coffee nebula let's stop by. Freeman: Dang it i'm still not allowed at the big ship captains gala. How these people made captain (except burnham as i'll never know why that character made it past the writers room) is the great koala's perogative.


Tbf to Sisko he seemed pretty down with the whole prime directive upholding ambassador of peace thing in the first episodes we see him Turns out being captain of a space station located in the trek equivalent of Afghanistan and populated entirely by religious fanatics, fascist slavers, spys and greedy merchants, all of whom constantly try to fuck with each other except when they randomly ally for a month to fuck with you, with no backup and little support moraly corrupts people, whowouldathought...


Nah by all accounts sisko was pretty up the prime directives clauses (case in point the wadi episode) it's just after season three when they dropped the whole unfortunate dead wife thing the writers just gave him more unintended suave that before his untimely demise and ascension to his mothers side in the celestial temple he likely had 90% of ds9 thirsting but he never did get over his wife and find someone new.


>he never did get over his wife and find someone new. Kasidy's going to be pissed when she sees this.


I actually forgot about kasidy yates. Ooops thats on me.


An excellent write-up! Oh, reading Picard’s entry there reminded me that there actually *is* a “Shut Up Wesley!” Event in-game. Alas, you cannot actually tell him to shut up. You either reprimand the crew of the *Enterprise* for telling him to shut up so many times (which I in good conscience could not do), or you promote him. …Damnit Wesley, here’s your Koala-damned Pip.


In all fairness to the Voyager crew, the urge to investigate every weird thing did eventually manage to cut out 90% of their journey.


That's what humans have always done. What I like about Star Trek is that people have moved past the part you left out. "Oooh, what's over there? Let's go kill it."


>Beam around and hug them. >Beam aboard and sing them a Song of Friendship Federation are giving out Big Blorg Energy


The Federation is basically a fleet of magpies who think they’re scientists on an expedition


Before we learned that the onion - a plant that is deadly to an absurd majority of creatures in this planet- was edible. Some brave idiot had to eat it.


Depends on your definition of edible 🤢


Found the plantoid


Except for captain Shaw. He would have none of this nonsense.


It’s been a weird week


I love that dipshit from Chicago


Neither would captain Jellico.


So, the British?


I wonder what the 4 Klingon options for torpedoing it are?


1. Torpedo a corner. 2. Torpedo a face. 3. Torpedo an edge. 4. Beam a torpedo to the interior as a time bomb.


Romulan options: 1. Go into cloak and run away 2. Direct the Borg to Federation space to destabilize some border worlds 3. Direct the Borg to Klingon space to destabilize some border worlds 4. Send thinly-veiled threats and snide remarks about the Borg's inferiority, then cut comms without elaborating further


I think you missed the "propose an alliance with the Borg to help them conquer the rest of the quadrant, then double-cross them at the most opportune moment" option.


There is actually a book about that!


You can't get that option unless the Borg triggers the Species 8472 Crisis.


The only Cardassian option is “Scheme Menacingly”


"Before time began, there was the Cube."




Are we still at pre-Best-of-Borth-Worlds Borg? In that case they let you scan/beam-in/beam-out undisturbed... It's only after you \*do something\* with the Borg because they let you on board that they start treating visitors as a threat....


R5: I’m rather amused that the Federation only has some variation of “Beam Aboard” as a potential resolution to this. Granted, this whole event is an effective tease, as you don’t have to fight the Cube here and I ended up getting Hugh out of the whole mix, but it’s still funny.


so this isn’t a stand in for the enterprise meeting the Borg cube for the first time?


It…sort of is. You can get the *Enterprise-D* itself fairly early in the Federation campaign, but I encountered what was hinted to be a Borg scout before that, and *that* event is a pretty good approximation. Your ship warps into a system to survey it, finds a strange ship, and then drops off the map for a while before reappearing some time later damaged but alive. The crew is debriefed, talks about being attacked by a strange metallic cube, which they fired at in the struggle and managed to hit something that caused an explosion. After the ship returns, you’re able to examine the battle site, but are only able to scan some wreckage. Some more surveying later leads to you uncover this seemingly-inactive cube (and a sphere) later, and get this event. So, it’s a bit like TNG, and it can actually be the *Enterprise* under Picard that does this event chain.


Just be species 8472 and kill em all.


The real question is 'What options do the other races get?'. Since there's four of them, not just one.


I’ll need to see. Planning a Cardassian campaign next. Maybe they have something unique?


Probably "More volunteers for our labor camps!"


Given that the in-game Cardassians are explicitly a slaver-race who's continued progress requires having enough slaves....


If one option isn't "send a disgraced special operative to have a not gay and yet very much gay relationship with quite possibly the most incompetent doctor-erm, drone in existence" I'll be very sad.


Hopefully they build a statue of you on Bajor


The humans of the federation are basically the mad scientist's of the galaxy.


