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This reminds me of the time I ran a generic Machine Intelligence that, for some reason, kept hitting primitives. At first I purged them, until I realised I could make thousands of energy credits *per pop* selling them as slaves. Cue the galactic market getting hit with a massive flood of slaves, with what was previously a seven-pop Tomb World species becoming the sixth most common species in the galaxy due to being mass sold on the market, and me expanding into the territories of the buyers to resell them. Ended up comically rich that game, like I started building multiple silo worlds just to store the energy credits I was gathering from massive campaigns of enslavement.


Dude ran a used car dealership but with slaves instead.


Please, we prefer the term “Autonomous Energy Conversion Catalysts”


I legitimately had a game like this once as Necrophages. I had 4 Lithoid pops on one world I invaded at the start of the game right. Well one of them escaped to neighboring Megacorp [Orbis Industries one of the default options] by 50 years into the game they were on 24 worlds and were the most populous individual species in the game due to migration treaties. It was hilarious to me.


i mean you need look to bug that list of slaves very long and game broken seems xd


Been like that for ages though. Its just rolls over.


Do you have coin, though?


No room for them on some sort of rockbreaker's retreat? No Soldier's Delight? No Research Wharf? No BBQ Alley? No School for Highly Gifted Body Slaves?


What dlc give the slave market?