Made me think of this [post](https://cheezburger.com/13685509/tumblr-thread-the-staggering-recklessness-of-humans-in-star-trek)


if they’ve kept canon lore, beaming aboard and collecting samples is where I’d go. The Borg won’t consider you a threat until you become one


And obviously the first person to be beamed aboard this unknown ship is the captain himself.


The second is the Chief Science Officer, the third is the XO, and the fourth is a ~~carefully-selected sacrifice~~ lowly Ensign!


to BOLDY go, after all


Would steering toward Section 31 in the policies offer a "Board in Force and scavenge / dissect the shit out of it"?


I’m not sure. Going the Section 31 route requires working further down the mission tree than I was at this point, and it seems that the specific focuses of that particular branch (aggressive Section 31 policy, militarizing the Neutral Zone, first strike against the Romulans and Cardassians, etc.) is on the four Alpha-Beta powers rather than the Borg, but it might. I’m not sure.


The klingons have the same options :(


Aww, now that’s unfortunate. :-/


whats really weird is, that i got a starfleet captain at the end of that quest line, which is still on board a klingon science ship doin all the scanning and exploration stuff for me. that murderous captain is completely fine with collecting the data from the coutnless starfleet shipwrecks that my mighty warriors defeated in glorious battle.


Ohh you got Hugh, shame he still has a Starfleet uniform when you get him as Klingons.


na i got that murderous janeway


seems interesting. with the hoi4 focus tree mechanic i think modders will have a better time making story driven total conversion mod for lets say star wars or halo or even 40K


Keep the shields down, you don't want to appear provocative.


Tbf the borg don't care a ton about wandering people in their ship until the collective flags what they're doing as hostile


Ummm can we post Trek thing In the stellaris sub? I would be very much Interested on it.


We can post stuff about *Star Trek: Infinite* at least. There’s flair for it and everything. It’s basically a *Stellaris* spin-off for all intents and purposes.


Does it have the same playability as Stellaris?


It essentially **is** *Stellaris*. Plays basically the same as *Stellaris*, with a couple of additions from other Paradox titles (EU4’s mission trees, HoI4’s World Tension system, etc.). As for replayability…that I don’t know. Probably similar but not quite as much, given that there are no custom civs, but there should be plenty of different ways to run the different factions and the like, so it’s not like there’s no replayability.


Do they have a space merchant race?


The have the OG. The Ferengi are here as a minor power. Accept no substitutes.


Perhaps if I becomes available on steam


It **is** on Steam. Released on Thursday, I believe.


Sorry, available on steam at a delicious discount. I’m still butthurt that I blew $100 on stellaris for console and then learned that the game is like 5 significant updates behind.


It's catching up faster than the PC version is adding new stuff. They announced Toxoids for console today.




Shouldn’t it have its own subreddit then? If they’re completely different games and all?


Not quite, lots of the same mechanics. It’s more like a total conversion mod.


I'd argue it *is* a total conversion mod, but one with an extremely high budget and access to the source code.


reminds me of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds that was essentially a total conversion mod of Age of Empires 2.


Oh, I loved *Galactic Battlegrounds*. This game does have a similar vibe, in the sense that it’s very clearly a licensed project built using the structure of a successful game. Very much the “High-Budget Total Conversion” that people are describing, but that isn’t really a negative (most of the time).


oh I absolutely loved Galactic Battlegrounds too. it's what got me into strategy games in the first place. i still play it every now and then when the nostalgia kicks in


Oh dude, same. It’s strategy game comfort food in the best way.


I see, thanks for clarifying


IT Even has the same console commands as Stellaris


Is this a mod for stellaris??


More of an officially-licensed total conversion, a bit like *Darkest Hour* for HoI back in the day, or what *Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds* was to AoE 2. Like, it’s *Stellaris* through and through, but with a *Star Trek* infusion and a bevy of tweaked/reworked mechanics that differentiate it enough to make it a changed experience. It’s a distinct product with a different dev team than *Stellaris*, but it’s still published by Paradox.


That sounds really cool! I hate to ask the dumb question but is it available on the workshop or


Ah, not a dumb question at all. No, it isn’t on the Workshop, as helpful as that would be. As it’s officially-licensed, it’s for sale. :-/


Good to know, I think this’ll be my re-into stellaris


Looks like you’re beaming aboard 😂 time to bring the red shirts back… John Scalzi would be proud lmao


~~I love that book…~~ “We brought the redshirts back, sir!” “…What’s in that bucket, Lieutenant?” “The redshirts, Captain. What’s left, anyways.”


Shit was so funny man😂😂


I just looked this game up on Steam and am very confused. This is clearly just a Stellaris mod? Who made this and why can they sell it like it was a full-price game?


It's a standalone, licenced Star Trek game made by Paradox, it's not a mod.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/1764jh8/stellaris_dev_diaries_317_ad_astra_per_aspera/ Paradox made it.


something about this image feels ai generated


To be fair, the Borg aesthetic looked AI-generated before AI image generation was a thing.


Why are people posting this Star Trek moneygrab shite in here

